moonlitpages @ 2003-04-21 12:10:00

Weasley update
Mood: sympathetic

Sorry if this has been brought up on another thread, but I couldn't find it so I thought I'd start a new one.

Oh dear, it seems Percy's gone sulking and left madness in his wake. Poor Percy. I suppose it would be easy to feel like the odd one out in that madhouse eh? Whatever happened to Hermione, though? You'd think she'd at least be able to give Percy some calm conversation or find it in her to be interested in parchment weights ;-). I haven't seen much mention of her, perhaps she's hiding away from the madness too *laughs*.

I couldn't help but think this was rather sweet, though. His password to the family folder is Ronald. Aw.


anjaliesque @ April 21 2003, 10:06:58 UTC

I feel horribly, horribly sorry for Percy. I know he can be insufferable, but the taunts of his brothers must really add up. He can't help being serious, and it must hurt to never be taken seriously.

And he seems to really love his family so much. Family photos on the desktop, the password being 'Ronald,' yet he can't find his niche among them. His mother does care, as evidenced by her capitalized scoldings, but she doesn't understand him. Is there a single sibling who does at all? Maybe Bill. I hope he visits.

At least in the Ministry he has a place to occupy. Though he's overlooked and much-abused there, he thinks of it as a place to "belong." Penelope seems to be the only one who can appreciate him a little, so is it any wonder that he holds her letters so dear? And now his family has invaded that too. I wouldn't be surprised if he blows up completely now.

I'm trying to remember a fic I read long ago. I think it ended Percy/Oliver, but that wasn't what made it memorable. It didn't have striking writing style or anything, but it's insight into Percy made me cry and cry. And it's the only fic that's ever, ever made me cry.


altricial @ April 21 2003, 10:10:18 UTC


Do you still have the link to the fic?

I love Percy. It's very upsetting :(( The Weasleys love each other a lot but all in different ways so it's easy to feel like you don't have a place to be respected or heard or whatever :((


anjaliesque @ April 21 2003, 10:29:16 UTC

To my distress, I've lost the link. But I just went searching for it, and have found it. 'Tis In This World of Strangers by AjesBlue.

It's sort of AU, and as I read a felt a little skeptical, especially with the appearance of mysterious characters and an additional Weasley. But then I forgot about all that as I got emotionally caught up with Percy.

When I first read this, it was late at night and I was a already a little morose. This story just reached out to me, and made me weep. I don't know if it'd still do that, but I still think it was this fic that defined much of what I felt about Percy as a chracter.


altricial @ April 21 2003, 10:32:58 UTC Re:

:O :O :O


*runs off to read*


moonlitpages @ April 21 2003, 10:22:45 UTC

Hmm I remember reading a Percy/Oliver fic once, well it didn't actually pair the two off but it consisted of comparing the two of them from Percy's point of view and wondering why Oliver was so loved for being an over-achiever in sports while Percy was so despised and mocked for being an over-achiever academically. I can't remember who wrote it for the life of me, but I just remember the questions it raised really striking a chord with me as it had never really occurred to me to sympathize with Percy on that level. I think perfectprefect 's player does an amazing job with him, because not only does the sheer amount of information that character can rattle out boggle my mind, but it's moments like this that really highlight how alienated he feels from the rest of his fun-loving family. Mrs Weasley does try, but I can imagine that with seven children it's hard to give each of them the exact amount and sort of attention they need at all times. It just seems a bit tragic that there is a basic breech of communication- the other Weasley children all seem to accept that pulling pranks and harassing each other is a sign of affection, but Percy seems to view it as more of a hostile gesture than anything else.

I'd also love the link to that fanfic you mentioned if you can find it. I can't even remember who wrote the one I mentioned...ah well.


anjaliesque @ April 21 2003, 10:32:14 UTC

'Tis In This World of Strangers by AjesBlue, as I remembered above. Yours sounds really intriguing. If you happen to stumble across it again, I'd love to read it. :)


hermione_like @ April 21 2003, 11:16:17 UTC

Aw, I love Percy. It's too bad his family doesn't understand him. It did sound like Ron felt bad after breaking the code to the family pictures. Although, since it is Ron and it is Percy, who knows how understanding Ron will be.
