eponis @ 2003-04-21 00:46:00 |
Blaise's . . . insights
Mood: giddy
Buried in an NrAged thread last night, Blaise said this (reprinted here in case this comment disappears like the others have!):
"A high majority of the amateur golfers swing the club along an 'outside - in' path through the impact zone. The main cause of this is an incorrect initial movement or 'first move' from the top of the swing. The incorrect movement occurs when a golfer begins the 'first move' by turning the shoulders first or too soon, along a horizontal plane."
So what he's saying (based on the links) is: Harry ends up being teased by Draco, who refers to the drunk incident. Draco teases him because Harry tries too hard, too obviously, too early. Evidently he did something while drunk to Malfoy, resulting from coming on too strong, that was a slip-up. (Is Harry's "Sorry, Malfoy." in reference to that? Interesting that Malfoy responds to every comment except that.) Because he pushed too hard, he slipped up, and now his slip-up is coming back at him.
This leads to a number of questions:
- Blaise's implication is that Harry's slip-up resulted from coming on too strong. The obvious explanation is that Harry, in some way, revealed his feelings to Malfoy while he was drunk. Would he, and is that why they've been talking so much more this month?
- If Harry did reveal his feelings to Draco (directly or indirectly) while drunk, why on earth isn't Draco taking advantage of it? Is it because an accusation that Harry's coming onto him would impugn on his own Overwhelming Heterosexuality? ::snicker:: Is it because he reciprocates? Or . . . ?
- In a comment that was deleted, Blaise said that the above comment (without the hyperlinking he added later) was intended for Draco. With the hyperlinks, though, it seems to be intended for Harry?
- Who is Blaise? If he's in-character as a Slytherin, then either he's trying to uncover Malfoy's Dark Secret, or he caught Harry and Draco - ahem - enjoying each other's company last Thursday and wanted people to know, or he's tricking us all in some devious Slytherin scheme to do something, or . . . ::mind gets tangled and twisted:: I'm trying to figure out why he, apparently, is trying to hook up Harry and Draco.
- Um, and as a side note, are these real golf tips at all? Some of them seem rather suspicious . . .
Also, note the moods that Blaise uses: "sympathetic, nostalgic, giddy." Maybe this is a leap, but does this indicate that the three entries symbolize "present, past, future"? By that interpretation:
Present: "When stroking a putt it is important to realise you can only hit the putt straight and that it is the green that may cause the ball to turn right or left. . . . just hit a straight putt at the target you have selected. You might be surprised how often you were correct." Translation: Right now, focus on getting together, not on weaving around things like the Malfoys.
Past: "The hands are the only part of the body connected to the golf club, therefore they have the most direct influence upon what the club is doing. As such, having a good grip is of the utmost importance." ::grins:: I can't help but read this as a lecture to Harry about his unfortunate golf club incident.
Future: "This creates power as the body is coiled up and then released through the downswing motion. Strong legs, back and abdominal muscles will help increase the strength of this uncoiling process." . . . Okay, so you really don't want me saying what I see in Harry and Draco's future, based on that . . .
Er, at any rate, I
milenalupin @ April 21 2003, 02:27:04 UTC |
With all these links inserted in a NrAged comment (note: not nocturne_alley)?!
I think not.
Especially since he went through all this trouble of looking up all those references and typing them down in correct orthography.
This is tell-taling.
![]() |
fourscore @ April 21 2003, 00:22:58 UTC |
Wow. Well let me see.
[If Harry did reveal his feelings to Draco (directly or indirectly) while drunk, why on earth isn't Draco taking advantage of it? Is it because an accusation that Harry's coming onto him would impugn on his own Overwhelming Heterosexuality? ::snicker:: Is it because he reciprocates? Or . . . ?]
Don't forget that Draco didn't talk to Harry at ALL until London, and in London it seems like he had to. So I think whatever happened made Draco freak out and try to banish Harry out of his life but now ... well I don't know what the change is.
I read Blaise's last golf tip as him saying that Draco fucked up by mentioning the drinking. Like it was an unspoken rule not to mention it. Because Harry didn't reply and he's plenty of time to do it.
[ (Is Harry's "Sorry, Malfoy." in reference to that? Interesting that Malfoy responds to every comment except that.)]
This was when Draco started ignoring Harry, so the fact that he didn't reply isn't surprising. I think it's pretty sure that it IS in reference to whatever happened when Draco had to go collect Harry while he was drunk.
nabiki @ April 21 2003, 00:31:35 UTC |
they're real golfing tips, incase anyone was wondering....
for instance: The hands...
and stroking a putt
now i am stuck wondering..who IS this blaise fellow? ;)
eponis @ April 21 2003, 00:43:46 UTC |
::eyes widen:: Oh. My. Lord.
Thank you for pointing out those links, because they made me Google the one I was suspicious about.
Yes, boys and girls, it is quoted from the rules . . . of BEDROOM GOLF.
::rolls:: I really don't think I have anything else to say here . . .
nabiki @ April 21 2003, 01:06:28 UTC |
lol omg..very funny..I didnt even think to check THAT one out!!
