shusu @ 2003-04-22 13:10:00 |
selected comments you may have missed.
Mood: nerdy
Narcissa separates the boys. No, not the fun ones.
Mum sees all.
the magic of comment deletion
Arthur. Barmy.
ah, young love
Lucius leers at Pansy.
Lucius vs. Pansy
Pansy and Narcissa comment on their men.
Remus imparts Harry's heritage.
Add your own. All links open to the same new window.
imochan @ April 22 2003, 11:22:45 UTC |
geep. Lucius/Pansy. >:|
My favourite new comment: "Twonk". He called him a twonk. :D
anjaliesque @ April 22 2003, 11:32:15 UTC |
I LOVE THAT. I can't stop saying it. Twonktwonktwonkitytwonktwonk. :D
This is the most fun exchange ever. Every kid should have two godfathers. Especially when one has a flying motorcyle and the other keeps a water cannon in the hall closet. <333
imochan @ April 22 2003, 11:50:29 UTC |
And now I have visions of SoppingWet!Harry dancing in my head.
Mm. With the little Snitch shorts. :D
wednesday_tea @ April 22 2003, 12:08:27 UTC |
O_O *Chokes on her tea*
Thank you. I needed that. :D
anjaliesque @ April 22 2003, 11:28:55 UTC |
I was looking at this and going, "Hm? Me, miss comments? Bah!" And then discovered that I had indeed missed some parts of the "Ah, young love" and "Arthur, barmy," threads.
AND NOW I'M SO SAAAAD. I was already sympathizing completely with Percy, and now Cho with her "IT IS SO BORING KILL ME," and Charlie always with the flushing of the heads, and the twins with their invisible ear plugs, and Arthur with his absolutely cruel "If anyone stinks, it's your brother... starts with P and rhymes with JERKY," waaaah. At least Ginny's chastises her girlfriend with her "He means well," and now Cho regrets it.
Though I must say, it's hard to stay mad at any Weasley for very long.
moonlitpages @ April 22 2003, 14:17:28 UTC |
I know, I hadn't thought I had missed any comments either, but it's funny how they can grow on you when you think the thread is finished *laughs*. And I agree- poor Percy. I hadn't noticed Arther's additional comments either until now. I don't think the rest of the family really realises how rejected they make him feel. It's all good natured fun, sure, but it's easy to see how Percy feels a bit ganged up on and excluded. All those light hearted barbs build up after a while. Not that I won't admit to being guilty of at times skimming over long entries in the past going on about cauldron thickness *cough*, but, you know, give the boy some love ;-)
(parent)milenalupin @ April 23 2003, 05:17:19 UTC |
We soooo need an Oliver around to keep him safe and warm. :-((
Poor ickle Percy.
moonlitpages @ April 23 2003, 07:13:30 UTC |
*laughs* Well Penelope seems to be up to the job- but whatever happened to Oliver, anyway? I seem to remember there being one. Ah well.
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Anonymous @ April 22 2003, 11:46:19 UTC |
It should also be pointed out that Sirius has a yummy new icon.
I love all the family-love that Sirius and Remus are showering on Harry. The Easter Basket, fort-building, water-balloon fights in the house. It warms the heart.
PS--I'm Jealous ^_^
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elessaria @ April 22 2003, 12:22:12 UTC Squee moment |
I just love and adore that Remus refers to Harry as 'the boy.' For some reason I think that is so adorably squeeworthy! Ok. I am done now. I swear. Really.
(parent)tonic_x @ April 22 2003, 12:55:07 UTC Re: Squee moment |
HAAA! Was laughing so very hard! Weasleys are fun.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 22 2003, 14:19:53 UTC |
Oh gosh, that wasn't there before! *loves Gred&Forge*
"Lay off the scones"? Trust Molly to drug her pastries. 'Tis probably the only way to keep Arthur under control. Not that we want him under control...:D
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Anonymous @ April 22 2003, 13:00:17 UTC Heritage ... |
The 'spawn of the Marauder' comment was the most.adorable.thing.ever! I love the interaction between Harry, Sirius and Remus. It really is fantastic and all so family-ish. Perfect! Can I just huggle them all?
hermione_like @ April 22 2003, 13:56:30 UTC Re: Heritage ... |
Can I just huggle them all?
