dragynville @ 2003-06-17 13:02:00 |
mama mia?
Mood: curious
Is it just me, or does it seem like Draco does not want to be alone with Lucius at the end of term? If so, could this have anything to do with his seeming separation of ideals regarding the DE issue? Not to mention the fact that he's been openly flirting with Harry..
(I hope I got all the recent references in there..)
wednesday_tea @ June 17 2003, 15:14:11 UTC |
Just realized (am slow) in the flirting-with-icons thread Draco uses his "I have a shapely girlfriend" icon and says that he is shocked and dismayed, and Harry responds with "I guessed that from your icon." *Laughs* Am so stupid, but found that great.
And I doubt that he'd want to be alone with his father after all of what you just mentioned. *Unhelpful*
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Anonymous @ June 18 2003, 00:49:55 UTC |
*laughs* yeah...I caught that too. Cracked up so bad.
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 17 2003, 16:42:02 UTC *feeling mysteriously random* |
potions_master recently defriended
crabbe. He does have
crabbe listed as a friend, for I don't know how long. I fear the latter was one that went the lonely way of
I do not know the relevance of this, but I thought I'd say it anyway.
xnera @ June 17 2003, 20:15:57 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
Wow... how in the world did you notice that? I usually just gloss over the friends listing.crabbe was just created today. Wonder what that's all about? I do hope it's not a conflict between the players, and rather a plot point.
dragynville @ June 17 2003, 21:26:32 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
crabbe is still listed in the N_A LJ user info, but
crabbe is not. o_O
xnera @ June 17 2003, 21:41:36 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
Yeah, I noticed that. But if you look at "friends of", crabbe has been friended by a good majority of the community, and
crabbe has been defriended. I wonder if the NAM have just not gotten around to updating the
noturne_alley friends listing.
dragynville @ June 17 2003, 21:50:55 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
You're right! crabbe been dropped by 26 so far. Undoubtable, the same 26 who have picked up
crabbe. Must be a new player then. Huh. o.o
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intern_alley @ June 17 2003, 21:54:59 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
No, we're just trying to quietly change Crabbe's username, haha.
(parent)dragynville @ June 17 2003, 21:57:00 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
To what end? Not that I'm complaining, I like the way Crabbe is played. :)
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intern_alley @ June 17 2003, 22:00:45 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
Player's not changing. We discovered that "crabbe" wasn't taken on LJ last night and thought it would be very clever to smoothly switch over, but apparently not so smooth!
(parent)dragynville @ June 17 2003, 22:03:47 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
Ahh.. perhaps you should have employed a little artful redirection then, a little sleight of hand. :D
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 18 2003, 04:33:03 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
Haha, you should know by now that you can never sneak anything past the NrAged-ers. Or if you already have, let me just say: we will find out. >:D
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 18 2003, 04:37:01 UTC Re: *feeling mysteriously random* |
Haha, it is really quite a funny fluke that I know. Before NrAged, I used a character's friends list to watch NA. Specifically potions_master's. Then NrAged came about and everyone used it's friends list, but set in my ways as I am, I continued to use
potions_master's. So imagine my distress when Crabbe's post disappeared! :O
moojja @ June 17 2003, 16:56:45 UTC |
I don't think so, I think it's rather that he wants to be with both his parents. I think it's interesting that Draco hasn't been receiving Narcissa's owl post and her comments in his journal. He could have actually banned her from his journal, but from the sounds of it, he excepted to be with her.
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Anonymous @ June 17 2003, 18:25:31 UTC Puzzled |
Openly flirting with Harry, and defending Ron? (http://www.livejournal.com/users/erniemacmillan/3858.html?thread=77842#t77842)
I doubt it, but what does he mean by that? Is "imbecilic worm" a phrase that Draco uses often and has claimed?
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Anonymous @ June 17 2003, 22:07:09 UTC Re: Puzzled |
Is "imbecilic worm" a phrase that Draco uses often and has claimed?
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Anonymous @ June 18 2003, 19:10:34 UTC |
Actually, I'm glad that I now know this, because it makes a theory about Colin all the more likely. When I first saw this comment (http://www.livejournal.com/users/crabbe/6426.html?thread=16922#t16922), I was a little suspicious, but now I'm almost certain that Colin's trying to worm his way into Slytherin house now that it looks like neither Gryffindor nor Hufflepuff will have him. His buddy-buddy comment to Crabbe and Draco-imitating are a little conspicuous. (Enough for PS to notice, anyway.)
(parent)moojja @ June 17 2003, 18:35:55 UTC |
I don't think so, I think it's more that he wants to spent sometime w/ his mother also. What do people think of the fact that he hasn't been getting his mother's owl post or journal comments. He obviously wants to spent time w/ her.
(parent)dragynville @ June 17 2003, 21:35:03 UTC |
I think it's more likely that he's been ignoring her owls again. The only time he actively sought her company recently seemed to be when she was staying at Dogear Wryde, where Harry also just happened to be.
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Anonymous @ June 17 2003, 19:48:30 UTC |
Could Draco block someone from commenting to his journal? Harry used to ask this sort of question last year. And according to the rule, apparently he was not allowed. Has the rule already been changed? Or he just deleted some unwanted comments later.