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corrupteddreams @ 2004-06-30 22:21:00 |
(no title)
Mood: sad
:( They can't be serious. . .
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corrupteddreams @ July 1 2004, 02:48:45 UTC |
I have a feeling we'll need plenty more of them, judging by some of the comments. *sniff*
(parent)bubblebee @ July 1 2004, 02:26:00 UTC |
I think they are :\
woudln't it be terrible if they deleted them!?
It'd be nice if they did continue them - those players who wanted to.
meemobunny @ July 1 2004, 02:32:03 UTC |
woudln't it be terrible if they deleted them!?
McG said in a comment that they won't be deleted, but they will no longer be written in. :'((((
bubblebee @ July 1 2004, 02:34:31 UTC |
I knew they wouldn't delete them, because that would be just stupid... but it'd just be horrible if they did.
Teeehee, this makes me giggle - Harry doesn't want all the flirty posts to go away methinks :)
bubblebee @ July 1 2004, 02:36:57 UTC |
Of course.
But.... j_h/ps!
*narrow minded much :) *
(me of course)
yamapea @ July 1 2004, 02:29:34 UTC |
Nooooooooooooooooo. I don't have the words.
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empress_nothing @ July 1 2004, 02:29:41 UTC |
Current mood: indescribable.
Because although we all knew it was ending, the written confirmation is like a punch the the gut. Well aimed, NA, well aimed.
Much love and thanks to the players. This is a beautiful way to let it end. I don't have much else to add.
What Seamus said is heartbreaking.
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empress_nothing @ July 1 2004, 02:31:12 UTC |
And curse my bloody inappropriate icon!
That's it. I was composed but now I'm not.
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dragonelle_fics @ July 1 2004, 02:37:30 UTC |
Seamus gets me every time.
And yeah, endings are what give everything meaning. I hate to see N_A go, but man, it's been a blast.
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empress_nothing @ July 1 2004, 02:40:49 UTC |
endings are what give everything meaning
I couldn't agree more. I wish I could say something profound, or even sensible right now, but all I can come up with is to agree with you and say that it's been one hell of a ride.
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corrupteddreams @ July 1 2004, 02:30:26 UTC |
They should at least let individual journals continue posting, even if they don't let them post to the main community. . .
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corrupteddreams @ July 1 2004, 02:32:30 UTC |
I hope they put an epilogue in or something along those lines that says what happened to each character. Bah.
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corrupteddreams @ July 1 2004, 02:39:05 UTC |
I'm sure they'd find a clever way to do it, but we can only hope.
Much love to the players and everyone who had a hand in making N_A a huge success. It was awesome - mad love <3.
dallazkatt @ July 1 2004, 02:39:33 UTC |
Yes yes I agree. I need some kind of closure. Just to know what lies ahead for all of them; Seamus and Dean, Harry and Draco.
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corrupteddreams @ July 1 2004, 02:40:57 UTC |
I think that's the worst of it for me (besides the great posts and events) - not knowing what's going to come for them. . .
(parent)manynames @ July 1 2004, 02:41:34 UTC |
Yeah, ITA re closure - this way we'll always be wondering. I might just go even crazier than I am now!
(parent)small_rodent @ July 1 2004, 03:26:03 UTC |
I'm hoping for a reunion/last farewell of some sort at the end of July, when they take their NEWTS. It sounds like such a perfect way to get them all back - I don't want to go cold turkey :( *hopes desperately*
(parent)manynames @ July 1 2004, 02:33:47 UTC |
I can't quite believe it. It's been amazing but I can't quite believe that we're never going to hear from them again.
<33 to all the players and behind the scenes people.
bubblebee @ July 1 2004, 02:35:38 UTC |
I'm still super curious if they'll ever post who the players are?
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 02:39:51 UTC |
Probably go into withdrawal.
Maybe one day they can do a nocturne_alley reunion: update with 50 posts right in a row with three hundred comments each, full of things to analyze, squee over, and wibble about.
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Anonymous @ July 1 2004, 02:41:15 UTC |
Come on, J_H. One more time, then.
