liasantana @ 2003-06-02 15:22:00 |
(no title)
And what is this?
I wonder what brought this on??
notapipe @ June 1 2003, 22:31:27 UTC |
I suppose it could be relegated to simply that. Will edit it.
(parent)notapipe @ June 1 2003, 22:39:32 UTC |
So wealth hasn't really changed him, then. Millicent isn't taking it so well, I wonder how Harry will respond.
Personally, I don't think it will matter. M.B. has a gunny sack.
dragynville @ June 1 2003, 23:01:25 UTC |
I hope Draco and Harry haven't had another fight. Because this together with this pretty much confirms that they were together last night/this morning in or near Hogsmeade. Or, at the very least, planning to get together.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 00:02:44 UTC |
Yes, I find myself making wild speculations of what might have occured if they did indeed spend last night in each other's company.... And I really don't like what I've come up with :(
tiamet_nox @ June 1 2003, 23:31:45 UTC |
I think he feels ignored and wishes to remind people that he exists. (Although WHY he feels this way I'm not sure... maybe he always does.) It's kind of like little kids running away to see if anyone will come after them. (Which he did after the outing incident if I recall correctly). I think it will last as long as it takes Harry to say "get your cute butt back here." pls pls pls pls pls
I also refuse to take his leaving seriously because NO!
babytyggeryss @ June 1 2003, 23:57:43 UTC |
I have noticed that Harry hasn't said much to him. Yes, they sort of talked last night, but Millicent was there. I think this is a case of Draco missing Harry but he doesn't want to come out and say it.
He might be hoping that Harry will pop up and say something to the effect of "If you move, I'll miss you." If he did, Draco would be free to, indirectly, say the same thing back.
They have also agreed to meet Monday night, so he might need a "reminder". This would demonstrate to Draco that Harry is still thinking about him and he would feel better.
Whatever his reasons, I think the solution is Harry.
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 01:15:48 UTC |
He might be hoping that Harry will pop up and say something to the effect of "If you move, I'll miss you." If he did, Draco would be free to, indirectly, say the same thing back.
I like that. A lot. Poor Draco. As 'say anything' as he claims to be he really can't, can he?
Harry is definatly the solution. Where is he? How dare he have a life other then this!
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 01:39:12 UTC |
I really don't have anything to add. Besides I agree and J_H should be here goddammit - how dare he sleep!
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 01:51:49 UTC |
Harry can sleep. Summer holidays are coming up and he can spend them with Draco at his new estate (it needs a name).
Besides, if he stays with Sirius and Remus he'll have to help house-break Rosie and no one likes that job.
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 01:55:34 UTC |
Suggests "The Draco House of Love" ... and Harry was wondering where to go on his summer vacation.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:00:16 UTC |
Oooh.. I like that name! TDHOL - Lucius doesn't have to know what it stands for ^_~
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 02:04:06 UTC Re: |
It's like an elite secret society! There will be only 2 members! *wink wink nudge nudge*
Draco can be Czar and feel important.
babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 02:11:18 UTC |
Harry can be his love slave! It would be a wonderful arrangement:
Draco would feel that he's important because someone would be depending on him.
It would be good for Harry too because he's always having to worry about other people (a downside of being TBWL and saving the Wizarding World) and spends very little time thinking about himself.
Draco could pick out Harry's clothes/costumes. ~_^
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 02:18:39 UTC Re: |
yum yum yum... I like the way your mind works! Just like mine^-^
It would be good for Harry too because he's always having to worry about other people (a downside of being TBWL and saving the Wizarding World) and spends very little time thinking about himself.
Really good point. It's mentioned here in this NC17 fic which isn't exceptional but makes the same point. Harry could use someone taking care of him for a change.
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:12:38 UTC |
Yes, he'll spend all day inspecting his fingernails! Well maybe not all day! ^_~
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Anonymous @ June 2 2003, 05:13:01 UTC |
The Home Formerly Known As Peltier Palace But Now Known As Draco's Love Shack?
