qwyneth @ 2003-08-10 10:49:00 |
Potentially stupid question.
Mood: curious
Ok, I thought of this last night while extremely tired and stressed, so if it's ridiculously stupid, forgive me my brain fart.
Has anyone wondered whether perhaps there's something more behind Sirius' sudden attitude? Whether he was asked by Dumbledore to pretend to be irresponsible and fucking over his marriage to get closer to Lucius or something? Remus and Sirius may have even staged this whole thing, and not told anyone to try and keep it realistic. Perhaps that's why we're not getting any sob sessions from Remus, Sirius, or Harry.
I don't know, I've just been wondering why the two apparently haven't spoken or tried to work this out, Remus moved out so fast, and Sirius is being *quite* that whorish and idiotic. I mean...these guys *just* got married, and they essentially have a son. It just seems like they're backing out too fast. I'm not sure I see their marriage as being that fragile.
noirenails @ August 10 2003, 09:08:46 UTC |
You know, you're genius. It is possible, now that I think about it.
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dry_your_eyes @ August 10 2003, 09:21:37 UTC |
I don't think it's possible, I bloody hope it is!
I'm so tired of wibbling and that's the only light in this darkness...
noirenails @ August 10 2003, 09:52:41 UTC |
Someone should really do something. They're trying but all we see in the end is the major angst overload.
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dry_your_eyes @ August 10 2003, 10:09:04 UTC |
Now I'm almost sure it's a conspiracy plan or something. We hear too little from Harry and Sirius is NOT that bad, we KNOW it!!
Fine, I'm just searching for pathetic excuses to believe S/R's not over
But it's disgusting if Sirius had to sleep with Lucius to achieve something. Bloody Dumbledore! *grrr*
maggie_malfoy @ August 10 2003, 09:10:01 UTC |
Has anyone wondered whether perhaps there's something more behind Sirius' sudden attitude? Whether he was asked by Dumbledore to pretend to be irresponsible and fucking over his marriage to get closer to Lucius or something?
I like it in theory, but would Sirius actually be prepared to put so much at risk? I mean, he's lost a lot, and recently gained so much more... *wibbles* I miss their happy little family...
However, I do hope their troubles are something akin to your idea, because the thought of their marriage actually breaking down is nasty.
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chasingwhispers @ August 10 2003, 10:12:44 UTC Hmm |
I like the sound of it, but if Sirius were doing it all to get closer to Lucius wouldn't he be encouraging Lucius' advances more? At the moment he's still being stupid by talking to Lucius at all, but pretty much ultimately rebuffing him.
Unless this is a tactic of 'playing hard to get' so Lucius is further tempted and everyone else doesn't suspect? If so, it seems a bit complex, even for Nocturne Alley!
Love R/S and keeping fingers crossed for this theory anyway though.
(Hello! I'm a newbie here but I've been following NA for simply aaaages. Still grinding teeth over my complete moronic ignorance of this community's existance until now! ::Smacks forehead::)
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Anonymous @ August 10 2003, 10:42:24 UTC |
Perhaps that's why we're not getting any sob sessions from Remus, Sirius, or Harry.
I dunno, while Remus isn't giving us any sob sessions, it feels like he's very very down... and this whole sleeplessness thing speaks to me as strongly as any tearfest. They may simply not want to expose their problems to the world, preferring a stiff upper lip.
Also, Snape's obvious concern makes me think that this is genuine. He's never acted this worried before, and it's hard for me to imagine Remus letting him remain so worried if it was all an act.
eponis @ August 10 2003, 12:18:24 UTC |
I agree. I could see Remus putting on a show for Narcissa, given her obvious and immediate connection to Malfoy, but I don't think he'd deceive Snape that way. Certainly he could be in on it too, but if that was the case, it would probably be easier just not to comment on things.
Unless, of course, the goal of all this really does have something to do with Sirius getting something from Lucius, and Lucius would be easier to seduce if he thought that Remus was too busy with Snape to care about Sirius. The thing is, I'm surprised that Remus walked out, too, but it's not the first time these particular arguments have come up in their relationship. They could be playing them up to achieve something, but I'm inclined toward the more obvious theory that they really did have a very bad quarrel, from various issues building up.
snowballjane @ August 10 2003, 11:17:36 UTC |
Oooo, conspiracy theory. Ernie would be so proud.
You Hufflepuff you.
jenicomprispas @ August 10 2003, 11:41:52 UTC |
Brill!! I was trying to work it out along the lines of some sort of spell or something...but I like your idea better, it works more with the characters and storyline.
