bookshop @ 2003-04-25 21:48:00 |
(no title)
Mood: nervous
xnera @ April 25 2003, 20:00:01 UTC Well done! |
*stands up and applauds the players*
THANK YOU! I had been worried for a time that we were heading into the romance between Harry and Draco too quickly. Experience has taught me that it's the thrill of the chase, the "will they or won't they" that keeps the audience interested. I can't tell you how many times I've stopped watching a TV show once my favorite characters finally got together.
Yes, this can only be good for Nocturne Alley. This will keep the drama going, which is exactly what I want.
Thanks again! You guys rock!
foreversended @ April 25 2003, 20:04:35 UTC |
*agrees* It'd be a bit soon if they got together so quickly, so this, I suppose, could be pleasant torture :) Go NA players! <333
(parent)imochan @ April 25 2003, 20:05:04 UTC |
Oh. My. God.
That is not an idle insult.
I can no longer use my gay chicken icons.
non_inferno @ April 25 2003, 21:28:55 UTC |
This has ruined icons for everyone. It is saddening.
(parent)imochan @ April 25 2003, 21:35:00 UTC |
I have changed my mind, however, and will use them as a guiding light in my quest to reinstate Gulf, Gay Chicken and Anklebiters everywhere.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 25 2003, 21:38:05 UTC |
In that case, I will try to aid Draco in discovering and taking pride in his true colors.
(parent)notapipe @ April 26 2003, 07:22:38 UTC |
This comment has saved me. I was too broken up to use my Gulf icon, but you have shown me the light. Plaid berets forever.
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luleh @ April 25 2003, 20:09:54 UTC |
On the one hand, I wanted fluffy bunniesm, sunshine, daisies and skipping through fields, but on the other hand, the drama and the anticipation and the build towards something is definitely exciting and intriguing and frustrating and just what makes it all so worth while.
And more kudos for the player and the game for keeping things as IC as possible.
Now, to speculate as to what brought this on?
More denial tricks? Was Draco freaked by something that happened during the golf book expedition or after the exchange with Harry in his journal and has retreated even further into HET!HET!HET! land? He knows that ignoring Harry didn't work, Harry just kept on trying. But if Harry hates him, he might be left alone in his denial land.
whoyouinvent @ April 25 2003, 20:11:25 UTC |
What I'm wondering is, why does Draco haul out the homophobia now, against Harry, who is not openly gay, and not against Cho, Ginny, Charlie, Fred, Dean, Seamus, Sirius, Lupin, Snape or really, his own father (although I see not mentioning it with Lucius)?
I'm also glad that this is happening, because I feel we sometimes immerse ourselves into a fandom world where homosexuality is readily accepted and often, the norm. This is simply not the truth in the real world, and I'm glad NA is broaching the subject fully. Bravo.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 20:12:57 UTC |
Because, apparently, Harry was gay AT him
I am so distraught. Cannot possibly cope. Someone DO something!
karabou @ April 25 2003, 20:16:39 UTC |
I'm thinking this has to do with how Narcissa has been paying attention to Harry... especially if you read Pansy's most recent post. I would figure Draco would take his anger out on Harry rather than His Mother... :/
(parent)anamirza @ April 25 2003, 21:03:20 UTC |
I worry that you're right. Though this might have something to do with it too.
katrrrina @ April 25 2003, 20:58:44 UTC |
I'm also glad that this is happening, because I feel we sometimes immerse ourselves into a fandom world where homosexuality is readily accepted and often, the norm. This is simply not the truth in the real world, and I'm glad NA is broaching the subject fully. Bravo.
I second this. I've seen "Oh, you're gay, Harry? Good!" from every character. I have never been to Britain, so I'm not sure how much homophobia they have there. In my area, homosexuality is widely looked upon as a joke or something that is only for sick, un-Christainly perverts. *rolls* Also, it is a choice. Everyone I know here believe that it is a choice.
Enough on that - I'm just glad NA included this. :D
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 07:27:03 UTC |
The thing is, I was shocked by the homophobia, not because I'm immersed in fandom!world, but because I don't live in the real world IRL. I go to college, a college where people got angry at a mildly heterosexist (completely accidentily so, btw) cartoon. If it weren't for the Santorum thing going on, I would have been even more so.
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cacklebang @ April 25 2003, 20:15:47 UTC |
It's hard to describe my feelings on it, but I'm glad a post like that was made.
While it seems a little late in coming, it does hold true to character.
xnera @ April 25 2003, 20:16:02 UTC |
It is something we realise will be controversial; and we ask you, our fans, to please trust that none of us, neither potterstinks' roleplayer nor anyone else in NA, are in any way condoning Draco's actions or statements.
In retrospect I realise you're referring to this statement by Draco:
And I'll be returning the stupid golf clubs you bought, as I'd prefer to remain in good health. I don't accept gifts from queers.
in which he implies that homosexuals are diseased and tries to insult them by calling them queers. Yes, I can see how this may be controversial. And yes, I did gasp a bit at that last sentence. *ponders* though I don't think it was because I thought it was unneccessarily harsh, but because I could imagine Harry might be hurt by it. And also, it says a lot about Draco's denial of his own gayness. A lot.
Still, i think you're right, vanityfair: this was a very in character post for
potterstinks. The truth is that there are people out there who are homophobic, and as much as that may be disturbing to some people, you can't deny the truth. And I stand by what I said earlier: this is only going to make the roleplay that much more interesting, because now Draco has to get over his own fears of his sexuality.
sheron @ April 25 2003, 20:40:15 UTC |
Maybe you're right, but I rather thought 'good health' refered to this since draco posted pretty soon after that comment was made. Maybe I'm just clinging to hope.
(parent)xnera @ April 25 2003, 20:51:12 UTC |
I wish it *was* just that Draco was afraid of being bruised by Harry's clumsiness, but potterstinks has now implied on numerous occasions that being gay is a disease you can catch.
sheron @ April 25 2003, 20:52:52 UTC Re: |
I find that implications have suddenly stopped with this post.
I'm not sure what's going on, but that's just me trying to decide what to believe from what ps says. ie. this.
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 20:16:51 UTC |
I completely understand why you felt the need to make this notice, Aja, although I'd like to think that all of the members of nraged would have understood that the post in no way indicated homophobia on the part of PS's player. As a plot development, it *is* in character and a logical extension of his personality as developed this far. So no problems there.
I have to wonder, though, if I have masochistic tendencies, since my first thought upon reading It is also a decision that I think will ultimately make NA a better roleplay, and potterstinks a better human being. was "aww, she just killed the angst!" Knowing that it will turn out for the better somehow makes the emotional torture less sweet.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 20:18:24 UTC |
Knowing that it will turn out for the better somehow makes the emotional torture less sweet.
I can handle knowing!!!! I can really handle!!!!!
methinks i am too weak for this game.
and i thought i had a handle on angst.
zorb @ April 25 2003, 20:22:29 UTC |
Amen to that! Draco just ripped my heart out and stomped all over it. My boys! *sobs*
(parent)imochan @ April 25 2003, 20:23:47 UTC |
Maybe if we offer a sacrifice it'll all turn out to be a bad dream!!
