shusu @ 2003-06-09 21:44:00 |
the wider world: Notorious YKW.*
Mood: contemplative
[EDIT] *g* Let me put it this way: How does this affect H/D?
19 December at 1103. Narcissa has done her holiday shopping for a whole list of people, including various associates of Lucius and herself.
09 February at 2232. Lucius gets an order from "My Lord." (He's pretty open about it. There's one from earlier where they all go drinking together.)
14 March at 0820. Narcissa mentions trips for business purposes.
06 April at 2112. Narcissa protests that she was purchasing for that wily business associate.
15 April at 2227. Narcissa picks up a few more things for a business associate.
23 April at 1949. Narcissa does some shopping for a business associate.
02 June at 1731. Cho mentions that the Ministry is denying that Voldemort is back.
09 June at 1047. Cho mentions a Death Eater attack in Wales.
I know there were more in comments, particularly a business trip to help an associate during a key reload war, but I can't find them. Might be in the community journal somewhere. I think it was Lucius not being around for Draco. Help?
* quote from here.
blankcanvas @ June 9 2003, 20:19:33 UTC |
I don't have any "business trip" references for you, I'd just like to say that I really hope the Voldemort story line is finally going to be a big part of NA. With Cho coming right out and saying there was an attack, I think this is a real possibility.
shusu @ June 10 2003, 07:35:41 UTC |
I think it's this angle of H/D that we can't forget. Lucius is openly a Death Eater in the NA universe, and the comment which I can't find makes it clear that PS knows his parents run these kinds of errands. I got a chill down my spine when PS sketched that talking Dark Mark... funny yes, but coming from him rather black humor.
Also it is something his *parents* embrace-- Narcissa says "our" associate, and I don't see her having any other business than being Lucius' wife. No matter how much he rebels, Draco has started out his parents' child, and it's that kind of "activism" which has been ingrained in him.
How much does Harry know? It's hard to tell. But I think this goes beyond "Is Draco a good enough person for Harry?" This is more like "Is Draco on the same side of a *war* as Harry?" and that may pose the greater threat to their burgeoning relationship, whatever stage it's at.
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Anonymous @ June 9 2003, 20:22:35 UTC |
I think the Lucius business trip was the same weekend Narcissa had her pureblooded girl make-up party. My connection is slow tonight or I'd look it up myself. -_-
(parent)sheron @ June 9 2003, 21:35:03 UTC |
With YKW on the scene, I'm wondering if the attack was the reason Harry sounded so tired before the weekend. Many fics have him having visions, so in the same vein he might not have been able to sleep and he might have foreseen the attack in Wales.
In any case, despite Cho proclaiming that everyone seems to be oblivious, I'm sure Harry knows some things that he isn't talking about in the journal at all.
vellum @ June 9 2003, 22:47:05 UTC |
i think the mods should put that in the backstories on the webpage.