dragynville @ 2004-04-17 17:43:00 |
(no title)
Mood: sad
Arthur's post made me cry, and cheers to Madame Hooch.
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corrupteddreams @ April 18 2004, 00:49:32 UTC |
I've always loved Madame Hooch <3.
I'm still trying to convince myself that Polyjuice was involved...
jenicomprispas @ April 18 2004, 00:52:08 UTC |
God, I just got home, and it’s heart-break time. This isn’t even just a *wibble*, this is a full-on *brokendowncrying*
*sob* *whimper* It's even worse when you actually look at the keywords.
wednesday_tea @ April 18 2004, 00:56:16 UTC |
I think the 'twins' icon just TORE APART MY SOUL.
(parent)jenicomprispas @ April 18 2004, 00:57:59 UTC |
I KNOW ME TOO. *hands you tissue, not that it makes it any better*
(parent)wednesday_tea @ April 18 2004, 01:01:57 UTC |
Thank you. *blows nose* :((
It does not help that I was listening to horribly sad songs about Brothers when I saw that. Oh my god. (Blue October- For my Brother, FYI)
dragynville @ April 18 2004, 00:57:20 UTC |
I've started crying all over again when I saw the "Dad's watching your back son!" icon. ;_;
(parent)jenicomprispas @ April 18 2004, 01:00:29 UTC |
Me too. God, I saw someone post about the twins' twin's *sob* pictures having been changed, and then I looked, and OHGOD. Just. Yes, crying again now. :((
wednesday_tea @ April 18 2004, 00:52:51 UTC |
oh my god.
Arthur's post may very well be the most well written thing I've seen on this RP. *Cries*
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corrupteddreams @ April 18 2004, 00:54:05 UTC |
I've always loved Sinistra, too. Much love to the player <3.
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corrupteddreams @ April 18 2004, 00:58:56 UTC |
damn right, damn right. I hope Sinistra has the astronomical power of making Narcissa Malfoy feel like shit.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 18 2004, 02:35:07 UTC |
YES. Sinistra is really shining here. I haven't always liked her because her snark has sometimes been a bit too undirected. But she's being absolutely amazing now.
Go. Kill kill kill 'em for me.
mordororbust @ April 18 2004, 00:54:44 UTC |
This is so horrible! Real tears here -- amazing job, Players ... but owwwwww.
(parent)woo2step @ April 18 2004, 01:07:45 UTC |
Ow. So well done, players. You're handling this beautifully, as anyone could tell from the mountain of tissue forming on my desk.
Arthur's post hurts my heart.
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chasingwhispers @ April 18 2004, 01:10:35 UTC |
Arthur just ripped out my heart; it goes out completely to the Weasleys.
Y'know, I can't believe even the Malfoy's are being this callous... And I'm biased, but I can't help still lending a fraction of my anxiety in all this to Draco too: "I've some questions for you." Oh dear. And Draco's responses are so... diplomatically in line with his parents. Wah! Is he actually as smug about "current events" as Lucius and Narcissa seem to be?
I hope there's some miraculous mistake here somewhere too... but it seems so definite. This is I think the most serious event to happen on NA to date. Things are heating up, most likely to the ultimate climax? *Peeks anxiously over at community*
dragynville @ April 18 2004, 01:37:00 UTC |
Lucius is downright giddy in his post and comments. Like he was after the attack on Hogwarts. -_-
(parent)vassilissa @ April 18 2004, 03:01:48 UTC |
And Draco's responses are so... diplomatically in line with his parents. Wah!
I think he's terrified. I hope he is. In his place, I'd run all the way to Italy. Then, you know, to the South Pole, but stopping at Italy first to make it up with Harry. I definitely wouldn't want to sit down to tea with my parents. Not after some of the things in that thread.
sistermagpie @ April 18 2004, 04:33:13 UTC |
Yes, I've been re-reading Draco's posts trying to figure out his feelings on this. All his icons are public faces (I'm perfect/perfect son/good student) except for the "delightfully dark" one, and I'm not sure if that has an important meeting. One could read his wanting to talk as being happy about things and excited to gloat with his parents, or as just wanting to get information and answers, period. I hope he's terrified, but naturally I would.