Anyone got a spare goat?
White oxen?
imochan @ April 25 2003, 20:45:17 UTC |
I love resourcefulness in a fellow pagan.
You chant, I light candles?
see? this is cheering me up already oh my god that's a horrible lie isn't it... >:(
zorb @ April 25 2003, 21:00:48 UTC |
*uses icon in hope*
Light them, and I shall chant the mystic phrases from the Gulf book.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 21:03:26 UTC |
*lights Body Shop scented candles*
Oh, Strawberry-Kiwi-Moonfruit... bring us hope... in this dark time...
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 07:33:38 UTC |
Oooh oooh oooh! Can I help feast on the vitals after we're done roasting it? Or am I just adding too much mycenean greek here?
(parent)imochan @ April 26 2003, 07:48:57 UTC |
Eh, we're all sacrifical here.
Pagans without borders.
Join the party!
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 07:52:42 UTC |
Heh, cool.
Though really I'm not so much pagan as a bit of a classics geek (it's not my fault, though, really, it's not like I even can speak latin or anything).
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 20:17:51 UTC |
Let's see...what's going on today:
Narcissa publically announces to Hogwarts that she's a Harry Potter fan. Yes, I think Draco feels like Harry's on his way to stealing his mother.
Colin announces this to the rest of Hogwarts, just in case anybody else couldn't make the connection.
Today is the day Draco's "punishment" ends, meaning that possibly Lucius had that long chat with Draco today. Lucius has been watching his journal. Did Lucius have anything to do with this? Because this is definitely the kind of thing Lucius could get Draco to do with little trouble.
I don't know if there was anything specific between ps and j_h that we didn't see here, but I think Draco hexing the legs off of chairs makes it clear that wasn't necessary. It's possibly j_h did something that freaked ps out, but that wasn't my first assumption on reading the post.
I admit I was confused as to why there was any controversy before I got it. (Duh!) Not because I call people "queer" ever, but I because I do think NA is basically realistic. It's not gritty, but these are supposed to be real kids. And sixteen year old boys, especially ones in a panic about proving their own masculinity (which Draco clearly is whether he is gay or not, thanks to Lucius) throw around the word queer pretty easily.
Not sure how j_h will react. On one hand I think he'll know where this is coming from. On the other hand, Harry in canon is not afraid to kick Draco's ass and I feel like that might be the best thing for j_h to do this time. This is clearly ps's flat-out boldest attempt to push Harry away. As perverse as it is, ps's plan here must be for Harry to go back to the Gryffindors and be surrounded by Colin and Ron telling him "I told you so," while Harry agrees they were right. It sounds bizarre, but I can't imagine ps imagining any other outcome from this. He's trying to go back to the way things were before, obviously. I hope Harry surprises him by not returning to the status quo. Like I said, my own instinct says Harry should just confront the little bastard. He might just clam up and pretend Draco doesn't exist and refuse to talk about it to anyone. Or he might do the most obvious thing, what I think ps expects. Who knows?
Refresh refresh refresh.
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cacklebang @ April 25 2003, 20:22:20 UTC |
And again, you make an insanely insightful comment that makes me nod and say "Yeah! What she said!"
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 20:27:11 UTC |
And you know what's really sad about it now? That most of the people who are defending Harry are doing it exactly the wrong way, but accusing Draco of lying. Obviously he's not lying. So in a way they're backing ps up here, by saying, "Of course Harry would never do anything so awful as you describe! Right Harry?"
And there's poor Harry, having "betrayed" everyone by not being kind to Malfoy but WANTING the odious little jerk. Oh my. What will happen? I have no clue. But Draco is frothing at the mouth!
Obviously something happened recently, but really I don't feel like it was necessarily with Harry. The party was WEEKS ago and Draco never mentioned it. If Harry had done something else recently surely Draco would have told us that too. I think Harry's just going to be blindsided by this. Or go in thinking, "I hope ps isn't too mad about that package from his mum..." and then be devestated. Poor Harry.
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cacklebang @ April 25 2003, 20:30:07 UTC |
Well it's obvious that Draco has been feeling exceptionally threatened over the last few days, and he must have had this to hold over Harry's head the entire time and decided that now is the time to utilize it.
Gah. Everyone will need to hug Harry after this. I'm reall curious to what his reaction will be.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 20:34:48 UTC |
I think zedmeister has it bang on. *points down*
The poor kid's not only being confronted with PS's accusations, he's now also faced with the horrible task of either lying to all his friends and family, or having the horribly touching courage to come out and say, "Er. Yeah. Malfoy's right. Sorry." Either way, not particularly pleasing, is it?
margolia @ April 25 2003, 20:33:50 UTC |
most of the people who are defending Harry are doing it exactly the wrong way
Yes! Exactly! Regardless of Malfoy's odious post, Sirius and Colin and Ron just made everything worlds more difficult for Harry. They've all put him in the position of having to say, 'Well, actually...' if something did happen or if he feels the need to explain anything, and I'm just feeling so sorry for him right now!
... and (just to through in my other two cents...) ps's post makes me both enraged (appropriate, huh?) and unbelievably sad - for harry, yes, but also for ps.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 20:49:21 UTC |
Me too. I feel kind of guilty that my heart is going out to ps because I don't want to sound like I'm dismissing the hell Harry is going through--this is just a nightmare for him. But on the good side, with Harry, is that first, he's the one in the right. Draco is wrong and I think he absolutely knows he is. He's purposefully being a shit to hurt other people and make them feel as shitty as he does and he knows it. Harry, at least, does not have to feel that way.
Second, Harry does have a few people who will not only support him but he knows will support him: Seamus, Dean, Lupin, Sirius, Hermione. When you cut through all of ps's nastiness all he told anyone was that Harry was gay. And he has no right to do that, but it's not like this is something Harry was planning on hiding forever. He'd accepted it himself and come out to a few people already. Again, this is not to excuse what ps is doing, just point out that Harry is far stronger than this. It will hurt ps far more. Harry knows the important people in his life (even Ron, eventually) will accept him for what he is. Draco is setting himself for a lifetime of misery.
But then, I guess he doesn't know much else.
I wonder if Narcissa will comment on this at all. Because while Harry might end up outsmarting ps somehow, I would imagine that she'd do exactly the worst thing, probably scolding him for picking on such a nice boy. Oh, I do worry for ps. Because where's he going to go from here? He's reached such a pitch of anger and misery I only see disaster in his future.
And I can't wait.
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 20:28:48 UTC |
Actually, I think Harry will become very withdrawn for a time, not replying directly to anybody's comments. But maybe that's just because I can't get a real handle on what his feelings must be - is he hurt, angry, confused, amused? I'm leaning towards "hurt", so I think he'll want to avoid the subject for a while. I doubt he'll turn to the Gryffindors, because they're not at the "I told you so" stage, they're still in complete denial. They're going to get much angrier before they provide any real comfort to him. In fact, the only people I can see him discussing this with are Remus and Sirius.
You're right about Lucius' possible influence. I hadn't thought of that.
sheron @ April 25 2003, 21:11:10 UTC |
I agree with everything you said, and it's so good to have it verbalized before me.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ April 25 2003, 21:26:48 UTC |
I am so slow and dumb. I didn't even THINK of Lucius.
