tabiji @ 2003-07-03 22:24:00 |
just_harry returns!
Yay! just_harry is back! The Dursleys aren't being too difficult, and Dudder's room stinks!
Edited to add: Draco and Lucius seem to be less than pleased with Narcissa's new friend.
Edited to add more: Fred & George are up to something again! Love those Weasleys!
rain206 @ July 3 2003, 20:01:55 UTC |
He sounds so happy and cheerful. Apparently Sirius and Remus's threats worked. Yay!
(parent)zionsstarfish @ July 3 2003, 20:07:43 UTC |
Awwwwww. *looks around* *smooshes j_h*
Happy is good. but I have to wonder if any of his happy post is really a carefully concealed front. Oh well, a little optimism never hurt anyone.
*cough* ok then.
rain206 @ July 3 2003, 20:31:08 UTC |
That was my first thought, but I prefer to live in my delusional happy world where Harry is genuinely happy.
Besides, the image of Vernon wrapped in cords cracks me up.
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squigeon @ July 3 2003, 21:49:47 UTC |
I can't help feeling suspicious almost every time j_h uses an exclamation point. Then there's the fact that he used them here in sentences pertaining to himself, of all things. Wah. But let's hope this is genuine, eh?
And I suppose I'm forever pessimistic. Ah, well :P
vellum @ July 3 2003, 20:26:00 UTC |
ernie's second comment, somewhere along these lines because i can never keep track of scrolling stuff:
"even though you're gay, you're pretty cool."
pornography @ July 3 2003, 21:10:45 UTC |
and even though you're gay maybe you're not all that bad. Fish!
Thats erniemacmillan for you. . .
theantimodel @ July 3 2003, 22:15:29 UTC |
I <3 Ernie, bigoted as he may be.
And Harry, actually enjoying himself. loves. I noticed that he hadn't replied to Ernie, what do you want to bet that if PS replies he'll talk? I am really missing their interaction. *sigh* PS needs to get his apparition license soon.
zionsstarfish @ July 3 2003, 22:39:15 UTC |
I miss their banter too. I do think that, for all that Harry might want to give Draco the credit he deserves for the fishification of the wand, Draco might consider it better that the general populace forgets that he had anything to do with it. We'll see, I guess.
(parent)milenalupin @ July 4 2003, 02:27:04 UTC |
You want interaction...? - Take that.
xnera @ July 4 2003, 06:47:24 UTC |
...As umpteen other people mention down thread. *laughs at self*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 23:46:36 UTC |
Lucius has never been very supportive of Narcissa's attempts to empower herself as it undermines his authority. I think he tolerates it because she normally uses it for little issues.
However, now that what's-her-name is staying with them for an unknown amount of time, Lucius feels very threatened. I'm sure this woman won't think twice about pointing out to his wife how she is kept under his thumb.
This should make for some interesting conflict.
As to the Draco/Harry issue, the change in location might bring some new issues for the two to flirt over. ^_^ All is not lost!
I'm forever refreshing Harry's post in hopes that Draco has said something.
zorb @ July 4 2003, 00:07:42 UTC |
I'm forever refreshing Harry's post in hopes that Draco has said something.
Squee, he did! Sounds like he's missing j_h, too. *refreshes*
babytyggeryss @ July 4 2003, 00:13:13 UTC |
Well, the Dragon Prince has post in the Reluctant Knight's journal.
Dear Harry Potter,
Your journal is still ugly. Why?
Draco Malfoy.
He was using the "i am brutally attractive" icon, of course.
I would say that things are off to a nice start.
tabiji @ July 4 2003, 00:17:22 UTC |
Harry didn't post that out in the community, so Draco was actually looking specifically for Harry :D
I am now counting down 'til the 18th.
babytyggeryss @ July 4 2003, 00:22:57 UTC |
Yes, I think it might be "I miss you; are you ok?" spoken in a tongue only Gods and Malfoys use.
Never-the-less, it's very sweet and I'm having a fan-girl moment. ^_^
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dry_your_eyes @ July 4 2003, 00:42:54 UTC |
what's up? why doesn't Harry answer? *wibbles*
babytyggeryss @ July 4 2003, 00:46:54 UTC |
Harry said that he was in the Small Whale's room but because it smelled and because it was more entertaining to watch the Large Whale fight the cords on his new laptop, he was going to sign off.
He will answer, in time.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 4 2003, 00:54:11 UTC Re: |
I'm sure it's much more enterataining for Harry to talkflirt with Draco^_^ Too bad he's away now:(
babytyggeryss @ July 4 2003, 01:18:02 UTC |
Yes, that is sad. >_<
However, I'm quite happy, for the time being, to watch the conversation on leather pants unfold.
tabiji @ July 4 2003, 03:13:30 UTC |
Whoa. Sirius and Lucius were really trading jabs at each other!
