zorb @ 2003-11-01 16:52:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
More from the Mystery Head Boy. I think this rules out Ernie. And it just doesn't seem like Dean to be such a jerk.
Who is it???
caten @ November 1 2003, 17:38:44 UTC |
And how does he know where everyone is at all times? Only person I know who could do that is Harry with the Marauders Map, but I believe he wasn't a prefect so... *confused*
(parent)toopizza @ November 1 2003, 17:44:19 UTC |
And I don't think that Harry would be that much of a jerk, either...
(parent)caten @ November 1 2003, 17:46:42 UTC |
Where have Harry been lately anyway, hasn't updated in ages. Can't remember many comments either...
(parent)toopizza @ November 1 2003, 19:17:51 UTC |
I know. I haven't seen him, Ron, or Hermione much at all...
(parent)toopizza @ November 1 2003, 17:42:45 UTC |
This is crazy. Draco should stop with the socks and start an inquisition about this. Or one of the Hufflepuffs should. If I were them I'd certainly be paranoid that an unknown person is Head Boy and seems to know where everybody is. A little suspicious, isn't it?
(parent)doingfirst @ November 1 2003, 17:47:13 UTC |
Meep, I have no clue who it is. I think its a Hufflepuff or Slytherin though. Hufflepuff because they are suspicious of everyone and think that if people knew that he was Head Boy, they would all be out to get him, and Slytherin because they are sneaky and like doing underhanded things such as this. And they haven't taken any points off of Slytherin yet, that I can remember. But potterstinks said it wasn't him, and he is the type to broadcast this sort of thing. That only really leaves
a_slytherin ... hehe, and It could be hiding that It is Head Boy so that people don't know It's gender.
Haha, I can't even make sense of what I just wrote, but yeah. Something like that.
Yay for mysteries!
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hobaggins @ November 2 2003, 19:56:57 UTC |
Ahm, also, we never found out if a student was given the Slytherin prefect position after Draco lost his. Or at least no one I've talked to about it knows.
(parent)zorb @ November 1 2003, 18:09:54 UTC |
*replies to self*
Wait a minute - were Ernie and Parvati out together? *raises eyebrow*
zorb @ November 1 2003, 22:28:04 UTC |
Okay, looks like Seamus was out (possibly with them), too. So perhaps there are no supersekrit affairs here.
(parent)saffronlie @ November 1 2003, 22:55:41 UTC |
I don't think they were out together. Ernie doesn't specify who else is in his 'we', but the most obvious person would be Hannah. I mean, there could have been a mass-seventh-year gathering after the ball, but I think they just all happened to head back late, not necessarily alone or together. They are all getting their notes addressed individually, too.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ November 1 2003, 19:39:22 UTC |
I'm thinking Blaise. He seems the creepy, note-sending, all-seeing type to me. Hrmm.
(parent)snackbreak @ November 2 2003, 00:00:12 UTC |
I was just wondering about that too... he has an unhealthy obsession with other people as it is (see: icons), and I don't think he would mind being overly harsh... hmmm.
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Anonymous @ November 1 2003, 19:57:07 UTC |
What about Justin? Have we got anything to say that it couldn't be him? Because, as someone else already pointed out 'Puffs are notorious for being paranoid which may just be why he hasn't said anything...
~ J
black_dog @ November 1 2003, 21:02:42 UTC |
*Sigh* You're right, the jerk-ness of it is a blow to the Dean theory. On the other hand, maybe he's having fun hiding and behaving out of character.
Who is obnoxious enough to bust people like this? Colin?
Or, if everybody at school turned down the Head Boy position, could Dumbledore have subcontracted it out -- say to the twins? *clutches at straws*
zorb @ November 1 2003, 21:50:12 UTC |
It reminds me of Percy more than anyone else. But he's not even in Hogwarts, let alone the right year.
(parent)snackbreak @ November 2 2003, 00:02:13 UTC |
Or, if everybody at school turned down the Head Boy position, could Dumbledore have subcontracted it out -- say to the twins? *clutches at straws*
...or Snape? Perhaps to make up for removing Draco from the prefect position? *bangs head on desk*
black_dog @ November 2 2003, 01:53:14 UTC |
I really would be suspicious of Draco, but I don't see how it could be him after he was stripped of his prefect's badge. Unless Harry secretly intervened as the forgiving victim of that incident. Maybe one of the mysterious Slytherins (other than Blaise) that we've heard about in passing?
(parent)black_dog @ November 2 2003, 02:11:12 UTC |
Oh I didn't mean Blaise, I meant Nott or one of those other Slytherins we hear about in passing.
The obstacle to Draco is less that he's not a prefect, and more why he stopped being one -- if he was unfit to remain a prefect, I can't see the logic of making him Head Boy. I don't think he's been redeemed that quickly! :)
And there's something appealing in the idea of it being Harry, though I don't understand why he'd turn on his friends and be gratuitously nasty about the curfew. Also, being anal about rules is a fairly un-Harry thing.
