notapipe @ 2003-06-05 00:36:00 |
F5 button, here I come
Mood: wanting to go to a library and read so very much, except it's half past midnight
Colin is such a moron, Hufflepuffs consistently impress me with their suspiciousness. He's trying out Hufflepuff, if that doesn't work, I wonder if he'll try Ravenclaw. He wouldn't do very well trying to associate with them.
I wonder if the library has any of those tiny little rectangles of parchment so people record what they find in the magical version of an electronic card catalouge. Also, Evil!Neville interpretations of this post would be appreciated, because I can't get further than "trying to reestablish his Griffindor support base" which isn't all that evil, really.
[Edit: Though occasionally...]
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:57:13 UTC |
Am I the only one who thinks of SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy!Sean Connery saying "Only on account of villany!"
Colin isn't making many friends, or for that matter, much internally consistent sense.
dragynville @ June 4 2003, 23:17:38 UTC |
Colin's capacity for sucking up never ceases to amuse me. Not to mention Finch-Fletchley's capacity for abject paranoia.
The fwooper coughs at half nine. XD
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:13:21 UTC |
nEVILle has been called "The Scourge of St. Mungos". I think it's a great title. Neville's response is better, though.
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:17:20 UTC Boy, responding to myself like this is pretty pathetic, isn't it? |
What part of encroached do I not understand?
1. To take another's possessions or rights gradually or stealthily: encroach on a neighbor's land.
2. To advance beyond proper or former limits: desert encroaching upon grassland.
3. Football. To commit encroachment.
Why, Colin's stupid use of it, of course.
bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 23:17:09 UTC |
It's sadly obvious how Colin's trying to find some other group of people to idolize (I can't understand how he doesn't see through himself, as his suck-up persona is practically painted on fluorescently), but the Hufflepuffs are so suspicious that they look beyond that at some hidden!nonexistent!motive. Go Ernie, you conspiracy-minded oddity. But love Hannah.
It will be funny if he goes after the Ravenclaws (who will see through it and just push him lightly to the side), and even better if at the Slytherians, since they will mock him mercilessly (eep, that's mean, but good BOB is Colin annoying).
As for your nEVILle, he's, uh, "studying", which you can interpret any way you like. Who knows what dastardly things can be done with...parchment? He's also grumpy, which could be a sign of repressed evil.
Or just a kid who's stressed and pissed. Eh.
I'm starting to advocate coEVILlin now, though. d00d.
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:20:17 UTC |
Paper cuts. Paper cuts.
Perhaps Colin is a double agent for nEVILle! If nEVILle can get a Hufflepuff supporter, in the form of his plant (Colin), then when he goes to the dark side, they all go like lemmings.
bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 23:24:48 UTC Re: |
If so, then Neville really is nEVILle. He's putting on a fantastic show of anger at CoEVILlin. Of couse, the latter is likely just being manipulated (coUNINTENTIONAL!EVILlin?), since nEVILle would never share his secrets with someone so bloody annoying.
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:29:35 UTC |
Or, well, stupid. Colin couldn't keep a secret if he had it implanted underneath his skin.
(parent)dragynville @ June 4 2003, 23:22:17 UTC |
The "idiom" is evidently sucking up to Goyle now by proxy. XD
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:26:44 UTC |
If you check the archives, you'll see that Colin and Goyle have been friends for a while. He's not sucking up, he's defending his One True Love (er, friend, but honestly, Goyle is obviously crushing on him). Besides, I doubt Colin's new icon would be working to make Goyle happy.
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Anonymous @ June 6 2003, 01:00:30 UTC |
I love Colin/Goyle... Goyle seems to be the only only one the Colin doesn't either hopelessly admire or hate. Also, Goyle's so mellow that I don't think Colin could piss him off as easily as he does other people. And Goyle's loyal (ow, the rhyme, pain), which is something that I don't think Colin sees a lot. Ah, Goyle could redeem him... *wanders off into the clouds of happy imaginings*
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:34:09 UTC |
.bom ffupelffuH eht yb deredrum gnieb niloC ta hgual dna su dniheb siht tup su teL .deerga era ew ehT
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:31:11 UTC |
Provoking Dark Lords is not good policy. Maybe it'll work. Maybe he WILL get hexed. Maybe I'll be redeemed.
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 23:45:49 UTC |
d00d. Justin is all over the nEVILle.
But Colin...yeesh. It can't be easy being that kiss-ass. I wonder if this is a Start To A Better Colin event?
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:51:17 UTC |
I'm beginning to suspect that Neville may be having a breakthrough, myself. This kind of rage is equalled only by what happened under Veritaserum. And also, about his parents.
