dragynville @ 2003-08-27 06:46:00 |
this sounds like a job for the Hufflepuffs!
Mood: amused
This is a mystery.. who is the new Head Boy? Lisa is the new Head Girl (congrats!), but the new Head Boy wishes to remain humbly anonymous, and it is not Draco according to him.
And Harry has his own flat! (Just as I suspected! :D) And it seems he'd taken Rosie with him. (I do so love that boy!)
dragynville @ August 27 2003, 06:58:55 UTC |
No, I just reposted it as best I could recall. :p
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 27 2003, 07:03:11 UTC |
Re: Harry I have to say--I love Ron. Very in character work by just_harry, but I'd love to buy Ron a drink right now.
flyingcarpet @ August 27 2003, 07:03:11 UTC |
wishes to remain anonymous, eh? could it be a_slytherin?
dragynville @ August 27 2003, 07:05:57 UTC |
I don't know.. wouldn't that be a declaration of gender?
(parent)flyingcarpet @ August 27 2003, 07:14:40 UTC |
My other thought was, if it's for security reasons, maybe it's erniemacmillan?
dragynville @ August 27 2003, 07:20:09 UTC |
Wouldn't he be posting it all over the place, like when he was made quidditch announcer?
Maybe Neville?
flyingcarpet @ August 27 2003, 07:33:45 UTC |
Why would Neville have security/privacy concerns, though? Wouldn't he be telling his gran about it?
I still say it's Ernie.
Who else could it even be? Justin, Ron, Seamus, Dean, Boot.... and Harry, right? I'm counting out Crabbe and Goyle, which is probably a safe assumption, but then again you never know with NA. ;)
sheron @ August 27 2003, 11:45:00 UTC |
No he already does the commenting... My money is on Ron or Neville. (Maybe Seamus.)
I'm leaning towards Neville cause if Hermione is not Head Girl, then there must be a very good reason for it, and it could do with Voldemort.
eponis @ August 27 2003, 07:53:44 UTC |
::reposts comment::
Let's assume that it'll be someone with a journal. I think this is safe.
I seriously doubt it could be any Slytherin besides Draco, who it's not.
Boot is the only male Ravenclaw we have. It could be him (yay! more Boot! we've missed you!!!), but there's no particular reason for him to keep it silent, and knowing Boot, he probably wouldn't.
Ernie and Justin are both possibilities. Someone remind me - which one is prefect? Again, I don't see a reason for them to keep it quiet.
Then the Gryffindors. Harry is the obvious choice; he could want to keep it hidden because he's in a difficult enough spot at the moment, emotionally, to deal with that. However, I have an odd feeling that it's Neville. He's not a prefect, but we know (see: James Potter) that that's not necessary. Neville has very good reasons for keeping it quiet: he was and probably is trying to stay with his grandmother, which would mean they'd have to pick someone else, and, as such an unlikely choice, he'd be harassed before he had the chance to prove his mettle in his job. Also, he's really very mature, and I think he might actually make a very good Head Boy.
More thoughts?
flyingcarpet @ August 27 2003, 08:01:14 UTC |
My vote is Ernie. I can't remember which is prefect, but with his conspiracy theories, it's definitely possible that he would want to hide his identity as Hogwarts Head Boy from opponents of all things Hogwarts and Dumbledore.
This whole thing just seems really weird to me, and that points to Ernie, IMO. ;)
Other candidates are Dean, Seamus, and Ron. All possibilites, except for that little incident with Dean trashing the computer lab.
luna_lg @ August 28 2003, 10:12:54 UTC |
I bet my tuition on Ernie as well...metaphorically speaking, of course.
(parent)serpensortia @ August 27 2003, 08:11:58 UTC |
I'd like to think it's Neville too :) Like you said, he's trying to stay with his Gran, so if he has been made head boy, he wouldn't want his Gran to know because I'd imagine she'd use it as another reason why he has to go back to Hogwarts.
Course, there's always Goyle to consider. :--------D His jokes would cheer the pupils up and he'd be very easy to find with his green hair (his hair is still green right?)...and...and...*goes off to think of more reasons why anyone would be insane enough to make Goyle head boy*
nightflight @ August 27 2003, 08:40:47 UTC |
Why, he has such dedication to his studies he stayed at school over break!
(parent)serpensortia @ August 27 2003, 09:34:37 UTC |
*giggles madly* Exactly! Who else would have loved school so much that they didn't even notice when it finished? He can also be intelligent when he wants to be as well!
Goyle for Head Boy! :D
blue_lightning @ August 27 2003, 08:24:39 UTC |
did anyone else notice in lupin's entry that the game of "you-left-something-shall-we-use-it-as-a
Obviously it would be a meeting at school, but I just find it interesting that Lupin asked at all. If he didn't want to make anything out of it, he would've just returned the quills when school started. Asking permission beforehand is quite sweet (and thus, of course, typically Remus).
dari_brit @ August 27 2003, 14:40:07 UTC |
I totally picked that up. Hurrah for courtship dynamics. ^_-
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 27 2003, 11:38:18 UTC |
Anybody care to guess what Ron thinks potterstinks is lying about?
Not speaking to Harry since he went on holiday perhaps? Though I'm not sure how Ron would know that... unless Harry has owled him since seeing his request. Would he think Harry was with Draco without knowing for sure?
Lisa will be a cool head girl, btw. Also, I'm hoping to see some interesting Harry & Ron interaction this year. I like the way he's been snarky about getting ignored and loved his suspicious, "It's Harry, ain't it?" post. I love it when Ron feels understandably slighted. GO RON!!
la_trix @ August 27 2003, 15:06:46 UTC |
Not speaking to Harry since he went on holiday perhaps?
I think that's a good guess. Though I'm not as sure that Draco is lying as Ron is.
Good thing they've met up to talk things through. You know, as much talking as is possible while someone is dumping flour on your head. :D
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Anonymous @ August 27 2003, 12:10:43 UTC |
Hey! I'm confused. Who is a prefect in Na-Gryffindor--- Ron or Harry? I have never seen a referring to this (but i discovered NA only not long ago 8-( ) Also, can a not-prefect become a Head Boy?
Also how is it possible that Hermione is NOT a Head Girl. She HAS to be! HONESTLY! *sends her love to Hermione then thinks for a moment and add an extra house-elf hat because it's just NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
la_trix @ August 27 2003, 14:31:21 UTC |
I think it's rather funny that Hermione isn't Head Girl. Everyone always assumes that she will be (and, let's face it, in canon she probably will), but out of nowhere, Lisa Turpin rises to conquer! I think she'll do a fantastic job.
Canon implies that a person doesn't have to be prefect to become Head Boy or Girl; James wasn't a prefect, but he was Head Boy.
As I recall, neither Harry nor Ron is a prefect.
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Anonymous @ August 28 2003, 00:41:22 UTC |
I'm dieing to see Hermione's reply. How can she possibly react on this? *Hopes twins were wrong* *prays for Lisa*
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Anonymous @ August 27 2003, 12:13:50 UTC |
I think it's Nevill but then only one queastion : "HOW are the headpupils chosen?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??"
P.S.: I don't meen that the choice is bad but.....