And Hermione. And Ron. Come on, come on.
susan_voight @ July 1 2004, 02:43:00 UTC |
Would you believe it if I said I kind of had a feeling this was coming? Because I did--it seemed like today things were wrapping up and there wasn't much left for a strong plot arc.
Except the Head Boy. And Pettigrew. And Dumbledore's health. I *would* like to know about those. But I can accept it as life.
I mean, I would also like to know how they do on NEWTs, and what careers they end up taking, and all that. And if the players take their bows and allow us to pester them, I'll ask. But as art, it works to end it here, it does.
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 02:46:19 UTC |
I'm starting to wonder whether they'll ever tell us who the Head Boy was. Unless they do some sort of epilogue, I think the journals will be sealed before something clearer can be said.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ July 1 2004, 06:00:11 UTC |
It's possible we don't know them. Ernie didn't recognise him, after all.
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corrupteddreams @ July 1 2004, 02:45:31 UTC |
*points* J_H and Seamus are discussing it here. . .
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 02:49:06 UTC |
As are J_H and ps on the thread just above. And ps sounds so patient and understanding about j_h's panic. Aww.
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 03:10:20 UTC |
And now he's used his harrassment icon to reassure him further. *_*
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 03:15:27 UTC |
"I'm not good at writing letters or anything." "And we barely talked at all outside of [the journals] last summer."
I wonder if Harry's worried that they'll lose touch now that Draco won't be making regular posts for him to reply to.
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 03:19:41 UTC |
This is, of course, a declaration of undying love for all eternity.
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 03:33:52 UTC |
And Draco's being patiently reassuring. I kind of wish they'd get off the journals and curl up together somewhere, since Harry does sound like he's about to have a panic attack and could use some physical comfort, but then we wouldn't get to read about it.
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 03:39:47 UTC |
I so totally agree. He needs it, but so do we.
You're about three seconds away from hosting your own private breakdown, aren't you?
XD Loved that line!
I'm clearly not going anywhere.
Declaration! *squee* <3
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 03:42:14 UTC |
I loved those!
Will you please calm down now?
He said please! And I don't think he was being sarcastic!
Thank you, thank you, NA, for giving us one last squee.
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 03:48:33 UTC |
Definitely not sarcastic ('alarmed' icon). I read it as patiently soothing, with maybe a teensy quirk of amusement (since he knows Harry is panicking over nothing).
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 03:54:42 UTC |
Pretty much same interpretation here. Looks like they're wrapping up now. Wah.
"Unscarhead." Oh, how creative.
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 03:59:27 UTC |
Perfect ending considering their beginnings with each other. ;_;
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:01:17 UTC |
How fitting, yes.
Last we heard, everyone was trying to avoid telling Harry his scar was gone. Wonder how he found out and what his reaction was?
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:08:52 UTC |
It would be so funny if Harry hadn't checked his mirror since then for some reason or another, and, upon reading Draco's comment, blinked...felt his forehead..."Holy crap!"
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 04:14:27 UTC |
*bwahaha* Unless they post otherwise, I shall always picture it that way. But I can't imagine anything better! XDXD
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:17:40 UTC |
It's a lovely mental image, at least. And then Harry storming over to Draco later, demanding to know why no one told him, being silenced with a passionate kiss, and...
Ooh. Yeah.
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:34:34 UTC |
I think, on one hand, it can be counted as a plus that we don't get that much information about such encounters--we can have so much fun just envisioning the many ways they next meet up.
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 04:40:29 UTC |
Imagination can be so much fun. And that way we all get our own personal kinks quirks satisfied. *grin*
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:54:45 UTC |
A very good word! And it improves as the sun sinks (and subsequently rises)!
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:00:36 UTC |
I am lame.
Oh, there is an update regarding Harry's lack of scar.
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:06:32 UTC |
And, of course, they're still staring at his forehead. Poor Harry, he just can't win. XD
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:10:06 UTC |
Well, it'll probably get a big article in the paper, but TBWL'll be harder to spot in a crowd now. :)
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:16:19 UTC |
"Look! It's TBWL with his hair and glasses and no scar! Oh...you're not him? Sorry. There he is! Er, no, sorry 'bout that...how about you? No? Argh!"