(parent)dragynville @ June 1 2003, 23:40:43 UTC |
Unless this is Draco's diabolical long-term plan to get more Harry!nookie. The evidence:
1. He will be without parental supervision during the week: he can come and go pretty much as he pleases. And have guests. *leer*
2. The estate is on the floo network: he can go to Harry or Harry can come to him.
3. Imported tutors would probably be housed at the estate/on the grounds: he could set his schooling schedule somewhat to his (and Harry's) convenience.
4. He doesn't plan to mix with the town/locals: no one to notice if he were not even at the estate or that he had a guest.
Also, by not being at Hogwarts, he would be out from under the constant pressure of hiding his feelings and their relationship.
Here is something I am wondering about: why does Draco have computer access at his grandmother's estate? Were they issued laptops at some point? And, if so, why do they keep using the ones in the comp lab? Or is he still with Harry somewhere in or near Hogsmeade (perhaps Dogear Wryde?), and is this all a ruse to throw everyone off track?
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Anonymous @ June 2 2003, 00:01:28 UTC |
Draco has a laptop. Pansy mentioned it. I don't think anyone else does.
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 00:46:22 UTC |
I think Millicent does. Or else she has a computer next to her bed. Or the Foot Warming thing was a sham.
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 00:48:23 UTC |
The question is: Does Draco have a cell phone or a cell modem? I doubt his grandmother would have cable or phone lines in her house.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 00:08:37 UTC |
I get the impression that he is bitter about something. As well as feeling a bit left out or overlooked. I mean he's going on about how he'll become the Minister of Magic, how a statue of him will be erected. It's as if he's saying "Well fine, but you'll see, one day I'll make it big" It's like he's trying to prove himself in that little whiny, attention seeking way of his.
Okay, did I totally go off my rocker?
dragynville @ June 2 2003, 00:26:57 UTC |
Oh very good points about the MM and statue bits. I forgot about those. Perhaps Harry got onto him about doing something with his life and not just relying on, and waiting for, his inheritance?
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 00:52:43 UTC |
Ooh.. yes, but I don't think Harry would consciously say that. Maybe an off hand comment, and then Draco takes it personally - fights/argues/gets defensive and now opts to stay in Cannes - away from family and Harry...
Hm.. I am grasping at straws.
babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 00:39:55 UTC |
If Draco can make it big on his own, he would be out of the shadow if his Father; he can live the way he wants to, not how his father wants him to. Lucius has always put Draco under allot of pressure to right according to him and what it means to be a MALFOY.
The Malfoy name can have advantages but it comes with a price.
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 00:55:27 UTC |
So I guess the question is.. who set this sudden change of heart off, Harry or Lucius... or even himself?
Am confusing myself and probably others around me, will go now.
babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 01:08:07 UTC |
I think it might be a combination of the three.
We might see a rather drastic change in Draco's attitude now that he does have some more power that can be used against his father. Of course, he does have to wait until he's 21.
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 01:19:26 UTC |
*invents TimewarpTM so they'll all sudenly be 21 and then things can really get interesting ^_~*
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 01:23:56 UTC |
LOL - but isn't the coming of age 17 in wizard world - so one more year, that's alright.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 01:28:12 UTC |
Yes, that's true. So is Draco saying he wants to stay in Cannes so that he'll be out of Lucius' influence? But then again, if he really wanted to be away from Lucius, would he really post in his journal about it?
I'm continuing to confuse myself.
notapipe @ June 2 2003, 01:41:38 UTC |
Personally, I think he's just talking. And asserting the fact that he now HAS power. It's to provoke a response, from Lucius in part and from the Hogwarts gang (and Harry, M.B., (possibly) Pansy and (probably just to taunt) Ron specificially) to a lesser extent. He is saying "I am Draco, hear me roar!" And then he goes back inside. Well, probably.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:14:35 UTC |
Yes, Draco does seem the 'attention seeking' type, doesn't he?
