bookofjude @ 2003-08-13 16:07:00 |
Because everyone needs somewhere to wibble
And wibble we will over this.
Anyone want to borrow my tissues?
darkflame173 @ August 12 2003, 23:09:48 UTC |
*bookofjude turns around to find that darkflame has blubbered all over the tissues...*
*frustrating, it is!*
_audrey @ August 12 2003, 23:13:20 UTC |
Screw the tissues, where are the antidepressants?
_audrey @ August 12 2003, 23:45:28 UTC |
Oh, yes please. :D
Nothing temporarily cures the blues like a sugar rush (unless there are illegal mind-altering substances available).
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cacklebang @ August 12 2003, 23:16:58 UTC |
You know, it's funny how Remus is so loath to explain exactly why he's so upset to Sirius. It seems quite odd of him to just sit there and think that everyone is going to figure out exactly what's going on in his head, especially if Sirius obviously doesn't know exactly what he's done wrong. It drives me nuts because it's looking an awful lot like there's only one side trying at the moment.
Bah. I have no idea what I'm talking about, really. I should sleep. I really need sleep.
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cacklebang @ August 12 2003, 23:17:43 UTC |
Also, is it terrible that I now have an image of Remus as "Mango"?
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cacklebang @ August 12 2003, 23:43:01 UTC |
God, are those screencaps from the Garth Brooks one, by any chance? If so? I DOUBLE SQUEE.
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cacklebang @ August 12 2003, 23:47:44 UTC |
Hahahahaha! Nope, not really. I just think it's the funniest of the Mango segments for some reason. Not a huge country fan, but I do love Johnny Cash is all.
(parent)anjenue @ August 12 2003, 23:22:12 UTC |
This is the stereotypical woman's "If you don't know what's wrong, I'm not going to tell you."
If there was EVER any doubt about who was whom...there isn't anymore.
Anybody else find it interested that Remus, Narcissa, AND Molly are ALL pissed off at their husbands for extramarital flirtation?
toopizza @ August 12 2003, 23:26:37 UTC |
This is the stereotypical woman's "If you don't know what's wrong, I'm not going to tell you."
I noticed that too. I hate it when people do that and it bothers me that Remus is doing it. I used to be on his side of all of this but now I think that Sirius is more in the right. Because yes, sure, Sirius shouldn't be off drinking absinthe with Lucius right now BUT if Remus didn't have this, "You messed up but instead of telling you what you did wrong I'll make cryptic comments about it." attitude then Sirius would probably not be having as much contact with Lucius.
*waves Sirius flag*
toopizza @ August 12 2003, 23:54:53 UTC |
Well yes, but at least Sirius is working to solve the problem at least somehow by apologising and bringing him soup. Remus just seems to be holing himself up in the Leaky Cauldron (exhausted all the other options or not I don't think that Sirius flirting with Lucius is a valid reason to move out) and waiting for Sirius to apologise for the correct thing.
And yes Sirius flirting with Lucius is probably wrong but he'd probably be doing less of it if Remus was around instead of at the Leaky Cauldron. Because flirting with Lucius seems to comfort him. (when, I may point out, nobody else will. because it seems that everyone is taking Remus's side - Narcissa, Severus, even Harry.)
moony @ August 13 2003, 00:02:20 UTC |
Excuse me? Sirius would not flirt with Lucius if Remus were around more?
That is like saying that a man won't cheat so long as his wife puts out enough. Which is uncalled for.
I don't buy that. I don't buy that at all. I think having your husband flirt blatantly with another person who happens to be a man who has attempted to kill your child multiple times is a PERFECTLY valid reason to leave.
Of course, I could just be insane. Or, maybe I just have some self-respect. And I'm glad that Remus does, as well.
toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:09:29 UTC |
No. It is not like saying that a man won't cheat as long as his wife puts out enough. It is saying that maybe Sirius feels like everybody has turned on him so Lucius is the only person that he can actually speak to. Also, since when does flirting/innuendo equal cheating?
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 00:12:33 UTC |
Sirius Black flirts, Remus knows this. He excepts this. It's who he's flirting with. It is bad form to flirt with people who may have killed your best friend.
(parent)toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:16:25 UTC |
I certainly hope that Sirius is wise enough to abstain from flirting with Voldemort....