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hobaggins @ July 4 2003, 06:12:17 UTC |
Draco posted using the I am brutatlly attractive icon.
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Anonymous @ July 4 2003, 14:10:26 UTC |
I don't know if anyone has already said something about this, but doesn't Peligroso mean 'dangerous' in Spanish? Could be a sign. What of, I have no idea.
la_trix @ July 4 2003, 23:08:57 UTC |
Dangerous for Lucius, probably, if Narcissa starts asserting herself in opposition to him! ;)
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Anonymous @ July 5 2003, 06:54:44 UTC |
Is that why he was ordering more vodka ( for her? I was a little confused about that.
babytyggeryss @ July 5 2003, 08:56:34 UTC |
I think that is exactly why he's ordering more vodka. Lucius is all about power and this empowerment woman is threatening his control over his wife.
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Anonymous @ July 5 2003, 11:55:39 UTC |
Yes, that explains why Lucius doesn't like her, but do you think that Draco doesn't because he doesn't have such a free reign (if that's the right expression) when she's all empowered? Maybe he wants to go visit someone ( without being noticed. But that is probably just the romantic in me being hopeful.
babytyggeryss @ July 5 2003, 21:23:20 UTC |
I'm not sure what to think about Draco yet. Draco could be acting that way because that is how he is expected to act; it maybe because he doesn't like this woman. I don't really know. I'm sure he'll post something about her and we can all go from there.
Empowerment isn't about telling others what to do, it's being able to stand on your own. As Narcissa also wants her son to be empowered, telling him what to do is counter-productive. I'm not going to theorize on the Harry issue yet as I have nothing to base a theory on. Once the 18th comes and goes and Draco can come and go as he pleases, we can watch Narcissa's reaction to this new freedom.
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fourscore @ July 5 2003, 22:36:58 UTC |
Narcissa likes Harry, though, so I doubt Draco's doing this has anything to do with wanting to make it easier on himself to visit Harry -- Narcissa wouldn't be the one he would need to worry about.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 6 2003, 03:55:57 UTC |
If Narcissa objects to Draco visiting Harry it might be because Harry lives with Muggles.
Draco does have to worry about, and answer to, His Father. While I think Lucius's hold on Draco has been weakened by Draco's personal growth and the inheritance he received from his grandmother, it's still there. Lucius holds the purse strings and money is always a powerful tool.
tabiji @ July 5 2003, 12:36:37 UTC |
You know, that's an excellent point. Since Draco doesn't like when people overindulge in alcohol, why would he be encouraging Lucius to get more vodka for Narcissa?
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Anonymous @ July 4 2003, 16:14:50 UTC |
Can I just say how much I love Nocturne Alley's version of Cho? Particularly interacting with the Weasleys, any Weasley. I think this ( thread really says it all.
-a random lurker
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hobaggins @ July 4 2003, 22:10:20 UTC |
Oh Wow
Oblivious!Ron and Protective!Draco
Would squee if wasn't wibbling over poor Harry in Muggleland
la_trix @ July 4 2003, 23:06:35 UTC |
Wow, that was almost a pleasant conversation between Ron and Draco. Is the world coming to an end?
Hmm. So Harry was furious about being sent back to the Muggles, according to Draco (and why wouldn't he be?), and now he posts a blithe entry about Vernon's struggles with the computer. He probably doesn't want anyone to worry, but I'll bet he feels just wretched. He hasn't responded to any comments, and no one's mentioned any emails from him yet, and I feel so sorry for him!
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hobaggins @ July 4 2003, 23:11:57 UTC Re: |
I didn't really think it was pleasant I thought that Draco was sort of embarrassed for Ron, he felt bad for Harry's reaction
I mean in a sense thats pleasant, but I definitely saw it more as a protection of Harry, he didn't want it rubbed in Harry's face what a kickass time Harry's best friend was having while he was locked away in Muggleville. He wanted to save a little bit of the suffering of being forced to stay with the Dursleys
Then he left the journal I think possibly from a combination of wanting to save Harry the embarrassment of Ron's unwitting infliction and wanting to distance himself from being so outrightly defending poor Harry in such a decent (in his own way it was very decent) manner
But I could be an idiot, so maybe you shouldn't listen to me
babytyggeryss @ July 5 2003, 01:19:42 UTC |
I hope Harry's laptop is hooked up now. We didn't hear from him until Day Three and then The Muggles were scrambling around to make sure that he posted so they could avoid a visit from Harry's parents.
I wonder if Sirius's words will have any effect in the long run. Maybe someone needs to remind them that the neighbors wouldn't like it if odd people suddenly showed up at #4's door.
The 6th is when Harry is due to post again. It should be interesting.