dragynville @ 2004-03-26 12:21:00 |
lisa has posted..
Mood: amused
So, Hermione had her nails painted [Ravenclaw] blue and in turn painted Ernie's [Gryffindor] maroon. Interesting. *grin*
Is Seamus suggesting that Draco is trying to make Harry jealous?
And, it seems there is an excursion in the offing. :D
sistermagpie @ March 26 2004, 20:49:34 UTC |
You do have to wonder if Draco will acknowledge that.
Though I'm still worried about whether or not Harry's going to his party.
I loved all these entries...Lisa sounded very much like potterstinks for a moment there in a way that made me really see why they'd be paired. I don't mean she sounded like she was imitating him or copying him. She sounded like herself, but her pointed comments about people wearing a tee-shirt to impress someone else when they didn't really like Accio Head being annoying reminded me of ps somehow. Blunt and true.
I continue to adore Lavender. I hope she doesn't end up covered in tea or something by her new best friend. *snort*
dragynville @ March 26 2004, 21:09:34 UTC |
It would be interesting (and entertaining) to see his response.
Me too. I hope they patch things up in time, Draco's so insecure already where Harry's concerned. (I was just thinking the other day that things were going too well between them and something was bound to happen. -_-)
She has that same knack for pointing people's motivations out, but I don't think Draco would like the competition. LOL
Talk about biting off more than you can chew... XD
sistermagpie @ March 26 2004, 21:35:22 UTC |
Oh yeah! And Lisa's introspective so she lacks that giant hole of self-denial that gives ps the ability to attack others (Harry) for exactly the same things he's doing himself.
I hate to think of the repercussions of Harry doesn't go to the party. Maybe I'm overreacting, of course, but it just seems like exactly the type of thing that would feel like a sucker punch to ps because it's so childlike (You didn't come to my birthday party. Therefore you are not my friend). It seems like a Narcissa-type incident, somehow, in terms of how he might respond to it.
Meanwhile Harry is probably thinking he isn't wanted at the party, just as he's not really wanted anywhere, etc. etc. He never gets to go to birthday parties, ps never has the people he wants at his. Oh god, it could be such a mess. And ps rarely has quiet messes. The thought of him having to go to a party Harry has "ruined" by not coming seems like it could be bad news.
dragynville @ March 26 2004, 22:31:13 UTC |
Yes, because he's very emotionally insecure. Harry is too, yet he's more self-contained (and by that I mean to say he's not as needy as Draco, he's more independant).
Yeah, however it goes (getting worse or being patched up) I can easily see it turning into a bigger 'thing' than it already is because of the personalities involved (especially if the others get involved).
sistermagpie @ March 27 2004, 05:42:41 UTC |
Cue Seamus, who recently said he wasn't going to be handling other people's lives, right on cue encouraging Harry to dress up to attract somebody and get drunk...which could end all kinds of different ways, many of them bad.
(parent)tabiji @ March 29 2004, 08:56:28 UTC |
It doesn't look like Harry's planning to go to the party. He answered Sirius (with new PoA wibbly icon) and is suggesting they go on holiday.
Poor Harry. I can't decide if he's trying to further distance himself from Draco because he's hurting, or if he's trying to prove that he's okay, or both. :(
sistermagpie @ March 29 2004, 15:29:49 UTC |
Yeah, and he seems like he's making it public he's not going, maybe so Draco knows he's serious and can talk to him if he wants.
I wonder about Draco's owl to Narcissa. He doesn't seem much in the mood for a party--I hate to think of people having to spend time with him if he's in one of his vicious moods. I almost feel like it'd be better if the party didn't happen and he just had the little celebration he'd wanted on Walpurgis night!
tabiji @ March 30 2004, 10:52:55 UTC |
Interesting that she doesn't seem to have gotten the owl. I wonder if he's holding off on his own plans because he's waiting to see what Harry's plans are.
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 30 2004, 15:21:16 UTC |
That definitely crossed my mind. His reply to her about his party is incredibly subdued and to the point, saying he's sent an owl, but Narcissa hasn't gotten it.
It could just be one of those elaborate ps owls (like the one that took a while to get to Lucius) but if this is just a list I wonder if there's something else going on.
oneminutemovies @ March 26 2004, 23:31:31 UTC |
What I've been noticing is that, although Draco told Harry he hasn't changed and has no intentions of changing, what we can see of his behavior shows that he has changed quite a bit. He's been civil (if sarcastic) to Lavender and teasing in a friendly way to Lisa, when a year ago he would have been nothing but hateful to them. Also, there was a time when an altercation like the one he and Harry just had would have been punctuated with everybody jeering at Draco and siding with Harry. This time, only Hermione voiced the opinion that he wasn't worth speaking to.