*Stunned* You always manage to make these lovely, concise comments that summarize everything I am feeling about the situation. ;)
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 20:21:23 UTC |
I'm wondering that something might have happened during the last 24 hrs?
I feel so hopeless. But glad to finally know what'd actually happened that night.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 20:31:17 UTC |
Well, we know Draco's version of it. I do wonder exactly how he responded to that kiss and if Harry actually did it or if ps freaked out too quickly. Because Harry has seemed quite confident with him recently, with the flirting etc. I get the feeling Harry knows Draco was interested back but as usual making things difficult. I don't know...there's always more to a story than what ps says about it.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 21:04:33 UTC |
About j_h's version of that drunken night, have to wait for j_h's reply.
This is so frustrating and heartbreaking. WHY does PS do this? He seems to have an amiable relationship with j_h, he just defended him from Ron last night. What has made him change rapidly during the last 24 hrs? I don't get it! Only because Narcissa's choices of delivery , being emphasized by both Colin and Pansy? I don't think it's reasonable enough. Not only hurting j_h tremendously, this is like declaring war towards Hogwarts'gay population.
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 20:30:55 UTC |
I've heard of long incarcerations, but I hardly knew that Azkaban turned its prisoners into whores. Which is all I can say for you. Professor.
*sigh* There's more than a grain of truth in that.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 20:36:15 UTC |
I admit I was a little amused by Seamus' post, just because to me it's all too obvious that ps knows that people are gay or they aren't--and he is. So it was kind of funny having Seamus lecture him on his ignorance just because this isn't what this is about at all. I mean, Seamus was very intelligent and mature and all, it was just sort of slightly to the left of what was going on. Interesting that Harry was already out to them, though. That makes things a little easier for him. A very little.
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 21:24:51 UTC |
Yes, it's strange that nobody has suggested yet that Draco might be gay himself.
(parent)karabou @ April 25 2003, 20:41:55 UTC |
You know... it was bad when PS said it.. and I don't really think your comment in the light of this dicussion is necessary.
(parent)zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 21:09:16 UTC |
I'm not sure why you find my comment offensive. I don't approve of jadedsirius's very loose morals when it comes to faithfulness. It has nothing to do with his sexual orientation (although potterstinks did imply that) or his stay in Azkaban and everything with his character, and it's something that's been bothering me for a while. Even if he doesn't sleep around any more, he's left himself wide open to a crack like that by indulging in sexual innuendo on practically every possible occasion. You also have to consider how Draco must feel watching his *father* flirt with Sirius all the time.
moony @ April 26 2003, 00:28:52 UTC |
And yet the immediate support he shows for Harry goes completely overlooked?
I don't get that. Whether the man sleeps around or not doesn't change who he is or who he was. This is the same man who risked capture for Harry, who ate rats and posed as a dog for weeks to keep an eye on Harry when he was in trouble, and was one of the first ones to go after Draco and take him to task for the the things he said. And that's still not enough?
I have a little more faith in Sirius than that, and who he shares his bed with has nothing to do with anything that happened tonight.
Besides, Harry and Remus seem to like him fine.
sistermagpie @ April 26 2003, 10:34:10 UTC |
I thought that was zed's point as well. One has nothing to do with the other. The good guys have things they do wrong and the bad guys have things they do right in all our opinions. Just as anything Sirius does in bed doesn't change his concern over Harry today, his concern over Harry doesn't change what he does in bed. Sirius is a cool character that way, imo.;-)
(parent)zedmeister @ April 26 2003, 10:39:10 UTC |
No, no, none of that goes overlooked. I guess I wasn't clear enough. He *is* a wonderful person overall, I suppose I figured that that went without saying.
I never said that his promiscuity outweighed all of his good traits, just that it bothered me. If you recall, my initial comment was that there was "more than a grain of truth" in Draco's description of him a whore. His behaviour has been bothering me for a long time, and I suppose I was just glad that somebody, for once, was calling him on it. And no, it probably it wasn't the most appropriate time for me to be bring it up, but I do think it was a viable comment (mine, not Draco's). As real as the characters seem, they are still fictional. We don't really have to worry about their feelings and it seems a bit absurd to accuse me of amounts to lack of common decency because I was posting at a "sensitive" time.
Again, you'll note that I said *nothing* about his overall character, nor did I imply that "who he shares his bed with" had anything to do with what happened that night. In fact, like you've said, his immediate defence of Harry and all evidence points otherwise. But I can't pretend that his actions don't bother me, because they do, and I have a right to that opinion.
*sigh* I'm sorry if this comes across as overly confrontational, but I'm having a bad day.
eponis @ April 25 2003, 20:35:58 UTC .... |
I'm sitting here in shock. My hand's been over my mouth, jaw dropped, for the last twenty minutes.
Yes, I agree with what everyone else is saying. Yes, we all know that they're the OTP, la la la, this will be good for them and draw them together.
For now, though, I'm weeping for J_H.
The others - people like Seamus, Sirius, Cho - whom Draco insults - they're far enough away to know that he's being spiteful and hateful, and to get angry in return.
For Harry, though, I'm frightened, and I want to bundle him up and hug him tightly, and I want to cry for him. ::sends out hugs to J_H, unsure of what else to do::
And part of me - the part of me that isn't still quivering in shock and anger - is crying for Draco, too, because he's upset and hurting, but all I can want to do is slap him in the face.
To the players: tonight, more than ever before, I want to thank you. I didn't know I could be this deeply moved by characters. Thank you for being willing to take this step, because it showed us how real and painful these fairytales can be.
And Seamus - tonight, I love you more than ever.
xnera @ April 25 2003, 20:39:46 UTC Re: .... |
*dittos the love for Seamus* Am loving his posts tonight. And he's right -- potterstinks has taken away Harry's privelege to come out to his friends when he's ready.
And oh, poor Harry! You'd think after all this time, that people would be more accepting, but even his best friends are horrified that he could be gay. That's got to hurt.
blue_lightning @ April 26 2003, 10:33:14 UTC Re: .... |
"And part of me - the part of me that isn't still quivering in shock and anger - is crying for Draco, too, because he's upset and hurting, but all I can want to do is slap him in the face."
The way I figure it, Harry's gotten really close lately. So charming, so easy-going... and what with Narcissa treating him like family, of COURSE Draco got scared. Why? Because suddenly he realizes how close he's let Harry get, and a part of him must be very afraid of what that closeness means, exactly.
Because... after all... he didn't tell anyone what happened at the party for MONTHS. Which means he hadn't yet decided if it was a bad thing or a good thing. He needed the time to either come to terms with his emotions, or forget the incident happened. I think, seeing as this is Malfoy we're talking about, he decided on the latter. And then WHAM, out of the blue, after many tense months, everything started to *work* between them again, and he found he's actually enjoying himself.
Which means that suddenly, he has to face his emotions again. NOT a pleasant notion for a Malfoy. Because I think it's pretty damn obvious what his emotions are. I should think the golf tips were obvious enough. They were NOT talking about that game, not really. Draco does feel something for him, too, and the realization of that is more than he can handle. It's so... un-Slytherin... so un-Malfoy-esque. And so his response makes sense. When you're afraid of "deviating" one way, you force yourself to the opposite extreme. And that's exactly what he did, turning himself into a complete and utter homophobe so nobody in their right mind would think he felt something other than hatred for Harry.
