vellum @ 2003-07-26 20:57:00 |
(no title)
Mood: anxious
narcissa falls off her broom and goes to st. mungo's. you know, weetzie is pretty html savvy to change the font color like that.
foo: just to prevent SPAMMING, lucius has called for his son and lupercus has posted:
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. - jane howard "families". it seems ms. howard was a businesswoman.
Onward to vaster and wider rings.- The Occultation of Orion, second verse, same poem snape's used before.
is there something behind the "mabella and clara" thing, or is that just random?
bar: notapipe brought up that
turpinol does not like kirley mccormack. my life is now in shambles after finding out that, in fact, the weird sisters are not all girls.
untiemybinds @ July 26 2003, 21:11:05 UTC |
You know, as soon as I read this I couldn't help but think this was a handy way for her to loss her baby (ie. "miscarriage"), does this make me a bad person?
(parent)vellum @ July 26 2003, 21:31:56 UTC |
of course it does :D
KIDDING. no, i thought "miscarriage" the moment i read it, too. unless, you know, i'm a bad person as well.
untiemybinds @ July 26 2003, 21:41:21 UTC |
We are not bad people. :P
A planned "miscarriage" though, either by Lucius, Narcissa or both in order to get rid of an unwanted baby.
Hmm. Either way, it's supicious.
jenicomprispas @ July 26 2003, 21:45:14 UTC |
*joins bad-person club* I thought so too. But p'raps it won't be tragic and the maybe-baby will be revealed (and okay).
(parent)tiamet_nox @ July 26 2003, 22:41:23 UTC |
Miscarriage never even crossed my mind. ^-^ I'm slow. I thought it was a cover up for going to St. Mungo's to check up on the progress of the pregnancy. Guess the progress has been cut a little short! You're right, miscarriage seems highly likely. And convenient. Very convenient.
But still... miscarriage sucks.
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cacklebang @ July 26 2003, 21:52:30 UTC |
Strangely, this reminds me of the show Gata Salvaje.
pornography @ July 26 2003, 21:56:32 UTC |
It might be bad to think it was a planned fall though. . . *joins bad people club*
Do you think they have house-elf HTML training classes or something? o.o
untiemybinds @ July 26 2003, 22:13:45 UTC |
I thought immediately that it was a planned fall, since they hadn't said anything about the baby or anything.
But I am a pretty bad person. :D
blue_lightning @ July 26 2003, 22:19:27 UTC well... |
I certainly hope it's a miscarriage. Frankly, the baby thing creeps me out. But think about it... this way Narcissa got a lot in the way of plot out of being pregnant, and, following her miscarriage, she will get to fall into a state of shock, followed by being greatly depressed for having lost her baby.
She'll blame herself, Lucius will assuage her, yadda yadda...
And THEN, when Draco realizes he has competition from a dead baby, will he FINALLY start to want his mother's attentions, and will post comments like "Surely I'm all the child you ever needed or wanted?" because he'll start feeling a little put out by the change in his mother's affections.
I think, as a plot twist, this would be fantastic. I do hope she loses the baby. ^_~
(and yes, I'm a monster)
notapipe @ July 27 2003, 00:02:40 UTC |
I think we should amend Remus's location to "the American Midwest". (Bias note: I'm there now, so you can see why I suggest this.)
(parent)vellum @ July 27 2003, 00:04:12 UTC |
and for what reason are we moving remus to the american midwest?
(parent)mimulus_arbutus @ July 27 2003, 00:46:12 UTC |
i agree.
"somewhere 'that is completely devoid of any kind of culture, interest, and a decent cup of tea.'" does not describe ALL of america! perhaps the midwest is more accurate, but i can't really say.
hmph! stash tea is darn tasty, thankyouverymuch and there is culture in my city!
notapipe @ July 27 2003, 01:19:24 UTC |
I second the stash tea. That is GOOD stuff. There actually is culture in my city here in the midwest (one month left), it's just not easy to believe or tell.
(parent)notapipe @ July 27 2003, 00:22:00 UTC |
I wonder if Kirley McCormack remembers me from our school days.
Not the news Lisa was looking for, I expect.
I am also confused: why is Remus related to people from West Virginia?
notapipe @ July 27 2003, 01:17:37 UTC |
No one. I just thought Mabella and Clara sounded like southern names, and though West Virginia is border, it's still held up as southern. I have been very cryptic and hard to understand these last two comments, sorry.
(parent)notapipe @ July 27 2003, 01:33:49 UTC |
Thought on the Weird Sisters and males in the group. Perhaps they're visual kei? Maybe they do a sort of Dir En Grey thing, where one cannot tell that they're male? It'd be cool.
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overdone @ July 27 2003, 02:49:19 UTC |
Or perhaps they're something like the magical version of Twisted Sister.