"Dark Lord Longbottom" doesn't have much of a ring to it.
spoke @ June 4 2003, 23:55:58 UTC |
Me too. I keep hoping the next thing will be a post announcing some sort of disaster; maybe he really will hex Colin? (crosses fingers)
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 23:56:27 UTC Re: |
OH. Wow, that's right! Isn't the effect of the memory block lessened considerably when he's very emotional? Hmm, this could get more interesting tonight.
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 23:33:48 UTC |
Wow, those Hufflepuffs are nasty buggers when provoked, eh?
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:38:03 UTC |
Hannah is right about everything. Everything except for one thing. It's very funny.
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tymbrimi @ June 4 2003, 23:51:45 UTC |
Hufflepuffs are incredibly nasty, I adore Hannah ^^
Colin is being such an idiot. The rejection is so brutal, it's a wonder he isn't going to be anti-hufflepuff now along with everything else.
I gues we can start feeling sorry for him now, though...
*is indescribably joyful at first live thread*
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:55:32 UTC |
Welcome to the F5 club. First rule of F5 Club is you do not talk about F5 club. The second rule of F5 Club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT F5 Club.
No, we can't. Hannah is right. He's a nasty little bugger who deserves to be smacked down. I feel no empathy for him. Do you feel sorry for Voldemort when Harry de-bodified him after killing Harry's parents? How about feeling sorry for Wormtail having to spend so long in hiding?
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tymbrimi @ June 4 2003, 23:58:49 UTC |
you are so right *prostrates self*
Colin is a nasty little idiot, and Neville has detroyed the library in his rage against him! righteous anger! XD
bluekivrin @ June 5 2003, 00:00:03 UTC |
Welcome to the F5 club. First rule of F5 Club is you do not talk about F5 club. The second rule of F5 Club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT F5 Club.
*coughtopicofthreadcough* "F5 button, here I come"?
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 00:04:21 UTC |
Okay, that looks VERY wrong, when you put it that way.
(parent)black_dog @ June 5 2003, 00:09:02 UTC |
I adore Hannah ^^
How much do I love Hannah, for stopping to thank everybody, mid-smackdown, when they congratulate her on her comment?
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tymbrimi @ June 5 2003, 00:20:39 UTC |
she's so violently articulate, it's wonderful *sigh*
and doesn't resort to large capital letters like some people... *cough*colin
notapipe @ June 5 2003, 00:24:38 UTC |
*cough* ron *cough* draco *cough* all other weasleys except percy and possibly ginny *cough* neville *cough* who did i miss?
(parent)spoke @ June 5 2003, 00:28:24 UTC |
You missed
*cough* anyone at all who is trying to get ron to shut up *cough*
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tymbrimi @ June 5 2003, 00:33:48 UTC |
um, me?
Very nice, couldn't have done it better myself!
and you realise that after tonight I will never be able to stop?
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tymbrimi @ June 5 2003, 00:43:59 UTC Re: |
Me?! want to stop? never!
It's just these teachers and parent with such silly ideas about graduating and frankly, I have no idea what they're on about-
I have my priorities!
spoke @ June 5 2003, 00:51:27 UTC |
Ahh. This makes sense. I have wretched people who expect money from me, and so I must work to be able to pay for electricity, which feeds the computer, which lets me access NA and NrAged.
I am sure there is some way around this horrible cycle, but I haven't found it yet. :(
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tymbrimi @ June 5 2003, 00:58:37 UTC Re: |
Ah yes.
Horrible, wretched people. I wonder how my parents would feel about breaking that whole detestable cycle and just giving me the computer access? worth thought...
*makes wild plans for summer*
spoke @ June 5 2003, 01:01:26 UTC |
That would be cool. *wishes you much luck with wild summer plans*
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 00:52:00 UTC |
Oh, yes, that's the plan. Once they catch a live thread and comment on it, and they'll be compulsive. It's the players' way of spreading joy.
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tymbrimi @ June 5 2003, 01:01:01 UTC Re: |
oh well
I'll just have to add it to my list of compulsive addictions then, right under Monday night UPN XD
bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 23:54:39 UTC |
Blast it. Now I feel sorry for the kid. He obviously has no sense of self-worth or a shred of self-knowledge, and so relies on everyone else to "create" a Colin. But everywhere he goes he gets ignored, yelled at and shoved aside. He won't ever learn to respect himself this way, since these things will spiral down further into a vicious cycle of self-hatred and sucking-up-ness. But it seems like no one really has the patience to work with him, to explain to him that he has to learn who he is and what he believes. So wah, Colin.