But then again, none of us at this community is really in their right mind, are we? *winks* Right on. Poor Draco. Want to hit him, yes, but then smother him with much love and understanding.
Hopefully, though... ^_____^ Harry will get to do that first. If they can find him.
delirieuse @ April 26 2003, 21:17:03 UTC Re: .... |
The way I figure it, Harry's gotten really close lately. So charming, so easy-going... and what with Narcissa treating him like family, of COURSE Draco got scared. Why? Because suddenly he realizes how close he's let Harry get, and a part of him must be very afraid of what that closeness means, exactly.
*claps* Well said, sir!
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 20:37:35 UTC Oh. my. god. |
You all seem to be taking this pretty calmly, but I feel almost sick right now. It's brilliantly in character, of course...and bravo to the player because the angst is deliciously painful and all that...but I hurt for Harry. :*( I can't help it; I love that boy, and Draco just pretty much gutted him for all to see. It's amazingly well done because this is canon Draco, in all his fuckhead glory...but I'm aching for Harry right now. :( :( :(
must remember it's not real... :p
Interesting also how even Millicent and Pansy are all, "Wtf? Get over yourself."
Oh, and I second all that sistermagpie said. :D
taradiane @ April 25 2003, 20:43:52 UTC Re: Oh. my. god. |
You all seem to be taking this pretty calmly, but I feel almost sick right now.
No, I'm with you there.
Of course, I have my own reasons for why this thread cuts so deep. I don't think I can read any more.
zorb @ April 25 2003, 20:47:41 UTC |
*was just about to link that*
Holy freaking shit, dude. Just...whoa. Mad props to the players.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 20:48:47 UTC |
Oh my god. *clutches at hamster*
SEAMUS outed Harry! Not PS!
I am going. to. die.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 20:53:53 UTC |
OMG WTF???!!
This is the strangest and possibly best thing ever! (Because if that were true than ps is going to have to crawl on his hands and knees for "joking" by using words like queer.)
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 20:59:12 UTC |
I'm not sure what to make of this little thread. ps sounds concerned at first, but when seamus calls him on it, he retreats back into his homophobia. I honestly can't understand why, though. He certainly didn't get it from Lucius, judging from his fathers past experiences and open attitude about them.
(parent)zorb @ April 25 2003, 21:16:40 UTC |
His mother, though, has always said that there is no homosexuality in the Malfoy family. Fake!Lucius and all that. She's certainly got a powerful influence on him, especially if that's what triggered this outburst. Draco's hurt and coping the only way he knows how - insults. I think he and Harry have become friends recently, so that's why he's concerned when Seamus drops the bomb. It's rocking his world, so to speak.
And maybe, just maybe, he's reacting to something he doesn't want to see yet - why all his dating attempts have left him cold, why he enjoyed spending time with Harry...
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 21:16:55 UTC |
Well, maybe not. I mean, there are plenty of men who sleep with men and yet claim to be straight. Yes, it's stupid. But I can easily see Lucius going on about queers etc. in front of Draco and others while still doing whatever he wants. Draco obviously knows only the things about Lucius that Lucius wants him to know--both because Lucius controls information and because Draco is more than happy, always, to deny what doesn't fit the profile Lucius wants to give. Narcissa, remember, has been completely homophobic in the past. It's possible Draco got it from her.
Which is why I was very satisfied to see Draco tell her off on that score.
zorb @ April 25 2003, 20:53:57 UTC |
Heh, that was actually supposed to be a reply to the next thread down. But I am loving the Seamus action tonight.
(parent)chickadilly @ April 25 2003, 21:03:09 UTC |
Heh, that was actually supposed to be a reply to the next thread down. But I am loving the Seamus action tonight.
Me too! Seamus is wonderful tonight! I want to hug him for defending Harry!
margolia @ April 25 2003, 20:44:54 UTC |
:screams in frustration and rushes off to hug just_harry:
nightflight @ April 25 2003, 20:46:41 UTC |
You just beat me to posting that. ;_;;;;;;;;
::runs off with you::
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 20:46:56 UTC |
Hang on a moment. Potter's gay?
I WAS MAKING THAT UP. IT WAS A JOKE. I WAS EXAGGERATING. I ASSUMED POTTER WAS JUST A SLOPPY DRUNK. You can't be serious Finnigan. I was extrapolating from true facts to make Potter look like an idiot.
*facepalm* Typical PS.
Although his comments were too vitriolic to be just an attempt at making j_h look like an idiot.
xnera @ April 25 2003, 20:46:26 UTC *cries* |
Narcissa thinks Draco is behaving oddly! Oh, that's got to hurt Draco, especially if he really is jealous over all the time Harry got to spend with Narcissa. First his father doesn't speak to him for two weeks, and now his mother's not supporting him. Granted, I don't agree with Draco's attitude (even if it is in character) but I know how important it is to have the support and understanding of your parents. *hugs Draco*
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 21:01:37 UTC *SEETHES* |
Justin: Wait... is that why Potter wanted me to fly with him?! I knew that was a little funny! Oh my God!
Ernie: I TOLD YOU THAT WAS FISHY!!!!! He didn't... he didn't touch you or anything, did he?
Oh no they didn't OH NO THEY DIDN'T *screams* This really fucking pisses me off. I can't take this. Wtf did Harry ever do to deserve this AND WHY IS IT BOTHERING ME SO MUCH IT'S AN RPG FOR GOD'S SAKE! *weak laughter*
PS's post about being surprised to Seamus outing Harry confused me. I thought PS had already done a bang up job of it.
I don't think I can read anymore right now. Not when it's Harry. I want to string Draco up, and those stupid Hufflepuffs too. "He didn't touch you or anything, did he?" For fuck's sake...
I'll look at it again tomorrow.
*cuddles Harry doll*
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 21:03:37 UTC Re: *SEETHES* |
And I think Ron should definitely go talk to Harry, but he's still in denial so Hermione should be there too.
*motherly instinct going into overdrive for Harry*
xnera @ April 25 2003, 21:01:52 UTC |
Oh, and I want to run away with arithmantra. I've really been enjoying her posts lately. She's so cool.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 21:04:53 UTC |
She so is. Don't know what else I can say. It's like she's an actual teacher or something.;-)
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 21:10:47 UTC |
I find my eyes rolling at Narcissa's latest post. She and Lucius raised Draco to be a little gentleman and an aristocrat? Ahem. They raised Draco to be a bigoted, homophobic little jackass. And now that Narcissa has spent a happy week with Remus and Sirius she's decided oh, maybe gay people are just wonderful and she was wrong? (Wonder if she'd feel differently if she noticed the Sirius/Lupin stuff.)
See, this is what makes me so mad for this character (Draco) in canon. He's worked really hard to internalize all of the stupid, hateful messages his father and mother have taught him, and then everyone expects him to either spontaneously change them or have the subtlety to hide them.
I hope arithmanthra delivers smackdown on Narcissa for that one.
