quixotic_sense @ 2003-06-26 01:23:00 |
*hits F5*
Mood: sick
deanthomas just posted. They've been pulling out bodies. Oh god. Am watching
potions_master's post and
scotchtartan's post very closely.
Neville has more details on previous events.
UPDATE: Oh, Terry...la_pensee has also posted. Denial and a foreshadowing of scapegoating to come?
It seems that all of the Slytherins are alive and accounted for except Blaise Zabini.
Also, this comment by potterstinks made me wonder exactly how involved (or not involved) he was in the rescue operations.
MORE UPDATES: hannahabbott posted -- and check out the comments by Dean and Seamus. I can't believe that Hannah is trying to play matchmaker.
pinkstarsgirlie is posting "
M.B. is asking about Harry!!!
It's nearly 4am, but I can't possibly go to bed now. #_#
LAST UPDATE BEFORE BED: Defensive much, Draco? It would also seem that he's been avoiding going to the infirmary.
"YES, I LIED" UPDATES: Susan's post is breaking my heart.
And boy, Dean sounds pissed. EDIT: Uh... not pissed, no.
Hmm. First mention of a certain OotP character in N_A.
LAST UPDATE, I SWEAR: The fourth year Ravenclaws have been found! *nearly faints with relief*
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 09:27:20 UTC |
wah, this is all so sad. it is making me cry whereas OotP didn't - i am an odd person. wah, harry!
(parent)xnera @ June 25 2003, 10:01:59 UTC |
Well, if you're weird then I must be weird, too, as I'm having the same reaction.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:10:41 UTC |
!!! It's them!! OOOH. I love them.
And Terry? Slightly morbid, but seemingly responcible.
quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 10:17:14 UTC |
He seems so calm and matter-of-fact. It's ironic that in a time like this, the flaky half of the Dean-and-Terry duo turns out to be practical one.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:21:52 UTC |
Yeah. I'm rather impressed by them. Shows why they were put in their houses again. Calm, intellectual Terry and Brave Dean. ^^
love your icon, BTW
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:33:02 UTC |
Oho... So, Draco can't see them, eh? Not as world-wise as we seem, hmmmmm?
(parent)quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 10:35:46 UTC |
*nods* I wonder if he'd actually been helping at all. I would wager that he wasn't among the people who'd been pulling out the bodies.
And thank you for the compliment on my icon. ^^
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:40:21 UTC |
I imagine Draco's been holed up somewhere wibbling about Harry. Possibly with MB standing guard.
quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 10:50:15 UTC |
Considering potterstink's marked distaste for getting his hands dirty, I wonder if he hadn't just found excuses not to go near where the rescue operation is. It seems to me that Ron's attack angered him to the point where he can use it to keep from wibbling.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:56:36 UTC |
True. Although I get the suspicion that M.B.'s asking about Potter for Draco, as well as giving all her loyal fans a fix of her God-ness.
Or that could just be me.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:19:08 UTC |
Pansy's always up to something and redy to shift blame. Granted, we don't know for SURE it was a DE attack, but that's what the professors seem to think.
Soon, the blaming will begin.
la_trix @ June 25 2003, 11:06:25 UTC We have confirmation? |
I certainly didn't know there were Death Eaters involved until Saturday morning.
Is Draco admitting knowledge that this was a Death Eater attack, or is he merely commenting on the speculation set forth by the teachers?
anjaliesque @ June 25 2003, 10:34:55 UTC Um. |
Is anyone going to do anything about those weird-looking horses all over the front lawns?
I want to comment on this, but I do not know if to do so would be considered spoilery for OoTP. *wibbles*
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:36:54 UTC Re: Um. |
I know. So want to comment and go: Oooh, I know what they aaaaaaaaaaaare! but I can't. WAH.
*waves at mods* Would it be too spoilery to discuss them, or is NA going to get to it in it's own sweet time?
*wibble* 4thyearRavenclaws.....
anjaliesque @ June 25 2003, 10:45:51 UTC Re: Um. |
You know, considering it was all (but one) Hufflepuffs who perished, I think that house in particular is going to get further withdrawn and suspicious of others. Since they were also all second-years (but one), that year may also be very shaken and unstable. They're twelve-year-olds! Hearbreakingly tragic.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:59:45 UTC Re: Um. |
Yeah! *wibble* The poor hufflepuffs will be completely nurotic by the time this ordeal is over.