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:30:27 UTC |
XD I bet there'd be reporters doing exactly that, too.
Been awesome spamming this thread with you, but I must be off to sleep before my head droops onto the keyboard and repeatedly posts "fjkdljk". May the spirit of Nocturne Alley and the squee of j_h/ps always be with you!
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:33:38 UTC |
ROFL! And then I'd be going "but what did she mean?!" XD
<3's and :*'s to you, it's been lovely! :D
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:42:24 UTC |
Addiction. Obsession. nocturne_alley/
nraged. No matter what you call it, it's all the same thing. ;D
x's and o's :)
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:48:06 UTC |
They're all synonymous, yep. Years from now we'll reminisce about the good old days, when NA crack was available fresh and with extra wibblesquee, and small relatives will give us odd looks and carefully skirt our rocking chair computer seats, lest we suddenly go into a rant about how we never did discover the identity of the Head Boy.
And this is my last post, really this time.
At least for today. God help me.
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:57:00 UTC |
XDXDXD You realize you're killing me here, don't you? XDXD
"Oh no! Stay away from Granny, she's on about the Head Boy again."
*hugs you* :D
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 03:22:45 UTC |
Possibly. Especially with Draco planning on spending most of the summer with Narcissa and M.B., and himself and Sirius going off to Amsterdam. I think he's looking for reassurance from Draco that they will keep in contact.
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 03:40:26 UTC |
Poor Harry and his abandonment issues. Though I can't think of someone, off the top of my head, who actually left him--mostly they just, um, die. Wow. Morbid. No wonder he's panicky about losing this major connection with everyone.
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 03:52:19 UTC |
He's had some temporary abandonments (being cut off from everyone while at #4, Remus and Sirius leaving at the end of 3rd year, Sirius and Remus splitting up, etc.), but yeah, mostly deaths. ;_;
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 03:56:01 UTC |
And now he's really cut off from Remus. No wonder he wants to save the journals so much. Oh, poor woobie, he needs a hug. Somebody hug him.
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 04:01:33 UTC |
I hope Draco will cuddle him thoroughly on the train ride home.
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:03:51 UTC |
Yes. Lots of cuddling. But with the tree branches off to the side, one would hope.
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 04:06:16 UTC |
Maybe they can put them in front of the compartment doors and get in some of that 'comfort' cuddling. ;)
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:10:23 UTC |
Ooh. I can't remember how Pansy felt about the j_h/ps, but I don't think she'd object to her tree helping cover them for their, ah, comfort cuddling.
Squee is reaching dangerous levels again. OT, I love Arthur.
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 04:16:52 UTC |
Well, she did send Harry a Christmas card didn't she?? Yes, I don't imagine her minding that.
Hang-gliding indeed. XD
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:20:59 UTC |
Oh, that's right. I don't think she'd mind at all.
I'd love to hear about Arthur's hang-gliding exploits. Or his rock collection.
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 04:44:34 UTC |
Oh, I can tell it's getting late; I'm laughing at the word 'indubitably.'
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:01:35 UTC |
Darn their dirty hides for stepping all over our perv. >.> But, I suppose, Harry and Sirius need each other right now. *sigh*
Still, there's always the painting party and NEWTS to think about, yes?
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:03:21 UTC |
All very true. Thank you for reminding me of the painting party. :D
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:11:30 UTC |
They can get up to all sorts of good fun at that, especially if they get drunk like they were talking about. *grin*
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:14:34 UTC |
And we know what sorts of things Harry gets up to when he's drunk... *eyebrow waggle* People need to start writing n_a fanfiction, speculating about events we didn't get details about and things that have yet to happen.
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:18:50 UTC |
In fact, isn't that how the j_h/ps all sort of started? With a drunken kiss (or almost-kiss)?