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 02:22:47 UTC |
*cracks up*
Congratulations, you've just beat out "Ron isn't all that calm, is he?", "Boy, that Hermoine Granger seems like she studies a fair amount." and "NA is kinda addictive, isn't it?" for the obvious understatement award.
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:37:22 UTC |
Thank you, thank you... I would like to thank my Mama for always been there for me, my Papa for......
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 01:48:26 UTC Re: |
It's 18 for me here. I was thinking 21 so Draco can have his own place and host swinging bachelor parties! The 60's N_A style... dear god.
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Anonymous @ June 2 2003, 01:56:55 UTC |
Draco is already seventeen, his birthday is in December.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:10:59 UTC |
I really should get to know the characters more... thanks for pointing that out. And LOL - over the age of consent!
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 01:28:14 UTC |
Hmmmmmmmmm, that could be really interesting: Draco comes into his Inheritance, announces to the world that his OTL (One True Love) is TBWL and that he spent lots of Daddy's $$$ on their secret marriage, Lucius has a heart-attack and dies in an un-Malfoy like manner, Rosie sheds on the body for good measure, Draco takes over as head of the family, and everyone LHEA (Lives Happily Ever After).
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 01:52:08 UTC Re: |
Yum. The only problem with that is the LHEA part... what are the rest of us supposed to do? Get lives?
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:09:27 UTC |
You - suggesting we get lives... pfftttt...
*shakes head*
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 02:14:30 UTC Re: |
I'm ashamed of me. Momentary laps of sanity I swear!
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 02:17:52 UTC |
It's OK. ^_^
Who wants to have a life when they can have NA?
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 02:20:14 UTC Re: |
exactly! I wouldn't know what to do with a life, I'm sure.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:20:22 UTC |
Humph... well, I guess I can give you the benefit of the doubt...
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 02:23:52 UTC |
Well, there IS more to NA than H/D. Just sos you know.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 02:24:57 UTC Re: |
name 3 things. sleeping eating studying do not count
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 02:40:07 UTC |
Oh and Sirius and Remus and Shiny Loosius (or however that's spelt..) and euphemism-sprouting!Pansy... and of course the Hufflepuffs!
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 02:42:43 UTC |
We call him Looshie.
And I was held to three. Otherwise Ernie would have been up there. Also, Lavender. And Neville who is Evil.
notapipe @ June 2 2003, 12:31:15 UTC |
But, "Neville who is an unscrupulous, dangerous and diabolical and mislead "good guy" whose actions would be taken as evil in another context, like Magneto" is SOOO much harder to say.
Do I need to prove nEVILle again? It's still there, you know.
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hezzabeth @ June 3 2003, 01:57:04 UTC Re: |
I thought you were relating him the the punisher.
See , you cant even keep your story strait.
notapipe @ June 3 2003, 02:08:54 UTC *doesn't see the benefit in keeping Draco and Harry straight, so why should his story be?* |
Both. But I felt like using Magneto at that point. Actually, with his botching (or IS IT botching?) of the Lavender issue, he's much more Punisher.
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hezzabeth @ June 3 2003, 02:14:30 UTC Re: *doesn't see the benefit in keeping Draco and Harry straight, so why should his story be?* |
How so?
(parent)notapipe @ June 3 2003, 02:22:01 UTC Re: *doesn't see the benefit in keeping Draco and Harry straight, so why should his story be?* |
The Punisher fucks up more.
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hezzabeth @ June 3 2003, 02:24:00 UTC Re: *doesn't see the benefit in keeping Draco and Harry straight, so why should his story be?* |
Sorry I had to ask , I know nothing about the punisher.
(parent)spoke @ June 2 2003, 16:45:42 UTC |
ptthpt <- raspberry
you heard notapipe! is so! and the scary thing is, in reading back over some of Professor Snape's older entries, i noticed something. at one point, he states that the real trouble makers (when he, Sirius, etc. were in school) were not the Maurauders, but 'the duo that was Frank Longbottom of Ravenclaw and David Macmillian of Hufflepuff.'
my mind boggles at the implication that this might be hereditary.
