dragynville @ 2003-08-01 00:27:00 |
is that boy ever straightforward?
Draco posts with a lot of semi-veiled references to taking gifts and baking biscuits and consulting decorators and such.
*cough* bitter much? *cough*
He makes another interesting comment at the end (couched in story form) about alcohol, finishing up with: an odour which I find particularly abhorrent. Could this have something to do with the fact that Harry's been going out drinking with Remus lately, even to the point of drunkeness the night before? And could that have been part of the reason why he didn't go visit Harry with his mother?
[post edited for clarity and links]
notapipe @ August 1 2003, 00:42:56 UTC |
I think it's his mother. I know I had problems with the smell of alcohol before I started drinking for that reason. It's not fun for a kid to see their mother drunk all the time. I really don't think it's about Harry, but a simple fact, something he's felt for a while.
(parent)dragynville @ August 1 2003, 00:53:07 UTC |
Hmm.. but it's sudden inclusion coming on the heels of Harry and Remus' all-nighter.. and his refusing to visit Harry with his mother..
..well, it just seemed rather jumbled together. Maybe it was about both? His mother's drinking problem and Harry's recent taking to it more and more..?
notapipe @ August 1 2003, 01:06:51 UTC |
Well, there's no reason why new information has to correlate with new events. Sometimes such information just "comes out". Besides, he's not feeling partiuclarly charitable towards his mother right now. But I think that a hatred for the smell of alcohol COMES from his mother's alcoholism. Besides, he's seen drunk!Harry before. Hell, he's been KISSED by drunk!Harry before.
(parent)dragynville @ August 1 2003, 01:14:50 UTC |
Hell, he's been KISSED by drunk!Harry before.
Good lord, I forgot all about that! 0.0
No, I agree that the feeling stems from his mother's drinking, but I was thinking the recent incidents with Harry (sleeping through his visit, and boasting about getting drunk) had maybe incited the sudden flare-up, since he'd been fairly quiet on the subject through Narcissa's latest binge.
sistermagpie @ August 1 2003, 06:55:58 UTC |
I admit I was a little worried about Harry's drinking with Lupin too. Not because I think Harry's becoming an alcoholic or anything. It just sort of worried me that Harry's depressed and Lupin distracted him with wine. I feel weird even saying it because I'm usually not all that sensitive to people occasionally getting drunk, I just didn't quite like this being a pattern of their time together. I'm glad they talked about Sirius, though.
(parent)dragynville @ August 1 2003, 13:53:49 UTC |
I just didn't quite like this being a pattern of their time together.
Yes, just what I was thinking. And if Draco's mother has a drinking problem, then he certainly won't exactly want to see Harry take to it like a fish to water.
tabiji @ August 1 2003, 03:28:27 UTC |
No, no Harry didn't actually kiss him when he was drunk, he just admitted to wanting to.
notapipe @ August 1 2003, 00:50:56 UTC |
As for the edit (I still stand by the point that it's his mother's alocoholism), I don't think it's about Harry's drunkeness, but being negative about the failure of their nighttime roundevous, for one. Also, perhaps he doesn't want to deal with Harry in the presence of his mother. For obvious reasons.
(parent)dragynville @ August 1 2003, 00:56:33 UTC |
umm.. he's just written an expose on Harry.. must go read now. *runs*
see previous reply or something.. XD
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hobaggins @ August 2 2003, 14:10:54 UTC |
Am I the only one who didn't get the the conversation between Draco and M.B.?
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 2 2003, 18:17:49 UTC |
I read it as meaning that Draco makes a joke about M.B. not doing well on apparating theory. Then M.B. responds back with a threat couched in apparating theory terms (I'm sure you got that part). Draco suggests she's jealous either of his license or of her mother liking him. I think M.B.'s last line is telling Draco he's too old for her mother because her mother is emotionally immature...or it could be a sarcastic remark about her mother chasing after younger guys, making even Draco too old for her.
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hobaggins @ August 2 2003, 18:37:50 UTC |
Ah, thanks.
I'm usually not so slow on the uptake
Merci beaucoup
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Anonymous @ August 2 2003, 21:20:13 UTC |
I think it's about jealousy and is a veiled and vague reference to Pansy. We all suspect something between MB and Pansy. Pansy has been completely neglecting MB over the summer, hasn't mentioned her, and they haven't seen each other since the end of the term. Meanwhile, she's outright flirting with Arthur where Milicent will see it, and probably has.. Millicent is probably jealous of bitter of this attention Pansy is giving Arthur everyday, and is lashing out by saying that while Pansy and Arthur can have a Lolita like fling (if so), Draco is unfortunately "too old" for his mother.. which seems like an insult and an amusing joke about Pansy