kat99999 @ 2003-04-21 03:03:00 |
Calling H/D t00bs!
Mood: happy
And they're off. Draco and Harry are once again with the sarcastic conversation... all because of Blaise and his golf terminologies. *grin*
moonlitpages @ April 20 2003, 19:12:01 UTC |
The tone of J_H's comment seems a bit different than his previous ones, though. Less of a calm, light hearted sarcasm and more like he is snapping at him than anything else. I can't imagine why his patience would be wearing thin ;-)
And PS has noticed. This should be interesting *waits avidly for J_H's reply*
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 19:17:05 UTC Re: |
Mmhm, definately different, and who can blame him? The poor boy has to 'contend' with la_pensee now, he doesn't have Draco to himself. Although I see Pansy as much more of a convenience for Draco rather than anything else...
Still, poor ickle Harry. *pet*
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:20:18 UTC |
Oooh. Harry's gotten pretty close to saying just that in his response. "I guess your Easter was just fine too..." What could that refer to, hmmm?
(parent)kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 19:27:13 UTC Re: |
Waaa. Draco says his Easter was 'wretched'! Wretched! PS and Pansy aresonothappy!
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 20 2003, 19:27:54 UTC |
His Easter was wretched, wretched! Make it better, Harry! ;-)
(parent)non_inferno @ April 20 2003, 19:31:20 UTC |
And then he says 'but of course you already knew that'. HOW DOES HARRY KNOW!
(parent)kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 19:33:00 UTC Re: |
Because because they are apart and Draco knows that Harry will know that their love is SEPERATED!
AND Draco stalked Blaise with a golf club... for Harry! ALL FOR HARRY! *sings love songs*
moonlitpages @ April 20 2003, 19:33:53 UTC |
He's probably referring to the fact that PS had to spend Easter at school and visiting his mother in Hogsmeade instead of at the Manor, but I can pretend he's referring to that J_H should know Pansy means nothing to him if I want ;-)
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:34:11 UTC |
I'm sorry, but Blaise is so trying to help them here. It's so fitting he's using that "Ringu" icon!!!
I think Draco means that Harry knows he was stuck at school, maybe? That he refers to the day he got back together with Pansy as wretched pretty much says he's not all that enamored of her. But he may really not get what Harry's angry about.
Does anybody else find ps's question, "what do you want me to do? Bleed?" incredibly romantic and sexy?
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 19:36:10 UTC Re: |
Does anybody else find ps's question, "what do you want me to do? Bleed?" incredibly romantic and sexy?
Yesssss. Am also still very much stuck on the "for you" part of it all.
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:39:53 UTC |
WEEEEE! Harry's asked for a date to go after it TOGETHER as soon as Harry gets back!!!
(parent)non_inferno @ April 20 2003, 19:44:24 UTC |
'Try again on Wednesday'? He does not specify what they are trying.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:51:21 UTC |
Note that right after Harry read the post about Draco being wretched over Easter (as opposed to ecstatic with his girlfriend?) he started posting his most giddy tough-guy posts to Sirius. "She's faster than you are too, old man," are the words of a boy on top of the world!
(parent)non_inferno @ April 20 2003, 19:55:00 UTC |
I had not noticed this yet--I blame it on the dial-up modem. He does seem more cheerful than usual.
(parent)milenalupin @ April 20 2003, 20:18:59 UTC |
Just_Harry/Potterstinks in a nutshell.
Blaise, we love you.
Come playing and annoying the other kids.
wednesday_tea @ April 20 2003, 19:47:56 UTC |
Oh, dear, I was wondering where I had seen that icon before. *Shudders*
And very sexy indeed.
zorb @ April 20 2003, 20:34:35 UTC |
No wonder it makes me shiver. And I haven't even seen the movie.
*goes to refresh some more*
eponis @ April 20 2003, 19:19:18 UTC |
"My Easter was just fine. And I guess yours was just fine too."
Ouch. OUCH. Poor, poor jealous J_H.
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:22:17 UTC |
Go get him, Harry. The only person in Hogwarts who can give Pansy a run for her money.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 20 2003, 19:24:32 UTC |
I think Harry and Millicent need to team up and put a stop to this *grins*. I can just see her seething through the Fruit Incident that morning. Draco had better watch his toes ;-)
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luleh @ April 20 2003, 19:21:21 UTC |
The foregoing is not intended to downplay the importance of the setup and it should be mentioned that achieving a good setup position is essential in helping any golfer reach a balanced and powerful impact position.