I loved Sinistra's posts and I couldn't help but wonder if her line of thinking would come into play. Lucius mocks the Weasleys by saying they were wise to have so many kids as if losing two doesn't matter, whereas he has only one-like, "Haha, I've still got my kid and I've got only one!" Then Sinistra asks Narcissa how much she'll care when Drakie-do starts getting tortured and warns her one day he'll annoy the wrong person. Sinistra's not being unrealistic here. I have to admit I wondered if that was exactly what might happen. Not to predict anything, but when I read some of those posts I could easily imagine, for instance, an angry Fred getting back at the DE Malfoys by doing something to Draco. It's not the way the Weasleys would usually behave but one of them really needed to take their grief out on someone and wasn't thinking clearly I think Draco would make the most tempting target imaginable.
vassilissa @ April 18 2004, 06:15:35 UTC |
-like, "Haha, I've still got my kid and I've got only one!"
I read that line worse - I thought it was ominous. I mean yeah, he was mocking wehaveseven's pain, but though Draco's loss would leave a hole in his life and his plans, I'm sure Lucius would sacrifice him in a heartbeat if his 'business associates' required it. (I'm equally certain Narcissa wouldn't, by the way - in fact that she'd kill to protect Draco.)
if one of them really needed to take their grief out on someone and wasn't thinking clearly I think Draco would make the most tempting target imaginable.
I can see that. It's the sort of thing the twins did before. Targetted Draco without thinking of what affect it might have on people around them.
I went "holy shit!" when I read Lucius's "I have some questions for you." I still *am* going "holy shit!" Draco, go on, change for Harry. I know it's hard and unfair, but really, truly, your father can never make you happy, and will never give you the caring and love you want, and Harry *can*. On the one side they're your *parents*, I know, but you'll have to be a model son all your life and marry Pansy and live in the closet, and on the other side there's sunshine and Harry and people being alive, and self-respect, and honest affection.
And Draco there totally made me think he was going to talk honestly with his mother about DEs and Harry and the future, but then he seemed to change his mind.
vassilissa @ April 18 2004, 06:16:20 UTC |
Oops. I meant to close that tag, but it actually kind of makes my point.
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Anonymous @ April 18 2004, 21:11:59 UTC |
You're forgetting that Lucius thinks Pansy is barking and would never allow her to marry into the Malfoy family.
--a player
sistermagpie @ April 18 2004, 22:45:14 UTC |
LOL! And that's just part of what we love about Pansy!
(parent)vassilissa @ April 19 2004, 01:38:40 UTC |
Thanks. I'd forgotten that.
OK, to marry someone 'suitable' that isn't even a friend, then. There is *nothing* good for Draco on the Dark Side. Not even power - look at Lucius. Pathetic. If only PS could see that.
sistermagpie @ April 18 2004, 05:33:13 UTC |
And this.
*applauds Arthur's player* I wish I could say something descriptive about how well this is being done, but it's the simplicity that makes it so real.
moocow1985 @ April 18 2004, 06:41:41 UTC |
I think Arthur's comment of I need my children back is the saddest thing I've read on NA tonight. And that's saying a lot.
lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 09:00:06 UTC |
Holy fuck, me too, wah. That killed me. and McGonagall - Yes. Wahhhhhhh. No, i am dead.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 18 2004, 02:37:42 UTC |
Arthur's post is definitely one of the best pieces of writing I've ever seen on NA, and that's saying a lot. He sounds so... dead, though, and I hate how this had to happen to the Weasleys of all families.
(parent)swallowaspider @ April 18 2004, 02:50:45 UTC |
This may be a stupid question, but was this anagram business done on-community somewhere? Or are we to assume that's what the recent owling between Draco and Narcissa has been about?
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Anonymous @ April 18 2004, 02:55:58 UTC |
i believe she's referring to this... http://www.livejournal.com/users/sinistr
dragynville @ April 18 2004, 03:04:23 UTC |
'Why, hello there, witchy woman. Can My Father buy you a drink?' never fails to crack me up. Must parley that into an icon someday. XD
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 18 2004, 09:01:41 UTC |
Arthur, Arthur, thatbwas..beyond amazing. Gah this huts, wah. My chest hurts everytime I see the username :'(((((
(parent)slinkhard @ April 18 2004, 14:53:11 UTC |
I don't know, I think Sinistra, for one, is way out of line:
"Oh, will that come when Drakiedo gets tortured instead?"
And it's telling that onourbrooms (no I still haven't learnt the FAQ yet *facepalms*) goads them before she offers support to Molly and Arthur.
(no offence to the players, though! :)