zedmeister @ 2003-04-25 13:28:00 |
He just never learns, does he. It'll be interesting to see how Harry responds to this.
notapipe @ April 25 2003, 10:39:08 UTC |
Colin Creevy proves that he can do something better than Ron, Draco or Lucius. Being a complete prat.
It starts off nice and deluded typical Colin style. For example, take Colin on clinging: "--maybe because my mum can be a little clingy, I think--but don't worry, 'Lessa, I'm sure you know it doesn't run in the family!" Ha. Ha. Ha. Irony can be so blunt it just hurts sometimes, you know?
Then, he moves to Draco. Now, he has to know that Harry has been spending oodles of time with Draco, and that the dragonhide gloves belonged to Draco, and that everything he said was full of shit, but he says it anyway. Just because he wants to hurt Draco as bad as possible. Or maybe because he liked the feeling of power he got when he hurt Draco. Whichever, it's still pretty shitty. It feels almost harsher than potterstinks gets, but I think that's probably just due to the painful execution.
Oh yeah, and his eyes are brown.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 10:48:35 UTC |
Actually I think it's worse than that. Colin says the gloves were owled to Harry after he got back. Narcissa bought him gloves, I guess. And sent him tarts.
I don't know how Harry's going to deal with this. He's been so put in the middle. Having dealt with the Dursleys I think he knows how much this has got to hurt Draco, who has already sent up about five flares to let his mother know he's afraid she likes Harry better than him. Once again Draco has a big target painted on him and Colin goes right to it.
katrionaa @ April 25 2003, 10:51:42 UTC |
Hmm, I had assumed that the gloves were the package Narcissa mentioned eaearlier, but perhaps that was a different gift. Am confused.
(parent)notapipe @ April 25 2003, 10:53:53 UTC |
That's the point, Colin screwed it up, saying that Narcissa sent them to Harry, rather than sent them to Draco via Harry as a courier.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 10:56:43 UTC |
But Colin specifically says the gloves came via owl after Harry was back, along with biscuits and jam. I think it's possible Narcissa did send something to Harry as a thank you for the visit etc. because it sort of sounds like this package arrived today, but I could be wrong. If it did come today Draco might get one too, unless Narcissa has decided that his "ignoring her" by not saying what he wants means she shouldn't send anything.
(parent)katrionaa @ April 25 2003, 11:06:34 UTC |
Maybe it's because he won't wear the puce robes. ;)
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 11:32:02 UTC |
I agree that it might be a thank you gift. Harry did listen to her when she talked about her son and, if I remember correctly, he might have played messenger-boy a couple of times. She seems to like his company and this just might be a reflection of her good opinion of him (she had no previous opinion before coming to live at Remus's estate). I'm sure she didn't send the package without a note, Ladies don't do that, and maybe someone who got a peek at it will fill in the holes that Colin left.
I am expecting an violent/hurt reply from her son. He got robes in a color he hates, while Harry gets home-made goodies; goodies that very well maybe the first successful batch HIS mother has ever made. But Harry is a love, and I'm sure he'll try his best to squirrel some of the treats away to give to Draco later on.
bookshop @ April 25 2003, 11:51:07 UTC |
But Harry is a love, and I'm sure he'll try his best to squirrel some of the treats away to give to Draco later on.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 10:45:35 UTC |
Eek. Geez, Colin. That hurt me, and I'm not anywhere close to PS. That was like a full-out radial wave of UBERSTING.
I bet Narcissa's not gonna be too pleased, either.
katrionaa @ April 25 2003, 10:47:38 UTC |
Lots of interesting stuff. I'm surprised Soblessa still wants to speak with him, after a holiday with the Creeveys I think I'd need a break.
Interesting - why did Narcissa send the gloves to Harry to give to Draco? (BTW I do not attribute Colin's supposition that the gloves were for Harry totally as spite, Colin is pretty clueless.) I don't think Harry will be totally happy with Colin's mean remarks about PS but being Harry he won't tell Colin off either.
Finally, loved Colin's mother's insistence that he is allergic to leather. LOL!
notapipe @ April 25 2003, 10:50:05 UTC |
Maybe that's what she wants to speak to him about...
I agree he won't lay the smack down again, he'll probably correct Colin on every or one thing, like the gloves or something. Maybe tell him not to concern himself with Malfoy, that sort of thing. No smackdown, though.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 10:59:27 UTC |
I agree. We've seen Harry when he got really annoyed at Colin that one time, and even then, it was more of a "WOAH there, Thundercloud. That's enough" sort of parental/older-brother smack than a full-on "shut the *bleep* up".
Although we can probably trust PS to come up with something more along the lines of the latter. -_-
imochan @ April 25 2003, 11:17:13 UTC |
Well, I mean... it might actually be appropriate. PS did defend Harry to Ron... in some capacity, right? >:)
Either way, I'd like some smackage too.
Maybe even Lupercus could get in there - he's like a pro-wrestler or something. ;D
notapipe @ April 25 2003, 14:57:54 UTC |
*imagines Lupin in black and grey fang-patterned tights, talking smack to Snape about how the title of World Champion Teacher Of Hogwarts belongs to him, then using his origami crane double-suplex to take him out*
(parent)potions_master @ April 25 2003, 15:44:10 UTC |
Thank you for that mental image.
