shusu @ 2003-04-19 20:52:00 |
I'm thinking this deserves a new post?
Mood: shocked
9:13, half hour from start: Narcissa is drinking, as per her icon.
dayafternext @ April 19 2003, 18:55:33 UTC |
Good for her!
I'm so proud of Narcissa. *hugs her* I hope she gets full-time custody of Draco, if that's how wizard law works.
shusu @ April 19 2003, 18:57:09 UTC don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
But what if she DOESN'T!
dayafternext @ April 19 2003, 19:01:42 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
WAH. I might cry.
But she will! Because she is GirlPower!Narcissa, while he is EveryoneKnowsI'mEvil!Lucius. She will win!
shusu @ April 19 2003, 19:03:49 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
*clings to the Vodka Bottle of Hope!*
(parent)notapipe @ April 19 2003, 20:40:21 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Heh, GirlPower!Narcissa sounds nice.
I notice that GirlPower!Narcissa now has a face. It's like feminist theory in action, reinacted in LJ iconage.
notapipe @ April 19 2003, 23:01:58 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Okay, let me clarify what looks like a total stupid idiot bullshit post based on lies.
Old!Narcissa's giant face icon was supposedly not her own, according to some thread way back when, the other ones being of a finger or the ugly one with a crown (which minimized her, and was demeaning rather than artistic). Now, it's all Draco!style, with faces for moods. Plus, she has personality in her faces, what once looked bored and vapid has been replaced with live faces, faces of someone who thinks or feels, perhaps. Faces of a person.
Yeah, this is bullshit covering my ass, so what?
moonlitpages @ April 19 2003, 19:21:04 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Oh dear, I don't want to even imagine the horror that would be Lucius having sole custody of Draco. Of course, you just know that if those two actually do go through with a divorce, a bloody custody battle would ensue. Even worse if they try to get Draco to choose sides- I can't see the outcome of this being at all good for the poor kid's emotional well being. How old is PS for this roleplay, anyway (I can't be bothered to hunt it down at the moment)? Is he sixteen yet? I'm going to take a wild guess and say that we're not going by the 1979 birth year listed on his profile ;-)
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 19:36:19 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Is it me or do Lucius and Narcissa seem to be still...well, still kind of a couple? The teasing about Danish modern just seems kind of flirty to me. I find myself thinking that Harry's having a nice time with his family and everyone's cozy at the burrow but despite Narcissa's supposedly being heartbroken at having contact with Draco cut off she's not making any moves to see him. I realize this isn't her house but you'd think the first think she'd do upon arriving--before she rearranged the furniture--would be to ask if Draco could see her or arrange to go to Hogwarts.
I can't imagine Lucius not winning custody, unfortunately. Narcissa's heart is in the right place but she's still very distracted by things other than her child. Plus I think Draco might feel he needs to go with Lucius, who has always been the law in their house. If they were trying to get him to choose sides I guess that Narcissa would sort of passive aggressively hint that he would be hurting her by choosing Lucius while Lucius would flatly tell him he was disowned if he didn't. He'd probabaly also tell him he was less of a man and a Malfoy for going with his Mummy.
moonlitpages @ April 19 2003, 20:40:55 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Yeah, the more I think about it the more likely I think it would be that Lucius would get custody of Draco if it came to that. I can definitely see the both of them resorting to emotional blackmail to get Draco to 'choose' them, however. Lucius of course would go the route of holding Draco's inheritance and family pride over his head, while Narcissa would probably use her health and the fact that she left Lucius for him in the first place. Which is why I just dread that possibility for Draco- what a horrible ordeal for any child to go through. Even if Draco is/would be old enough for custody to not be so much of a legal issue (not sure what age that is in England), there would still always be that issue of 'emotional custody', of sorts. I don't see either of them as above trying to get Draco to choose them exclusively over the other.
That is, if they actually get that far in the first place. You're right, they do seem to be flirting quite a bit. Lucius' seems to be making a last ditch effort to appeal to her vanity, which Narcissa isn't exactly discouraging. I almost feel guilty because I half hope for a reconciliation if only because, as much as I deplore Lucius' treatment of PS now, seeing PS torn between the two of them as speculated above would just crack my heart in two.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 20:49:23 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
I do want to point out that Narcissa has just asked to meet Draco in Hogsmeade, promptly putting me in my place for wondering why she hadn't done that before. You go, Lady Malfoy!