OhmygodYES! N_A fanfic would be too fabulous, they should make a community for it, or post it here. I shall cling to this hope mightily! :D
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 05:22:43 UTC |
Yep, that's what I was referring to. :) Though it started out kind of...cruel and horrible and nauseous and...um...yeah, but it got better!
I will hope and hope and hope. And slyly suggest it to everyone I meet. "Wouldn't n_a fanfic be awesome? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge."
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 05:29:35 UTC |
Well, I've always thought Draco's horror and nausea and so on was precisely because he did like it, LOL.
We could make animated icons with subliminal messages. XD
dallazkatt @ July 1 2004, 02:46:29 UTC |
I love what Dean said about their relationships. They all seem to be taking it well.
It's still sad for us though. I can't imagine not having NA to wibble over anymore. There will be so much I'm going to miss, I can't even list it all now.
anemonerose @ July 1 2004, 03:17:24 UTC |
Well, imagine what it's like for the players -- they've given their heart and souls to their characters and are finally saying goodbye. I'd imagine they're just as heartbroken as the rest of us, if not more so.
(parent)dr_jekyl @ July 1 2004, 02:55:02 UTC |
Awe, hell. I mean, it had to end sometime, but now? *sigh*
(parent)silveryouko @ July 1 2004, 03:08:29 UTC |
Oh no...What am I going to come home from work and read every night?
I'm going to go into Snape withdrawl...There aren't going to be anymore of his wonderfully snarky posts that make me squee until the people around me wonder exactly what is wrong with me. To Snape's player...You're absolutely brilliant.
I need to go sit in a corner now.
lilychick @ July 1 2004, 05:44:08 UTC |
Okay, hated to bust in on the mourning like that, but it needed to be said.
elizzy @ July 1 2004, 03:13:04 UTC |
WAH. I'm sure it's incredibly hard for the players, probably even more than it is for us. But still, WAH. And so abrupt! Won't they be leaving for the end of term tomorrow?
(parent)elizzy @ July 1 2004, 03:57:54 UTC |
Oh yes, you're right (I guess that they already have left *wail*). Forgot about the whole LJ snafu and entries being backdated and assumed she had just posted, realtime.
(parent)yamapea @ July 1 2004, 03:19:28 UTC |
I love how Harry is mirroring us. *Squee* amongst the wibble.
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ex_lev195 @ July 1 2004, 03:23:01 UTC |
I can't really say I'm glad N_A is ending, but I do think it is a good thing. I've noticed that even when the best things ever go on for too long, they get bad and people don't enjoy them as much as they did. I would hate for that to happen to N_A.
I can only hope we'll get answers to at least some of our questions. A full-on player/mod Q&A would be lovely.
sistermagpie @ July 1 2004, 03:29:58 UTC |
I can't really say I'm glad N_A is ending, but I do think it is a good thing.
Yeah. That's part of what makes it so hard. I know this is the perfect ending, and I think endings are important and give the whole thing meaning. But that's also why I don't want it to end.
saucy_kate @ July 1 2004, 03:25:00 UTC |
oh no, what will I DO?! Just after I got a fandom journal to obsess over NA, too T_T;.
This has been part of my life for over a year and a half now. It's going to be weird to leave it behind.
yamapea @ July 1 2004, 03:28:49 UTC |
Me too!
OH.. Draco... How the hell is he going to respond to that? Will he?
small_rodent @ July 1 2004, 03:28:21 UTC |
It's so sudden, too... I don't want it to end. Not for good. C'mon, NA, you know you love stringing us along, do it for a little longer...
dallazkatt @ July 1 2004, 03:31:24 UTC |
And love to the players from me as well. It amazes me how much devotion it must have taken for this. You can see it so clearly every day in every post and in every comment. And you've taken something I already loved and deepened it. For me, I can only take in so much from the pages of a book. Here I somehow got so much more.
Thank you.
anjaliesque @ July 1 2004, 03:39:31 UTC |
Two words can never encompass everything NA has meant to us.
Yet if we had to choose two, they wouldn't be "The End."
"Thank You."
_rp_zeal_ @ July 1 2004, 03:55:26 UTC |
I guess, that was the end then.
