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onewallaway @ 2004-04-30 16:13:00 |
(no title)
potterstinks posts. Someone (
just_harry?) has broken his cane. He seems more concerned about Quidditch than about tonight.
Millicent and Pansy (and presumably all the other Slytherins) will be at Hogwarts tonight, so whatever is happening probably does not involve the children of other DEs. Which means that it's something important to Lucius and Narcissa, moreso than to anyone else.
zedmeister @ April 30 2004, 20:44:31 UTC |
Wait. If it was only broken in half, how can there be 'pieces' missing? There should only be two, and if they're both gone, how does he know it was broken in the first place?
(parent)conversant @ April 30 2004, 20:45:24 UTC |
He's having a bit of a posting splurge. I'm intrigued that he has finally answered Pansy and has done so using his "shapely girlfriend" icon.
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ex_lev195 @ April 30 2004, 23:13:34 UTC |
Well, Pansy DID refer to him going out with Lavender, maybe he just wanted to "publicly" reaffirm that Pansy is his "girlfriend."
(parent)conversant @ April 30 2004, 20:49:27 UTC |
And now he's insulted Luna. Looks to me like a last attempt to attract j_h's notice (and presence).
(parent)muggleangel @ April 30 2004, 23:38:53 UTC |
I really want to know what 'cukkies' are. Animal, mineral or vegetable?
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 30 2004, 21:00:24 UTC |
Anybody else panic like mad at the words "Walpurgis Night"? That was JKR's original name for the DE's and whilst I can't remember if it's ever been mentioned in NA before it doesn't really inspire me with confidence...
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 30 2004, 21:11:10 UTC |
I've always assumed that was a big part of the date--Draco referred to it a while ago, I think, when he was planning his party and said he'd originally wanted to have it this night but couldn't because the match was the next day. I believe he said he hoped to celebrate it with "a few close friends." Um, yipes. Oh, and I'm sure recently a player did confirm that they are thinking of that.
I know he might be going off to be boiled in oil this weekend, but it's fitting my last pre-Whatever It Is image of him will be of him cracking people in the ankles with his cane. Who knew everyone in teh school was so clumsy? I can see him in a nursing home at 189 running over people with his wheelchair.
I also note the way he frames the Lavender incident in terms of bloodlines...he doesn't apologize for being cruel to her, but denies breaking her arm on purpose. As if!
I'm beginning to be more worried about the Quidditch game than about Friday night...probably because I figure we'll have little way of knowing what happens on Friday night. Will Draco be different when he returns on Saturday? He's not exactly stoic, and I have this feeling everybody's going to be noticing something about him during the game.
ungemmed @ April 30 2004, 21:14:12 UTC |
I'm actually really worried that he's framed it in terms of bloodlines. If his prejudices are reemerging, then what sort of decisions will he make tonight?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 30 2004, 21:20:52 UTC |
Yeah, whatever this thing is tonight ps does not seem to be walking into it in the best frame of mind even for him. He's been separated from Harry since his big post about people being "too sensitive" and seems to feel like all his attempts to make things better have been rebuffed. So whatever he's facing, he probably feels like Harry's rejected him first, from his biased pov. I just kind of still hope he surprises us.
I mean, he's very hard to pin down. Everytime you think he's settled he does something weird.
morganmuffle @ April 30 2004, 21:28:32 UTC |
He has surprised me on too many occasions to count but I don't think the signs are good for tongiht. You're right that from hi pov he's likely to be thinking "Harry rejected me" plus all the pureblood stuff is saying to me that he's feeling badly done by and put upon which is not a good mood for him to be in.
He'll almost certainly not do anything we're expecting, if we were expecting anything that is.
sistermagpie @ April 30 2004, 21:33:25 UTC |
Oh definitely. When I try to imagine him surprising me in some way tonight, it's definitely not by renouncing evil and becoming heroic.
