onthehillside @ 2004-04-19 10:44:00 |
(no title)
Mood: stressed
Narcissa has posted.
What is going on?? Good or bad, good or bad. Someone help me out here. Translating Narcissa speak has never been my strong point. Why did she make this a community post? Why is she so sad about Draco going back to school? I can't take this stress, NA. YOU ARE GIVING ME ULCERS.
frozen_jelly @ April 19 2004, 14:49:07 UTC |
Is Draco's leaving upsetting her because she feels like he 'always understands (her) so well' as shown by their peach fashion conversation, and now he is gone she will have to spend time wholly with Lucius and do more DE entertaining. argh. I have no idea!
(parent)onthehillside @ April 19 2004, 14:51:18 UTC |
DAMMIT. I can't think of anything constructive to say about this. I am stress.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 19 2004, 14:55:53 UTC |
To me, Narcissa posts always just say "Look at me, I am self-centred" without really saying much else. So I totally agree with you.
(parent)onthehillside @ April 19 2004, 14:56:34 UTC |
She feels accomplished, which contradicts her unhappiness that Draco and Lucius turned down her idea, which contradicts her lack of feeling for the Weasleys in the paragraph above. Everything! Contradicts!
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 19 2004, 15:02:41 UTC |
This whole cntradiction thing is reminding me of her conversation with Lucius earlier about how some people assume she is just an air head when in fact she is as scheming as they come. You can see this here:http://www.livejournal.com/users/p
comava @ April 19 2004, 15:06:21 UTC |
I do wonder how Lupin will react to her comment about people who "have thrown caution to the wayside these days and have taken about a rather careless manner."
For the rest, I'm just rolling my eyes. Ever since she went trotting back to Looshie, it's been hard to sympathize with her on any level. She's wealthy and sophisticated and whatever; she'd still like more little dragons running around. She is awfully touchy about the miscarrige subject, isn't she?
comava @ April 19 2004, 15:09:26 UTC |
She was pregnant, wasn't she? All sign's pointed that way a few months ago or so and when I was browsing through um, was it nraged's memories? I found the Q&A with her. Someone asked how she felt to the topic of having more children and she blocked off, saying it was too sensitive a subject of something.
*shrugs* I just figured that was what happened.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2004, 15:43:36 UTC |
No, she wasn't pregnant. It did seem that way for a while, but she wasn't.
(parent)onthehillside @ April 19 2004, 15:44:06 UTC |
Yeah, but then it turned out she had some weird disease instead.
(parent)allthat_jazz @ April 19 2004, 15:08:08 UTC |
Wah. Wah wah wah. Maybe it's just because my paranoia is in overdrive because of recent events, but I don't like the tone of this at all. I wonder, who is she referring to with those not-so-subtle threats? (Those who behave in such a base manner should not be surprised when tragedy befalls them) What is it she did that Draco and Lucius did not agree with? And why on earth is she so upset about Draco leaving? It could be just the normal Narcissa drama over being parted with her son, but still...I don't like her tone in the first few paragraphs. She's talking about him the way someone talks about someone who's died, or who has become seriously ill. Though maybe this is just another subtle jab at the Weasley's and their loss; that thought occurred to me while reading it. Gah.
(parent)xnera @ April 19 2004, 16:24:34 UTC |
don't like her tone in the first few paragraphs. She's talking about him the way someone talks about someone who's died, or who has become seriously ill.
I totally agree. I read that and said, "Draco's going to die." WAAH!
But then she says Draco has made and will continue to make us proud of him. Which kind of implies he's going to be around for a while.
My guess is that this:
We agreed that so many people have thrown caution to the wayside these days and have taken about a rather careless manner.
is actually a warning to Draco. That if he doesn't behave more as his father expects him to, or continues to show empathy for The Good Guys, then his life may very well be in danger.
I'm worried abou the duck l'orange with ginger, because my mind immediately went ginger==Ginny. Is Ginny in danger? eek!
quixotic_sense @ April 19 2004, 17:48:58 UTC |
Actually, it just hit me that ginger = red hair. A reference to the Weasleys in general, not just Ginny?
... if so, that's fucking awful. A strong hint of ginger, indeed.
vassilissa @ April 20 2004, 03:52:37 UTC |
I totally agree. I read that and said, "Draco's going to die." WAAH!
But then she says Draco has made and will continue to make us proud of him. Which kind of implies he's going to be around for a while.
He could make them proud of him *by* dying. Say, by assassinating Harry.
Just a cheerful thought.
frozen_jelly @ April 19 2004, 15:12:50 UTC |
I totally took the ginger comment as straightforward culinary talk. I think this is my problem with Narcissa, i find it hard to see her as anything more than the trophy wife.
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pbyhe @ April 19 2004, 19:52:04 UTC |
I just took it as culinary talk too, but I see her as more than a trophy wife. I bet she is a lot more involved in Lucius' affairs than anyone, maybe even Draco, realises.
