ifyouweremine @ 2003-07-13 23:12:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
M.B. has posted!
Oh, I love her so. ^_~
jenicomprispas @ July 13 2003, 21:22:36 UTC |
Isn't she great?
"Except, we got a zombie puffskein instead of a zombie army."
^_^ I love M.B. and P_S. /fangirl>
ifyouweremine @ July 13 2003, 22:04:18 UTC |
Yes, they’re all so wonderful! Slytherins are the coolest.
It’s good to be bad. ^__^
Hey, do you think Harry’s got a bad-boy complex? Because I am interested in that. ^_~ #is lewd, crude, and generally rude, and is fangirling NA and its players horribly#
Personally, my favorite part was the un-ladylike bit when she made that dig at Draco’s masculinity. She is so cool.
<333s them. ^_^
jenicomprispas @ July 13 2003, 22:09:44 UTC |
Heh..I haven't been around long enough to ever *start* to think I have the slightest idea of what's going on between Draco and Harry.
Vive la Slytherin! Vive la bad spelling! Vive la M.B.!
Also: ohgod. Are you watching this?http://www.livejournal.com/users/p
Sorry, I haven't figured out how to imbed that into a link.
*frantically refreshes*
notapipe @ July 13 2003, 22:17:13 UTC |
It's like HTML. <a href="linkurl">linktitle</a>
Hope that helps.
jenicomprispas @ July 13 2003, 22:22:41 UTC |
I thank you muchly good..er...person! *curtsey*
(parent)ifyouweremine @ July 13 2003, 22:27:56 UTC |
Yes, I’m following that thread too—how do they come up with these things?
#laughing# ^__^
Also, don’t worry about not knowing how to link stuff yet—when I need to do something like that, I regularly go to the Livejournal FAQ to nab the coding and add in the necessary info—the link is right here.
Also, why does NA come alive when I should be sleeping? It’s 12:25 in the morning over here. Woe to me!
#tells self she will only stay on a little while longer…just a minute or two…or three#
ifyouweremine @ July 13 2003, 22:30:45 UTC |
Whoops! I hit post before I saw that someone had already helped you with the imbedding thing! Oh, well. ^_~
#hits F5#
notapipe @ July 13 2003, 23:54:10 UTC |
I love using puffskeins to make zombies.
Zombies exist, at least according to some scholars (well, I can only think of one of note: Wade Davis, who wrote The Serpent and the Rainbow). Not the rotting flesh, dancing behind Micheal Jackson "mmmm...brains" zombies; voodoo zombies. And the active ingredient in voodoo zombie powder is tetrodotoxin. Tetrodotoxin is a poison found in certian breeds of pufferfish. Pufferfish, Puffskein. I like the idea that voodun zombi, given the right magic, could make a bona fide zombie.
notapipe @ July 13 2003, 22:08:35 UTC |
Um. Could the portraits be involved in his dissapearance? Perhaps he is sitting in the hallway having a long conversation with Great Granddaddy Malfoy. That or the whole puffskein thing.
(parent)la_trix @ July 13 2003, 22:38:45 UTC |
The idea did cross my mind. There is noise coming from the ballroom. Are Draco and Millicent careening about on their brooms? Is Draco being eaten by a puffskein? Have the portraits somehow cornered him? I must stay tuned to the same channel to find out.
And why, oh why, have they kidnapped his portrait-self?
black_dog @ July 14 2003, 05:36:25 UTC |
That or the whole puffskein thing.
So, maybe the zombie army thing worked after all, just . . . a bit more slowly than they expected. I mean, zombies are not famous for their speed and agility. Maybe they're just showing up now.
It's pleasantly creepy that PS and MB are both scared of wandering the house alone.
Like the man said on the Pinstruck site, "If you call Chango's name enough, he will come."
curiouslyjade @ July 13 2003, 22:12:39 UTC |
M.B. has used a question mark. I find this fascinating.
(parent)ifyouweremine @ July 14 2003, 09:17:37 UTC |
Probably because M.B. never uses question marks—to do so now indicates real concern for Draco’s welfare. By revealing that genuine anxiety, we are given a deeper and more thorough understanding of their relationship—more of what is underneath all the light teasing, etc., is laid bare. This is indicated once more later in the thread, when she says “speak or die” and then immediately, and uncharacteristically (as with the question mark) exhibits a real and serious emotion (in this case, worry) when she says “I did not mean the latter.”
