tabiji @ 2004-06-22 03:43:00 |
NA Trivia
Okay, let's take a break from worrying what DOOM is lurking around the corner, and play nocturne_alley trivia!
* The first person to answer correctly will add the next question in comments.
* All questions must have a linkable answer somewhere in nocturne_alley or
*Answers to possible questions must be based in facts only, not assumption or speculation. (So something like "What did Sirius give Remus as a wedding gift?" cannot be asked, since it's never been stated or confirmed)
*Answers must be accompanied by a link to the answer. (This is the hard part!)
*In the event of multiple correct answers, the first response wins.
*Due to the many changes that have occurred in NA, there may be situations where there could be more than one possible answer to a question. In this case, the first one linked will count.
Ready? The first question is:
What is Millicent Bulstrode's middle name?
tabiji @ June 22 2004, 07:59:24 UTC |
That is he's stuck coming up with the next question :))
(parent)bookofjude @ June 22 2004, 07:59:12 UTC |
I am supposed to ask a question:
What is Draco's middle name?
tabiji @ June 22 2004, 08:10:40 UTC |
Draco doesn't have a middle name.
What was the name of the club/establishment where Sirius'
"Evening of Debauchery" was held?"
bookofjude @ June 22 2004, 08:35:17 UTC |
Faintly Macabre's at Hogsmeade :-"
What did Arthur bet on the Falmouth vs Chudley match?
akutenshi2007 @ June 22 2004, 08:44:40 UTC |
Three batches of scones
When the "world may tumble down around [their] ears" where can Sibyll and Hooch be found?
tabiji @ June 22 2004, 08:58:56 UTC |
They will be at the bar!
What did Harry give Draco for Christmas in sixth year?
woo2step @ June 22 2004, 09:31:50 UTC |
Ooh, lip balm and sunscreen. For Draco's ickle chapped lips and delicate burnt skin. <3
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 09:55:35 UTC |
Ah! Got one, finally.
What are the two things Snape once accused Harry of plagarising because he clearly knew nothing about either topic?
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 10:18:07 UTC |
Eeee I know this! The whole algae stains thing and an essay.
Am I right? do I have to ask a question? Gah!
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 10:32:30 UTC |
OK, I don't know. *thinks* I bet whatever I ask will be super easy, I can't think of obscure things off the top of my head.
OK, this may be easy but it's just so funny:
What was unusual about the place Ron and Seamus were found after getting lost in Mugggle London?
(omg it's not ps/jh related :D :D)
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 10:38:26 UTC |
Of course! :D oh, that is still just. so. great. the whole thing :D :D
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 10:43:25 UTC |
Off the top of my head I want to say Eglantine...but I need to find the link. *rummages*
Aha!! *wins*
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 10:56:06 UTC |
I should be revising. This is much more fun, if a bit limited in who's currently playing *giggles*
What was the name of the Day when Goyle insulted everyone? National Insult a...?
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nyxforsythe @ June 22 2004, 11:10:21 UTC |
IT was National insult A SLUG DAY!! Wah! AM I right!!???
orpheusinjapan @ June 22 2004, 11:12:15 UTC |
Damn, just about to post that. Quick, ask a question
(parent)![]() |
nyxforsythe @ June 22 2004, 11:19:05 UTC |
Sorry Sorry It took me forever to find something decent to ask as I am relatively new Nrager.
Okay this might be a difficult one (or maybe not because I may just be stupid)but:
Who was Percy's best man at the recent wedding?
woo2step @ June 22 2004, 11:34:35 UTC |
OK, this one's pretty easy. :D
What design does Snape have on his underpants?
woo2step @ June 22 2004, 11:35:48 UTC |
P.S. No, the answer is not that he doesn't wear any. ;)
(parent)bookofjude @ June 22 2004, 11:36:45 UTC |
I can't ever recall any mention of this in NA or the Q&A threads. You sure it's easy? :))
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 11:41:43 UTC |
Well, I can't be the only one who pays strict attention that sort of thing! Can I? :X
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 11:43:00 UTC |
Yep. There was one time (Before the Q&A, I think?) when another character mentioned a certain pattern on his shorts.
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 11:45:11 UTC |
Oh man I will never be able to find that :)) *looks anyway*
(parent)orpheusinjapan @ June 22 2004, 11:46:57 UTC |
Jesus, if that one's supposed to be easy, I should just give up now.
