sistermagpie @ 2004-05-02 19:01:00 |
Lucius again
Mood: shocked
Lucius posts about Dacey, and mocks Molly in the process.
woo2step @ May 2 2004, 23:13:08 UTC |
Dude. Lucius. That is so frickin' evil. I can't even say anything else!
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ex_lev195 @ May 2 2004, 23:16:26 UTC |
Narcissa seems to be taking it as mocking her, as well.
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onewallaway @ May 2 2004, 23:17:43 UTC |
Interesting choice of music... Wizarding version of Tom Paxton - Lyndon B. Johnson Told the Nation, about the American government in the Vietnam conflict. Most of Lucius' music is classical, not old-school folk protest songs.
The song would indicate that Lucius is saying that there is a DE problem/conflict and that Fudge is denying it but setting up people to fight. Which we already knew. But maybe this means Lucius is not with the DEs.
And more puzzlement about Friday night's activities - a house elf killed and Draco's robes smelling like snake?
divinelight @ May 2 2004, 23:30:15 UTC |
That's what I was thinking...
A snake has to eat, and Nagini may be found of house elves.
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 23:33:42 UTC |
This ( makes it sound like Draco picked the victim> :\ Maybe he chose the snake's victim.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 3 2004, 00:15:58 UTC |
I didn't think it sounded like he picked the victim, exactly. Sounds more like he and Dacey were about to be eaten or something. I mean, Draco says he doesn't think "a snack" is a matter of choice. Lucius points out it could have been him, to which Draco replies that wouldn't have had "the same effect." Lucius asks him to remember exactly how Dacey came to be part of the company at table (unless I'm misunderstanding the French). Lucius seems to be suggesting that this was Narcissa's doing, unless I'm misreading.
(parent)nabiki @ May 3 2004, 00:26:45 UTC |
table d'hote I think is a prix fixe meal, where you pay say, 30 dollars and you get a full 7 course or whatever I am kind of interpreting this to mean the eating or dacey was part of the whole series or courses of tests, demonstrations, etc...whatever was going on, which we're still not 100% sure :P
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 3 2004, 00:43:40 UTC |
Actually, doesn't that mean he's saying Draco should ask who put Dacey on the menu?
(parent)nabiki @ May 3 2004, 00:16:20 UTC |
yeah though keeping with the "test" part, I still think perhaps he was required to test out the killing curse, then maybe the snake eating part was afterwards, lest her body not go to waste...though I don't know any snakes who eat already dead prey so maybe I'm off..
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 3 2004, 03:51:05 UTC |
Okay, looking back on Lucius' comment again, I'm reading it a different way. Draco says Narcissa and Lucius weren't there, so they have no way of knowing what kind of "choice" was made concerning Dacey. Lucius says he imagines there weren't too many alternatives to Dacey. Draco says it wasn't a choice it was a snack. Lucius says it could have been Draco, who replies that wouldn't have had the same effect.
Then Lucius says he should think about how Dacey came to be a possible snack. So is Lucius saying if it weren't for him putting Dacey there Draco would have been the snack so he should just be grateful to Lucius? Because right after this he apologises, though he uses his altruistic icon to do it.
oconel @ May 3 2004, 08:15:39 UTC |
Lucius says it could have been Draco, who replies that wouldn't have had the same effect.
Well, Draco dead on his own initation wouldn't have had the same effect, indeed
anjaliesque @ May 2 2004, 23:39:35 UTC |
HAHAHA. He might not be really mocking. I remember once when jadedsirius and
purestblood were being snarky to each other, and Sirius implied something about a past little-too-close relationship between Lucius and one of his house elves, and him having pictures. Lucius replied petulantly with something like, "I'd never hurt my Tinka." Who knows, he may have been a little, ahem, attached to Dacey as well. :D
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ex_lev195 @ May 2 2004, 23:41:44 UTC |
Lesson? This leads me to believe perhaps Dacey was fed to Nagini in a "This is what you get if you decide to not support Voldemort," or a "This is what you get if you don't do what Voldemort wants," or a "This is what you get if you continue to associate with people who are not suitable for you." type warning.
I can just imagine Nagini slithering around Draco and wrapping him up in her coils before eating Dacey in front of him or something. x_x
chinae @ May 3 2004, 00:30:10 UTC |
Confused who the heck is Ngini? Probably spelled that wrong. Sigh, I mean the snake.