(parent)lifeinwords @ April 19 2004, 15:09:27 UTC |
My Little Dragon has grown up to be quite the thoughtful gentleman. Lucius and I have done a superb job in raising him; Draco has made and will continue to make us proud of him.
I saw this as simultaneously pointing out Draco's excellent progress as a future husband/man of the house (no gay sons here), and as praising Draco for falling so neatly into line as an upstanding future DE. *shudders* She sounds so proud.
And then there's more bantering about the duck a l'orange, this time flavored with ginger. Looks like Narcissa's making her sympathies clear, beyond just agreeing w/ her husband or defending him.
As for the particular topic that Narcissa wants her husband and son to be enthusiastic about, I've no idea.
I would think that the sentiments regarding Draco were the same as we've seen her make before--oh, how she loves her son, how she misses him, etc. etc.--but she goes on for so long, and so elaborately, that I'm sure there must be more to this.
Is Narcissa realizing that her little boy is growing up, and thereby somehow leaving her forever? Is she having second thoughts about the dangers the DE life will bring? Something sounds so ominous about the throbbing ache that has welled up in the deepest cavern of my chest...
lazy_daze @ April 19 2004, 15:48:35 UTC |
'Something sounds so ominous about the throbbing ache that has welled up in the deepest cavern of my chest...'
Mmmhmmm, that didn't sit easy with me either - it seems so ridiculously melodramatic it has to be hinting at something else, but she's so damn confusing i don't know what she's getting at. It can't be good, whatever.
bookofjude @ April 19 2004, 15:09:49 UTC |
Hmm. Interesting, and rather confusing. She seems to be a lot more obsessive over Draco now, at least more than she was during the period of the Burning Man and such.
(parent)bsafemydeers @ April 19 2004, 15:12:02 UTC |
Was I the only one who went UGH, Narcissa, don't be a h0?
I took most of the whining about Draco to be a chance to rub salt into the Weasley wound.
Mmm, vague threats.
sistermagpie @ April 19 2004, 15:59:00 UTC |
I'm agreeing with most people on this one. The people who have thrown caution to the wind would be people like the Weasleys, who brought this on themselves.
This: "I shall have to immerse myself in various obligations so that I may not dwell too long on the pain of being parted from him. I do so adore my charming son and it shall be an eternity before I see him again, I fear. Although I am more than aware that such is life, it cannot dull the throbbing ache that has welled up in the deepest cavern of my chest," seems like a pretty cruel imitation of what Molly is going through. She really is parted from her sons, whom she will only see again "in eternity" and she no doubt has a throbbing ache that's welled up in the deepest cavern of her chest. The above commment that Narcissa sounds like she's talking about a dead person is correct, imo. Her "stunning nostalgic smile" is pretty chilling.
Then there's the references to ginger and Duck a l'orange, also for the Weasleys.
Draco being a little gentleman could very well point to his being delightfully straight and probably about to marry a good DE girl, Sally-Anne (because remember even Pansy, who actually cares for ps, is unacceptable). He's on their side, she seems to be saying.
As to the subject L&D weren't up for, who knows? Remus is one thing Narcissa seems to be fond of that Lucius and Draco could do without. It'd be interesting if she was under the impression Remus would appreciate her putting in a good word for him with them! But I guess it could be something else.
I don't know what to make of the title--is it an anagram?
frozen_jelly @ April 19 2004, 16:06:16 UTC |
Perhaps. If so, here are possible suggestions:
muggleangel @ April 19 2004, 20:47:01 UTC |
Oh my God! It's all clear now! :)
frozen_jelly @ April 19 2004, 16:22:32 UTC |
"Twice no one dies"
Is this a reference to Fred and Charlie?
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queeniefox @ April 19 2004, 20:45:07 UTC |
Tempests may scath;
But love cannot make smart
Again this year his heart
Who no heart hath.
And 'death shall not appal' ?
Interesting... *wishes she was better at analysing poetry*
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chasingwhispers @ April 19 2004, 19:04:51 UTC |
When was the last time Sev was around? Was this it?
I'm just wondering what he's doing and if he has any thoughts/feelings about recent events.
... Also, because I don't like Narcissa's and Lucius' threats: Random as it may seem, when awful things happen there is often a reason why. The secret is to find out why such things are happening and then strive not to emulate the behaviours that would cause such evil to be. Obviously he's talking about the Weasleys, but I'm scared there might be other targets ready to be hit next, or even already hit and we don't know about. Erm, so I'm just speculating who's around and who's not and this is why I want Sev to post or comment. Now. Argh.
(Sorry if this has already been asked!)
small_rodent @ April 19 2004, 19:30:48 UTC |
Does anyone else think that her "I shoulder the burden of being a malfoy" is a little odd? Every time I see it, it gives me the creeps, mostly because it's so different from her usual elegant socialite icons. Her other new icons are also more aggressive, I think, but none are so disturbing as that one. She's been using it a lot, too.