(parent)black_dog @ April 30 2004, 21:41:46 UTC |
Interesting that because of the timing of Whatever It Is, we get a taste of PS preparing his team for the Quidditch match on Saturday. It's always very striking when PS gets into quidditch-captain mode -- he's suddenly so serious, no-nonsense, focused, very tough. Maybe it's a useful little reminder, just at the moment, that he's got some steel in him after all?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 30 2004, 23:18:12 UTC |
I admit I was surprised by his asking MB why it was hard for her to admit he wasn't a good Quidditch captain with his hurt-face icon (I'm sure that icon was funny once upon a time, but now it always reads seriously!), and that--I see folks are commenting on this below as well--it leads to MB bringing up his smashed kneecap, about which she felt badly. But he's dismissive about it, "What, we won didn't we?"
But his good-bye is so hearty, and her, "That is more like it," is too. Although she's still demanding he e-mail her when he gets home. Perhaps we will get some communication from the Manor this evening--or perhaps we won't and we'll sit here and worry along with MB.
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ex_lev195 @ April 30 2004, 21:16:12 UTC |
Oh, and I'm sure recently a player did confirm that they are thinking of that.
sistermagpie @ April 30 2004, 21:21:24 UTC |
Thanks--I knew I'd have no hope of finding it.:-)
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 30 2004, 21:16:42 UTC |
You're probably right about tonight, especially as we know Pansy and Millicent aren't going to be there. It's going to be a case of finding out tomorrow and probably only through indirect comments (more analysing fun to be had).
I don't even know what I expect is going to happen. I think if I did I would be less worried. PS does seem to be being generally mean and nasty at the moment and I can't help feeling it's a cry for help. I just alos think that it's not going to work. JH seems to have had enough of.
morganmuffle @ April 30 2004, 21:17:14 UTC |
ok either enough. or enough of his crap. Not a cross between the two (sorry)
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 30 2004, 21:22:39 UTC |
I don't even know what I expect is going to happen. I think if I did I would be less worried. PS does seem to be being generally mean and nasty at the moment and I can't help feeling it's a cry for help. I just alos think that it's not going to work. JH seems to have had enough of.
I know--it's like, "Oh no! Tonight's the night! Tonight's the night for...whatever tonight's the night for!" I can't have any expectations because I have no idea what the hell is going on. Ain't NA grand?:-D
sistermagpie @ May 1 2004, 01:22:06 UTC |
And I'd just like to point out that Lucius and Narcissa are needing to get drunk to face this night.
Wibble indeed!
slinkhard @ May 1 2004, 09:09:02 UTC |
"I can see him in a nursing home at 189 running over people with his wheelchair."
morganmuffle @ April 30 2004, 22:11:51 UTC |
Just got to say that I <3 Lisa. She's very good at arguing with PS and not letting him get away with anything.
Mind you so is Millicent.
morganmuffle @ April 30 2004, 22:14:02 UTC |
and replying to myself...
Is Millicent worried about PS? Why else would she be asking him to email when he gets home?
*wibbles slightly*
lazy_daze @ April 30 2004, 22:15:26 UTC |
Muaha! I was just about to say something about that! And my deduction is yes, she does seem worried...it worries me when M.B. worries...
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Anonymous @ April 30 2004, 22:29:40 UTC |
When M.B. worries, you *know* something *really* bad is going to happen for her to consider it bad.
Maybe there will be a freak accident and um... ps will get locked in a closet somewhere and be unable to go home.
lazy_daze @ April 30 2004, 22:19:12 UTC |
I think it must be the paranoid nrager in me, but I am desperately trying to find some kind of hidden meaning in the egg conversation :>. It's just the, "Oh, you'll drink them" seems so overly dramatic! Yeah, I'm reaching ;) it's the nerves talking.
(parent)onthehillside @ April 30 2004, 22:48:04 UTC |
It is not as funny when you are prepared to smash your kneecap to be a good captain.
