kievstar @ 2000-04-09 21:31:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
It seems Harry made a great performance showing off his PINK underwear. Draco points out that he already could have guessed it making all the pathetic little fan-girls squee. Actually he is as usually enraged and grumpy, but reminds us about his Birthday Party on saturday which all nragers are sure will be SOMETHING. We still don't know whether Harry goes or are they still quarreling. I put my money on the first option, besides Lisa hints on seeing Harry and someone else "going missing" and when they returned they didn't appear to be zombies- whatever she means by that but I think Harry and Draco talked and things are better but only time can say if they're alright now. Surely it is only my humble opinion.
In other news: some students slept outside, Harry and Lupin have hilarious conversation (The pine cone conspiracy!!!!!!!), MB reveals Harry's dark secret--- his ugly background and the desktop!(oh just how much would I like to read this "Malfoy" thing) and Ernie now has the famous Luna's glasses. I can't help thinking that Draco will end up in them (with Seamus' or MB's help) on his Birthday party, snog Harry and tell the world about that, then notice glasses, remember that pink is not on this spring and that it doesn't suit his hair (although everything does!!! ), take them off and be even more enraged then we think he can be! Well.. or maybe not!
P.S.: this excursion business ended without The Disaster I expected if only it is not happening now...
portkey @ April 9 2004, 18:42:43 UTC |
This just made me smile broadly. It always brightens my day to see Harry and Remus being so.. domestic around each other. Sirius, too.
(I'd paint this comment with lots of Lavender-like hearts at the whole aww-ness I feel about that entire exchange, but I already have too many problems with people thinking I'm a girl. :P Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just like to avoid confusion. ;))
kievstar @ April 9 2004, 19:01:19 UTC |
=D If we all acted Lavander-like everytime we want to squee (and with NA it's almost all the time actually) nraged would be... colourful!
(parent)portkey @ April 9 2004, 19:19:11 UTC |
Must.. resist.. urge.. to inundate.. nraged.. with colour!
(parent)portkey @ April 9 2004, 19:59:30 UTC |
*giggles* That's appropriately annoying, too, as well as being colourful. *grins*
(parent)dragynville @ April 9 2004, 19:37:18 UTC |
I just wanted to go all melty when Remus called him 'love' and 'dear'. He's so the mommy to Harry! :D
(parent)portkey @ April 9 2004, 19:58:25 UTC |
I so agree!
And now I find myself wanting to snuggle you to make up for being unable to snuggle Remus. ;) *cuddles*
portkey @ April 9 2004, 20:02:55 UTC |
Oh, perhaps we should take this to a more private place..
*closes the door, blocking everyone out* *winks, grinning*
dragynville @ April 9 2004, 20:09:56 UTC |
Now all we need is a silencing spell! ;D *pounce*leer*
(parent)portkey @ April 9 2004, 20:11:41 UTC |
*smirks* Well, this way they can ignore us if they like, but also get part of the juicy details. ;)
*is pounce* *leers* *grins*THE ICON! YES! So perfect. ;)
dragynville @ April 9 2004, 20:15:12 UTC |
Too true! Bless their voyeuristic little hearts! XD
*lick*tackle*cling*How about this one? ;D
portkey @ April 9 2004, 20:21:43 UTC |
Bless them, indeed. ;)
*licks**huggles**gropes*That one is VERY good, as well. Even more perfect than the other one. ;)
Oh man, the rest of the nraged members are going to hate us after this. But it's too ... fun, to stop. ;)
dragynville @ April 9 2004, 21:09:32 UTC |
squee! :D *pets*caresses*LOL! They're going to ban us!
I must go take the boy Easter shopping now.
portkey @ April 9 2004, 21:28:10 UTC |
*purrs, arching*Yes, they'll ban us forever. ;)
Have fun with the boy! :D
kievstar @ April 9 2004, 21:11:10 UTC |
HEY! Intentional making everyone jealous is illegal!!!