Yeah, I can't imagine a custody battle between them being anything but awful for Draco.
moonlitpages @ April 19 2003, 21:11:54 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Oh, yay! Seeing that just warms my heart for some reason; those two have a lot to talk about. I don't think PS is going to take it well at all if she tells him they are filing for divorce, as that is going to seriously challenge his denial steeped fantasy where his father is just busy at work or some such.
I should like to meet with you sometime tomorrow to present you with the precious Easter basket that I am working on (with Remus's help) for you.
Despite all her faults and shortcomings as a parent, blondenarcissa really does love her son. I just hope that is enough to keep her focus on Draco's best interests and not resort to using him as a pawn against Lucius if she can. *frets for him still*
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 21:30:31 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
PS seems to be taking it well so far because he suggested he might need years of therapy over the fact that Potter is spending the holidays with his mother instead of him. That he said that says to me he's not completely freaked out over the idea of his mother and Potter together. Narcissa has now said she'll spend every day with him. You go, Narcissa! Maybe you can join them in a game of Golf.
Stay away from that flange!
moonlitpages @ April 19 2003, 22:01:59 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Hm, true, but there was also the comment about, I could use some pocket money, as Father's forgotten to send some lately, if you have any on you, which suggests to me that PS is still trying to deny that his father's punishment has even really happened. He still doesn't seem to be quite ready to face cold reality on this, though I do think it's promising that he seems to be at least in good enough spirits for the time being (guess spending all of Thursday evening with Harry'll do that *grin*).
Here's to hoping lupercus will be his understanding self and give Narcissa the okay to invite Draco over for Easter *grins hopefully*.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2003, 22:15:42 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Yes, he's still totally denying the Lucius thing. God, whatever did Lucius say to him that day??
His rules about Narcissa seeing Harry are really sweet though. "Can't you just stay at completely opposite ends of the house?" Lupin really should insist on Draco being invited because no matter what kind of front he's putting up ("I assure you I'd rather spend the holiday at Hogwarts") because of Sirius etc. it's naturally upsetting to be the one left out again.
moonlitpages @ April 19 2003, 23:03:11 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
Yes, he's still totally denying the Lucius thing. God, whatever did Lucius say to him that day??
I guess we'll never know *le sigh*. I suppose it's one of those 'insert suitably traumatizing tirade here' moments.
Lupin really should insist on Draco being invited because no matter what kind of front he's putting up ("I assure you I'd rather spend the holiday at Hogwarts") because of Sirius etc. it's naturally upsetting to be the one left out again.
Especially giving all of PS's posturing over the other holidays about feeling sorry for those that had to stay at school, such as Christmas when he made comments like "I'm dreadfully relieved that I'll never have to spend a Christmas at Hogwarts. God, you'd have to feel like the stupidest person alive, wouldn't you?" (yes I actually hunted that down, I'm officially a sad human being). He always seems to equate staying at school over holidays as being a pathetic resort for those with nowhere better to go, so I can imagine he definitely feels the sting of being left there now whether he shows it or not.
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 09:35:16 UTC Re: don't mind me, I angst for a living. |
I thought that in canon too, when he ended up at school during Christmas after teasing Harry about it the year before. Plus remember it's not like he had time to even prepare a story for why he was choosing to stay during Easter. The poor thing went to the train station and found nobody there for him! Underneath it all he knows that in his case he's at school because his father doesn't want him at home. This is the type of thing that only ps ever teases other people about, and I think it's because in most families the idea is so unbelievable it never comes up. No matter what, say, Ron, Hermione or Colin did they would never be forbidden to come home because their families were ashamed of them. Harry's the only other person who might have been unwanted. Or at least he was, before Sirius and Remus.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ April 19 2003, 20:17:20 UTC |
Oh, dear, Lucius with full custody of Draco would be...unthinkable!
But it probably will happen, won't it? I mean, I think politically Lucius has a lot more influence than Narcissa. Wibble. Poor Draco..
primroseburrows @ April 20 2003, 04:22:39 UTC |
Isn't Draco old enough to decide for himself, legally? He's sixteen, right?
I'd hope he'd choose Narcissa, but knowing him, he might just choose Lucius.
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 09:31:13 UTC |
That's the thing--I think he'd almost have to at 16 in that family. The Malfoys definitely seem like the types who see Mum as only having the kid until he's 6 or 7. After that he's supposed to be a man. For Draco to choose Narcissa might mark him as either a baby or a pansy (the vulgar slur, not the girlfriend!) according to Lucius and therefore Draco as well.
(parent)![]() |
ex_contempti217 @ April 21 2003, 03:18:54 UTC |
*whimpers* cannot be...