hobaggins @ 2003-08-27 18:01:00 |
It's okay, Percy, we commiserate
Mood: chipper
Thanks to the twins last week, Percy is enrolled in a drinking program. Hysterical happenings follow. And go check Percy's iconz mainly made by tabiji. How hawt is that "Miss Clearwater says" icon? Better than pyjamas I'd dare to venture to say.
So. The question is... is Draco at the burrow? Where is Percy posting this from, and how is it that Draco and Ron are pouring flour over one another's heads. Intriguing.
EDIT'D: Draco and Ron's conversation in turpinol's journal. And now Ron is speaking only in Mandarin. #has spit coke all over keyboard#
EDIT'D AGAIN: What is this:
zorb @ August 27 2003, 15:05:10 UTC |
You beat me. *g* My hope guess is that they're baking a welcome back cake for Harry. Whether it's at the Burrow or at Percy's, I do not know, although I do think someone should warn poor j_h.
dragynville @ August 27 2003, 15:48:21 UTC |
Oh! I didn't even think of that! :O You are brill!
That's a good possibility as Draco is so fond of cakes (both baking and eating). :D
anjaliesque @ August 27 2003, 15:15:00 UTC |
"Miss Clearwater says" is definitely generating some extreme heat. :D
As for it being the Burrow, Ron said here that he is at home. The pair are where Percy and his computer are, and Percy would not have flour, would he? After all, as chefs go, who gets drunk on cooking sheery? But he has said he has gone home and surely no Malfoy would be caught dead in the Burrow, so a Weasley's flat must be the next best thing.
But the real question is - WHY??
There's always the miniscule possibility that Percy is typing on a laptop while sitting in a the baking supplies aisle of a grocery shop, looking for liquid substance after his Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and bumping into Ron who has chased Draco into here wanting to know about the "conversation", and they are bombarding each other with flour in heated battle. A mere theory, of course. :))
sistermagpie @ August 27 2003, 20:06:08 UTC |
I assumed when Draco said he had other means of finding out the truth he apparating to Ron while Ron was typing his reply. Probably apparated behind him and bopped him on the head.
I'm so loving Ron right now. "Yeah, take his time, thanks."
Percy's post had me hysterical. This made me laugh more than anything the twins had ever done. I can't help but imagine Percy trying to calmly explain he wasn't an alcoholic! HA!!! Also I think Percy was having some fun calling Draco "Ron's friend Draco Malfoy." Go Percy.
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Anonymous @ August 28 2003, 01:43:42 UTC |
I assumed when Draco said he had other means of finding out the truth he apparating to Ron while Ron was typing his reply. Probably apparated behind him and bopped him on the head.
nabiki @ August 27 2003, 15:19:46 UTC |
Percy, or Percy's player, if you happen to read this, I made you some gifts :D feel free to use them, but you don't have to <3<3<3 < / fangirl> :)
blue_lightning @ August 27 2003, 15:45:18 UTC |
did you see lucius's reply to draco's comment?
... ouch.
dragynville @ August 27 2003, 15:53:58 UTC |
And don't forget Neville's fabulous new icons! :D
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hobaggins @ August 27 2003, 16:01:13 UTC |
Neville's actor is actually aging really well. Hmmm......
(parent)dragynville @ August 27 2003, 16:38:43 UTC |
Thanks to the twins last week, Percy is enrolled in a drinking program.
Omigod! Bout died when I read that post! XD XD I can't wait to see if they turn up on his doorstep for the next meeting..! XD XD
Just brilliant!! :D
orpheusinjapan @ August 27 2003, 17:21:11 UTC |
The twins rock my world! Love them to pieces.
Speaking of icons, apparently Seamus is in the market for some new ones. Any ideas, gang?
tabiji @ August 27 2003, 21:39:06 UTC |
I didn't do the "Miss Clearwater" one...he had that. The picture cracks me up though...it looks like an after-sex ciggie!
I'm loving that the players are updating their icons.
Oh, and hobaggins, I'm gonna make a sexy Percy PJ icon just for you.
notapipe @ August 28 2003, 00:55:12 UTC |
It is alien sex0r. Or technically lovestruck monsters. You know waht they say about big feet.
Big head.
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queeniefox @ August 28 2003, 14:30:56 UTC |
I am definatly a fan on the 'Miss Clearwater says' icon!
I don't know what those purple guys are, but they're scaring me. Then again that's usual for Lavender's posts.