(parent)![]() |
faelori @ April 9 2004, 18:45:32 UTC |
Oh, gracious, Harry's desktop. I love you, M.B.
portkey @ April 9 2004, 18:47:07 UTC |
Though I'm rather curious about what that letter to Sirius was about. Perhaps something he'd been working on during the whole Remus/Sirius split but never had the courage to send?
kievstar @ April 9 2004, 18:58:38 UTC |
Why do you think he didn't send it? Besides, he said he used it mostly in summer so maybe it's just the letter he sent or waned to send Sirius when stayed on Privat Drive?
(parent)portkey @ April 9 2004, 19:18:02 UTC |
I don't know, it just seems odd to me that he'd save a letter to Sirius if he'd already sent it, which makes me think that it was kind of in-progress but never got fully finished to how he wanted it to be, and/or, for whatever reason, he never sent it when it was completed.
Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it. :)
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faelori @ April 9 2004, 19:53:31 UTC |
I think maybe we were meant to think something would happen. Hehe. Tricky.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 10 2004, 00:21:56 UTC |
Ernie was one of those sneaking around in the middle of the night like zombies, so that makes Harry and Ernie - a very odd combination
(parent)keristars @ April 10 2004, 01:10:35 UTC |
Wait - Lisa wasn't talking about the Sleeping Bag Party (with Morgan "Excursion" Mullarkey, who puts the "Eep!" in Sleeping [and I can never say that phrase enough]) or something maybe? In which case.
In which case something happened.
My fill in the blank neurons aren't firing at the moment.
sistermagpie @ April 10 2004, 03:00:58 UTC |
I got the impression Lisa was saying a few of the people who were sleeping outside disappeared for a while, and Harry and Ernie were two of them. They went off in the woods and in a horror movie like Evil Dead they would have returned having been turned into zombies but they seem to be okay.
Harry and Ernie both confirm they are not zombies, but then, that really is just what zombies would say.
black_dog @ April 10 2004, 05:08:38 UTC |
We assume Harry and Ernie didn't go off with each other, unless it was to have a little chat, mano a mano, about some of Ernie's past remarks. And we've since confirmed that Ernie snogged Hermione, presumably while he was off not being zombified. So, who did Harry go off with, and what did he do? And does asking that make me a squeeing fanboy?
I also couldn't help noticing Draco's remark that the "hole in [Harry's] trousers" was "a spectacle caused for nothing." I wonder under what circumstances Draco might think that the display of Harry's underear would be a spectacle that had some point to it?
sistermagpie @ April 10 2004, 05:26:36 UTC |
I'm just loving NA for showing us the Daily Prophet report on the pants incident!
Ernie's post made me think along these lines as well. Presumably Harry wouldn't have been sitting around with Hermione and Ernie while they snogged, though I suppose he could have gone off by himself. I'd like to think otherwise, of course. If Hermione's gotten her man, I think Harry should get
Also, I'm very much wondering whose sleeping bag Ernie chucked his glasses into...
black_dog @ April 10 2004, 07:56:12 UTC |
I'm just loving NA for showing us the Daily Prophet report on the pants incident!
Apparently they don't quite get the whole picture, though: "Pink Polka-Dotted Pants, Ladies!"
I love the whole creepy Urband Legend Crystal Lake stuff. I'm waiting to find a silver hand hanging from the back of one of the Hogwarts carriages. And poor Ernie, all alone with the rats!
I'm very much wondering whose sleeping bag Ernie chucked his glasses into...
I guess that's Harry, at this point. But I'm a little worried about PS. He's the only major player we haven't heard from since they left the campsite . . .
sistermagpie @ April 10 2004, 15:44:42 UTC |
Well, we've got him now, and Harry's an idiot.:-) I said this in the other thread, but I thought the D/H interaction was funny, with Harry having to ask if he was idiot because Draco'd just thought of some obscure reason why this was so, rather than anything relevent to the current situation. If I were Draco I'd have meant the comment affectionately.