(parent)bookofjude @ August 13 2003, 00:06:13 UTC |
And yes Sirius flirting with Lucius is probably wrong but he'd probably be doing less of it if Remus was around instead of at the Leaky Cauldron.
Sirius flirting with Lucius is (one of) the reason he's at the Leaky Cauldron, unless I'm mistakenly misread this comment.
toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:14:01 UTC |
But Remus staying at the Leaky Cauldron is being counterproductive to Remus's wish for Sirius to stop speaking to Lucius....
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cacklebang @ August 13 2003, 00:15:37 UTC |
The idea, I think, is for Sirius to do that on his own. He's a grown man, and he doesn't have to have a babysitter.
(parent)toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:19:02 UTC |
However, if Sirius does not see speaking with Lucius as being wrong then how will this help at all?
And if he is a grown man should he not be able to make his own decisions about who it is proper for him to speak to?
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 00:29:27 UTC |
Yes, Sirius is a grown man and can make his own choices. But also as a grownup, he must take responsibility for those choices.
Is flirting with Lucius Malfoy really worth it if his family is so unhappy? A reasonable person would say no.
toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:34:13 UTC |
Is flirting with Lucius Malfoy a valid reason for his family to be so unhappy?
I don't think so.
(side note: what's going on with maybethemoon's original comment in this thread? first it was screened and now it's deleted.)
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 00:54:18 UTC |
are you for real?
do you even read the same books as the rest of us?
do you even know who lucius malfoy is?
toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:58:05 UTC |
Indeed I am for real. If I was not I would be posting anonymously and not properly capitalising things. (On that note, if you really have no Livejournal, would you like a code?)
Yes, Lucius Malfoy is a Death Eater, blah, blah, blah. However, flirting with someone is not the same thing as having sex with someone and should not be treated as such.
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 01:04:57 UTC |
Thanks, but I don't need a code.
I guess I am just of the thinking that you do not do things that you know will antagonise or cause your spouse pain, no matter how innoccuous it may be, especially if they have asked you not to.
It is called compromise, and that is how marriages work.
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 08:55:28 UTC |
Hear, hear!
It's not about sex. It's about the fact that Sirius still engages in civilized conversation, and almost always responds to innuendo, too, with a man who's after their son's life.
Think about it this way. If someone wanted the life of a family member you care about - or even your offspring, if you have any - and this person has proven themselves to be a constant threat to your relative, would YOU permit your spouse to flirt with him?????????
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 08:57:12 UTC |
(the first line was to anon -> the rest was directed at toopizza)
(parent)toopizza @ August 13 2003, 09:46:22 UTC |
Innuendo with people you hate is the safest. No chance of anything happening....
If my spouse were flirting with somebody who we both, along with our son, hated (Because I'm sure that Sirius hasn't forgotten Azkaban...) then I would not assume that he meant anything serious about it and would realise that even with all of his bullshit he loved ME. Not this other person.
Yeah, so I'm already past the point where I believe/can support most of my arguements....
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 09:53:26 UTC |
I see where the tangle is now. see, it's not about fidelity. It's not about "does he still love you even if he's flirting with someone else." It's because Sirius thinks that that's all this is about that Remus couldn't forgive him. Remus said to Snape that it was about more than their relationship, more than Remus's own feelings, and it is. It's not about whether or not they still love each other; it's about whether or not Sirius realizes his responsibilty to the FAMILY, and especially to Harry. And when one flirts with someone who's after their son's life, that could compromise family security... just a little, you know?
(parent)toopizza @ August 13 2003, 10:34:35 UTC |
Okay, first, going off into the world of tangent arguements, Remus was really the one who invited Lucius to the party thing. Yes, it was because Dumbledore conned him into it but really Remus could have refused. (then they wouldn't have been granted permission to have Harry stay with them butlet's think: what's more important, your son living with you or protecting your family from the man who wants to kill you all?) So technically Remus started it.
Anyway, when I started posting I had a point to get across. I don't think I'm getting it across well. I'm going to stop posting on this thread.
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 11:05:42 UTC |
okies. if you want to duck out of this thread, that's fine, but it sure looks like Narcissa just took Remus up on the invitation, promising to bring Lucius if he was available. I'm confused as to why you think Remus was forced to invite Lucius.