I think that M.B. is worried for ps. If you replace "good captain" with "good son" and "smash your kneecap" with "Whatever It Is" it definitely sounds like a warning.
bookofjude @ May 1 2004, 00:03:00 UTC |
Walpurgisnacht is a night in Germany where the witches are supposed to meet the Devil, and fires are built and tended all night long in an attempt to keep away the witches. I haven't found anything referring to broomsticks while looking it up though...?
(parent)bookofjude @ May 1 2004, 00:00:41 UTC |
I get a bit jerky whenever I see Walpurgisnacht, considering JKR said in her interview the day after/before OOTP was released that the Death Eaters originally called themselves the Knights of Walpurgis. It also would be a convenient night for Death Eaters to have a celebration, considering that according to German legend, this night is the night where the witches meet with the Devil.
Tomorrow is the day of Saint Walburga, and the day of today is Beltane, if my memory serves me properly. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, she is also a patron against hydrophobia, storms, and is invoked by sailors.
Which is also interesting is this post, wherein Draco has various dreams:
Of course, I wasn't scared, so then the vampire put me under some sort of trance and ordered me to kill an Acromantula. It was going to turn me into a vampire in reward, but I thoughtfully declined.
Perhaps vampire in this instance was a euphemism for Death Eater, and the Acromantula is some sort of... cabrit san cor', for his initiation into the Death Eaters?
moocow1985 @ May 1 2004, 01:11:29 UTC |
You guys do realize that we probably won't find out about anything until at least tomorrow morning! Eeeegaaaah!
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lonelyspade @ May 1 2004, 01:17:02 UTC |
Har, har, har! You might not, but those lucky people living in the Northeastern US [myself included] who are going to be up all night tonight studying for SATs tomorrow morning will see it all unravel! Muah ha, ha! Something good that comes out of SATs...
[going insane from studying]
anjaliesque @ May 1 2004, 01:21:48 UTC Ah, SATs, you eat my brain. |
*looks up*
You may be right about that.
*back into review book*
moocow1985 @ May 1 2004, 01:28:04 UTC |
*pokes* I am in the Northeastern US.
Make sure you guys get enough sleep tonight. Just cramming everything and staying up far too late will hurt you because you won't be able to think clearly. Have some protein and some orange juice for breakfast and read a little bit in the morning to get your brain going.
And remember that you can always take them again.
(good luck!!!!)
anjaliesque @ May 1 2004, 02:04:03 UTC |
Thanks! I'm off to bed myself - sadly missing whatever hullabaloo there'll be tonight! And knowing I can take them again is indeed a great consolation of mine, but I am certainly not looking forward to several AP tests this week as well. >:(( Happy exams time, everyone.
(parent)darththalia @ May 1 2004, 03:38:02 UTC |
Just cramming everything and staying up far too late will hurt you because you won't be able to think clearly.
It's probably too late, but I totally second moocow1985's recommendation. I teach GMAT prep classes for Kaplan, and that's exactly what we say. Cramming the night before the test is more likely to hurt rather than help. Have a good breakfast and go in rested and with a good attitude.
And I have *no* idea how to bring this back on topic, except I will say that, not having to worry about SATs, I'm sitting here dithering about Draco instead.
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ex_lev195 @ May 1 2004, 02:49:31 UTC |
Does anyone else find it kind of strange how PS dedicated the first and last paragraphs of his post to his cane?
First of all, the person or persons who broke my cane in half ought to come forward immediately.
Oh, yeah. Lastly, whoever broke my cane in half would do well to return the missing pieces to me so I can put it back together. Don't think that just because I'm no longer a prefect I can no longer get into your dormitories.
Why is he repeating himself? I mean, not like he doesn't repeat himself at other times, but it seems like he forgot he mentioned it in the first paragraph when mentioning it in the last. o_O
Most likely I am making something out of nothing, but it still strikes me as odd.
frozen_jelly @ May 1 2004, 02:54:10 UTC |
Lets assume its Harry and its not one but two attempts to get Harry to come and see him, but will it work????????????? argh!!!