(parent)black_dog @ April 10 2004, 21:00:39 UTC |
?? What D/H interaction is this? Am I missing something new?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 10 2004, 21:09:30 UTC |
This interaction here!
In response to Harry asking if this is about his pants.
black_dog @ April 10 2004, 21:08:26 UTC |
Never mind, I found it -- apparently I can't count comments.
I'll look up your comment in the other thread -- but it's interesting that Harry comes back down to earth with a rather bitter reply playing off his old gripe that Draco "makes up" his judgments. I have to think a bit about whether I feel like PS is being affectionate or harsh here -- my first take was harsh, mainly I guess because of Harry's reaction.
sistermagpie @ April 10 2004, 21:35:41 UTC |
I have no idea how to take it, myself. I know how I would mean it if I were Draco, but I have no idea what he means or how Harry's taken it. I mean, I don't think Harry thought it was funny, but I didn't think his response was as harsh as it could have been (Fuck you, Malfoy, being one alternative that comes to mind).
I thought Harry was being impatient, but I couldn't help but sort of laugh at the way it got into their old argument--he was snippy, but snippy in a personal way that brought up how Draco makes him angry. I mean, here's Peter on the loose and Harry's like, "Oh wait, perhaps Malfoy's thought of something more important, like how I'm an idiot for tying double knots in my shoes." I just like that his snapping indicates the argument is still there for him under the surface.
But like I said, I'm not sure about Draco. Is he worried about Harry because of this? Was this his way of making some contact with him? If we assume they still haven't spoken really since their fight, this would mean Draco had gone even further on the offensive of trying to draw him out. He already wrote about him in his lj (and Harry didn't response), and now he has gotten a response. If they did talk anything out on the trip, the exchange could have a different vibe to it, though.
I just keep thinking about when Harry was hurt and Draco was all, "He's not dead, you know!" Recently he mentioned thinking Harry had cracked his head open and then "all the fuss over nothing" when it turned out his pants were ripped. Now he's telling him he's an idiot for worrying about said pants when PP is on the loose. "You're an idiot," isn't very supportive, but it seems like something ps would say in a situation like this.
black_dog @ April 10 2004, 22:03:33 UTC |
he was snippy, but snippy in a personal way that brought up how Draco makes him angry
Yeah, I can see this -- it feels like the continuation of a recent argument. (I mean, it's obviously a continuation of an old argument, but it makes me wonder if they did get together on the trip and just went over the same ground, yet again.)
I guess the latest PS/JH mystery is whethe they got together in the woods, like Ernie and Hermione (or not like Ernie and Hermione.) I had the same reaction as you did to PS' last post. His first camping post was full of his usual indirections, but his second seemed almost like a direct (for PS) plea to Harry for some kind of contact -- he tells the pants story and expresses worry for Harry (and he can't be pleased that Granger is the one who rushes to his side), then he leaves an obvious opening by saying he's going to sleep outside, then he pointedly mentions the party. Harry would be inhuman not to respond to all of that, and we know from Lisa that Harry did disappear for a bit, so I think the evidence points to them getting together, though it's not conclusive.
I also wonder what's happened to the party. If Harry rushed off to Dogear, he apparently rushed off ahead of Sirius if Sirius is missing. Was Harry sulking because of a bad conversation with PS? Going ahead so he'd have time to change and pack and still have a little time with Sirius before heading to the party?
I'm assuming Harry can't possibly attend the party at this point because of Peter -- which may defuse what would otherwise have been a really disastrous snub/sulk. Was the party supposed to be at the Manor?
Is he worried about Harry because of this? Was this his way of making some contact with him?
Another take on this might be that PS is breaking his silence as a kind of warning to Harry. This would be sort of a narrower reading, focusing on the fact that Harry really has been kind of an idiot in his comments about Peter's escape. So PS opens up a channel to see what Harry could be thinking, and then closes it when he realizes it's only the glasses. But he's also made his point -- that Harry should be a little more serious about the people who are out to get him.