Is Blaise trying to give Draco some romance tips?
Better loving through golf tips, who'da thunk it?
eponis @ April 20 2003, 19:39:44 UTC |
Eeeep! And J_H takes his advice! Zabini says he should "have the courage to swallow that machismo," and he responds . . . by asking Draco to spend Wednesday with him!
"We can try again" . . . "we" . . . "for you" . . . simple pronouns shouldn't be giving me this overwhelming joy. !!!
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:42:24 UTC |
I think Harry was satisfied with Draco's telling him his Easter was wretched.
Doesn't Harry sound sexy with his, "I bet we know where it lives..."
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luleh @ April 20 2003, 19:38:38 UTC |
Having the knowledge and discipline to think of this "smarter shot" is one thing. Having the courage to swallow that machismo and hit a shorter shot than your fellow players is perhaps more difficult. However, if you try and avoid the long pitch shots and plan your shots in advance so that you can hit full swings into the greens rather than half or three quarter swings you will find you play a better game.
Blaise is so trying to give Draco some advice!
Listen to him, Draco!
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 19:40:43 UTC Re: |
lmao, swallow that maschismo, Draco! SWALLOW IT!
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:53:14 UTC |
He's half swallowed it. He wants Harry to say outright that he wants to go after it together. Basically he wants Harry to take back his, "It's your house. You deal with it," remark.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 19:56:50 UTC |
Ack! Harry replies by making Draco admit he wants to do it together too! What will happen???? Who will swallow and who will spit? It's like gay chicken!!
(parent)zedmeister @ April 20 2003, 19:59:31 UTC |
What a way with words you have... gay chicken, indeed.
(parent)eponis @ April 20 2003, 20:07:51 UTC |
And the results are in . . . and Draco swallows!
::grins evilly at imagery::
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 20:09:22 UTC Re: |
Well, no, okay he suggested it lmao, so let's hope Harry gives away something about that night, just for little old us. *gigggggle*
anjaliesque @ April 20 2003, 20:11:03 UTC |
Wow, Blaise's suggestion- wow. It's such a cryptic being. Is is chastising Draco for what the alcohol remark?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 20:13:28 UTC |
I have no clue! I thought Harry was the ball...but maybe he's the sand? Maybe he's commenting on Draco's decision to address that night and *that* is the sand?
Starting tomorrow I'm going to ask all difficult questions with vague golf tips and see what happens.
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 20:13:56 UTC Re: |
I can't tell... yeah, that would make sense. My first idea was that he was saying Draco was speaking strategically to 'line up' a reply but I think you're right.
They should take advice from this one, heeh, Blaise is apparently a smart girl/guy!
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luleh @ April 20 2003, 20:43:51 UTC |
Given the foregoing, when lining up the bunker shot it is good practise to address the sand rather than the ball itself. This ensures proper aim at the impact point.
My loony interpretation is that Blaise is praising Draco for bringing up the alcohol thing...
Like the alcohol is the sand and Harry is the ball?
And, uh, that's what I think....
*wanders away scratching head*
notapipe @ April 21 2003, 01:19:07 UTC |
I think you have it backwards, Draco is adressing the actor (ball/alcohol) in the specific case (shot/whatever happened), rather than the enviroment which gives rise to the shot (the sand/the GATL between Draco and Harry).
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 20:11:56 UTC |
Oh god, please Harry! We're dying of curiousity here!
*Feels quite superior at confirmation that that night was somehow important to them...*
I hope it's a good sign that Draco can joke about it.
kat99999 @ April 20 2003, 20:14:45 UTC Re: |
I think something happened and the fact that Draco is commenting on it can't be all bad... he might want a repeat performance. Heh.
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fourscore @ April 20 2003, 20:17:04 UTC |
Harry's not answering... Blaise is talking about impact... maybe this was something Draco shouldn't rightly have brought up, ever.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 20:25:52 UTC |
Or maybe it's taking Harry a while to think of the correct response?
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fourscore @ April 20 2003, 20:31:45 UTC |
I hope so. Right now I'm reading it like.... Harry did something really embarrassing and Draco has been decent enough to not mention it, and now he has.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 20 2003, 20:37:23 UTC |
Yes, something likee that. I'm seeing "Address the sand rather than the ball" as cautioning Draco to lead up to whatever he was going to say, rather than being so direct. In this case, perhaps the issues is whatever happened that mysterious night, and Draco is upsetting whatever balance exists by referring to referring to it so abruptly.
