bookshop @ 2003-03-27 10:40:00 |
(no title)
Mood: productive
A bunch of random thoughts:
I was just adding everybody--the players, rather, to the friends list, and it puts me in mind of how much I miss some of the minor players. Whatever happened to onourbrooms?? And oh, how I love
lockerygildhart, heee. I'd like to see them make return appearances, along with
a_slytherin and the Hufflepuffs, haha. Oh, and Terry Boot! I loved Terry--he was MEAN.
Did anybody else find it hilarious that Queenie Greenleaf is apparently a real student?
Oh, and is it just me, or is Harry trying to keep Ron from getting Draco in trouble, or is he really just worried about being pestered?
divineparvati @ March 27 2003, 07:48:30 UTC |
It's Greengrass. And I don't see what she's got that I don't.
(parent)bookshop @ March 27 2003, 08:03:27 UTC |
*eyebrow waggle* are you saying if Malfoy came onto you you'd be all over the little het boy?
(parent)bookshop @ March 27 2003, 08:01:26 UTC |
[Bad username in LJ tag] <-- is supposed to be lockerygildhart!!!! >:0
however, neither semagic nor LJ is letting me edit the post. :-L
so, yeah. anyway!
greenapricot @ March 27 2003, 08:08:18 UTC |
I think maybe he just doesn't want Mrs. Weasley to know what's going on. Or Percy for that matter. They're much more likely to figure it out then Ron and if they figure it out they may tell him and judging by his reaction to Ginny and Cho it's not going to be pretty.
But I do also think he doesn't want Draco to get in trouble.
Can't wait to see what happens with their detention tonight.
And speaking of players we haven't seen in a while where is missgranger?
tropes @ March 27 2003, 08:22:44 UTC |
Indeed! I would like to know where she was when Harry was drunk and now, when the shit is hitting the fan, I would expect her to wade right in there as peacemaker.
(parent)milenalupin @ March 27 2003, 10:16:11 UTC |
I'd say, Harry's just afraid of having her go harpye because of his getting drunk !
(parent)dayafternext @ March 27 2003, 14:37:22 UTC |
I personally liked the whole Monty Python referencing that was going on between Lupin and Sirius. XD
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nefeleo @ March 27 2003, 14:40:59 UTC |
Oh, thank you for that bit of hilarity! I love how they cover it up at the end there.
moony @ March 27 2003, 19:32:12 UTC |
"I'm not dead!" "Yes he is."
And did you see? They're getting maaaaaarried. How cute. I may vomit.
dayafternext @ March 27 2003, 19:40:01 UTC Re: |
I feel happy! I feel happy!
*grins* I just watched that yesterday.
I did see! Cutest thing ever. Will Harry be the best man, I wonder?
moony @ March 31 2003, 01:04:12 UTC |
I want Monty Python on DVD.
I hope so! Hee. Remus is actually registered, btw. At Target. Look up Lupin. I'm not making this up.
dayafternext @ March 31 2003, 11:34:50 UTC Re: |
I looked...I couldn't find it. >_< Send me the link? Please? I wanna see.
(parent)dayafternext @ March 31 2003, 12:03:07 UTC Re: |
The Harry Potter Whomping Willow game? Lego Hogwarts and Hogwarts Express?
*cracks up* I <3 Remus.
He's so gaaaay. ^_____^
sistermagpie @ March 27 2003, 08:35:21 UTC |
I think Harry knows he's got a delicate operation to work out here with Malfoy and wants as few people as possible looking his way while he's at it.
Which reminds me...who sent Queenie Greengrass in to keep Moaning Myrtle company and why??? (Is that person keeping company with someone else??)
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arithmantra @ March 27 2003, 08:46:33 UTC |
Well, one of her favorite professors mistook her for an ugly bronze statue on the third floor.
At least Moaning Myrtle can sympathize with the poor girl.
