potions_master @ 2003-04-10 14:40:00 |
Current mood: | irritated |
Current music: | "The Damnation of Faust, Opus 24," Hector Berlioz |
I have a theory notion that this school, despite the presence of the mighty-and-efficacious Albus Dumbledore, is under some sort of dark enchantment.
I suspect a Prepostrum Hex, or perhaps Confundus. Regardless, it is a great and powerful form of Dark magic at work here, as I do not believe a school could actually exist where its denizens are so consistently non compos mentis. I speak of course of the current duel-induced hysteria, the behaviour of certain Slytherin, and spontaneous musical numbers taking place in my presence. There is also a certain amount of dissent in the Gryffindor ranks, though I do not classify that as an example of sustained lunacy so much as a common courtesy. No house should be that amicable all of the time; it is only respectable to join the rest of the disgruntled ranks at some point or another.
At any rate, I firmly believe that Hogwarts is under some sort of devious curse. Truly the product of only the most diabolical mind, someone with a long history of disobedience, of disrespectful and anarchistic tendencies. I shall of course endeavor to expose this fiend's diabolical plot, ascertain the true nature of his curse and successfully thwart him with whatever means necessary.
The fate of Hogwarts - nay, our very world - could be at stake if left in the hands of such a dastardly, criminal mind. And certainly no-one else will rise to such a challenge.
Elsewhere: my porridge this morning was decidedly crane-free, and my Prophet arrived pleasantly intact. An improvement over recent events, however upon entering my classroom I was immediately bombarded by several dozen bats swooping from the ceiling. When a Stunning Spell set one of them ablaze, I realised that the beasts were in fact constructed from folded paper, bewitched to bring the creatures to life. How very clever. Would that the perpetrator were a student so that he might be punished as severely as he deserves.
However, seeing as how Hogwarts is currently under a Dark curse, and rules seemingly no longer apply...
Detention, Professor Lupin. My office. You will assist me in collecting the remnants of your little prank, among other things.
That is all.
lupercus @ 2003-04-10 05:38 pm UTC |
Detention? How inventive.
All right then. Though, how many bats are we talking about here? It might be a job beyond you and I - shall I bring Professor Black? Perhaps he'd be of some use.
Kudos to you, Professor Snape, for setting a good example for the students.
- R.
potions_master @ 2003-04-10 05:43 pm UTC |
Shut up and get down here, the blasted things are driving me ba- mad.
And I suppose you should bring Professor Black, as he does have certain abilities that may be useful for the task at hand.