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fourscore @ April 20 2003, 20:40:22 UTC |
Me too. Given Harry's lack of response I think Draco mentioning it was more of a weapon to humiliate Harry than gentle teasing. And he says he hopes Harry's NOT drinking. So hm.
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 20 2003, 20:34:18 UTC |
I think Harry is busy being distracted by Sirius and Lupin's antics at the moment. Damn them. *laughs* So cute, though.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 20:41:31 UTC |
::sniff sniff::
I'm so happy for Harry having fun with his family. He's just over the moon. I think ps is a tiny part of that.
The more I think about it, I can't believe ps is being facetious here. To me it almost sounds like his way of saying whatever happened is okay with him now. I've had experiences like that and if somebody makes that kind of joke about it it's usually a way of saying they're okay with it now.
moonlitpages @ April 20 2003, 20:56:49 UTC |
I just love that Harry is having this family time, as well. It warms my heart to see it because, unlike the Weasleys hilarious antics- Harry's never had this before. *sigh*
And hmm- I'm not so sure. It seems like a bit of a nasty dig to me. The entire exchange with PS and J_H there seems like they are almost going back and forth, each unsure where they stand with the other and perhaps the remark is some sort of an attempt to regain some kind of upper hand in this? *shrug*
catiadoodle @ April 21 2003, 00:19:56 UTC |
Mmmm. I used to think that it was J_H who did something bad that fateful night. I had the feeling PS made a move towards him and that for a reason J_H rejected him or anyway had a negative reaction that made PS, 1st, regret bitterly his move, and 2nd, try to deny he made any move and prove the world he's not this kind of guy.
I'm reading Blaise's comment with all the links (see a few comments after this one) as a confirmation of this, but he is so cryptic that it could well be the exact opposite.
Argh, I don't any anymore! I'm lost!
zedmeister @ April 20 2003, 20:30:48 UTC |
Something *did* happen. IIRC, vanityfair has said that she knows what it was, but she won't spill, just like she didn't about the Draco Veritas kiss.
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 20:35:41 UTC |
I know. It's all I can do not to stalk poor vanityfair and threaten her with golf clubs until she reveals the answer!
a_slytherin @ April 20 2003, 20:38:23 UTC |
Once practised you can bring your new found knowledge onto the course and lower your scores with shots that get you closer to the hole because you can land the ball where you want to and with the appropriate momentum.
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luleh @ April 20 2003, 20:42:06 UTC |
*reads over and over again*
Uh, right! Of course! Makes all the sense in the world!
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 21:10:10 UTC |
I feel like Luke Skywalker whenever he got too cocky with Yoda.
sistermagpie @ April 20 2003, 21:32:39 UTC |
Ah! I see. It's never a good idea for an amateur to make a move without instruction.
Amateurs lose a lot of balls that way.
a_slytherin @ April 20 2003, 21:22:33 UTC |
A high majority of the amateur golfers swing the club along an 'outside - in' path through the impact zone. The main cause of this is an incorrect initial movement or 'first move' from the top of the swing. The incorrect movement occurs when a golfer begins the 'first move' by turning the shoulders first or too soon, along a horizontal plane.
(parent)eponis @ April 20 2003, 21:30:28 UTC |
::bows in gratitude::
"To us it has been given to know the mystery; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables, so that seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand."
A_S IS AN H/DER!!!!! ::squeals::
notapipe @ April 21 2003, 01:21:59 UTC |
God, I fucking hate Matthew. (though the use of it was v. nice)
eponis @ April 21 2003, 01:25:00 UTC |
Mark, actually. :-)
::refrains from launching into long religious-studies-geek discussion about how and why the parallel passage in Matthew is subtly different::
But just about, yes. : )
notapipe @ April 21 2003, 01:47:15 UTC |
Ah, I haven't read Mark since I was a little kid getting confirmed (and then I doubt I appreciated it at all), so I don't remember it...
Please do! I checked out Matthew 13:11-13 and Mark 4:11-12, and I'm not sure I get a real difference. The only real possible differences I see are:
1) Intention and fufillment of prophecy: in Matthew, Jesus speaks in parables to fulfill the prophecy and acheive this thing; in Mark, there is no claim of intention to fulfill prophecy.
2) Matthew 13:12 is meaner: The "even what they have will be taken away"
Am I missing something? Reading something not there into it? Please, I MUST know.
eponis @ April 21 2003, 02:13:33 UTC |
::laughs:: You would ask the person who read a paper about this last weekend, who talked about this two weeks ago in class, whose professor writes books on this and related subjects.