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idlewind @ April 25 2003, 21:14:15 UTC Lucius |
Wow... This is so visceral, it's just. Wow. I blame Lucius for, if not all of this, most of it. He's spent Draco's entire life telling Draco that he is superior and that others are less then he is by accident of birth. Even if he never said anything about gays-- It isn't such a big step from hating the Muggleborn to gay bashing. And now that Lucius is finally talking to him again? Draco is trying to make him proud by being the bastard he was raised to be. It's sad.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 21:21:42 UTC Re: Lucius |
I'm glad this is sparking a fight between Draco and Narcissa, though. I was very happy to see Draco mention how Narcissa keeps pointing out how much she sacrifices for him. He's just totally all over it.
Lucius is strangely silent. I suspect he will come in and approve and give us all shivers down the spine. Ask Potter. Yeah, that's what this is all about.
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idlewind @ April 25 2003, 21:34:24 UTC Re: Lucius |
Yeah, the Narcissa and Draco interaction here is really good-- It's sort of odd, because Narcissa ignores Draco's faults 99.9% of the time. She's trying to be a good mother by doing that, I know. But the good thing for Draco would have been to stop this behavior early on. To not let him know that when he says horrible things to Ginny or whoever, that you'll be all for him. He had no real reason to think Narcissa would have a problem with him saying these things now. Better late then never, I suppose though.
See, that's sort of what I'm afraid of, that Lucius will come in, back Draco up, and Draco won't change from this. But, he has to or-- don't know. I'll be very mad? hehe Sadly, not that great of a reason.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 21:43:09 UTC Re: Lucius |
I think you're giving Narcissa too much credit. She doesn't just ignore his faults she ignores him, period. Can you imagine your mother telling the kids in your class that you mean so little to her she doesn't know your age? Her sudden interest in him has more to do with this bigger life change for herself--she was unhappy and he provided a convenient way for her to do something. Not that she's lying about all of her reasons for leaving Lucius, exactly. But come on, it's not like Lucius hasn't been treating Draco the same way all his life.
Narcissa has always been as heartless as ps. Her outside is softer and sweeter, but she's been crueler than even ps has been to Harry in his post by telling him over and over in different ways how worthless he is. People who think they are worthless tend to be vicious.
Look at all the abuse Draco is willing to bring upon himself. (I think maybe we overestimated how well he had "gotten over" his time spent hiding in the wall.) This doesn't come as a shock to him the way it does Colin. He knows what he's doing here. It's almost like some bizarre form of "cutting" or something. I would love to know if Lucius had a "chat" with him today and what he said if he did.
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idlewind @ April 25 2003, 22:01:16 UTC Re: Lucius |
I like the idea that Narcissa's new change of heart is really all about her. I hadn't thought of it that much before-- But yeah. If she had left Lucius for just Draco related reasons, she would have discussed it with him first. Or, hopefully, a therapist but that's really too much to ask, I think.
I hope someone does set Draco up with someone to talk too, though. He really does need it. His parents are separating, he has issues with his sexuality and he doesn't get along with the kids in school.
Or the professors. Sirius really needs to check his attitude, because, yes, I get that reaction. Have that reaction. But if you are a teacher, you can't share it. No matter what, you can not tell a student things like that. Especially, if you want them to listen to you and change.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 22:23:50 UTC Re: Lucius |
What's bizarre is the way Sirius defends Lucius to Lupin. Lupin, being the smart one (good god, where is Lupin?? Oh, probably with Harry. Good job, Lupin!) knows perfectly well that Lucius is the worse of the two. He was an actual DE, for goodness sake, and Draco parrots him at all his worst moments. Yet Sirius is threatening a seventeen year old student of his for making these kinds of comments...surely he must know that Draco's twisted mind is the product of his parents? Meanwhile he's flirting with the boy's father in front of him. Not to mention, although it's completely untrue and out of line for Draco to accuse Sirius of causing anybody to be gay, Sirius did once taunt Draco about his own sexuality in a way that obviously played on the same kinds of paranoia that Draco is expressing. I was shocked a teacher would do that then.
In a way, even Lupin's friendship with Narcissa makes me a little mad. Usually I like it but I feel like she gets away with more because she's beautiful and female and can pretend she's just not interested in the type of politics Lucius is pushing. But if I saw a friend of mind bringing up a kid like Draco I really don't think I'd be sympathetic to her the way I may have been back in high school. Clearly Narcissa is all for every awful value of Lucius.' The only ones she's lately taken exception to are not being free to talk to Draco as she wishes and not being able to do what she wants in general. Oh, and she's now possibly come around to an enlightned Lavender Brownish view of homosexuals. We'll just see her reaction at Drakie-do possibly liking boys. This is really not the time for Narcissa to be sympathized with at all, imo. This is the time for her to read this thread and say: This is what I have created. All this anger and waste and misery is really directed at me and not Harry Potter or any gay person. I don't mean to literally blame anyone else for Draco's actions here--he is totally in control of what he is doing. But at the same time, he really is just showing openly what the Malfoys are underneath.
courteney @ April 25 2003, 22:30:57 UTC Re: Lucius |
Sirius is reacting as a parent, though, not a professor. And yes, professors shouldn't say things like that to their students, but most professors don't go teach at schools their kids go to and therefore wouldn't.
I like that Sirius jumped in here, all protective of Harry. Sirius has never been conventional, whether he's a professor or not. And he is also very impulsive - act first, think later, regardless of how 'grown up' he is.
Another point to note about all the characters in an RPG, any RPG, and most especially the characters with a lot of backstory that we don't know, is that we are not in the characters head. We don't know what they're thinking. We can guess, which is what I'm assuming this community is for, but we can't know and therefore, can't condemn their actions until the reasoning behind it is fully explored. And even then you don't always know if they're being completely open and honest. Trust in the characterisation and the integrity of the player and go with the flow, in my opinion. There is a reason for everything.
And I think we can all agree, that Hogwarts is not run like a normal school. Snape's attitude towards the students would not be tolerated at a normal muggle school.
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 22:53:56 UTC Re: Lucius |
Oh well...yeah. It never occurred to me that this was OOC or didn't have a good reason in Sirius' mind. But that's why he invites this kind of analysis. His post to Draco really isn't all that different than the way he speaks to him usually. It's still weird taht he defends Lucius, flirts with Lucius, makes no connection between Lucius and Draco. He's old enough to get a clue on that score, I think.
(parent)imochan @ April 25 2003, 21:18:07 UTC |
;D beaten to it.
Will say I agree and that i take back the laughing and pointing previously aimed in his general direction. :D
wednesday_tea @ April 25 2003, 21:41:44 UTC |
M.B. seems quite... unfriendly towards Draco in this thread. Could it have anything to do with Pansy, or something like that? People have been speculating on that for a while...
(parent)wednesday_tea @ April 25 2003, 21:18:21 UTC O_O |
Oh my god.
This is just.... unexpected? Damn. I'm just sitting here in shock, and my stomach feels like it's dropped into the floor. My fingers are numb. I think that I have grown too dependent on this soap opera. But... the scary thing is is that this recation makes sense, and though I hate it... just wow. Damn good job. Even though I feel SO bad for just_harry...
