kat99999 @ 2003-05-12 08:17:00 |
Mood: thoughtful
I am actually surprised no-one pointed this out already, so here goes:
My new favourite NA pieces of information:la_pensee points out in this thread that Harry's speech suddenly turned into him looking very confused and wrapping things up in a very fast manner, as though he had forgotten to put as much effort into the rest of it. This is despite that he was seemingly working very hard on it Friday night.
Point number two - this comment makes me just wonder why oh why did Harry learn a locking spell on Friday night?
The fact that Draco seems to have emailed him (although this is not for definite, I guess) and replied to his comment - inconsequential? Heeh!
Done sleuthing now...
cirakaite @ May 12 2003, 00:29:33 UTC |
It looks like Draco e-mailed Harry the comment notification of Lucius' answer to his (Draco's) questions about Harry's father.
Maybe his good deed of the day? *coughsputterchoke* Either way, i wonder what prompted the asking of that specific question, and the sharing of the answer . . .
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eltie @ May 12 2003, 00:29:43 UTC |
I was under the impression Harry learnt the new locking spells because of his leave-me-alone-ooh-a-bathroom trip.
Pardon me, really, the H/D is beginning to grow on me...
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 01:03:56 UTC |
wonder why he needed a locking spell on friday? or how he learned one that same night?
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 01:13:13 UTC |
I think he learned it on Friday to use on Saturday night to cry his eyes out in peace after the guests left.
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 02:29:06 UTC |
He was planning on crying his eyes out after the wedding? when did I miss that? I thought he only got upset after Remus started posting. (...I mean crying upset 'cause he wanted to go home before that)
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 10:23:37 UTC |
I think that maybe Harry was a little jealous of Remus and Sirius love. I think he wants someone to love him enough to spend the rest of his life with him.
He sees the two men who are practically his fathers committing themselves to each other and he knows he'll be jealous. He learns the locking spell so he can have a good cry without anyone bothering him.
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 01:00:38 UTC |
The Wedding was on Saturday. Harry spent Saturday night in a bathroom with Remus and Sirius (in dog form so Remus could have a pillow) waiting for him in the hallway.
Needless to say, Sirius didn't get any on his Wedding Night because Harry is more important than sex; even sex with Remus. ^_^
tabiji @ May 12 2003, 01:57:39 UTC |
I like your sleuthing better than mine. I'm freaking out and on the edge of heartbreak because it
seems Ron is becoming a bit too enamored of Harry. Yes, it's Harry, everyone loves Harry....BUT...
Here Hermione says "I love you", and Ron doesn't say it back.
Ron showing the Harry worship, saying he'd want a brother named James (because Harry would be confusing).
Ron...sounding jealous that "everyone" likes Draco. Obviously not everyone does, the "everyone"
meaning everyone whos is important to Ron (Harry).
Again Ron...sometimes wishing he weren't straight - so Harry would have someone that
understands him.
And here is Lucius' comment on Draco having Harry's trust:
Okay, so both Harry and Draco were missing for a while...Harry's speech was unfinished...Draco was
feelin' "FINE".
If they did hook up on Friday (on some level at least), Lucius' comment would now make Harry question Draco's motives.
It's possible that they didn't hook up though. Harry appears to have been avoiding Draco. Draco's the one that broke the silent standoff by posting in Harry's journal (to Narcissa), and then finally got a response from Harry when he posted about Lily and James. I'm thinking if Draco's missing the attention from Harry, he's going to pursue Harry now, and Harry won't want to pursue him, questioning Draco's motives...AND... (ugh, I can't even type it)....because Harry's gonna get together with the hero-worshipping-Ron. *squicked out of my wits*
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 02:08:23 UTC |
Huh. But. Ron tells Ginny that Harry doesn't deserve her. And that he wants to marry someone just like her. And he tells Draco that he finds Hermione attractive. And he tells Harry that what Harry has said to Ginny is the meanest thing he could have said, and he uses a pissed off icon besides. I don't have links and am too tired to get them, but Harry has shown no interest in Ron whatsoever, and Ron, under veritaserum, doesn't seem to be Harry-inclined.
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 03:02:53 UTC |
Um. Ron and Harry are best friends almost to a brotherly level, it looks to me to be purely platonic and it is very sweet.
(parent)kat99999 @ May 12 2003, 03:55:40 UTC |
That's what I figured as much. I don't think there's anything beyond a very good friendship there, as much as Ron might wish he could understand Harry better. But I don't think he's gay at all. Aww *pets him*
(parent)kat99999 @ May 12 2003, 03:57:01 UTC |
It's entirely possible, but I am verrrry intrigued by Harry having learnt that locking spell...
Wishful thinking, or not? I guess we'll find out eventually! *g*
shusu @ May 12 2003, 04:42:29 UTC locking spells? hey guys... |
And that cut on your lip?
In relation to a locking spell?? Even if not, what about it and how did he get it?
sistermagpie @ May 12 2003, 07:20:59 UTC Re: locking spells? hey guys... |
Yeah, I wondered that too. It seems to be pre-veritaseum. (When I first read it I wondered if Harry were trying to lock his mouth shut to keep from talking!)
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 12 2003, 10:14:55 UTC Re: locking spells? hey guys... |
Maybe Harry cornered Draco in a locked room and they had it out (fighting, people, not sex). Well okay, that probably didn't happen. Let me have my fantasy.
(parent)kat99999 @ May 12 2003, 10:50:28 UTC Re: locking spells? hey guys... |
They had it out, eh? Mmmmhm. *eyes you knowingly* lmao
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Anonymous @ May 12 2003, 15:42:00 UTC Re: locking spells? hey guys... |
He said he learned a locking spell. He announced his intention of finding a quiet place to work on his speech. I think, if anything, it was Draco who hunted Harry down. I can't say I can really see Harry behaving as the aggressor, sexually or physically or conversationally, after having been so publically and humiliatingly accused of being, well, the aggressor. I think that if any interaction happened at all, it would have had to have been on Draco's initiative.
(parent)moonlitpages @ May 12 2003, 20:11:28 UTC Re: locking spells? hey guys... |
True. Actually I was really rather joking with the wild speculation in that direction, because honestly, I don't have much of an idea. For all we know Harry was holed up in the library looking for a quiet place to work, tripped, and pulled a book down on his head that opened to a page with a locking spell. Draco saw this fit of clumsiness, was amused, and it brightened his mood considerably.;-) *laughs* So really, I have no idea what happened until we get more clues. Something happened though, to make Draco skip detention and Harry not work as hard on the last part of his speech. Whether the two are related, I guess remains to be seen. *shrug*
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 12 2003, 20:39:12 UTC Re: locking spells? hey guys... |
I admit to sharing in that fantasy a little. Though if j_h and ps fought I suspect ps would have been looking worse for wear. Then again, if ps actually managed to get a shot in it would certainly have put him in a good mood.