Hard to decide among these options because of the wonderfully, perversely incomplete nature of the evidence. :) But it's fun to turn over the possibilities.
sistermagpie @ April 10 2004, 23:28:08 UTC |
His first camping post was full of his usual indirections, but his second seemed almost like a direct (for PS) plea to Harry for some kind of contact -- he tells the pants story and expresses worry for Harry (and he can't be pleased that Granger is the one who rushes to his side), then he leaves an obvious opening by saying he's going to sleep outside, then he pointedly mentions the party. Harry would be inhuman not to respond to all of that, and we know from Lisa that Harry did disappear for a bit, so I think the evidence points to them getting together, though it's not conclusive.
Yeah, I just don't know--I definitely had the same thought about Granger running to Harry's side (and being the spokesperson for Harry's pants--ahem, I love the possible possessive reading of, "Well, some of us are already quite well-acquainted with Potter's pants, thank you!" :P) If they did meet each other and didn't solve anything, at least Draco felt he should post something to him. If not then it seems like Draco's on the chase here. (Am I the only one who also got a little nostalgic when Draco said they had to collect algae in the lake and then worried about sunburn? Was he just hitting those echoes of Harry by accident or giving Harry more possible openings to pick up on the private joke--say, by offering tips on how to get algae out of Draco's clothes?)
M.B.'s post did sound like she was maybe trying to find out what happened herself, with "did you sleep outside?" being a roundabout way of asking if he was involved with any Gryffs that night at all.
As to when Harry left, I'm wondering when the glasses came into play. It's kind of hard for Harry to be sulking while wearing them, so he may have just skipped off happily home without a care in the world and not paid attention to where Sirius was. He also wouldn't be worried about fighting with ps, though he didn't get all chummy with him either.
I wonder how anyone can go to the party now. That is, anyone non-Slytherin. Pansy, M.B. and Nott would probably be free to go (and Crabbe and Goyle) but won't most of the other kids be expected to stay home or somewhere more safe, like The Burrow? Who would be crazy enough to send their kids to the Manor?
So PS opens up a channel to see what Harry could be thinking, and then closes it when he realizes it's only the glasses. But he's also made his point -- that Harry should be a little more serious about the people who are out to get him.
Yeah, I was definitely trying to see if there was any serious worry being expressed their beyond the basics. If ps posted that after it had been revealed that Harry had the glasses, it may have also been an expression of relief, like a way of saying Harry was an idiot for falling those glasses but it made ps nervous. He didn't taunt him about Peter or even touch on that subject, which seems like something he sometimes does if something's really disturbing. Like he doesn't want to deal with what's happened, really, which of course puts him further from Harry who has to deal with it.
Incidentally, it seems just sort of "right" thematically that the Slytherins aren't part of the glasses thing. I mean, on one hand it's just normal because they weren't on the sleepout so had no reason to have them, but I don't know...I just find it interesting that the rose-colored glasses problem struck Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ernie. M.B.'s cheering charm was kind of similar, but resulted in swift retribution and also caused real horror in her friends. It just seems kind of chilling that the kids who are at the most risk with Peter loose were also in danger due to rose-colored glasses while the Slytherins had a miserable time. Seems to mean something on some level to me, but don't ask me what.:-D
black_dog @ April 11 2004, 04:04:45 UTC |
Am I the only one who also got a little nostalgic when Draco said they had to collect algae in the lake and then worried about sunburn?
I didn't even think of that! I love it! Algae and sunburn. And perhaps a little salve-rubbing? So it all says Harry, Harry, Harry, but in code.
It's kind of hard for Harry to be sulking while wearing them, so he may have just skipped off happily home without a care in the world and not paid attention to where Sirius was.