*WAILS* I'm going to go be unarticulate now, goodbye.
moonlitpages @ April 25 2003, 21:20:24 UTC |
I second most of the sentiments above- especially the more well articulated ones as I'm too tired and shocked to really pull one together at the moment (even though I shouldn't be, I knew a backlash was coming- I just hadn't expected it to be quite this strong but that shows me eh?). But, as said by others, I'd be willing to bet my right arm that Lucius had his 'talk' with Draco already. Well, you have to hand it to Draco. When he is hurting, he pulls the whole damn world down around him and tries to make everyone suffer even more in comparison.
Highest props and accolades to all of the players at NA, for orchestrating and playing this out so well. And hopefully there isn't anyone who disagrees with Aja's public service announcement of sorts and thinks poorly on the players for any of this. Well done, all of you. Sleep now...and yet I can't tear myself away. Damn them ;-)
cirakaite @ April 25 2003, 21:26:34 UTC |
*hugs and accolades to all the NA players* This is so realistic, and so well done, that reading the posts has made me cry. You're all brilliant, and no one will be able to say that J_H and PS fell together too easily. And the unintentional outing at school? Too real for words. I went through the same thing . . .
(parent)eponis @ April 25 2003, 21:29:08 UTC Some support for Harry |
I know that it's silly, but I felt so badly for Harry that I sent him an e-mail of encouragement and support. His address, from Hermione's SPEW page, is If this is a silly thing to do (i.e. clogging a player's mailbox), could a player please tell me? Otherwise, it might be a kind way to show support.
(parent)ishuca @ April 25 2003, 21:32:35 UTC Re: Some support for Harry |
oh, god, that could be an excellent idea- though J_H would probably have his inbox flooded in no time.
and although that could compromise the seperation of game and fandom, he does know that 'muggles' know about nocturne alley, so...
:cuddles J_H:
bookshop @ April 25 2003, 21:45:04 UTC Re: Some support for Harry |
Personally, I think it's an excellent idea. And I think the player was/is very appreciative.
(parent)justapresence @ April 25 2003, 21:30:34 UTC |
What I want to see now is what J_H will post. Gah.
(parent)xnera @ April 25 2003, 21:39:02 UTC |
I know! I've been refreshing the home page and friends page over and over, waiting for a post from either him or Ron.
Damn it, why do they have to spring stuff like this on nights when I need to go to bed early?
sheron @ April 25 2003, 21:55:44 UTC |
I wouldn't be surprised if Ron/Harry/Hermione didn't post today. Ron did just find out. It's not quite a natural instinct to run to the computer and share. I think it's best if he and harry had a long talk because while harry could ignore pretty much everyone else in school, ron is very important to harry. (i.e. GoF situation again. He'll be okay as long as Ron and Hermione are on his side.)
Btw, do we know that Hermione knew? I never saw any comment about that, but people here in nraged seem to asume she did know...
justapresence @ April 25 2003, 22:15:07 UTC |
I know I know, am just so curious. I love J_H dearly.
I'm not sure about Hermione. Lots of people seem to think that Hermione always knows because she's just that smart. I'm really not sure, but, because they are being canon (and according to JK Rowling, she did say something along the lines of, 'If anyone knows anything, it would be Dumbledore and Hermione'), so, I wouldn't be surprised. Am just.. Gah, so curious and I will be on this computer, refreshing every second ;).
sheron @ April 25 2003, 22:19:48 UTC Re: |
I'm getting lost in the replies, heh.
Actually, I'm curious about the reactions of other Slytherins. This will be their defining moment.
justapresence @ April 25 2003, 22:22:40 UTC |
Oh yes. I honestly think everyone will be against Draco on this part, but we'll see.
And where are you? I haven't talked to you in a while.
sheron @ April 25 2003, 22:27:13 UTC Re: |
I don't think they will be.
Pansy's posted that whole post about loving her house and I think that may be preparation for them being loyal to each other. (I'm just speculating at this point, of course. Or should I say hoping?)
The rest of the school will definetly be against him though.
...And I want to wring Narcissa's neck right now...
But I just hope Harry isn't going to ignore this topic for long.
Anyway, comments are pretty much over at this point since McGonagall posted ^^
Me? Exams. Over next friday. -.- I'm only taking a short break today (how could i resist UL and NA? ^^) I promise to e-mail you as soon as my life stops being a hectic hell.
justapresence @ April 25 2003, 22:35:18 UTC |
Oh? McGonagall posted? I'll look when done replying, lol. I send j_h and e-mail, rofl.
Well, we'll see about house loyalties. I also want to really wring Narcissa's neck as well. What I am most curious about is where Snape stands in all of this. Am majorly baffled.
All right, am looking forward for your e-mail! I was scared that you were going to quit LJ :|
justapresence @ April 25 2003, 22:12:39 UTC |
I know I know what you mean! I'm just thankful it was a Friday night, so I can go to bed even later than usual. Bless NA.
(parent)non_inferno @ April 25 2003, 21:45:38 UTC |
I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't post at all and just pretended to ignore the whole thing.
(parent)justapresence @ April 25 2003, 22:16:17 UTC |
No, actually, I think he'll post, but later. Much later. I am going to send him an e-mail now, cause I adore J_H. <3.
(parent)cienna @ April 25 2003, 21:30:56 UTC |
I am still in complete shock. This is what I get for becoming too involved with fictional characters. I was almost in tears for poor justharry when I read this entry. And now I'm worried about what's going to happen with Ron. Their relationship was already on such unsteady ground, and who knows how Ron will react. I cringe to think of justharry having to go through some horrible confrontation with Ron tonight on top of everything else.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 21:34:04 UTC |
Sorry, but I can't help but be most interested in this part of the thread most of all. This is what the whole thing's really about for ps--talk about taking the whole world down with him. Sheesh.
I hope he just concentrates on this now. Therapy would have been easier on everyone, particularly j_h, but it's good that this happens. Until Lucius shows up and shuts Draco up, possibly, that is.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 21:39:32 UTC |
This is like a suicide. By the way he replies others' comments, he doesn't seem to care about ANYTHING anymore.
Now, i'm really afraid to read j_h's comment.
anamirza @ April 25 2003, 21:47:36 UTC |
Yes, somehow even though it's possible Lucius has had his talk with Draco, one can't help but wonder if the original post and the really nasty 'outing' about the night of Lupin and Sirius' party was all about getting Harry out of his mother's good graces.
And note, that it seems to have backfired.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 08:07:51 UTC |
I think Draco feels betrayed there because it's his parents that have told him that he has to marry some girl and Narcissa who told him Peltiers aren't homosexual, and they're pushing him to be perfectly straight and hating on the prospect of him being gay, but they don't apply that standard to others. I bet he's thinking Narcissa forgives Harry for being gay, but wouldn't in him. He's doing his whole het thing largely because of parental expectations and pressures anyway, so where the hell are they coming from?
(penny penny)
sistermagpie @ April 26 2003, 08:37:44 UTC |
Absolutely! I think the Malfoy's apparent open-mindedness on the subject will be revealed to be just as hypocritical as always.
