nightflight @ 2003-05-02 17:22:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
I am torn between amusement and pity.
If this has already been posted, blame the pollen for making my eyes practically useless and forgive me.
eponis @ May 2 2003, 14:33:23 UTC |
I'm amused. ::smiles::
I'm also somewhat puzzled. Did Snape really make a mistake?
If he did, then this changes my estimation of him somewhat - I don't think he would speak with such certainty about something with the possibility of error, and I don't think he would try something on Lupin if he thought it had the possibility of malfunctioning. Granted, it's an unusual and difficult potion (as indicated by the fact that Dumbledore could "take his recipe" and that would prevent anyone else from imitating him), but it still seems . . . non-Snape-like, to actually mess up.
If he didn't, and he knew it would last for longer (how much longer?), then he must be very confident about his dungeon's wards indeed. :D
Or of course there's the possibility that Remus has changed back already, and he and Sirius are just milking the opportunity to worry Snape. Which I wouldn't put past them. ::grin::
portkey @ May 2 2003, 14:53:44 UTC |
I think it's neither. As much as I think Severus would want revenge on Remus, it is not in his nature to make a mistake with his potion. I do, however, think a complication he hadn't foreseen came up; we already know that Remus and Sirius made love while he was a woman, and I know it's not exactly an original theory, but I truly believe that Remus might have become pregnant. Obviously, a male body can't carry a child, so I think it's entirely possible the potion altered itself to accomodate the change. And I have to think that not even Severus would have thought of the possibility of that happening in only a 24 hour period.
(parent)eponis @ May 2 2003, 15:09:18 UTC |
Very interesting theory. I particularly agree that the lovemaking may have affected the potion (as may the werewolf aspect).
As for pregnancy . . . while Remus was definitely starting to become a woman that evening, one would think that, with Sirius's - ahem - wide experience, he would have noticed if the equipment was different down there. If it was already changed, then I doubt they would've just shrugged, continued, and yelled at Snape in the morning; if it wasn't changed, then for purely physical reasons (one hole is not the same as another hole), pregnancy seems very unlikely.
But then again, this is magic, and (as Polyjuice, among other things, demonstrates) magic doesn't necessarily follow Muggle logic.
::grins:: Of course, if you're right, this could be an immensely amusing, if rather soap-operatic, twist.
xnera @ May 2 2003, 20:01:32 UTC |
Oh, I'm pretty sure they've had sex at least once while Remus has been female:
Remus: Sirius is very convincing and I think he actually doesn't much mind that I am... er...
Sirius: Suffice it to say, he's feeling a bit better now that I have conclusively demonstrated to him that no matter what the condition of his body, I still love him with all my heart.
Yeah, "demonstrated". Sounds like sex to me. *grin*
eponis @ May 2 2003, 20:13:03 UTC |
::pounds head on desk:: Okay, so I'm evidently so frazzled from papers that I can't think straight. I was thinking of the first night, but yes, you're absolutely right, they had sex while Remus was a woman.
::checks lunar cycle, blinks::
Actually . . . in the case that Remus's period corresponds with the time when he'd normally be a werewolf, particularly if you consider that he took this potion in combination with Wolfsbane, then right now (two weeks beforehand) is precisely when he's most fertile.
I'm frightened. ::wonders whether N_A would actually go there::
rain206 @ May 2 2003, 20:38:00 UTC |
I really don't think they'd go there, and I really don't want them to, because Remus as a woman for nine months would be way too weird.
*Loffs your icon to bits*
![]() |
Anonymous @ May 2 2003, 20:38:35 UTC |
This reminds me of Goyle's latest post (a few days ago), mentioning the possibility of Remus and Sirius' baby (half werewolf?). Would this possibly lead to that direction? If so, OMG!!!!
And now, are they still gay?
eponis @ May 2 2003, 20:47:15 UTC |
::hopes/assumes that this is a Player, and breathes a big sigh of relief::
(parent)shusu @ May 2 2003, 15:20:39 UTC starts with an ohhh, ends with a gee. |
What gets me is this new addition to our orgy dynamics. Sevvie bristles, but not in a malicious way. He seems to be horrified that not only does this seem like a mistake, but it's a mistake which could hurt Remus and Sirius. His prank backfired... poor guy, he can't even make mischief without coming across too seriously. "grr boo arrgh" indeed.
Then the invitation to hex him if he's wrong... also struck me as a genuine mea culpa. There's less vitriol in that comment war.
There is also the whole professional facade... I bet he's locked himself in his lab to try and figure out what he did wrong. This strikes me as "The Potions Master is never wrong" shielding a "I really didn't mean to do that."
Question now is, does Snape really want in on the action, emotionally? The timing of the prank, after the North Tower tryst... two possibilities. Snape had that planned as the next salvo after the crane thing. Something went wrong that night, and Snape decided to hit back hard, right away.
As stated, I don't think he meant to hit that hard. Seems less likely with that post.
Possibility two, which seems more likely, is that Snape wants in on the prank war itself. This is Marauder talk, after all... Remus and Sirius always play tricks on each other. He's finally acknowledging that he'll play Remus' paper crane game. That he wants in.
Finally, I have a feeling this mirrors Marauder / Snape dynamics from their childhood. Severus may have been on the outside looking in... never does work out for him, huh?
adrienneherbst @ May 2 2003, 16:02:12 UTC Re: starts with an ohhh, ends with a gee. |
*loves this post*
(parent)hp_snape @ May 3 2003, 00:02:29 UTC Re: starts with an ohhh, ends with a gee. |
Some thoughtful analysis here and I shall be interested in seeing how it plays out within the game.
There is a high degree of professional pride operative in a convincing portrayal of Snape and I feel potions_master has captured that well in this comments thread.
metaphoracle @ May 4 2003, 15:42:24 UTC Re: starts with an ohhh, ends with a gee. |
I love this post so much, I can't even express it.
There is so much going on with the Sirius/Remus/Severus thing. Obviously, we don't know NA's opinion of what really happened during the prank back in Maurader age, but we DO know that Severus and Sirius did give into their banter for lust at one point and now, history seems to have repeated itself with Severus giving in to Remus and Sirius, as one, but mostly due to Remus' influence w/ cranes and attention.
The "mistake" and the timing. I thought it was almost a non sequiteur with the Modified Wolfsbane Prank occuring after what we're led to believe is consummation of the good ship S/R/S. I think I'm going to echo your belief that it's retaliation for the Crane incident, but since that was so far back, it seems to have had to be premeditated far in advance.
It almost seems like because of his need, due to schoolboy competitiveness perhaps, (Snape vs. Marauders) that Snape HAD to do the prank, even after the S/R/S. And the fact that it has backfired . . . I don't even know what to make of it, or try to guess what that means for S/R/S in the future.
I still just want them to be happy, goddamnit. Sevvie needs his sex.
darlulu @ May 2 2003, 15:32:45 UTC |
I certainly hope so. I miss being able to see my feet.
Poor, poor Remus!
Though I, too, am somewhat torn between pity and amusement, leaning more towards the latter, truth be told. The trio banters like no other on NA. And here I sit shamelessly giggling at my computer screen as ‘Sevvie’ and Lucius’ ‘shiny musical friend’ and said friend’s ‘abnormal, hairy heartthrob’ duke it out. Hilarity indeed! ;)