Anyway, the only hard evidence I ever believed in was the handwriting stuff, which pointed to either Dean or someone who shared Dean's player. ;) I don't know if the latest point about two distinct handwritings explodes this. It might just suggest that he has at least one ally and co-conspirator (Dean and Boot?). In second place is the "jerk" evidence, which, together with the absence of Slytherin points, suggest a Slytherin candidate. Which brings us full circle.
In other words, I'm totally clueless.
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fourscore @ November 2 2003, 10:20:39 UTC |
Well, it seems as though a lot of people were out together and I doubt any of the Slytherins would have gone with them, knowing who went.
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jacay @ November 3 2003, 14:33:35 UTC |
As to the Dean thing, not sure if it's important or anything, but I seem to remember a part in the third book that mentioned that he was good at forging signatures, which could imply that he's good at copying another person's handwriting? Maybe he's trying to write like someone else and that's making his handwriting somewhat inconsistent as he tries not to write the way he usually does.
And, to the jerk thing, anyone can be a jerk about things. Maybe if this person is seriously anal about concealing his identity then he would try not to be like himself and be a jerk.
zorb @ November 2 2003, 09:18:42 UTC |
I think it has to be someone who has a journal - either that or someone who's about to be introduced, a la Luna. It's just not fair to the reader otherwise, IMHO.
At this point, I am ready to believe that Lisa has developped a split personality and the Head Boy is her other half.
luna_lg @ November 3 2003, 16:59:34 UTC |
BUT she hasn't mentioned any black-outs yet! That's a very important sign!!
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Anonymous @ November 1 2003, 22:39:07 UTC |
The note to Seamus seems especially rude, so I think it could still be Dean, still unable to be civil with Seamus?
*artist boys have nice hand writing*
black_dog @ November 2 2003, 01:29:46 UTC |
Yes! I was thinking that the Parvati one seems to be in a different handwriting than the others, but the observation about times is very nice and reinforces that even more.
So -- it's maybe a couple of people? In alliance with the Head Boy? Or taking advantage of his nonexistence?
Could this have anything to do with whatever MB and Pansy were inviting Draco to join them about?
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Anonymous @ November 2 2003, 09:17:26 UTC |
If you look closely at letters like lowercase "g"s and double "f"s, they're the same for Parvati's and the rest. The uppercase "g"s and "d"s are done differently and it looks to me like Parvati's note was written slower and with more care, but those "g"s really give it away. I think all the notes are written by the same person.
But I can't explain the discrepencies with the times. That may just be a mistake.
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Anonymous @ November 2 2003, 10:10:29 UTC |
Well, I personally sometimes write 1 o'clock, or 1:00, or 1.00, or 1, whatever I'm in the mood to write, so it doesn't seem like a big deal really. But yeah, definitely with you on the g's.
(parent)anatidae @ November 2 2003, 02:02:51 UTC |
Ron's writing.
So unless Ron is brilliant at disguising his hand writing, it doesn't seem to be him.
I am beginning to suspect the Nocturne Alley Cat :-?
ma_cheri @ November 2 2003, 08:04:02 UTC |
New to nraged and the discussion (*waves*), so someone may have mentioned this before... but what about Terry? This seems to indicate that Terry was out with Seamus and Ernie, but he hasn't gotten a note.
...or maybe he's just not posting it. Just my two cents. :)
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Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 06:36:03 UTC |
See, Boot is my first thought, too. The tone of the notes really matches what I remember of his usual rude/snarky tone from waybackwhen he used to post.
And frankly, I wouldn't put it past him to go out with them all, and then give them all detention. Although I would also expect him to give himself detention as well. It seems the type of morbidly satisfying thing he'd do.
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Anonymous @ November 2 2003, 08:25:57 UTC |
What if the Head Boy isn't a boy? That could explain why he (she?) is remaining anonymous.
(Resent posts are rather Hermione-ish.)
blankcanvas @ November 2 2003, 16:15:24 UTC ...? |
But the Head Boy has to be a boy... it's Head Boy... right? The notes do sound like something Hermione would say but... to make the Head Boy a girl seems damn unfair.
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jacay @ November 3 2003, 14:30:45 UTC Re: ...? |
It wouldn't be unfair if there were no boys fit to be Head Boy. In fact, it would be more unfair if they made a boy who shouldn't be Head Boy (like, say, Draco, because much as I love him, he isn't the most responsible guy around...) Head Boy. If that made any sense.
(parent)snackbreak @ November 2 2003, 11:06:43 UTC so many questions... |
...and does it seem odd to anyone else that the Head Boy has the authority to punish the Head Girl? Are prefects allowed to punish one another?
If so, did Draco ever take advantage of that? ... because I would think he would.
And for some reason (probably because I just wish it was him), I don't really want to rule out Ernie... what if he sent one to himself in order to keep everyone off his trail? sneaky, that one.
saffronlie @ November 2 2003, 18:32:25 UTC Re: so many questions... |
Yes, it's quite worrying, and seems to give weight to Draco's contentious comment of a few days ago that the Head Girl doesn't have as much power as Head Boy. :s