Fifty points from... whatever House you are in.
Professor Snape
imochan @ April 25 2003, 11:20:51 UTC |
*facepalm* Don't know HOW i managed to read PS as JH, but there you have it. Ignore that post *points up*, except perhaps for the Lupercus part.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 10:51:51 UTC |
Narcissa says she did give the gloves to Harry to give to Draco. She even tells us that Harry remembered to take the package. These appear to be new gloves for Harry. I think. Along with biscuits and jam.
(parent)katrionaa @ April 25 2003, 10:55:49 UTC |
Ah. Looking at it from the outside I can't believe PS would think his mother would favor anyone over her Drakie-poo but on the other hand I can see such insecurities could come easily.
No biscuits and jam for PS, that's sad.
slinkhard @ April 25 2003, 11:25:09 UTC |
Come on j_h smack him down! P_S defended you from Ron!
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 11:28:17 UTC *groan* |
I am cringing on J_H's behalf. *CRINGE*
Seriously, that kid is just...*smacks him* It just goes to show how IC his player is keeping him. Whoever-they-are is doing a great job; he's just as obnoxious here as he is in canon.
Keep it up, Colin. Much as I would like to tape up that mouth, you add some intriguing conflict to the mix. >:)
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 11:34:26 UTC Re: *groan* |
Oh definitely. LOVE having Colin in the mix. He's almost like something you'd think there'd be a word for in Greek theater. He's not exactly a Greek chorus but he's something...:-)
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 11:54:40 UTC Re: *groan* |
He's almost like something you'd think there'd be a word for in Greek theater
Exactly! That's exactly it. He's the hapless jester. I loff him. :)
Btw, did no one else see this?
:( :( :(
(not sure where else to put it, so here will work I guess)
katrionaa @ April 25 2003, 11:59:53 UTC Re: *groan* |
The discussion about this was buried in another thread:
How disappointing that they couldn't work things out. :(
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 12:03:33 UTC Re: *groan* |
That sucks. What's happening to our boys...:(
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 12:06:20 UTC |
well, harry has replied - no smackdown :( but he has cleared up some of the confusion over narcissa's gifts
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 12:08:26 UTC |
I wonder if Harry's response will inspire an even worse one from Colin, though...
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 12:11:43 UTC |
you know, i kinda hope it does with a morbid kind of curiosity - 'cos that will give j_h a chance to defend ps...
(parent)imochan @ April 25 2003, 12:33:53 UTC |
Er, sort of, anyway.
And - wth? - Is Soblessa an H/D shipper too? *giggles* Well, probably more like she sees what the rest of us do. Colin's crossed a few too many lines.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 12:43:58 UTC |
wheee, smackdown. but, yes, am intrigued as to why soblessa appears to be yanking him off the computer. either to give him a talking to about getting in the way of the GATL -- or maybe just trying to protect him from malfoy as someone said *g*
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 13:02:34 UTC |
or it could be she just wanted to break up with him. (http://www.livejournal.com/users/colin__creevey/1251.html?mode=reply)
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 12:38:35 UTC |
Well, now we've got a semi-smackdown, and a very ...interesting reply (http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/126161.html?thread=991185). 0_0
What's the odds that he's hiding from P_S? >:D
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 13:14:26 UTC |
I always find j_h really sweet and noble but I think this is possibly the sweetest he's ever been. (God, I probably sound like his mother would if she were talking about him--sorry, j_h!). Harry sounds so sad in his post to Colin. I don't think he'd be cool with it even if he still hated ps but Harry may now have more idea than anyone how badly ps feels .
I love that he took the opportunity to say all Narcissa wanted to talk about was ps. Not just because he wants ps to know that (out of kindness and as a preemptive consolation to ps!) but because what Colin is saying might hurt Harry a bit as well just because...I'm not sure how to explain it. Like, Harry's an orphan and never knew his mother and never had anybody care for him like a son. So to have somebody casually say that a mother likes Harry better than her own child when Harry knows no mother feels that way...I think it just makes him sad. As flighty and self-centered as Narcissa can be I don't think there was a second when she didn't sound like this was her baby that she loved him as a mother, even an imperfect mother, loves her child. To say that Narcissa would choose Harry over him is something Harry just knows isn't true because loving your son isn't about thinking he's polite or pleasant to be with. J_H may be figuring out that ps truly isn't sure about this. It that's so they may have truly found a common ground to meet on as friends. If that makes sense.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 16:01:45 UTC |
I've noticed the sombre tone in j_h's comment too. Initially, i thought he might not want to blow up like last time and Colin 'd go through "Harry, you are my hero...blah, blah, blah" routine, then j_h might feel guilty and have to apologize him again eventually. But after re-reading his comment, although Narcissa's so nice and very kind to j_h , all she talked about was PS. It's all about PS. I'm not sure whether j_h'd be slightly upset/envious or not.
In my opinion, Colin's shifted to this issue probably because most of his previous attacks towards PS 've come out conversely. Harry prefers to spend time with PS. His friends've supported him (even in their own weird ways). And it's pretty obvious that he's Narcissa's no1 priority, not her beauty or even Lucius.
I agree. Hopefully, Soblessa's affair'd be able to engage Colin as long as possible before he 'd crully damage others' mentality any further.