Also, Sirius STARTED conversing with Lucius at the party, not the other way around. He cut in on a conversation between Lucius and Narcissa, and even his first comment was flattering Lucius. Sirius really did start the whole mess, as far as I can tell.
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 00:55:39 UTC |
Harry is an orphan because of people like Lucius Malfoy.
Lucius Malfoy would have no problems taking out Sirius, Remus, or Harry in front of the others.
Lucius Malfoy loves no one but himself and doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants. What does he want from Sirius? Sex? Amusement? I don't know.
Sirius isn't stupid, he knew what kind of reaction flirting with Lucius would bring. He and Remus have fought over this many time. Still, he made his choice. Now he must live with the consequences.
moony @ August 13 2003, 01:07:01 UTC |
I deleted my comment because I did not feel that I got my point across properly, and because I do not wish to continue the discussion.
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 00:23:04 UTC |
It is Sirius's choice not to ignore the Blond Bastard. It's not like they are speaking face-to-face. But for reasons unknown to everyone except Sirius, he chooses to give Lucius the attention the man craves like a junkie.
If Sirius would ignore Lucius, that might be a step toward relationship recovery.
toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:31:47 UTC |
Yeah, it is Sirius's choice to ignore Lucius or not. But if Sirius already sees the situation as pretty much hopeless (because Remus refuses his apologies, everyoen is on Remus's side, etc) then why not just say, "fuck it"." and go back to talking to him again?
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 00:43:12 UTC |
Because Sirius Black is in love with Remus Lupin, not Lucius Malfoy.
Remus wants to accept Sirius's apology; he wants this thing to be done and over with. However, Remus doesn't think Sirius knows what he is apologizing for and Sirius won't tell Remus why he feels the need to put all his happiness on the line to flirt with some narcissistic DE.
This is all a nasty, painful circle.
toopizza @ August 13 2003, 00:53:37 UTC |
I don't believe Sirius flirting with Lucius is a valid reason for Remus to get that upset at him. Apparantly everyone else feels that it is.
I'm going to sleep. (hopefully) Maybe I'll think of something intelligent to add to this discussion during that...
bookofjude @ August 13 2003, 00:57:34 UTC |
I don't believe Sirius flirting with Lucius is a valid reason for Remus to get that upset at him.
It is a valid reason in ANY relationship, if your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend was flirting with another person. The fact that Remus has already expressed his valid reasons for not liking Lucius only adds to the situation.
eponis @ August 13 2003, 10:57:24 UTC |
::pokes head in before heading in the same direction::
For me, it's not a question of whether it's "valid" for Remus to be upset. Remus is upset. This is obviously something that bothers him a great deal, and whether or not it's a fair concern is somewhat irrelevant. The question is simply how the two of them deal with an issue in which their desires sharply conflict.
Let me give an example. Sirius recently discovered that Lupin smokes. Now, the two of them could decide to compromise ("smoke if you want, but not in the house") or, if one of them felt passionately, go to one extreme ("I can't stand knowing that you smoke" or "I just can't go without my cigs"). Whatever their conclusion, they would try and evaluate their opinions and the strength of their preferences and come to an agreement.
What bothers me in this case, though, is that they can't or won't come to an agreement. Sirius chafes at not being allowed to "talk" with Lucius, but he refuses to give concrete reasons why simply talking is worth overriding his husband on an issue that bothers him so much. Remus gets upset when Sirius keeps breaking his request, but he doesn't seem to understand why Sirius keeps going back (as I'm sure that Sirius has a reason).
In both cases, they're refusing to compromise, or even agree to not-compromise, on an issue. Whether or not one side of the issue is more reasonable seems beside the point. I think that this speaks to more serious issues regarding how they approach problems or disagreements.
eponis @ August 12 2003, 23:27:01 UTC |
eponis @ August 12 2003, 23:30:16 UTC ::replies to self:: |
Why? Because Sirius responds to being upset by trying to forget about it, distracting himself with alcohol and sex, whereas Remus responds by wibbling to an awkwardly-involved Severus.