(parent)quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 11:03:15 UTC Re: Um. |
The entire fourth year Ravenclaw class is still missing. And Dean mentioned bodies. It doesn't look good for them. T_T
When the dust has settled, it seems that the likelihood of even the calm and intellectual Ravenclaws turning on a convenient scapegoat (ie, the Slytherins) is getting higher and higher.
anjaliesque @ June 25 2003, 11:05:49 UTC Re: Um. |
Eek. Take pity on my incompetence, and link me to where the missing fourth-year Ravenclaws are mentioned. For the life of me, I can't find it.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 11:12:26 UTC Re: Um. |
The list here. The only people besides Zabini still missing are the 4th year Ravenclaws. ;_; *wibble*
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 25 2003, 11:15:50 UTC Re: Um. |
I realized it right after, in the usual idiotic way, but yes. You're too kind.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 11:17:44 UTC Re: Um. |
*bow* I missed them at first too. I'm like Oh, look at all those missing ravenclaws... *day later* HEY! Those are all 4th year ravenclaws! O_O
(parent)quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 10:36:59 UTC Re: Um. |
I've been trying to comment on it without going into details and spoiling everyone. I suppose the flames will tell me if I've succeeded. ^^;;;
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 25 2003, 10:41:48 UTC Re: Um. |
We could code-named them the WLH- "weird-looking horses." I think it's rather sad that there are going to be so many more people in Hogwarts now that can see the WLH. 'Cept Draco. Well, at least this way we know he hasn't gotten that deeply involved into Death Eater activities.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:45:19 UTC Re: Um. |
WLH is good, for now.
And it is sad, really. This whole thing is a terrible mess, and beautifly planned. I'm wibbling like mad here at work.
And I am immesurably glad Draco can't see the WLH. Means he's not too far gone, DE-wise.
milenalupin @ June 25 2003, 12:23:09 UTC Re: Um. |
Would it be very spoilerish to point at "Magical Beasts And Where To Find Them", chapter Flying Horses? *wibbles*
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 12:27:04 UTC Re: Um. |
Good girl. That's probably the least spoilerish way to do it.
(parent)quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 10:46:50 UTC Re: Um. |
Y'know, I haven't thought of that. So he really isn't Death Eater Jr., at least not to the point where he could be thrown into Azkaban.
(parent)milenalupin @ June 25 2003, 12:28:49 UTC Re: Um. |
Wondering here.
I thought you needed to see the act, not the result...
Who did Terry see ... do it?
portkey @ June 25 2003, 12:32:06 UTC Re: Um. |
That's what I thought, as well. And considering that recently Draco saw the result, but still can't see the horses, I think we can conclude that the NA players agree.
As for who Terry saw.. I think he'll have to let us know, himself.
quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 12:38:53 UTC Re: Um. |
But from the tone of his post, it doesn't seem as if he'd seen the horses before today. O_o Susan has, but Terry doesn't seem to know that they were the ones who pulled the carriages.
(parent)quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 12:46:28 UTC Re: Um. |
I'm sorry, I'm running on adrenalin and too little sleep. ^^
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 11:10:23 UTC Re: Um. |
!! Susan's been able to see them for awhile now, I think. Wow....
(parent)quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 11:23:05 UTC Re: Um. |
Under the bad spelling and missing capital letters, a hidden depth lurks.
quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 11:43:54 UTC Re: Um. |
Oh dear. Terry doesn't know what they are. o_o
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thegirlingreen @ June 25 2003, 10:36:00 UTC um |
speaking of hitting f5, the new post is from hannah.
i don't think seamus and dean are "back together" so much as, like, finding comfort in each other...
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:41:58 UTC Re: um |
yeah. gave us all hope, though... Alas.
Poor Hannah, she has no clue what's going on between them.
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 12:14:21 UTC Re: um |
Yes, *cough* it's dean/boot back-together time now
That's hot.
kittikattie @ June 25 2003, 10:38:15 UTC |
I find it a bit callous by Lucius that he's discussing a summer vacation when there are dead students. >=(
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 10:50:16 UTC |
Lucius is callous. He probbably doesn't care one what about any of the other students there excep fro Draco, and maybe a few others.
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neveth @ June 25 2003, 11:08:05 UTC |
Bless the Terrible Trio! Bringing a moment of levity to the ordeal (which is, methinks, greatly needed.) Draco and Pansy's excange on their guilt is priceless.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ June 25 2003, 11:44:00 UTC |
This whole thing is scaring me v. badly. :( WAH, HARRY. *frets*
It is 90 degrees outside and I should go swimming, but this is much higher on my priority list.