(parent)quixotic_sense @ April 21 2003, 01:39:24 UTC |
*collapses in a heap, giggling* a_slytherin is my new favourite character, man.
kat99999 @ April 21 2003, 05:48:06 UTC |
lmfao!! Bedroom Golf?? _Bedroom_ Golf? Do I even want to click that link? lmfao
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 21 2003, 07:40:32 UTC |
FANTASTIC. Great tracking job. And naughty, naughty Blaise. :D
(parent)unravels @ April 21 2003, 04:56:56 UTC |
This RP has more twists and kinks than a mangled corkscrew. I stand in awe.
I should really try to drag my mind out of the gutter once in a while, but... interesting that Blaise mentions that it's incorrect when "a golfer [Harry, apparently] begins the 'first move' [whatever he did to start all this] by turning the shoulders [linked as Potterstinks] first or too soon, along a horizontal plane." Heh. So...? j_h knocked ps down and tried to put the moves on him?? Doesn't really sound like his style, drunk or not. Hmmm.
Also, about the "sympathetic, nostalgic, giddy" progression - I thought Blaise had just chosen those based on the icon pictures - the first being a serious face, the second with a smirky little hint of a smile, and the third with a full smile (or a knowing grin, haha?) Given his/her comments later in the thread, I wonder if that's a little too simplistic. On the other hand, I'm still completely convinced that a_slytherin is madmadmad. I love that.
::glomps waves affectionately from a distance at Blaise::
sistermagpie @ April 21 2003, 07:51:38 UTC |
::Rubs hands gleefully:: I LOVE BLAISE!!!
Let's see...
A high number of amateur golfers refers to just_harry. He is the one who hit the outside-in path through the impact zone and he apparently did it when he got drunk. That Harry hasn't responded to that could mean he's angry and so not speaking to ps, could mean he's not anbry and is silently accepting ps' joke about the incident, or could mean that he just doesn't feel confident replying to it and prefers to just show up on Wednesday with his golf club to hunt Blaise keeping it in mind.
Harry's problem, according to Blaise, was that he made a bad initial movement wit his laundry tips and passes to Hogsmeade. Whatever Harry did that night after the party was also incorrect. This seems to confirm that Harry's further attempts to make friends post-party are all part of the same thing. It could be that Harry came on to ps that night and continued to come on to him, right throught he impact zone. He wacked the ball too hard the wrong way and therefore is not even close to the hole he desires. ::ahem::
The Blaise links "turning the shoulders too soon" to Potterstinks' journal. Is he maybe just saying j_h is expecting things to happen to quickly? Or trying to get ps into position without coaxing him there? Or trying to make ps see things he's not ready to see?
If Harry revealed his feelings to Draco and Draco isn't taking advantage of it, this is obviously big news. Clearly there are things more important to Draco than humiliating Harry and that's a first. Protecting his own sexuality from being discovered or gossiped about is a possibility, but isn't it more his style in that case to tell everyone what Potter did? Think of him in the FF--he's afraid, so he accuses Neville of being afraid. Or the Dementors--he was afraid, so he laughed at Harry for being afraid. PS seems very canon this way. If he's going to make a big show of being heterosexual you'd think accusing Potter of being gay would be part of it. Also, it's possible he has accepted that he's attracted to boys but doesn't want to upset his cover about it, given his parents.
That's why I lean towards ps very carefully working to keep this between himself and Harry. That he kept silent is, I think, the one thing that gave Harry hope. Perhaps that above quote was meant for Draco not because Draco was the amateur golfer but to explain what Harry was about as an amateur golfer? He may be saying, in essence, "Look, sometimes when you don't know what you're doing you come on too strong. He didn't mean anything bad by it."
I wonder if Blaise is just interested in these developments in ways s/he isn't interested in other things. If s/he's watched Draco and Harry dance around each other for years s/he may just want them to do something about it!
If you look at the thread where the three are talking to together it seems to go like this:
Blaise starts out talking about actual impact position. When questioned s/he says this stuff about how to actually hit the ball isn't meant to downplay the part where you're getting into position (is this what s/he's helping them do?). Then Draco and Harry bicker with neither one admitting they actually want to get together. Then Blaise suggests they address the sand first rather than the ball. Maybe he's telling them to work out this crap before they're ready for impact? Harry seemed to try to get straight for impact before and that's what threw him off course.
I can't believe I wrote all that. I need help.
moonlitpages @ April 21 2003, 10:08:34 UTC |
*laughs* what would I do without you lovely people to help work out these cryptic comments? When I first read Blaise's comment, I interpreted it to mean perhaps PS had made some kind of advance that was misinterpreted given from the 'turning the shoulders' part or some such directed at PS , but on second thought I think you're right. Whatever it was that happened that night, I think it's safe to assume that it was highly significant and impacted both of them enough to prompt them into different behaviors (PS ignoring J_H for once, J_H flooding his journals instead). I can only hope that one of these days we'll find out what happened- I know the suspense is part of the fun, but only if the mystery is resolved at least a little at some point *hopeful grin*
What I loved about Blaise's comments during the PS-J_H exchange is that he almost seemed like a sports announcer of some sort *laughs*. I love Blaise.