Agreed, the passages are very similar (Matthew is generally believed to be [in part] derived from Mark, so Mark is believed to be the older text). The main differences, beyond the fulfillment-of-prophecy claim are these:
In Mark, Jesus speaks in parables SO THAT outsiders don't understand, i.e. He intentionally hides things from them. In Matthew, He speaks in parables BECAUSE they don't understand, i.e. they're not worthy or able to receive the secrets, so He doesn't give them away.
Also, in both passages, Jesus quotes similar passages (amalgams) from Isaiah, but there's actually a surprising difference between the two. The Markan quote seems to clearly say that Jesus speaks in parables "lest [the people] turn, and their sins be forgiven them," whereas the Matthean quote focuses on the idea that the people have closed their own eyes and ears.
Finally, Matthew adds on verses 16 and 17, blessing the disciples for understanding, which changes the focus; instead of an explanation of the purpose of parables, it becomes a beatitude to show the disciples how they're better than the masses.
Thus, the Markan passage is much more perplexing. Matthew seems to basically say: "people who close their ears and don't listen from a holy perspective can't understand my parables, but you guys are different." Mark, however, seems to claim that Jesus is intentionally obscuring his message so that the outsiders remain outside and cannot be saved, which is much more challenging to understand.
Erm, ::tries to veer back on-topic:: which is just like what Blaise is doing by showing us the H/D lurve but not making it clear to J_H and PS themselves.
notapipe @ April 21 2003, 21:22:51 UTC |
Yay, informativeness!
Though I don't understand why Matthew 13:12-13 doesn't accomplish the same thing as the modified Isaiah quote in Mark, signifying an intention to screw over those outside. I read Matthew 13:13 as having Jesus claim to be speaking in parables because they won't understand his parables, which seems the same as you claim Mark is doing.
*on topic* Would people call this "The Parable of the Golf Book" or "The Parable of Golf"?
eponis @ April 21 2003, 22:01:47 UTC |
It's definitely very similar, but to me the difference is this: in Matthew, the non-understanding of the people is not something that Jesus wants. It just is, and the Isaiah quote implies that they don't understand because of their own choices. Because they don't understand - because they aren't part of the Kingdom - Jesus doesn't reveal His secrets to them. Like saying "these people are a hopeless cause, they don't want to listen to me, thus I'm not going to reveal true mysteries to them" - a theme frequently repeated. Mark, however, seems to imply that Jesus is specifically trying to make them not understand (like the original Isaiah verses say), rather than acknowledging that they refuse to understand.
*OT* Perhaps the Parable of the Par?
imochan @ April 20 2003, 22:55:40 UTC |
<3 for Blaise, man. If I was wearing socks at the moment, you would rock them. As it is, I just happen to be satisfied digging through all those "Gulf" excerpts and finding appropriate linkage to them. I have a feeling i'm failing miserably. XD
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ex_meiko437 @ April 21 2003, 13:03:07 UTC |
I just want to say HOW MUCH I love you. ^^
Go Blaise! You should appear more often.. i love how you're an "it" :D
/enduselesspost :D
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Anonymous @ April 20 2003, 21:21:41 UTC |
Us amateurs should stop pushing for too much too soon mayhap?
hermione_like @ April 20 2003, 22:04:02 UTC |
*reads through all comments*
*checks again*
Dude. a_slytherin rules. Go him/her! :D
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Anonymous @ April 21 2003, 09:03:05 UTC how did the "accident" happen? |
Still unable to figure out how j_h hit himself when ps let go of the club - cannot banish the image of them holding the club together with j_h teaching ps how to swing the club correctly by putting his hands over ps' hands - then when ps lets go (in fit of homosexual panic/emotion/whatever)and j_h gets hit by club on upswing.
Illogical, but would have been nice metaphor.
kat99999 @ April 21 2003, 09:05:04 UTC Re: how did the "accident" happen? |
I think probably j_h was holding one end and ps was holding the other, like they were arguing over who got to hold it maybe? And ps let go of it cuz he's a little git like that, lmao.
But... mental images of Harry behind Draco, holding the golf club with him and teaching him - heeeeeh.
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Anonymous @ April 21 2003, 09:43:51 UTC Re: how did the "accident" happen? |
Thanks, that must be it then. Had me stymied for a moment but I'm out of the rough now. Firmly in the grip of Nocturnealley Addiction - the players are just too good, without exception, and this community provides some of the most stimulating discussion in a long time.
*clicks refresh*