I know that this community has been in a constant state of "Sirius...what are you thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" since Dumbledore's party and I think this could work out. I hope.
I'm glad you pointed out that their marriage doesn't seem this fragile, I couldn't agree more. Even if everything is as it appears to be, it doesn't mean it's over. *cough* Sorry, did I just reveal myself as die-hard S/R?? Oops. In the mean time...*wibble*
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 13:22:29 UTC |
I really didn't want to whore this to the community, but what do you think of this in that context then?
(Much apologies to Sirius' player for showing that off. x.x ::feels dirty:: ::and hungry::)
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 13:35:53 UTC |
Hah ha! Thank you! I was surmising that very thing over here! *feels vindicated yet still sad*
And the wibbling plays on..
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 13:31:10 UTC |
I don't know, the idea has merit, but I just don't see Remus willingly being involved in something that could hurt Snape (when he finds out) and is hurting Narcissa.
Arguably, Snape could be in on it and playing up the concerned friend bit for added atmosphere (he was a spy after all, so we already know he can act). But I don't think that Narcissa's distress is feigned, plus they wouldn't trust her well enough to let her in on it (being Lucius' wife and all).
Also, Harry would have to be in on it. Remus, and even Sirius, would never agree to something like that and leave him in the dark to be damaged by it. But is Harry that good at being duplicitous? On the other hard, that could explain why he hasn't been going anywhere except DW and TLC, and yet he did want Draco (Lucius' son) to come see him get his watch.
athene_51 @ August 10 2003, 14:26:11 UTC |
I was thinking the same thing!
It does make a strange kind of sense, and there's a definite tactical advantage in getting closer to Lucius, especially since he's been making more thinly-veiled comments than usual regarding his "friends" and "superior".
The place that I get stuck though, is trying to figure out who (hypothetically) knows about the plan. Sirius would obviously know, and I assume Remus would be in on it too. Snape's involvement could go either way, I think, and I'm really not sure about Harry (who probably wouldn't post much about it anyway, from what we've seen). That's where it gets confusing. It would be easier for Sirius and Remus to convincingly break up if only one of them knew about the plan, but... I guess it depends how much either of them can take before they can no longer forgive each other. Snape seems genuinely worried (although that statement would probably get me in trouble if he read this!) about Remus, but could he be faking that too? Harry's comments seem sad, but is he acting?
Well anyway, I love all of the players. Sirius is being an ass, but that just shows how great his player is, to keep him in-character like that. Remus and Harry's players are doing a similarly great job showing their pain without giving too much away - show, not tell.
Eep! This is so long.
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Anonymous @ August 10 2003, 15:14:19 UTC |
I wouldn't normally step in on a discussion like this, but I want to clear something up before it's too late.
Remus and Sirius are really separated. There are real issues between them, long-standing ones, and reasons that a separation was the best course of action. Of course I can't get into all that here, but I just wanted you guys to know that this isn't an elaborate ruse on NA's part or a conspiracy or anything like that. This is a family falling apart, and the characters are reacting to it as their players percieve that they would. There may be a lack of public histronics but that does not mean that the characters aren't having the normal sort of reactions to something like this that you would expect. It's just not immediately apparent.
Just a heads-up, because I don't want you guys to get attached to a theory only to be disappointed in the end. Believe me, we're wibbling right along with you!
- Lupin's player
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 15:18:16 UTC |
Thank you. ;_; And excellent work, all of you. I can't imagine how hard this must be on all involved, especially with us on the outside taking it so badly. ;_;
::sends you <3333s::
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 15:24:05 UTC |
I thought so. Thank you, it's good to know our wibbling isn't for naught.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 10 2003, 19:16:52 UTC |
Goodness, embarrassment!
I asked it really because I was just...really surprised to see *such* a problem *so* soon after the wedding. I definitely think you guys are doing a fabulous job, as the character evidence is *definitely* there--Remus is somewhat romantic and sensitive, and Sirius has been screwed up massively by Azkaban (as well as a bunch of other things) and was probably never one for monogamy or submission to another's will. I just was surprised that both would be quite so quick in jumping in/out of marriage with Harry there--although, I do suspect Sirius is going through something and is even more...self-focused than usual right now. I don't know, I was merely positing an alternative possibility, I guess, that put a bit more focus on their commitment to each other.
You guys are both doing an *incredible* job btw, both in creating and maintaining complex characters and in staying true to them. Remus' reaction in particular reminds me a lot of my mother's--as Harry's reminds me of my own, when my parents divorced. Kudos!!!