Get in line. ;) They're all so cute!
Randomly, I have an lj code if you want it. :)
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Anonymous @ April 22 2003, 14:04:05 UTC Re: Heritage ... |
I would adore one! Thank you! My addie is:
hermione_like @ April 22 2003, 14:15:29 UTC Re: Heritage ... |
I sent it but it said mail address unknown. Did you type your email right? :)
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Anonymous @ April 22 2003, 15:29:56 UTC Re: Heritage ... |
I voluntarily give up 50 points for my mental lapse, it's .net not .com. I promise this is not an indication of my intelligence, or lack thereof. :)
flyingcarpet @ April 22 2003, 13:07:20 UTC |
I think I just nearly passed out from trying *not* to laugh at Arthur's comments. Ah, should really try not to read NA from work.
Thank you SO MUCH for posting these. I actually had missed several of them.
*shuts window in case anyone comes over to administer heimlich maneuver*
eponis @ April 22 2003, 13:15:06 UTC |
Thank you!
Actually, I'd been wondering about the Narcissa and Pansy one. I mean, given Narcissa's current relationship with Lucius, Pansy probably just meant for her to understand that as "hopefully Draco won't grow up to be such a bastard."
However, something about the quasi-sarcastic tone made me wonder if it was other traits to which Pansy referred . . . or maybe I'm reading too much into this.
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Anonymous @ April 22 2003, 13:42:40 UTC |
I must point out that Lucius is a tasty, pureblooded trollop. He's a mackin' daddy with a snake pimp stick,. He's the Jezebel of the wizarding world. And he digs Danish Modern. How could anyone -- Narcissa, Pansy, Sirius, Sinistra -- resist? There. It needed to be said, and I've said it. Return to previous H/D programming.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ April 22 2003, 14:42:54 UTC |
Danish modern is so passe.
Keep in mind, dearest, that we are still merely separated.
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
lupercus @ April 22 2003, 14:43:50 UTC |
You left out the part where he is also a "murderous coward," love.
blondenarcissa @ April 22 2003, 16:55:22 UTC |
Now now, that is only hearsay from wizards jealous of the power of the Malfoy family, Remus.
sinistra @ April 22 2003, 14:48:46 UTC |
Oddly I've not yet found myself attracted to the Dumbledore-style 'do.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 22 2003, 15:58:15 UTC |
*seconds* Such a fine, fine man with such fine, fine tastes. Though a little in denial, perhaps? I suspect he knows what he's talking about, regarding the "blush and bashful." :D
(parent)jadedsirius @ April 22 2003, 16:07:08 UTC |
Well, luckily, that Danish Modern furniture is sturdy.
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Anonymous @ April 22 2003, 19:42:16 UTC |
"The up-and-comers of Denmark’s innovative furniture scene have created gorgeous, sometimes alarming examples of what your glutes can rest on when your legs get tired, what your eyes can be stirred by when your brain’s aesthetic receptors have been numbed by mediocrity."
Critics also praise Danish Modern for its "sleek and occasionally wondrous" design. Adjectives which, I think all will agree, equally describe a certain Malfoy patriarch.
jadedsirius @ April 22 2003, 22:04:31 UTC |
I agree, in principle of course, having absolutely no physical proof on which to base my assessment.
anjaliesque @ April 22 2003, 14:16:56 UTC |
I loved that. And I so wish I could hear Lupin warble "Fernando." There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright, Fernando, they were shining there for you and me... *thinks wistfully of a certain NA night of which the happenings we are still in the dark about*
(parent)hermione_like @ April 22 2003, 15:21:46 UTC |
*laughs* I had "Fernando" stuck in my head today after checking NA before class. It's not fun havin that song in there when you're trying to concentrate on transcendentalism and and republicanism and all that American Lit stuff. :)