sistermagpie @ 2003-04-18 11:05:00 |
Lots of thoughts on the lovely Ronald!
Mood: sympathetic
I love this boy.
As expected, many interesting revelations about that trip to London. So that's what the little git used his wand for! Good save, Ron, telling everyone he was retarded and liked to play with sticks. I'll bet the sports shop owner would back you up on it too.
I feel so badly for him about j_h, even if he's the one who's pushing Harry away. Will he be able to accept sharing him with a Stew Burglar? I can so understand how betrayed he must feel--not to mention confused. (Also feel sorry for him for all the giggling but I fear it's only going to get worse.)
Oh, and I think the description of the transformation as "wicked cool" puts things in perspective, doesn't it?
shusu @ April 18 2003, 08:22:21 UTC bitter, much? |
"but since some people want to be his friend I guess it makes everything okay huh NEVER MIND that he's a scum, was a scum, will always be a scum AND DID I MENTION THAT WAS MY STEW AND MY GRINGOTTS HE STOLE?!"
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 18 2003, 12:48:30 UTC |
Awwww. I know. Exactly. Poor Ron.
I almost expect him to wish his whole family and everyone would disappear so he can wake up and find himself HOME ALONE. He so wants to be friends with Harry again but Harry's being firm about not changing to suit him.
karabou @ April 18 2003, 10:09:48 UTC |
Agh... you have no idea how much I want JH and Ron to work things out and go back to being friends.
(parent)elena @ April 18 2003, 10:42:51 UTC |
Why exactly are they not friends? Is it because he insults Draco all the time? Then why doesn't he stop Draco from being such a twit? :/
(parent)altricial @ April 18 2003, 10:52:36 UTC |
darlulu @ April 18 2003, 10:20:45 UTC |
Me too! I can't help but love the boy and his big scary cap letters to boot! Here's hoping he and j_h reunite soon - in an entirely non-slashy manner of speaking of course... :)
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flyby @ April 18 2003, 10:29:31 UTC |
I do feel for the poor boy about his situation with Harry, but... the bit about Lupin's transformation came across as very insensitive. Not in any kind of purposeful way, I don't mean, just that maybe Ron hasn't really absorbed the message Lupin's been trying to teach them. It's been discussed before, and I felt this kind of reinforced that - that Ron doesn't really see the deeper stuff inherent in Remus' situation; the pain and horror and humiliation and degradation of it.
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Anonymous @ April 18 2003, 10:42:46 UTC |
i think its more to do with the format of the rpg. as in - even if ron was moved to tears by the werewolf lesson, what're the chances of him saying exactly that on a public journal? the fact that he wondered if remus is ok says quite a bit about how he feels about remus.... also, ron's never big on reading academically in the hp books, so i won't be surprized if he merely took a fleeting glance at that touching essay. if it's not about quidditch, he doesn't care to read much. and i think he doesnt get the whole hype and hysteria about the whole transformation lesson because to ron, lupin is lupin, not a dangerous werewolf, just someone he respects a great deal and has blind trust for. ron has his way of simplifying the world around him and he doesnt get it when others don't see the way he categorizes things. which could explain why he is often misunderstood. just my 0.2 cents..... :)
(parent)![]() |
ex_meiko437 @ April 18 2003, 15:20:44 UTC |
your icon frightens me. XD
and i mean that in a good way. who is that?
altricial @ April 18 2003, 15:22:07 UTC |
Hahaha my icon has been getting a lot of attention :)) It is Hansel from the movie Zoolander. :D
(parent)kat99999 @ April 18 2003, 16:57:36 UTC |
I also have a deep-running fear of your icon. The man looks all sweaty and scary and cheap WWE wrestler like. *cowers*
(parent)notapipe @ April 18 2003, 20:05:29 UTC Because "Me Too" is to easy to read |
I too fear the ugly (is too ugly >:O), cheap WWFE (pandas are fun!) wrestler, and join you in cowering. *cowers*
kat99999 @ April 19 2003, 01:31:12 UTC Re: Because "Me Too" is to easy to read |
*cowers happily in the knowledge that more people fear the icon*
Also, pandas are fun.
kat99999 @ April 18 2003, 16:53:06 UTC |
Aww, I want he and Harry to make up as welllll. Of course, we know Ron won't back down willingly, or at least not for a good while, because he's inclined to be stubborn as hell about things like this. Like I've said on previous threads, I think he wants Harry to 'realise' that he's been a 'terrible friend' and apologise to death so that Ron can be the better person and forgive him for his sins, aww. *pets Ron lovingly, lol*
I really want to see Harry comment on one of his entries though, is that just me? You know, just to say have a good time or something. I think Ron would appreciate it deep down, even though he'd never admit it.
anamirza @ April 19 2003, 08:03:26 UTC |
I think Harry was very hurt by the big blow-up, especially coming as it did at a time when he felt kind of alone to begin with. Not to mention that he did try for a bit afterward to talk to Ron, but Ron would always back away from it. just_harry's latest entry doesn't show much reconciliation, and seems to be a dig at both Draco and Ron:
"And I don't know what's wrong with some people who act like nothing happened or like it was cool or fun or something."