Sad, but somehow perfect.
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zonko @ July 1 2004, 03:51:22 UTC |
This is harder than I thought it would be. I knew, of course, that N_A would end but I thought I would be okay with it. I'm not, this is rough. :((
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faelori @ July 1 2004, 04:18:33 UTC |
I'm afraid I have to say I'm with McGonagall...
Which is not to say that I don't love NA dearly! But all good things may come to an end, and I think that it's time for NA's end.
So, I say we remember the good times and raise our wine glasses to the graduating class and wish them good luck in whatever they may do!
(What do you mean, they're fictional characters!? Don't be ridiculous.)
And, after all, we'll always have the archives!
onthehillside @ July 1 2004, 04:44:32 UTC |
It's.... over. It's over. Ok. Wow. I don't have anything else to say.
(parent)jukajong @ July 1 2004, 04:47:00 UTC |
I don't know what to say... I'm glad that the ending is so good, but I just can't get it through my head. Nocturne Alley has been such a big part of my life for over a year now. It's silly, I know, to get involved so much with fictional characters, but they mean so much to me. I don't know how to put it down. I can't believe it's over. I don't want the players to go on if they don't want to anymore, but how could they just kill off everyone like that? It was horrible, the characters that died, and I miss them, but I can't even begin to imagine a world without Potterstinks... Or Harry or M.B. or Ron. As much as I loved everyone in this game, they were my favorites. I sounds so silly, but I really feel pain over this. Not even pain yet. Just numb. I keep on telling myself that no, of course not, they'll still go on. Millicent and Draco will have adventures over the summer and Harry and Draco will have their relationship and their flirty banter, and Ron and Draco will yell at each other and... But I guess not.
I got so caught up in it all. Draco, Harry, I love you both more than I even thought it was possible to love fictional characters. I am so sad to see this end. I always thought I'd get really involved in Nraged, that I had some really great insight to offer or something, but really Nocturne Alley for me was mostly emotion. Squee, Harry and Draco are talking, sob, Millicent and Draco are fighting, SQUEE Harry and Lupin are talking, OMG NO THEY DIED. And it's over, hahahaha. I feel so selfish, to say that I just want it to go on forever and ever and have it always be there when I want it, but I am in some ways glad it ended the way that it did. I am so not ready for this, though. So. Not. Ready.
I can't even read the last couple posts... I feel so jumbled up with so many emotions. I told my mother about it and she said, "Oh, don't worry! They'll just start a Nocturne Alley 2!" And it's like, no, they wont. They're as good as dead. I mean, I can imagine their futures, but in essence, they're dead. I'm just rambling now.
So, really, thank you Nocturne Alley. Thank you Harry and Draco. Thank you Millicent and Pansy. Thank you Ron. Thank you Lisa. Thank you Remus and Hermione and Sirius and Ernie and Susan and Luna and Neville and Narcissa and Lucius and Snape and Percy and Molly & Arthur and fucking everyone. Thank you so much. It was fucking brilliant.
I'm just going to see what happens. I still can't comprehend never seeing Potterstinks post something new again.
And, if all else fails, I'd be willing to pay good money to you all to continue. Hahahaha. <3
Shit. *loves*
snackbreak @ July 1 2004, 04:48:56 UTC |
"So dad" <333 and all of the things Mr. Weasley thinks he might try! I am going to miss this *weeps*
airemay @ July 1 2004, 06:14:06 UTC |
I was never a major follower of NA; I still loved it though. And that is why I am tearing up right now, knowing it's ending. It's like a small door is closing in fandom history.
(parent)thestrand @ July 1 2004, 13:00:13 UTC |
I don't know what to say or do except cry.
I know that everybody has been expecting this for some time, but you're never quite prepared for when it does. It's been a part of my life for two years now, and since then I've chnaged so much. I don't know how to go back to a life without na everyday. I think I'll have to wean myself off, read through old entries.
twentyfourhours @ July 1 2004, 20:12:10 UTC |
:( Only been a semifollower of this and still teared up. wahhhhhhh.