I can't stay angry at any one of them, because they're all completely in character, and that's what's so frustrating and painful about the whole thing.
eponis @ August 12 2003, 23:41:51 UTC There are no such hearts on earth. |
It's from "Dirge," by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The whole poem is here, but here's the verse Snape quoted from:
Go, lonely man, it saith,
They loved thee from their birth,
Their hands were pure, and pure their faith,
There are no such hearts on earth.
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 00:12:10 UTC Things have hit an all-time low |
He called him Remus ( Is it just me, or did the wibble-generator hit the machine again. Extra hard.
Ignore inane comments. In practically-physical pain.
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 01:25:47 UTC Re: Things have hit an all-time low |
Twice. In one night.
Will they not stop with the below-the-beltness??
babytyggeryss @ August 13 2003, 01:15:21 UTC Rudyard Kipling's 'The Last Ode.' |
"And shall this dawn restore us." Second to last line.
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 13 2003, 03:22:40 UTC |
Am opening a tissue factory. Will make millions from nragers. *wibbles*
This is terrible. I just want to read something happy but there is no good fanfic I haven't read that I can find. Everything is shitty and gah. No happiness to be had in the fandom.
And he even went to apologize, but ah! *sobs*
angelsasha @ August 13 2003, 03:45:36 UTC |
May I recommend a good friend of mine, flyby? I don't know if you've read any of her stuff, but she's rather good and has a penchant for H/D :) You can find some of her nice fluffiness here and also here.
*huggles all the sad NrAged-ers*
el_erzulie @ August 13 2003, 03:48:33 UTC |
Thankyou! I love rec's for good fics. *hugs* Hmmm, was that second here and the huggles a link? They look like it, but aren't acting like it... *baffled*
I'm all excited! Might have to leave them until tomorrow, but yay! Fics! Hopefully I haven't read them.
angelsasha @ August 13 2003, 03:51:29 UTC |
Ooops, not sure what happened to that second link, it should've been this. Hope you enjoy them :D
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 13 2003, 03:54:52 UTC |
*bewildered* It's still not working!
But if I know her name, I could find her stuff surely. :) Mwa!
angelsasha @ August 13 2003, 03:58:12 UTC |
You certainly could, my brain just isn't with it at all today! Ifthis doesn't work I think I might just go back to bed for the rest of the day...
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 13 2003, 04:00:02 UTC |
*g* It worked! *steals your blankets* You can stay up for the day, I think. ^_^
(parent)angelsasha @ August 13 2003, 04:04:52 UTC |
Aaaaw, spoil-sport! Bed is good :D *tugs on blankets*
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 13 2003, 04:11:16 UTC |
Head and tails? *relinquishes some blanket* Bed is good and blankets are all soft and cosy!
(parent)dragynville @ August 13 2003, 03:49:40 UTC |
Is she the same Chiya writing 'Choices' over at schoogle? Good stuff.
(parent)angelsasha @ August 13 2003, 03:54:38 UTC |
She is indeed! I'm supposed to Beta for it, but I had my finals and now I'm a graduate I've got to work for my living so things have rather fallen by the wayside the last few months :(
(parent)angelsasha @ August 13 2003, 03:33:42 UTC |
note to self: stop reading NA at work.
Waaaaaaahh!!!! :'(
That is all.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 04:00:45 UTC |
Over my mad now (and my wonky internet's working again).
Kudos to Sirius for making the first move, that takes guts. And looking back over his recent encounters with Lucius (since the party), he hasn't been very flirtatious. In fact, he's been almost monosyllabic in his replies. Till tonight, but then he was upset and didn't get tempted at all till the mention of booze. Hopefully that road 'less traveled by' bit meant a turn down.
And maybe Remus will be more open to apologies and discussion after he's recovered and feeling better because he did sound as though he went off on Sirius.
anoni @ August 13 2003, 05:05:24 UTC |
::nods at the 'not very flirtatious' comment::
Especially in his last conversation - Sirius replied to Lucius, yes, but wouldn't one normally reply to an aquaintance? Besides, an abrupt I-shall-now-ignore-Lucius turnabout would be rather out of character and inconsistent with the plot. But Sirius didn't give Lucius one ounce of encouragement - Lucius just insisted on replying to his blunt statements. In fact, *Lucius* was the one to initiate the conversation, and Sirius didn't even reply to his last comment.
