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ex_meiko437 @ 2003-04-27 04:48:00 |
tying everything together
Mood: amused
4 am, EST. I should be in bed! Let me know if something like this was posted.
Anyways! Here is what I gather happened, to catch everyone up and speculate.
George saw something happen.. Fred is in hiding now.
Lucius was at Sirius' party, and there were body parts joined that apparently didn't include the hip.
Sirius is being more than hypocritical in getting angry at Lupin.. Lupin is thus duelling Lucius because of this kiss or sexual encounter had between L and S.
Fred is in hiding, and he seems very distraught and distant. George says it's alright if he's gay. Fred and Lupin snogged at his party! that must be what Sirius saw..
What an eventful night.
I am most amused by the antics of Arthur Weasely. Honestly, he is the best character, ever.. I nearly wet myself when he killed ANOTHER owl, slashed the wallpaper.. and then managed to knock himself out, probably with the keyboard he's attached to (being frightened by Snape, perhaps?)
bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 01:58:24 UTC |
*wibble* Yes. Arthur's player is absolutely brilliant, I take my hat off to you. And hand thee unglue, for Arthur's tongue and Snape's crotch... anyway. I am so currently addicted to this RPG.
'joined at the hip', and they're duling and... *wibble* *mass wibble*
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 02:00:59 UTC |
*sends love to Arthur* what I wouldn't give to see that room after Arthur artistically edited the wallpaper and destroyed nearly EVERYTHING!
I wish they would post about what's going on in the duel!
bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 02:01:57 UTC |
Yes! Please post with the duel! *wibbles*
And hahaha, I think the 'LEFT PINKY STUCK TO SHIFT KEY' was the funniest thing I've ever heard.
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 02:20:54 UTC |
I vouch for "STAPLER STUCK TO ARM, PLEASE DONT ASK" as the funniest part! so very Arthur!
(parent)bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 02:23:11 UTC |
It's so very, very, very brilliant. Whoever plays Arthur is either a) God/Goddess or b) totally fucked up.
Am voting for b.
bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 02:28:36 UTC |
NO. BILL IS SEX GOD. You are just anonymous commentor, ;)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2003, 02:36:54 UTC |
-.- sorry, injoke that was begging to be used :)) i'm just terrible at accepting compliments!
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 01:59:38 UTC |
LoL, good night. ^_^ *Grabs some coffee & sets up camp.*
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neveth @ April 27 2003, 02:01:07 UTC |
*wibbles as she wants to stay, but can't because she has finals she must get ready for*
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 02:04:08 UTC |
*wibbles FROM LACK OF SLEEP* at least there's NA while I have insomnia. ^~
(parent)myrddin @ April 27 2003, 02:03:49 UTC |
Who thinks colin is so drunk he's going to wind up in a dark corner getting off with the wrong person, no one will be straight come morning. :P
(parent)bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 02:07:53 UTC |
I think somebody spiked it with alcohol. And osmebody spiked the alcohol with viagra, or soumthin.
(parent)cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 02:18:08 UTC |
Icon! *dies* The last of the great ABVHs . . . And the text is perfect *wicked grin*
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 02:18:46 UTC |
horrible mental image of my favorite character!
I feel dirty, and sick, and amused.
cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 02:16:32 UTC |
George Weasley made him cocoa. Explanation, methinks =D
(parent)cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 02:23:18 UTC |
Explain everything except what he was doing taking food from one of the twins in the first place. Did these people learn *nothing* from the canary creams?
(parent)cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 02:28:40 UTC |
Precisely! *shakes head in disappointment at the gullibility of the hapless Griffyndors*
(parent)bookofjude @ April 27 2003, 04:07:46 UTC |
Wha-- who are you, Pestilence? Don't make me use the small caps on you now...
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 02:51:58 UTC |
I am the most gullible person ever, but I also sorely resent that ^^
it's part of our Gryffindor selves?
cirakaite @ April 27 2003, 02:58:12 UTC |
You don't think so? I could probably find canon evidence to support it, but it's 6am, and I have slept since Wednesday. But I tend to think that gullibility- ie, trusting people too much- is a trait of people who are themselves usually honest and straightforward.
Like I said. 6 am.