This is part of what I love about them so much, especially Narcissa. Her post this morning pretty much takes the cake. Worst. Mother. Ever.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 09:17:08 UTC |
It's not just the hypocrisy, I think. I think it's that he feels that his parents HATE him for the same things they seem to love other people. Hypocrisy is fine for Draco, I think. It's him that matters.
Re: Worst Mother Ever: But... But... But.... She listens to NPR! She can't be all bad. Although, the fact that she listens to NPR and was not there often when he was a kid makes too many parallels between her and my mom for my comfort...
sistermagpie @ April 26 2003, 10:37:30 UTC |
Narcissa has many many good qualities. One of them is listening to NPR.:-)
Good point on Draco definitely. For him it really does seem to still come down to Potter vs. himself. Other people he's hurt with his tirade barely exist. His cluelessness about Millicent is a lot like Narcissa's cluelessness about him.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 21:50:55 UTC |
Looks like someone's starting to be sorry they ever brought it up at all.
He's almost starting to sound like Ron. ;D
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 21:51:05 UTC |
I'm reallydisappointed by Lavender's reaction. Is she supposed to represent mass opinion? Is j_h going to start receiving hatemail, or at least "we-expected-better-of you" letters?
I can't really tell how homophobic wizarding society is supposed to be. Most of the adult characters seem very tolerant, but the kids (the Hufflepuffs, for example, and Lavender in particular) have to have picked their biases somewhere.
I hope we get to hear from ritaskeeter on the issue.
zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 22:09:46 UTC |
Gah. I'm too tired to repost. That should read "have to have picked *up* their biases somewhere".
(parent)wednesday_tea @ April 25 2003, 21:54:18 UTC |
And for once, this has nothing to do with Potter.
Ahh, poor Snape.
Damn, this is turning into an all out angst fest tonight, isn't it?
sistermagpie @ April 25 2003, 22:06:25 UTC |
LOL. You have to laugh considering all the times Snape's thought it had to do with Potter and it didn't.
In this case, of course, it has everything to do with Potter. From Draco's pov. You know, someone mentioned how it's odd that no one has suggested Draco is gay...I've kind of been wondering if it would be M.B. But then, she wouldn't suggest it. She would tell him.
Is it possible that Draco doesn't get the M.B./Pansy relationship either? He may have inherited his mother's ability to be clueless about these things...
imochan @ April 25 2003, 22:12:43 UTC |
"Malfoy, you will turn in your Prefect's badge before midnight."
Show's over? For now...?
darklites @ April 25 2003, 22:17:51 UTC |
Yikes. I think Draco's at the point where he thinks he doesn't have much to lose.
The fallout of this is only just beginning. And it's probably gonna be ugly. *bites nails*
wednesday_tea @ April 25 2003, 22:28:22 UTC |
Oh, dear. Lucius is involved, now.
I am both relieved and scared. *Clings*
moonlitpages @ April 25 2003, 22:31:38 UTC |
Oh, god.
You will look both your mother and myself in the eye and you will attempt to justify your existence.
It just keeps getting worse...
wednesday_tea @ April 25 2003, 22:39:46 UTC |
Thank god he's supportive of Harry. I wouldn't be able to stand it if he wasn't.
(parent)darklites @ April 25 2003, 22:37:29 UTC |
Sigh. It's quite a testament to potterstinks that I still feel so much sympathy for the little snot after he's done all this. He's got a lot to learn. I hope he learns it.
And I think that after all of this, Harry may actually be the one who reacts most kindly to it. *cuddles j_h sadly*
sheron @ April 25 2003, 22:41:04 UTC |
I think so too. after all "I'm not going to kill you and you should thank Harry for that you should thank Harry for EVERYTHING" :D
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 22:41:27 UTC |
And yet...
<3's Ron to pieces right now (
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 22:45:42 UTC |
You never know what you have IT'S NOT FAIR WHAT YOU HAVE so maybe you should fucking LEARN TO BE THANKFUL FOR ONCE
*Loves Ron*
lunadeath02 @ April 25 2003, 22:47:59 UTC |
I was only away from the computer for a few hours, and look what happens! O_O
NA players: I applaud you.
Will Harry speak up? He's no coward. definitely.
justapresence @ April 25 2003, 22:49:20 UTC |
I'm just glad it's a weekend so I can stay up later than usual ;).
Harry will speak up, I feel it. Not right away, but he will, eventually. And: I adore your icon.
wednesday_tea @ April 25 2003, 22:53:00 UTC |
Draco comments on Ron's post...
*Facepalms* Oh, fuck.
imochan @ April 25 2003, 22:57:15 UTC |
"Draco's been having a horrible day and now he keeps throwing up"
Eek. All of sudden, his comments don't seem so melodramatic anymore. Wah. Can't I cuddle them both?
capslocklove @ April 25 2003, 23:00:16 UTC |
seamus replied to ron:
but I have a feeling we none of us are going to get much sleep tonight.
Ain't that the truth.
*gets comfortable by computer for a full night of refreshing...*
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:04:03 UTC |
it seems that just_harry has been deleted. poor boy.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:10:31 UTC |
What do you suppose "one has become A PIECE OF MEAT" ( means?
(parent)xnera @ April 25 2003, 23:24:27 UTC |
Usually it refers to treating the body strictly as a sex object. See for example this essay on the subject.
(parent)zedmeister @ April 25 2003, 23:12:52 UTC |
Do you kiss all of your friends on a regular basis? If that's what you do, I don't think I want to be anyone's friend at all.
Wow, it seems like potterstinks has some real issues with intimacy. I wonder if the fling with Pansy *was* just a smokescreen for something, cause with his attitude, he's clearly never made out with someone.
(Why am I still up at 2:30? Why am I not studying for my exams? Oh, what a sad addict I am.)
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:31:39 UTC |
I think sleep is competely out of the question now.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:13:55 UTC Do what??!?! |
the shits hitting the fan now.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:21:09 UTC Re: Do what??!?! |
yup..see shit..see fan..see shit hit fan. ouch
(parent)darklites @ April 25 2003, 23:36:10 UTC |
Also, forgot to say this but M.B. fucking rocks. Show 'em all that Slytherins have integrity, man.
Draco seems to be winding down. He's almost civil to Ron. Somehow this seems a bad sign. Am still nervewracked.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:41:29 UTC |
Yeah, Draco seems so resigned. And tired. When usually he gives just a good as he gets. At least Remus realized enough was enough and stepped in. I mean, Ron's justified in yelling at Draco but I really don't think Draco expected things to blow up in his face quite so spectacularly. I mean, even Lucius is joining in on the Hate-Draco fest. And as angry as I am at him I'm a bit sympathetic too. You really have to feel for poor Harry though... *wrings her hands*
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luleh @ April 25 2003, 23:39:51 UTC |
Apologies if this has been mentioned already.
Anyone think it's odd that no one has dropped any hints about P_S's sexuality? Cho and Sirius seemed to be insinuating something duirng the fall-out after the party.
Wouldn't this be the perfect time to mention them again? When they're so angry at P_S?
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:43:01 UTC |
Ok, I typed for 90 minutes in reaction to tonight's.........turn of events and LJ tells my that I'm 500 words over and erases what I wrote. Oh well, such is life. I will now summarize my ramblings.