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 12:41:25 UTC |
My computer area isn't air conditioned... *wibble*
Ach... well... I'll leave soon
portkey @ June 25 2003, 12:11:56 UTC *boggles* |
Dean has shut the lights off. And he's using his 'mmmmsex' icon (even though I can't fully appreciate it, because the colors on my computer are screwed up).
quixotic_sense @ June 25 2003, 12:14:27 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Um. Maybe "pissed" isn't the right word...
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 12:15:05 UTC Re: *boggles* |
That's hot. Times of great stress... lead to good hook-ups.
portkey @ June 25 2003, 12:18:11 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Heh. I want to quote Terry and say, "Oh, not again," because Seamus/Dean is probably my favorite pairing in NA, but Dean/Terry is too sexy to resist.
I just wish I could see the icon clearly. Mmmmmmsex, indeed.
*kicks computer*
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 12:20:20 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Yes. Boot/Thomas is an incredibly aesthetically pleasing duo.... mMmmmm.........
la_trix @ June 25 2003, 12:23:06 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Yes, someone on another thread mentioned how perhaps now the survivors will start hooking up because of the stress; could be an effort to "prove they're still alive," or something.
I think it may also be happening here.
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 12:26:06 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Good call. Are there any other couples we're missing?
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 25 2003, 13:17:49 UTC Re: *boggles* |
I'm sure that once Harry is safe and his parents fuss to their hearts' content, we won't see Sirius and Remus for a while.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 12:38:36 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Justin and Susan?! Man, Justin and Susan are least likely to have sex ever! She's very innocent!
But since we've been so nasty in not posting any smut logs, here is the one and only smut log you will ever get from NA. Justin/Susan.
Justin: that is hysterical
Susan: Justin and Susan are sex machines.
Justin: of course!
Susan: Did you want to RP our sex then?
Susan: >:0!
Justin: you're evil
Susan: these tennis shoes are so tight i had better take them off ;;)
Justin: here, let me help
Justin: *removes socks*
Susan: *feels faint*
Justin: *strokes ankle*
Susan: *removes dolphin anklet ;;)*
-Susan's player.
la_trix @ June 25 2003, 12:42:45 UTC Re: *boggles* |
All right! All right! *blushes furiously*
I guess I have been proven very, very wrong.
In my defense, it was the "um, talk" part that made me think it. I take it back!
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 12:44:49 UTC Re: *boggles* |
We are just giggling about it, do not feel bad! Have an envelope!
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 12:57:54 UTC Re: *boggles* |
My poor freezie-pop. I crushed it when I read this as I shook with laughter.
You, are my hero.
theantimodel @ June 25 2003, 13:13:49 UTC Re: *boggles* |
but... but... but... *points to your post* but.. *points to this comment. bub she's missing her anklet!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 25 2003, 14:56:04 UTC Re: *boggles* |
*theatrical gasp of horror* We're on to them! Innocent my left foot!
And what do they mean the only smut log we're ever going to see? There are more?
I wanna seeeeeeee! *so jealous*
la_trix @ June 25 2003, 17:29:39 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Smut logs! Dean/Boot typing furiously? Draco/Harry secret encounters in print?
Oh, to be an insider ...
tiamet_nox @ June 25 2003, 17:38:03 UTC Re: *boggles* |
no kidding! Or at least to be a member of a top secret government orginisation that can raid the internet a gain access to said logs.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 17:41:25 UTC Re: *boggles* |
You all suck. >:[!!! (Which I am saying jokingly, I should probably clarify!)
tiamet_nox @ June 25 2003, 17:45:09 UTC Re: *boggles* |
^-^ Thanks for the log, Susan. You rock!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 25 2003, 17:48:54 UTC Re: *boggles* |
In other news... can we barter for the other logs? You can be our insider and filter the information to us through a high tech system of pullys and trained poodles. We are prepared to start negotiations at one million dollars.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 17:50:06 UTC Re: *boggles* |
I didn't mean that there were other logs, though! I just meant in general it was the only time there would be an RP log posted for NA! :laughs!:
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 25 2003, 17:52:40 UTC Re: *boggles* |
Drat. Now what am I supposed to do with the three hundred and ten poodles I just ordered over e-bay?
notapipe @ June 25 2003, 21:04:22 UTC Re: *boggles* |
There are lots of starving kids in North Korea...
(parent)zachnginnygrrrl @ June 25 2003, 22:31:51 UTC Re: *boggles* |
u r really funny, man!!!!hahahahah