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 03:04:55 UTC |
oh, i agree-- it's a Gryff trait, definitely.. i was just saying that it's a part of our charm, I guess? ^~
i am going to bed, as I'm exhausted and have much to do tom-- today.
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 02:14:22 UTC |
just because you're upset about Soblessa does not mena you can whore yourself to Hogwarts!
Shame, Colin, shame.
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ex_meiko437 @ April 27 2003, 02:53:57 UTC |
everyone being drunk in NA is so funny! I love drunk Colin.. i wouldn't expect him to be drunk. He's also homophobic ;-;
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 07:17:34 UTC |
I'm thinking Colin/Narcissa might be my new OTP. I mean, they've both just become rather unattached, and they can wallow in their wibbly misery together. And Narcissa is looking younger and Colin is coming to terms with his inner drunkard, so they really do have a chance! :D
(parent)blondenarcissa @ April 27 2003, 07:59:15 UTC |
I was only looking younger the day I put a bit of aloe from the plant that my little Drakie-do gifted me in my morning facial. It wore off by the next morning and I haven't used as much of a dosage with its fruits since.
Colin is a child and I am still married. Have you all forgotten that?
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 08:23:33 UTC Re: |
Madam, I apologize profusely. I was only speculating that you both seem a bit down lately and need some fun.
...so how do you feel about Ernie? :D
blondenarcissa @ April 27 2003, 08:27:14 UTC |
Thank you ever so much for being concerned about my well-being. It has been a very trying past couple of days for me but things shall get better.
Ernie? Ernest was a very polite, charmingly awkward boy. I am sorry that my Little Dragon now wants to inflict bodily harm upon him on account of his dear mother.
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
eponis @ April 27 2003, 11:05:25 UTC The Lupin-kisser |
::just woke up, having collapsed in bed RIGHT BEFORE THE HURRICANE STARTED BREAKING thanks to N_A + exam the night before . . . ::
So everyone seems to think that Fred kissed Lupin, based on what his brother said about him being gay. From Colin's comment and the general tone of both parties, though, there were plenty of men out there for him to kiss.
Would it be all that ridiculous to suggest, instead, that Lupin was kissing Snape?
This thread, from only two days earlier, has a distinctly flirtatious tone that ends (by Snape's consent, since he continues with it to that point) with the place where, in MAAN, they ought to kiss each other.
When you combine that with this very concerned comment by Snape, and the fact that (one would think) people really would make a big deal about Lupin kissing not anyone but Fred Weasley, who is only barely not-a-student, I'm really starting to wonder if, in fact:
a) Snape's been attracted to Lupin. Lupin knows this. He teases Snape about it but doesn't act.
b) Lupin is "lonely" and slightly inebriated. So is Snape. Things happen.
c) Fred is attracted to Lupin (he leaves him cranes, etc). He goes over to the party. He catches Lupin snogging Snape. He's very upset, leaves the party, and goes to think.
I realize that the Fred/George interaction suggests that Fred kisses Lupin and is upset about it. However, given that Lupin and Snape have an established past of flirtation, as opposed to Fred and Lupin (as far as I've noticed), and that Lupin would have to be really desperate to kiss a virtual student who was until now not known to be gay . . . Snape just makes more sense.
anjaliesque @ April 27 2003, 12:51:36 UTC |
This is what I originally thought. Snape and Remus makes a lot of sense, considering how they're always flirting, and Sirius doesn't like it overmuch. Then came the Fred stuff, and though I really don't see how Remus would actually do something with Fred, I went along with it because I didn't see otherwise how Fred would be involved. But your theory makes a lot of sense, that Fred saw Remus and Snape. And it also explains how he really seemed to want to know what it was that George saw. Perhaps he thought George may have seen the same thing.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 27 2003, 13:37:06 UTC Re: The Lupin-kisser |
You know, when I read the original post by Lupin as it was unfolding, I thought that it was Snape as well. I was actually rather disappointed that the evidence seems to be pointing to Fred since I was hoping if Lupin was going to do something like this with anyone, at least it could be Potionsmaster and give me some kind of consolation ;-). Potionsmaster's comments here, in which he is frantic with worry and addresses Lupin by his first name, definitely make sense if seen in that light. I guess we shall just have to wait and see.