~To the players--There are no words. Thank you for your time, efforts, and planning.
~To Harry and Draco--If I could give you my shoulders to cry on, I would. I wish you both the best of luck.
~To Harry--I know that there is nothing I can say to make you feel better. "I'm sorry" just can't cut it. Instead, I will say that your friends are there for you. They love you. Cry on their shoulders, talk with them. Sirus and Remus are there for you as well. YOU CAN'T GO THROUGH THIS ALONE!!
~To Draco--I could tell you that your foot is somewhere in the area of your small intestine, but you knew that. Find yourself someone new to admire, your sire isn't worth it. You also need to find someone to help you. I worry about you.
~To Harry's Friends--Make sure he doesn't attempt to be all noble and emotional close himself off. He needs you even if he doesn't act like it.
~To SOMEONE who cares about Draco--PLEASE HELP HIM! PLEASE, I BEG YOU.
~To Dean, Hanna, and Seamus--You are a credit to yourselves, your houses, and to humanity. Thank you.
~To Ernie and Justin--You got off easy.
~To Lavender--Grow a brain. Maybe Snape has a potion for it.
~To Pansy--You are supposed to be Draco's girlfriend. You failed because you don't care, do you? Well, you care about house-points and yourself but little else.
~To Draco's "Parents"--You are part of the reason why people should be licensed to have children. I hope some large, mean, dangerous, very hungry, and belonging to Hagrid crosses paths with you very soon. You are a shinning example of how how not to parent children. I want to say more, but I can't in polite company.
Those are my feelings in a bag. I need some more Kleenex and time to fully deal with it all.
PS--Where was Hermione? I hope she was with Remus and Dean doing damage-control.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2003, 23:53:48 UTC |
I feel really bad, but I forgot Ron. There are no words for my shame.
~To Ron--You have the heart of a Lion. Thank you for understanding and coming to Harry's defense. Seamus is right, you are a wonderful friend.
xnera @ April 26 2003, 01:37:40 UTC No sleep for xnera |
Did I say I was going to sleep? I lied. I'm so wound up that I ended up writing a long character sketch of potterstinks in my journal. Really, I can't say enough how much I loved all the characters tonight. Bravo to the players!
Okay, maybe now I can finally get some rest. At this point, I don't think I'm going to make it to my conference tomorrow morning. Ah well.
dancingrain @ April 26 2003, 01:47:12 UTC my two cents... er, half-dollar |
(posted this to my own journal, decided, hell, why not share here too. i'm about to head to bed, way late as it is, so haven't read any of the above comments which i am sure probably say everything i am about to say in half as many words and twice as well.)
I am so excited by what's happening at NA right now.
This thread has, like, *everything*. To my mind, it confirms that NA is not just an RPG - it's a fic in itself.
(Not a knock at other RPG's. Just a statement about NA's different structure and intentions.)
And, DUDE.
Plus, I have to sigh for the sweet image of the housewarming party night.
Oh, Draco. You don't think you know the value of what you've nearly thrown away, but oh, how you do.
Also, for the record, IMHO, this development is not only vital for exposition etc., but vital in terms of creating a necessary balance. Now that it's essentially clear to anyone who cares to think too hard about it that Harry has a crush on Draco, the tables need to turn once more. Draco will need to actually win back Harry's affection - because this outing has to have nipped his trust in the bud, and then some.
And this HAS TO HAPPEN in order for any resulting relationship to be balanced. Draco needs to get his arse kicked, metaphorically of course. He needs to learn a little humility. He needs to learn how to listen to himself, to stop denying what he really feels. And his real feelings are all too clear - methinks the lady doth protest too much, etc.
The H/D in NA will be better because of this. NA as an RPG/fic will be better because of this.
I am so fucking excited, I've stayed up way later than I planned.
But to quote the Edith Piaf song I was playing earlier today: "Je ne regrette rien"
darlulu @ April 26 2003, 02:32:18 UTC |
For me personally, this post is about being as true to the canon portrayal of Draco Malfoy as the player can be, even at the expense of his/her personal feelings on this issue.
PS was indeed hatefully in character, canonically speaking. With due emphasis on ‘hatefully’...
His pointed bigotry and malice can possibly be examined and the roots explored, but to me, none of that diminishes or explains away the very real pain and damage he caused in any shape, way, or form. No, his parents didn’t set the best example for him and yes, I’m sure fear (latent desires, anyone?) and jealousy and many other insecurities came into play to prompt such a post in the first place, but somehow I can’t seem to summon up any compassion whatsoever for his role in all that came about. Or at least not yet. I suppose I’m in the minority in that respect.
As for now, I sincerely hope that this will make PS a better person in the long run.
I'm clinging to that hope, as I want so much for my inner H/D shipper to continue to extend to all things NA related. Of course, I’d settle for the knots in my stomach loosening their hold before I go to bed tonight, but sadly that doesn’t seem that likely of an option right about now. :(
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 09:05:24 UTC |
I suppose I’m in the minority in that respect.
No you are not.
notapipe @ April 26 2003, 03:45:00 UTC |
Well, I got here late. BUT: OMFG. I doubt I have anything to say, well nothing that's not been said; but I'm gonna try anyway.
1) Whenever you start to like potterstinks, he fucking destroys it.
2) I hate Lavender sooooooo fucking much. When I thought that my hate for her was unsurpassable before, I was totally wrong. Shunning your friend because they're fat then putting little stars all over the place isn't the worst you can do. I oppose violence, especially against fictional characters whom I can't really enact violence on, and especially against people who probably have no ability to defend themselves against said violence (I doubt Lavender could even throw a hex to save her life, much less defend herself against physical attack), but I so want to punch her in the fucking face right now. Is it wrong of me to hate her more than Draco and Colin, Justin or Ernie? Because I do. This is all. (much kudos to her player though (well, for this))
3) Oh yeah, and Colin and Justin and Ernie can fucking fuck the fuck off too. I think I might hate them more than Draco now too. What is it that makes me hate them more than the rat bastard behind bringing it about?
wednesday_tea @ April 26 2003, 09:43:19 UTC |
I agree utterly on Lavender. The way she goes "I have to take a shower >.<" RIGHT AFTER SEAMUS goes on about KISSING HER, augh. It makes me SICK. She's one of the people I hate the most at the moment.
(parent)slinkhard @ April 26 2003, 04:29:06 UTC |
Well, I for one get no pleasure from seeing either Lucius or Narcissa deliver smackdowns. As if they have any right to lecture ps when he's behaving exactly as they taught him.
*hugs vector and lupercus who have dealt with this the most maturely*
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Anonymous @ April 26 2003, 08:15:52 UTC |
I fear what The Sire will hand down to his Heir this morning. Narcissa posted that she feels guilty about how her son was raised and now thinks that maybe she is partly to blame. This was admission, while it will make her a better person, comes far too late.
In other journal news--Sirius and Remus have teamed up with Snape to have a group worry, as Sirius and Severus were provided the background noise via a chess game when Remus posted. While I think it is wonderful that everyone has put their differences aside, I wish it could have been up better circumstances.