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 02:48:21 UTC |
Oops^-^ I miss read you. sorry *needs to sleep*
I know there's more then H/D. Strangly I'm not as on the back of that band wagon as I once was. I am, and always will be, a die hard M.B. fan though. ^-^ I have a friend like her.
babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 03:05:18 UTC |
Paper folding, Matchmakers, Loyalty and Friendship
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 03:12:38 UTC Re: |
shiny Looshie, interhouse relationships, Cabbage
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 03:21:26 UTC |
Wants/Needs of Self v. Duty to Family
babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 03:45:00 UTC |
Ernie's new post, Definition of Manhood, Holes for Hidding In
PS--I need to go to bed, the birds are up and I haven't seen my bed since my afternoon nap. It was a pleasure throwing words and idea around with you this evening/morning.
Talk to you later!
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 03:53:35 UTC Re: |
fashion advice, explainative user pics, the picture war
My sisters are getting ready for school. It's that late/early? opps!
anjaliesque @ June 2 2003, 04:40:02 UTC |
Why did no one mention Vlador the cabana boy? I think I'm going to cry.
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 12:33:10 UTC |
Because Vlador the cabana boy is all in your head. Also, no one ever made icons for him.
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 2 2003, 14:14:23 UTC |
More appropriately, Narcissa's head. Perhaps I will make a commemorative icon of Dark Vlador myself. A little floral print shirt with an ermine and black velvet babushka is so attractive on purestblood, after all. Lucius and Narcissa seem to have such very amusing bedroom games. :D
notapipe @ June 2 2003, 12:34:32 UTC |
Lettuce not forget that it's Lettuce which Draco took to the theater.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 02:41:52 UTC |
NA is also:
Teen angst
Different points of view
tiamet_nox @ June 2 2003, 01:20:32 UTC |
It did rather seem like he was trying to assert his own importance.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 01:25:18 UTC |
It goes back to the idea that Draco is just... well, all talk and no action you know?
*Hoping someone else will post soon...*
babytyggeryss @ June 2 2003, 01:40:54 UTC |
Draco may feel that he's never been very important to anyone in the way that it really counts. Can you say that his father loves him? His mother may love him but she is just now learning how to express it the way she wants to. His grandparents either bought his attention or have a very formal relationship with him.
He has spent his life being a thing who had people making it's choices in the best interests of themselves. He has to learn to back his words up. It's a skill that all should people learn.
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 01:49:53 UTC |
It's part of growing up. But I do hope he doesn't choose *this* to be the time when he finds his integrity. I'm desperately hoping that this is all talk, that he will go back to Hogwarts. But then again, if he does plan to stay for good - like what you said earlier, maybe Harry will convince him.
I really need sleep.
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Anonymous @ June 2 2003, 05:54:48 UTC |
i agree with you
its seems to me that P_S is testing his power : he acts like a slytherin but a slytherin child ^^. His power on Harry (his post is a indirect "Will u miss me?") and his power on his father (his new independence with the estate)
but as i see it, that proves only the soundness of Percy's post (more clever than the other believe ^^ go Percy!) : P_S is just craving for attention and affection like a spoiled child would do ^^.
off course this is all talk and no action ^^
aelane, lurker who is sorry for her pitiful english. -_-
sistermagpie @ June 2 2003, 08:33:37 UTC |
I figured this latest drama-queen moment was sparked by Percy's insults. He may think the pendulum has now swung back to Ron and Harry's going to drop him so he's dropping Harry first. That's why he made sure to tell Ron that he'd gotten his wish.
(parent)ashacharybdis @ June 2 2003, 22:50:55 UTC observatory newbie... |
Am not sure if it would be in character with this draco, but is it at all possible that he is just indulging in a bit of "wouldn't it be nice"?
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Anonymous @ June 2 2003, 13:01:12 UTC |
Ever think that N_A is just an evil sell-more-product conspiracy by the people who make F5 buttons?
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 18:37:57 UTC Re: |
LOL - yeah, my F5 button probably needs replacing now, since I've compressed it so much lately!