(parent)spoke @ June 4 2003, 23:57:29 UTC |
aaahhhh! hedidhedidhedid! Colin said he destroyed the library and the regular computers therein are gone and SQUEE!!!
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 23:59:49 UTC |
Let us sing our praises to the greater destroyer, Neville.
(parent)spoke @ June 5 2003, 00:03:49 UTC |
Yes! Hmm. Must compose song... only I can't think of anything because my brain has been reduced to squee... ^^
(parent)notapipe @ June 5 2003, 00:05:48 UTC |
What rhymes with Neville?
Bevel. Level. certian pronounciations of Hegel.
spoke @ June 5 2003, 00:11:52 UTC |
O.o I really don't think I can think of anything.
Suddenly, all I have is Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' running through my head. I would've sworn I didn't remember this many of the lyrics either... O.o
spoke @ June 5 2003, 00:17:29 UTC |
when you release your anger,
your foes will be leveled?
although it doesn't quite rhyme...
tiamet_nox @ June 5 2003, 01:09:53 UTC |
In case in all the refreshing no one noticed the Platonic!Date *cough*
or the flirting.
Figured it should be mentioned because I KNOW I'd be confused had I have missed it^-^
he he he.. I missed Crazy!Colin
black_dog @ June 5 2003, 10:00:37 UTC |
You know, I'd really like to imagine that PS is posting from his hideaway, with Harry resting contentedly on a couch nearby. But it's getting harder and harder to ignore how pointedly PS and Seamus are keeping up with each other, on both the "Cannes" thread and the "Pony" thread.
And Seamus is definitely getting flirtatious. In fact, PS seems to be picking up that vibe and getting nervous about it -- he uses his "I have a shapely girlfriend" icon on an abrupt-sounding reply to this post, where Seamus may have pushed things a bit too far.
So, was Ron on to something, after all? Maybe time for a new thread on this!
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 11:28:48 UTC |
Why does he have to bring a blanket for tea?
And Harry's very quiet this week.
black_dog @ June 5 2003, 11:50:30 UTC |
They're going to be outside on the grass, I think. I guess Seamus is more fastidious than Draco, who has more experience with grass stains.
I do love the image of Draco and Seamus lying together on a blanket, in necessary closeness. Though I wish it was Harry instead of Seamus.
Draco must be a bit overwhelmed, in his own well-defended way -- the first two new friends he's made in ages, and they're both gay, and they both want him. His head must be spinning with a sense of the possibilities.
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 12:40:44 UTC |
Is their relationship still purely platonic? Seamus flirts with Draco more openly than Harry 's ever done. Maybe because the way he talks. When Millicent teased Draco about "a horse whisperer", he didn't even refuse. Seamus may be quite lonely because Dean's always unavailable for him. If the image of them giggling together in the library makes people misunderstand, the image of them lying together'd be beyond horror.
I'm not even certain whether Draco and Harry actually did meet privately or not after Cannes. Nothing's been mentioned at all. Harry,not only avoilding to comment on Draco's posts, but also not replying to Percy's accusation as well.
black_dog @ June 5 2003, 17:06:21 UTC Re: |
I have to laugh to find myself sounding like such a prude, but Seamus really is behaving recklessly here. You're absolutely right -- if Dean noticed the giggling, what is he supposed to think, about a tea party with blankets? And if Harry has learned to be the master of subtlety in dealing with Draco, he must be a bit astonished by how blatant this all is.
There are so many possibilities here for people's motives. Could Seamus be making a deliberate play for Draco? It always struck me, despite Seamus' protestations of love for Dean, that there was a most un-Seamus like soppiness in the way he talked to/about him, and some history of volatility and misunderstanding on Seamus' part. Seamus may protest a little too much about his undying love. Draco may be fascinating to him as a more accessible, funnier and more sophisticated companion.
For Draco's part -- could Draco genuinely find Seamus more interesting than Harry? Is he trying to make Harry jealous? Is he just exploring a sense of his new powers? Is he trying to prove that he can be "just friends" with boys who are gay?
More on the other thread, where the Seamus/Draco discussion seems to be consolidating. Are you one of the "Anonymouses" there, already?
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Anonymous @ June 5 2003, 23:53:08 UTC |
No, I'm not one of the anonymouses on the other thread. And I agree with some people' theories on that entry. But things're changing apparently.
After Dean/Terry incident tonight, I'm uncertain whether Seamus and Dean will break up or not. If so, probably have to reevaluate the situation again. From Harry's most recent entry, it seems like Draco and Harry 're still mad at each other.