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 27 2004, 01:05:25 UTC |
Exactly. He's changed a lot.
I wonder if he just used the term Mudblood as a joke without thinking about it and then was pulled up short by Harry's reaction because it made him really think about himself. Or if Hermione really did make him angry and he called her that angrily, and now is not only angry that Harry called him on it but that he was siding with Hermione when she made him angry. Obviously from this exchange there's still bad blood between the two of them (Draco and Hermione), and while Draco's always been the one stooping to racial slurs Hermione's often the one getting in better shots in canon. (She even draws first blood with her comment about buying brooms.)
He must have thought about this a lot, because the actual incident took place a week ago and he's been stewing ever since, which is what happened 10 months ago too.
oneminutemovies @ March 27 2004, 04:03:56 UTC |
I don't think Draco would use the term "Mudblood" carelessly at this point in time. I haven't been keeping track but I'm sure Harry has, and he said that it's been a really long time since Draco said that so it's not something that just slips out all the time.
The clock is ticking for Draco since their time at Hogwarts is running out, and we know it's on his mind as he mentioned it during Love Your Neighbor Week. I think he has been stewing over a lot of things, and he's starting to test some limits, consciously or not. Of course it all has to end in tears, because it's those two.
sistermagpie @ March 27 2004, 05:29:15 UTC |
I think he has been stewing over a lot of things, and he's starting to test some limits, consciously or not.
Yes, ITA-testing limits, consciously or not.
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Anonymous @ March 27 2004, 02:08:27 UTC |
What's this all about?! (http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/231590.html).
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ex_lev195 @ March 27 2004, 05:07:30 UTC |
I get the feeling that something might end up happening at the Ravenclaw party between ps and j_h to rip the scab off their recent fight. Or maybe they'll all just get drunk and that'll be the end of it. Seamus's icon amused me.
(parent)xnera @ March 27 2004, 05:31:02 UTC |
Something's gotta happen. Something always happens at NA parties.
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 27 2004, 05:37:08 UTC |
Some stuff is too important to do on your own forever, so you have to get someone else and alot you won't need and if you do you probably won't remember how anymore.
Especially with Harry making comments like this:
Some stuff is too important to do on your own forever, so you have to get someone else and alot you won't need and if you do you probably won't remember how anymore.
Which I had to read several times and still feel like there's something in there that has nothing to do with maths or potions.
onthehillside @ March 27 2004, 05:51:42 UTC |
Yeah, I've read it several times too, and that "alot" doesn't really fit. Why can't they just go off and shag or something? Dammit, again.
(parent)xnera @ March 27 2004, 05:52:56 UTC |
Yeah, this line pinged my brain, too. Wish I could figure out what it meant.
Some stuff is too important to do on your own forever... the only thing I can think of right now is that Harry is talking about fighting Voldemort. That he can't do it alone anyway, or doesn't want to do it alone. I just have this feeling that a lot of Harry & Draco's fighting lately has to do with just how far Draco is willing to come over to Harry's side. Of course I could be completely wrong.
If this *is* about the fight against Voldemort, then what is Harry afraid that he doesn't remember how to do anymore? Heck, I want to know the answer to that question regardless of what's behind it.
sistermagpie @ March 27 2004, 19:27:13 UTC |
Thinking about it, I wondered if Harry was expressing weariness over feeling like he does all the "work" with Draco? Like he feels like he's always trying but Draco won't give an inch?
I've no idea if that's the case, but I figured I'd throw that out since their fight kind of had Draco being angry at Harry for wanting him to change his bigotted ways, while at the same time expecting Harry to change his unbigotted ways. Or something.:-)
xnera @ March 27 2004, 05:57:08 UTC |
I just want to show you ...WHAT? I am alarmed (yet composed).
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 27 2004, 06:01:36 UTC |
LOL! I am alarmed, and perhaps less composed.:-)
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Anonymous @ March 27 2004, 08:14:25 UTC |
Looks like Draco didn't show up. (http://www.livejournal.com/users/just_harry/10627.html?thread=276867#t276867)
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Anonymous @ March 27 2004, 08:23:40 UTC |
Well, Seamus kind of rallied the Gryffindors, and while the animosity is certainly not what it used to be, Slytherins aren't particularly fond of the Gryffindors in general. And, I believe Ernie went, semi-with Hermione, so he probably didn't want to invite more people along who would make fun of him for the whole poll incident...
(parent)tabiji @ March 27 2004, 08:26:06 UTC |
*sobs* have they learned nothing from Love Your Neighbour Week?
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Anonymous @ March 27 2004, 08:32:02 UTC |
I'm sure some of them wished they could have learned how to move an entire room onto the Quidditch pitch.