You're right, actually -- the glasses don't fit with calculation or sulking. Though I still find it odd that Harry would just vanish back to Dogear without Sirius. I guess he has no reason to ride the Hogwarts express. But wouldn't he have stopped to see Remus?
I could be letting my speculative urge run away with me, but I don't feel quite done with the zombie theme, somehow. (Red Herring? Or Grim Foreshadowing?). A bunch of people seem to be finding themselves alone after making odd and rather vague choices -- Dean to skip his train to stay in London, Seamus to "go shopping," Sirius to go off on some kind of summons from which he only now has been "sent home." And why are Ernie's parents missing?
I also find Seamus' appearance at Remus flat kind of creepy. "Let me in," eh? Have we heard from Dean since? I put nothing past Peter . . .
If ps posted that after it had been revealed that Harry had the glasses, it may have also been an _expression of relief
Yeah, on reflection it works either way -- as a warning while he's still worried, or as a "don't slip up again" kind of remark now that the danger is past. Harry definitely can't afford rose-colored glasses, even for a minute; that sort of outlook is the anti-Harry, even more than it is the anti-Millicent.
It just seems kind of chilling that the kids who are at the most risk with Peter loose were also in danger due to rose-colored glasses while the Slytherins had a miserable time.
Again it makes me wonder, totally speculatively, if there is some kind of third force working on the Gryffindors, that we are too quick to blame on the rose-colored glasses.
Just being Ernie for a second, there. :)
sistermagpie @ April 11 2004, 05:48:09 UTC |
I admit I just feel weird about things right now. Sirius is back after a long break. And I do feel like there's weird stuff with odd people getting together...but I don't know if that's only to get people with other Hogwarts folks for the holidays or what.
And speaking of suspicious, this party of ps' is creeping me out, full stop. So far we know nothing of what is going on at the Manor if anything. We've never had any idea just who was invited to this party of ps' because no one's said anything about it except him-none of the kids have ever mentioned it. (Someone had a good point about Draco being an excellent choice of sleeping bag for Peter to crawl into if he wanted to get to a "friendly" place.)
It's not that I expect ps' party to be a bigger deal than Peter's escape by any means, but doesn't it seem odd that a party first mentioned months ago with the whole question of the date and all that, is nothing? I mean, maybe it was always planned that way somehow just seems very suspicious and now it seems like it's ALWAYS been suspicious. Only ps has ever talked about it, except once when Narcissa told him to owl what he needed for it. Last we heard he asked if she'd gotten his owl and she said no. Of course it could have come after that, but everything about this thing seems like a non follow-through. He's never had a party, never even gone to the other parties, yet this year he started planning this party months ago. It's supposedly a big one (because he considered having a second just for a few friends) but did anybody get an invitation? Surely Seamus would have commented on the stationery or engraving?? Surely Seamus would be invited? Wait--one other person who mentioned it was MB when she said she would have to wait until April to give ps his present, and that was in December.
The whole thing's just been wonderfully creepy. We got all these hints like something bad was going to happen on the outing, but everything seemed to go great. Then it turned out something bad happened...but not, because Peter was near Crystal Lake but nobody got hurt...or did they? It seems hard to believe Peter didn't do whatever it was he set out to do by going there. So to have the urban legend theme it seems like Lisa's zombie comment should turn out to be true somehow, just as the Camp Crystal Lake/hook story was sort of true. And the fact that this date has been mentioned for months, and that the thing that was supposed to be connected with it seems's starting to seem like part of some conspiracy or something. As long as we're getting Ernie's making me wonder if the party was almost some kind of weird code or something. Just...something. I just don't trust NA to carefully plant seeds for something and not have something grow!
Okay, now I'm just getting silly. A little Ernie goes a long way. But still...*looks around warily and shudders*
black_dog @ April 11 2004, 06:39:44 UTC |
A little Ernie goes a long way.
Looks like you're not the only person feeling that way.
this party of ps' is creeping me out, full stop . . . doesn't it seem odd that a party first mentioned months ago with the whole question of the date and all that, is nothing?