--Professor Vector
sistermagpie @ March 27 2003, 19:07:36 UTC |
Good point. A girl might start avoiding the class of a professor who thought so little of her.
(parent)artistic_flower @ March 27 2003, 09:38:37 UTC |
Queenie Greengrass... honestly. I thought even Malfoy had better taste than to trot around with that whisp or a girl. She's just not right, and I do believe the Grey Lady is even startled by her. Alas.
(parent)divineparvati @ March 27 2003, 11:30:30 UTC |
Some people just have no Taste, sister. I think Malfoy should have thought to even Consider you before that Queenie. Honestly.
(parent)zhonnika @ March 27 2003, 09:41:31 UTC |
Hmm. Queenie and Draco? Hahahaha. See, Queenie brings to mind, well, people who are not HET. And Greengrass? Well, um, doesn't just_harry have green eyes? Um...
milenalupin @ March 27 2003, 10:18:44 UTC |
Do you think Aja's "Greenleaf" typo might be not that accidental?
Queenie Legolas the Fairy?
Still the prettiest - if you don't count potterstinks's adorable scowl, of course.
zhonnika @ March 27 2003, 10:29:40 UTC Re: |
I think something is rotten in Hogwarts, and I'm blaming it all on this Greenleaf/grass/flower/tree person.
*thinks of Aja's "Queens of Quidditch" chapter of LUW*
milenalupin @ March 27 2003, 10:35:55 UTC Re: |
At least with her we know it's a she. Cuz JKR said so.
*misses a_slytherin*
lunadeath02 @ March 27 2003, 10:41:31 UTC |
I've been wondering what is up with Dean and Seamus. Are they still fighting or what? ^^;
And, omg, I can't wait to see what happens when Ginny comes out. heh. (assuming she will be coming out way before just_harry does.
zhonnika @ March 27 2003, 11:27:55 UTC |
When Harry comes out? Oh God... Ron will explode into teeny little Weasley pieces.
I think the S/R might give him the courage to do so though (Harry)
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 02:40:39 UTC |
Ron will explode into teeny little Weasley pieces.
I hope he will. Literally. I've never liked him...
chapstickmess @ March 27 2003, 19:41:10 UTC |
I really do miss Terry Boot. Where is he off to, then? I'd be thinking he'd have a field day with everything that's going on now.
And I think Harry's little plea for Ron to stop was definitely waving a flag towards the Malfoy camp.
"Look! I can be your Big Heroic Defender! Love me!"
onourbrooms @ March 29 2003, 05:35:50 UTC |
Regarding Boot's whereabouts: such operations, to my understanding, can take quite a bit of recovery time.
(parent)purestblood @ March 28 2003, 17:06:17 UTC |
Ah, yes. The "minor" players. Who, in your esteemed Muggle wisdom, would comprise the "minor" players? Would it be correct for me to infer that, due to the wishful nature of your request, you wish to hear more about the daily life of the aristocrats such as I?
I'm most happy to oblige.
Lucius Malfoy
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arithmantra @ March 28 2003, 17:12:47 UTC |
Oh, now do be reasonable, Mr. Malfoy. While it might be natural to assume that everyone is a fan of the Malfoy daily routine, you can hardly expect the girl to be as mesmerized by the purchase and maintenance of hairbows as you are.
--Hilda Vector
purestblood @ March 31 2003, 07:28:14 UTC Re: |
Surely, Miss Vector, you of all people understand the importance of accessorizing? A nice pair of Marvolo Blahnik shoes do wonders for any woman's spirit. I suggest you give them a try. It would be galleons well spent.
Lucius Malfoy
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arithmantra @ March 31 2003, 07:57:57 UTC |
Thank you for the kind suggestion, Mr. Malfoy, but I'm not lately in the habit of letting my shoes determine my self-worth. Nor do I need to accessorize, as you say, to compensate for any personal inadequacies--although that would certainly explain why those ribbons you wear are always so long.