It reminds me of someone trying to politely put off a persistent 'stalker', actually. Normally, the politeness would be because the person doesn't feel like hurting the 'stalker''s feelings or some variation on that theme, but in this case, could it be because Sirius doesn't want to cause any more trouble? I'm taking a leap here, but surely it's better for Lucius to play his games with Sirius than for him to lose interest and turn his mind to other potentially harmful things, right? So Sirius is responding, remaining courteous, but his comments aren't friendly on any score. Especially not when they're compared to some earlier ones.
"I'm not in the mood, Lucius." sounds like 'leave me alone'. "Don't you have a wife to buy off, Lucius?" sounds like 'mind your own business'. The most responsive comment, "You're tempting me.", could easily have been restated as 'I am tempted.', but Sirius didn't choose to put it that way - it's clearly Lucius who's taking the action, and Sirius is keeping his reaction to himself. Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but one can hope, right? ^_^ ::hopes that this doesn't sound too stupid::
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 05:29:02 UTC |
::hopes that this doesn't sound too stupid::
No no, not at all. That's exactly what I was getting at, but my brains were to sleep-deprived for articulation. XD
Yes, Lucius is sort of stalking him, isn't he? Either he's just trying to keep the trouble between Sirius and Remus stirred up, or he can't stand losing his control (not quite the word I want.. influence?) over Sirius.
anoni @ August 13 2003, 05:49:16 UTC |
'Stalking'... XD I'm getting too sleep deprived for articulation myself, and that was the only thing I could think of. But I truly don't think Sirius is stupid enough to not understand that Lucius *likes* stirring up trouble. He may have enjoyed L's company previously for his own reasons, but it's gotten out of hand and he knows - he must know - that it's hurting Remus and Harry. And I don't want to believe that he would really, truly destroy their relationship over Lucius, though he may have 'rebelled' against being told to keep away at first.
But perhaps he knows it's too late to withdraw now and to side obviously against Lucius? After all, L would look for trouble elsewhere if that happens, and there's no real predicting *what* he would do out of maliciousness if Sirius turns against him for Remus. At least he's predictable now, right?
And by the way, Duo and Heero are wonderfully cute in your icon. They are *happy* too... ::makes mental note to stay away from angst fics for a while::
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 14:25:29 UTC |
Yes, I don't think the problem is about Lucius for Sirius (that he's so irrestible etc.), but more about pride and not being told what to do and not do. And I think the attraction of Lucius probably is more about danger and self-destructiveness.
I think Lucius will do what's best for Lucius no matter what the situation, whether Sirius flirts with him or not. And even if he's flirting with Sirius, he's still unpredictable because no one knows what he's doing behind your back.
Thanks, it's from the cover of Love Phantom 3. :D
imochan @ August 13 2003, 06:20:32 UTC |
Either way, he's an evil bastard and I want him strung up like a turkey entertaining some very painful thoughts of suicide. *gnashes* GNAR. GNAR. DIE! DIE!!
Am thinking of making badges or something. "Lucius: Just Say No. thismeansyoupuppies" Maybe a big red hand to get the message across. I don't know, we could try flashing lights, a scrolling marquee, really violent, ugly colours. Like puce. Neon puce. Yessss, my pretty... yessssssss...
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 14:18:16 UTC |
Yes! We all need badges to flash at Sirius. That would be so funny! We could include the badge everytime we post something about Sirius or Lucius. XD
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 09:05:05 UTC |
I HOPE this isn't the case, but the lack of response to Lucius's last comment might be because Sirius has left his computer to take him up on the offer. The last line was about awaiting his presence, after all.
And I think THAT is where Sirius needs to draw the line. If it's not in character to withdraw entirely from Lucius, Sirius should at least have the decency to offer a firm - but possibly polite, knowing jadedsirius - answer of "no thank you, not tonight, i can't..." etc.
It's because he didn't that that whole Sirius/Lucius thing is so frustrating.
bentley @ August 13 2003, 04:10:04 UTC |
Never give all the heart, for love
Will hardly seem worth thinking of
To passionate women if it seem
Certain, and they never dream
That it fades out from kiss to kiss;
For everything that's lovely is
But a brief, dreamy, kind of delight.