And didn't Draco go out of his way to say "if you don't get an invitation, it's not a mistake"? Sort of to forestall any questions or gossip by people who might have been surprised not to get invited? But if there's no party, what's the point? Or was it meant to be a private party with Harry? But I don't think Harry has ever alluded to it either.
It seems too contrived, even for PS. And he may well post happily about his truncated party, tomorrow. But it does all seem very odd.
Then it turned out something bad happened...but not, because Peter was near Crystal Lake but nobody got hurt...or did they?
Again I find the lack of a structured ending to the outing kind of interesting. People just seem to have wandered off on their own to begin the holidays, and although there was a Hogwarts Express run, we know from Ernie that everyone was sleeping, presumably too out of it to pay much attention to who was and wasn't on the train -- and perhaps not everybody took it. So there's this wonderful feeling of loose ends, because we really haven't taken inventory and don't know for sure that everyone's OK. We don't know if anything happened when people wandered off by themselves the final night.
More oddness: what's up with Percy arguing about how many toes Rat!Peter may have? Percy is always kind of full of himself, but he's not often simply wrongheaded, or a flack for Ministry disinformation. Do we have canon info about Peter's rat form post-amputation? Conceivably, the magical properties of Voldemort's hand could be such that it leaves Rat!Peter with a full paw, or even just his old paw missing a single toe. Could Percy be right?
And still more: what's the thing that Hermione and Harry can't talk about publicly, that they need to talk to Sirius about? (And that they post about indirectly in public even though Sirius is in the next room?)
Well, I am too sleepy for a coherent post about all these loose ends. Looking forward to finding new developments in the morning.
sistermagpie @ April 11 2004, 15:32:54 UTC |
Well, you're right about the party being real--which I agree had to be so. It's more the weirdness than anything, because it seems like Sally-Anne, Seamus, Pansy, Seamus and Dean were there for sure, and unless I'm mistaken, Percy Weasley? But not Ron? So presumably not Harry?
I assumed that Percy is sticking to the Ministry line that Voldemort didn't return and that the events in the graveyard never happened, so that's why he's giving out wrong information. But why did he go off to the Malfoys? Did they want him there to encourage him in his own ideas about Peter?
I suppose Seamus went off shopping to perhaps get a present for the party or soemthing? M.B. says Seamus tried to spy on her, though Dean says it was him, which made me think maybe the Gryffindors have started to wonder if they could find something out about Peter from the Slytherins.
I've no idea what Hermione was talking about, though.
M.B. also says Draco sulked at his party, but then it's hard to imagine him doing anything else.
black_dog @ April 11 2004, 23:10:23 UTC |
Percy Weasley?
I assumed that he wasn't so much "at the party," as "at the Manor" on official business. i.e. investigating Peter's disappearance. In the politest possible way, of course, because of the status of the Malfoys. But obviously there was a major Ministry investigation -- Remus reports that his shop was "crawling with Aurors" and Sirius was called away for a while. Wasn't there a snarky remark somewhere about Percy as the "Minister's date" -- though I couldn't find it just now.
I assumed that Percy is sticking to the Ministry line that Voldemort didn't return and that the events in the graveyard never happened
That would be consistent, at least. But what is NA canon on Voldemort's return? I don't remember what the Ministry's reaction was to last year's attack at Hogwarts.
I suppose Seamus went off shopping to perhaps get a present for the party or soemthing?
I'm relieved to see Seamus and Dean; I had talked myself into some real paranoia there. Though it only doubles the sense of sadness that Harry couldn't be there. I still think it's lucky for H/D that the security situation provides a ready made excuse for Harry's absence, which will make it easier for their friendship to survive this particular failure.