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 11:59:47 UTC |
Neither can I! Maybe it was too recent? I thought maybe it was revealed during that funy drunk Snape/Lupin/Black threesome but I can't seem to find the link for that either...
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 12:03:49 UTC |
It was also the day that Lucius was shiny. If that helps.
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 12:31:19 UTC |
caithion @ June 22 2004, 11:50:06 UTC |
I vaguely remember this conversation, but I wouldn't even know where to begin looking. XD Good challenge.
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 12:29:46 UTC |
I think I'm gonna give this one to you, since you pinpointed the thread in the Q&A that I mentioned and no one can find this one. *blushes*
(parent)orpheusinjapan @ June 22 2004, 12:34:14 UTC |
Me too. Have headache now. Might it be cauldrons?
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 12:37:41 UTC |
Yes I found it but people will think it's cause I got the link from that comment even though I pwomise I found it on my own steam *collapses*
Aw crimety, I need to do a new question now! :P
woo2step @ June 22 2004, 12:38:04 UTC |
Hahahahahaha! I believe you! You didn't use punctuation and typed in all caps, which is clearly a sign of great honesty, I say.
(parent)tabiji @ June 22 2004, 12:44:14 UTC |
Wow, that was actually a pretty important post (not obscure!). I am surprised that someone hadn't come up with it sooner!
(parent)portkey @ June 22 2004, 13:32:27 UTC |
Wow, I can't believe I'd forgotten about that threat. Clearly, somebody must make an icon of Severus's "yay!11!" post. CLEARLY.
(parent)portkey @ June 22 2004, 13:32:58 UTC |
... *thread
Man. Even when trying to ignore the NA wibble, it still creeps up on me. -.-
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 13:50:21 UTC |
i meann lotsof bigwords verydginified potsions mastrree morebg wordss ihate evrythring grr boo arrgh
whoahey hand! fingrssssss oo
--possibly the best comment in NA. Like, *ever*.
In other news, I'm not here, I'm working *hides*.
woo2step @ June 22 2004, 11:58:30 UTC |
Should I give a hint?
I really thought this would be an easy one! *facepalm* :)
woo2step @ June 22 2004, 12:21:21 UTC |
OK. Lucius was shiny that particular day. And it was in April 2003. In Sirius's journal. *hopeful!*
(parent)tabiji @ June 22 2004, 12:00:09 UTC |
Okay, this is a weird situation where there could be more than one correct answer. I'm modifying the rules to simplfy things if it happens again.
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 12:10:45 UTC |
Yeah, that was a "Whoops!" moment. I realized right after I posted the question that one could link to the Q&A, so I tried to clarify which thread I meant.
(parent)tabiji @ June 22 2004, 12:18:42 UTC |
It does look rather bad, especially since you were one of the folks that commented on that thread in the Q&A :))
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 12:25:37 UTC |
Oi, I know. I think the problem is that I mistakenly thought everyone would still remember that other entry just because I do. Really, now I'm just embarrassed that I paid so much attention to that detail in particular! :)
(parent)tabiji @ June 22 2004, 12:31:56 UTC |
Obsessively remembering an obscure NA detail is cause for embarrassment? Oh dear. I'm totally screwed. :))
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 12:45:12 UTC |
Right! This is a horrible game in that's it's so addictive it is keeping me away from revising fro my exam. OH WELL :DD
What was the Grottle prize that Harry offered Draco because he didn't want it and Ron wasn't pleased?
tabiji @ June 22 2004, 12:51:02 UTC |
:D Go study! This will be here later! Unless, you know...DOOM!
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 12:53:45 UTC |
*goes* even though I am so tempted to answer your question seeing as I *so* know, I will let someone esle :D and actually go do something productive :D
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 13:01:50 UTC |
Who did Snape once name as "more powerful, more perspicacious, more forboding than any entity of recent history"?
(parent)woo2step @ June 22 2004, 13:27:00 UTC |
Edward, I believe.
Thank goodness I didn't have to go through many of Lucius's entries before I hit that, because I was FULLY PREPARED to do so. o_O
woo2step @ June 22 2004, 13:42:47 UTC |
One last one, then I'm going to bed or else I'll NEVER LEAVE ...