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ex_lev195 @ May 3 2004, 00:47:26 UTC |
Nagini is Voldemort's snake. Big snake.
sistermagpie @ May 3 2004, 01:06:08 UTC |
Narcissa brought up the Chamber of Secrets too--could this be a snake in Malfoy Manor somehow? It sounds like Lucius faced it at Draco's age, which could refer to Voldemort's snake but since Narcissa is bringing up Edward maybe it's a Malfoy thing.
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 23:58:39 UTC |
Is it bad that I crack up when I reread Lucius' whole "SHE'S OUR LITTLE ELF" thing? XDDDD
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Anonymous @ May 3 2004, 00:03:56 UTC Re: *dense* |
Lucius's father. Not a nice guy. Lucius said once, under the influence of Veritaserum, that his greatest fear was becoming just like his father.
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adolfa @ May 3 2004, 00:05:09 UTC Re: *dense* |
EDWARD? That's a little... outside the family naming patterns, but okay. Eesh.
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ex_lev195 @ May 3 2004, 04:40:45 UTC Re: *dense* |
XD Did you see that Narcissa called Lucius "Edwardus"?
(parent)magickslash @ May 3 2004, 04:52:16 UTC Re: *dense* |
Probably due to how shiny she was at the time of posting.
(parent)bloodybrilliant @ May 3 2004, 23:47:53 UTC Re: *dense* |
Didn't she also say that Edward gave her the new elf, Kiki?
She might be, for some bizaare reason, addressing him (Edward)...well, in her "shiny-ness".
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ex_lev195 @ May 3 2004, 00:08:46 UTC Re: *dense* |
Oooh, thanks. Looks like Narcissa is using that fact.
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ex_lev195 @ May 3 2004, 00:15:40 UTC Re: *dense* |
Hm, looks like she's uploading icons as she feels she needs them.
(parent)pengolodh_sc @ May 3 2004, 01:45:00 UTC Re: *dense* |
And she seems to be rather short with the Grand Seigneur.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 3 2004, 09:10:57 UTC |
I love you, Lucius' player. That post made me forcibly eject tea from my nose while laughing.
(parent)slinkhard @ May 3 2004, 12:56:09 UTC |
If laughing at that was wrong, I don't want to be right.
Hey, this bus to hell has a spare seat! Come sit next to me, bookofjude!
anjenue @ May 3 2004, 21:55:33 UTC |
I actually feel really bad for Lucius. After reading through the whole group of comments, it looks like he's feeling a bit fragile, like the entire situation is totally out of his hands, and someone like Lucius would never, ever want to feel that. It's the worst feeling in the world. And I'd imagine the mocking and the fake flippancy is all a cover for the fact that he's feeling very unhappy at the moment.
This: And would you rather another casualty be chosen from those present? Think carefully on that one, Narcissa.
tells me that it could very easily have been Draco. And Narcissa being all upset about Dacey, while understandable, upsets Lucius because he is all too aware of the fact that it could have just as easily been Draco. And then when Narcissa chastizes him, and nothing he says seems to pacify her, he shows an uncharacteristic amount of emotion:
I don't know what you want from me, Narcissa. I was just as worried as you, and many times I wanted to go into that room and stop what was happening. Do you understand that I could not, any more than you could?
And then when Narcissa comments that he is only doing what's best for Lucius, and that even after nineteen years he doesn't know what she wants, that tells me that she's always been unhappy with his status as a Death Eater, but he still refuses to do anything about it. She's never seemed too happy with the whole situation anyhow, and I'd imagine this is as close as she can get to actually full-out STATING the fact.
Then later, when Lucius comments that she and Draco have it all figured out and he's no longer needed, that suggests that Draco is having second thoughts about it as well, and they're siding together, as it were. And that upsets him, because in his mind, he's only doing what's best for his family; like, their status, all their nice things, their relative SAFETY, is all because of his position as a DE, and he can't just give that up. He probably feels like, no matter what he does, he can't do right. And he's doing the best he can, even with the critiques he gets from his wife and now, possibly, from his son as well (although not as directly stated).
This, to me, just seems like a very messed up family, always unwilling and/or unable to talk about anything, which causes most of the problems in the first place. Narcissa likes her life as a member of the haute classe, but doesn't like the fact that her husband is effectively the member of a mob. Draco enjoys being a Malfoy, and looks up to Lucius, but isn't sure he wants to follow in his footsteps. Lucius works hard to keep his family safe and wealthy and happy, and yet they never seem satisfied and he can't seem to do anything right. (And everyone hates him, which has to affect him at least a little bit, even if he'd NEVER show it.)
All in all, I think I'm perfectly justified in feeling bad for the poor man.