katrionaa @ 2003-03-30 12:27:00 |
With friends like that...
It seems that being friendly with la_pensee correlates somewhat closely with spending time with Madame Pomfrey.
zorb @ March 30 2003, 09:47:32 UTC |
I can't wait to see her and just_harry duke it out over
anamirza @ March 30 2003, 10:45:35 UTC |
Yes, she is efficient at eliminating the competition, isn't she? But is she really doing it for herself? See the comment cascade in:
bananas, particularly after "Bananas. We had a craving."
cirakaite @ March 30 2003, 11:20:07 UTC |
I assure you, grapefruits will be quite satisfying
Awwwwwww *pats in!denial!Draco*
*ships Pansy/Millicent* I must have missed that exchange . . .
lunadeath02 @ March 30 2003, 13:48:31 UTC |
Yeah, that's right. I almost forgot about the time they teased Draco about liking bananas and referring them to something else that he liked...
I think Pansy and Millicent know more than they let on.
anamirza @ March 30 2003, 14:02:51 UTC |
Yeah, they constantly tease him about his wardrobe fussiness, too. I get the impression they're watching these proceedings with extreme amusement. Pansy does seem a bit protective of Draco, too.
katrionaa @ March 30 2003, 18:01:38 UTC |
Oooh, I'm still catching up so that was interesting background.
I'd agree that Pansy & Millicent know more than they're saying. But I still wouldn't trust Pansy. If she offers to help Harry with anything, he should run the other way.
delfeus @ March 30 2003, 22:53:23 UTC |
I hadn't seen that before! Thanks for pointing it out! :D