Who polyjuiced him/herself at the Hallowe'en Ball and whose appearance did s/he take?
xnera @ June 22 2004, 15:15:05 UTC |
She was an anonymous gift to Snape. Just showed up in the dungeons one day. I don't think we ever found out who gave her to him. Am I right?
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 15:26:33 UTC |
Ah-ah! Lupin gave her to him :)
What country did Fred say he was in when he ran off after Lupin kissed him the night of the bachelor party?
portkey @ June 22 2004, 15:39:23 UTC |
Hm. He doesn't technically say he's in Wales, but does this qualify?
(parent)xnera @ June 22 2004, 15:44:35 UTC |
CRAP!!! I thought it was Lupin, but couldn't remember where to find the evidence. Though I didn't look too hard.
And I knew Fred went to Wales, but couldn't find the link fast enough. I QUIT!!!
(actually, I shouldn't be playing right now anyway since I am at work. Will play later, when I have the time to look properly)
portkey @ June 22 2004, 15:46:12 UTC |
Hee! I recalled Wales immediately -- which surprised me, actually, consdidering I've fallen out of touch with NA over the last year or so :/ -- and just scrolled from the bottom of Fred and George's journal until I saw the post. ;)
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 15:48:13 UTC |
Oh, I so so shouldn't be playing, heh, I should be revising but it's so addictive. I feel this *burning need* to show off my NA knowledge :D :D!!
*steps away from the computer*
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dry_your_eyes @ June 22 2004, 15:58:38 UTC |
Ah-ah! Lupin gave her to him :)
that's what I asked about :D right!
portkey @ June 22 2004, 15:43:55 UTC May as well start a new thread. |
What was Dean's wedding gift to Remus and Sirius?
I had a hard time thinking of a question. :/
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 16:37:53 UTC Re: May as well start a new thread. |
OK, this last one and then I am staying away :D
Oh I know this, it was a portrait of them...wasn't it? I can't find the link.
Aha! here!
Uh, question...
everyone will know this but hey :D
What...somewhat unusual...'companion' did Draco have when he went on his little exile thing after everyone was hating on him?
Yeah, I know my question is incoherent. I think people know what I mean, though :D if not, I'm sorry. I can't be arsed to be more specific.
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 16:38:26 UTC Re: May as well start a new thread. |
Oh, html hates me. blah.
(parent)xnera @ June 22 2004, 17:04:45 UTC Re: May as well start a new thread. |
FINALLY I GET ONE!!! He had a head of lettuce.
What was the name of the spell that helped Neville break through his Memory Block?
tabiji @ June 22 2004, 19:07:41 UTC Re: May as well start a new thread. |
It was called the Redige Spell!
(parent)xnera @ June 22 2004, 19:32:53 UTC Re: May as well start a new thread. |
Bot is going to get LOTS of new links tonight. Whee! This was a great idea.
tabiji @ June 22 2004, 19:36:15 UTC Re: May as well start a new thread. |
Oh, awesome! That hadn't even occurred to me! (Y)
(parent)tabiji @ June 22 2004, 19:17:05 UTC |
An easy one!
How did Harry defend himself during the attack on Hogwarts during sixth year?
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 19:27:45 UTC |
Hee, I can’t not answer this.
Uh, that is, he turned Voldemort’s wand into a fish :D :D
lazy_daze @ June 22 2004, 19:37:26 UTC |
*smites computer* it obviously doesn't want me to take part, I keep trying to send comments about 12 times. Anyway!
Uhm...What did Draco draw for Harry when he (Draco) and M.B. had that big drawing...thing...thread?
Ehehe, again with the incoherency :D
xnera @ June 22 2004, 20:09:42 UTC |
Two drawings: One of Sinistra, and one of Colin.
What was the fifth place Snape visited in his travels?
bookofjude @ June 23 2004, 00:53:09 UTC |
Yemen, of course!
I will post question in a new thread.
mira_nevlome @ June 23 2004, 05:02:49 UTC |
Hedwig and the Angry Itch
According to Mr. Weasley, whose animagus form would be a piglet?
tabiji @ June 23 2004, 11:30:55 UTC |
Ack, not going to ask a new question because mira_nevlome's question above was skipped.
According to Mr. Weasley, whose animagus form would be a piglet?