M.B. also says Draco sulked at his party
She also says that the reason it made her "ill" to visualize Draco having sex was who he was pretending to have it with [Sally Anne] and not the sex itself. So is she nagging him about the status of the relationship with Harry? And the wet pajamas remark -- a glimpse at something that happened the last night in the woods? Grasping at straws, I guess! :)
sistermagpie @ April 12 2004, 00:23:52 UTC |
Ah! I think I was wondering if Draco invited the MoM.:-) Because Ron refers to Percy as going to "that party," as opposed to going to interrogate the Malfoys--though it's Ron, of course. I'm not sure what the NA canon is on the Ministry position...I suspect they kept up the "Voldemort? Never!" idea. It's interesting that Ron clearly still sees the Malfoys (correctly) as the enemy no matter how he gets along with ps.
I'm glad somebody on another thread pointed out that M.B. asks Draco if he slept outside and Draco says he didn't sleep outside, leaving it open that he was outside, only not sleeping. He also asks why a rat would bite him, perhaps pointing out that he's not the one Pettigrew would be after. She's also making references to puffskeins, which she and Draco once turned into ZOMBIES when M.B. was staying in a TENT in his room. Arrrrgh!
And yes, the wet pyjamas line did jump out at me, just because...oh, the many ways Harry could get Draco's pjs wet is all I'm saying.
Sally-Anne references are just always delicious because what does she stand for? In the other thread jacay kindly put up these links to the history of Sally-Anne.
She instigated the mudblood thing, was driven away by M.B. and Pansy-to Durmstrang. You almost want to think of her as the wrong alternative to Harry--the Pureblood wife, but then what do you do with Pansy, his alleged girlfriend? Does she just not count because she really is Draco's friend and with M.B., while SA would happily be his DE wife, encouraging more throwing of mudblood?
M.B. presumably still hates her and so does Pansy...and there she is, the last to leave. I wonder what was behind M.B.'s asking if they were having sex--a joke about their past dating or SA's intentions? Not that she'd need a specific intention, but has she ever been that direct in just that way before? It might be a sign that she's getting more direct about Harry. All I know is Draco's reply that they were and he was pausing to type to her cracked me up.
I've no clue where the H/D is. M.B. seems like she's still looking out for it. Would Harry have come to the party if this hadn't happened? If it's at the Manor, and this was always a problem, maybe this was connected to their fight? I'm just throwing this out from no actual thing in the game, but did Harry ever RSVP if he was invited, and if so, would he have said he couldn't go to a party at ps' house? Because that might play into ps' idea that Harry wishes he was someone else, although of course it wouldn't be about that. Otherwise I guess we'd assume Harry said yes then started acting like he wasn't going after they fought.
I remain clueless.
merlion @ April 11 2004, 18:49:01 UTC Zombies |
On the subject of zombies, M. B. gave Draco a dead puffskein, which refers to their zombie experiments from the summer.
Again, interesting timing.
sistermagpie @ April 11 2004, 19:43:57 UTC Re: Zombies |
Ooooh. Such a good call. *looks suspiciously at NA*
-m (who has a feeling NA is having a good laugh back, like Ron teasing Ernie about his rats...but I don't mind.)
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greenvarnish @ April 11 2004, 06:11:52 UTC |
Now he's telling him he's an idiot for worrying about said pants when PP is on the loose. "You're an idiot," isn't very supportive, but it seems like something ps would say in a situation like this.
Sorry to intrude, but I connected Malfoy's comment with how Harry "went missing" the night PP escaped.
wedneswolf @ April 10 2004, 03:54:51 UTC |
Every request for is timing out for me, so I'm assuming that's the problem for you as well. For the time being, I happen to have saved a copy, nutter that I am.
(parent)primroseburrows @ April 10 2004, 12:02:28 UTC |
Thanks! Hmm. I'm interested in knowing what "Ron Snape" is. *g*
(parent)vassilissa @ April 10 2004, 06:50:02 UTC |
As I said before, we were forced to go searching for glowing plants in the middle of the merciless night, and the entire thing went something like this:
Please tell me I'm not the only one that misread the word 'plants' in that sentence.