O never give the heart outright,
For they, for all the smooth lips can say,
Have given their hearts up to the play.
And who could play it well enough
If deaf and dumb and blind with love?
He that made this knows all the cost
For he gave all his heart and lost.
-- W. B. Yeats
Personally, I preferred it when he was quoting Auden.
saffronlie @ August 13 2003, 06:11:12 UTC |
Waaaaaah this is getting ridiculous. Have had to take mini-N_A vacation and come back and all is still woe. It's too bad I can't write my English essay on Snape and Lupin's use of poetry and how these poems relate to and enhance their relationship.
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clodia_of_rome @ August 13 2003, 09:32:08 UTC |
*can't take the angst*
oh er...first post here. Lurker/Newbie. Gawds I wub Remus, Sirius, Snape, Lucius, Draco, etc. etc. I wub NA. It's like sniffing glue.
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 12:32:37 UTC Uhm... |
Okay, no offense, but this lurker has gotta speak. I think Nraged denizens are becoming a tad too emotionally involved in their RPG. Calm down, breathe, and remember that Sirius, Remus, Lucius, Harry et. al. are fictional characters -- and NA is a fiction twice-removed. It's okay to feel for them. It's a credit to the players' skill. And debate is good. But Nraged is veering dangerously close to group-think: Enjoy certain characters, embrace certain relationships, condemn others or face the wrath of the masses. Is this a forum for NA discussion, or an exclusive domain for Sirius/Remus and Harry/Draco shippers? (Not that I don't love those ships/characters, mind). Nraged used to be smart and whimsical, much like NA itself. More and more, it's beginning to feel... I dunno... obsessive and more fanatical than fannish. It ain't in tin-hat territory yet, but it's getting there. Okay, I've said my piece. Flame away. *Dons protective gear*
(parent)imochan @ August 13 2003, 13:18:02 UTC Re: Uhm... |
;D I don't know about everyone else, but personally I enjoy acting like a crazed lunatic every once and a while.
Of course, as long as no one is hurt but the poor exclamation point (I heard it was filing for abuse. >:O!!! It's just because I love it. You know it, baby. Why you gotta make me hurt you so?) I haven't really seen any evidence of a hive-mind ganging up on - whaddiyacall'em? - "fringe-thinkers", or whatever. Mind, we are all up very late, being very wibbly and squee and sometimes, you know, weeeee!typebeforethinking-syndrome. It hits even the innocent at times. I agree with you that Tin-Hatdom would be, as they say, A Bad Thing, but I don't think we're there yet. ;D I'm still havin' fun, anyway! Guys? Party still goin' on?
:D :D :D :D
(btw, do you need an LJ code?)
angelsasha @ August 14 2003, 06:00:54 UTC Re: Uhm... |
No flames here, I think you've made a valid observation but I'm not sure I share your conclusions. Personally, I'm no more emotionally invested in NA than I have ever been in any book I've read or TV show/film that I've ever watched. It's human nature to feel empathy for others; if you're around happy people then you feel happy, if you're around sad people you feel sad. That empathy is more intense if the people are you are friends or family, people you care about or just people that you spend a lot of time with, perhaps at work. The NA players do a damn fine job of writing what is essentially a real-time fan fiction, and an elaborate and in depth one at that. It isn't strange, or even unusual, for us as regular readers to feel attached to the characters and to care, quite deeply, about what happens to them. I know very few people who remain unaffected by the fiction that they watch, read or listen to and, usually, the better the story and the longer they've been following it, the more affected they are by the emotions in the story.
What I'm trying to say, in my own long-winded fashion, is that I don't think the level of emotion shown by the NrAged-ers at the moment is unhealthy or fanatical. I know that I 'squee' or 'wibble' extensively when I review fiction, but the reaction I give in my reviews is often more over stated than what I'm actually feeling. When I read the angst between Sirius and Remus or Molly and Arthur I do feel sad because I'm human (and sometimes a rather over-emotional one at that) but I don't spend the rest of the day blubbing at my desk.
I think I was trying to make a conclusion up there somewhere, but it's gone a bit wrong so I'll stop here by saying that there has been a lot of emotion from the NrAged-ers recently, but it's only a reflection of all the emotion from the NA players and I think if/when the characters' emotions settle then ours will too.