Or, at least, that’s how I saw it. Who knows? I may be wrong. ^_~ All will be revealed in time, no?
Well, bye for now!
curiouslyjade @ July 14 2003, 10:49:06 UTC |
Yes, that's it, though my thought process was somewhat simpler.
"Oooh. Question mark."
It's just not something I've seen too often, I suppose. :)
theantimodel @ July 14 2003, 13:52:53 UTC |
Actually, I think she uses them quite more often than one would notice.
In fact, it seems that the times she doesn't use an actual question mark when asking a question are those times that she is replying to Weasley, or to someone else she is mad at. Otherwise, it seems that when she is joking/being sarcastic or when she is serious and genuinely wants an answer, she uses question marks. This is an interesting pattern since she usually doesn't give a lot of hints about her feelings and emotions, but it seems that there is a distinct pattern between the tims she uses question marks and the times she doesn't.
It should also be noted that M.B. doesn't ask questions often. period. She mostly sticks to statements. So what could be taken as a lack of question marks is more realistically a lack of questions.
notapipe @ July 14 2003, 14:16:07 UTC |
Thank you, I would be far too lazy to do such nessecary research.
As for not having questions, I think it needs a bit of refinement. She doesn't have many explicit questions. I think she does well enough implying questions with statements that she doesn't need to ask questions. She really has a way with words.
notapipe @ July 14 2003, 14:30:25 UTC |
Just thought I'd link to one more recent comments section, where it almost feels like that "Questions only" game on Whose Line.
(parent)notapipe @ July 14 2003, 14:35:29 UTC |
And because I'm a spam monkey: This conversation is a good demonstration of the annoyed/not annoyed ./? system.
(parent)theantimodel @ July 14 2003, 14:56:43 UTC |
thank you, my inbox was feeling quite lonely until you showed up.
Secondly, this is precisely what I was talking about. Obviously she uses question marks like she users everything else. Very, very deliberately, and often to prove a point.
zionsstarfish @ July 13 2003, 22:39:44 UTC |
Uh oh. Has Draco splinched himself, or did he use M.B.'s distraction as a means of continuing his illicit love affair with his potted plant in the gardens?
And... does his potted plant somehow remind him of Potter? LOL!! Aww. schmoopy!Draco... *snicker*
babytyggeryss @ July 13 2003, 22:48:03 UTC |
I was thinking along the same lines, but then he would get into trouble with the Ministry and not get his license on time. As a result, he wouldn't be able to meet up with Harry. That might make him more enraged.
What ever has happened to him, we will find out soon enough. If something is very wrong, Narcissa will have her house-elf dictate another journal entry.
dragynville @ July 13 2003, 23:15:46 UTC |
And... does his potted plant somehow remind him of Potter?
Potted plant = Potter..? Or a gift from Harry? Either way, that's some serious kind of lonesome. XD XD
zionsstarfish @ July 13 2003, 23:18:25 UTC |
That might make him more enraged.
Hehehehehehehe!!! Good point. Though it would leave Draco with more time with the potted plant... ;)
babytyggeryss @ July 13 2003, 23:27:43 UTC |
There is only one letter difference between "Potted" and "Potter;" the plant might not be safe. ^_^
(parent)zionsstarfish @ July 13 2003, 23:53:13 UTC |
*remembers the state of the lettuce from the theatre...*
You know, neither of them are probably safe ;)
zionsstarfish @ July 13 2003, 23:51:34 UTC |
The last time M.B. saw Draco he was on the bed. She says that she turned around and he was gone. The bed is where the potted plant(s) are. Draco apparently left the room and went to the ballroom, alone, thinking that M.B. was right behind him. Something is awry. Hmm. *insert ps icon*
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dry_your_eyes @ July 14 2003, 00:20:55 UTC |
<333 M.B.
probably the most amusing character in NA :)
but I'm worried about Draco, there's something fishy about that portrait business !
notapipe @ July 14 2003, 14:23:07 UTC |
Well, we can assume from Millicent's calm that Draco himself has been rescued, and it doesn't seem very likely that the Portraits will leap out of their frames and nab Draco himself. You'll notice even the boldest, most daring portraits are ineffectual against a human foe. I think house elves are much greater danger. I eagerly await PS's account.
Also: REVELATION! Perhaps the portrait-napping is a response to his putting Sir Cadogan in danger back at the duel! Or maybe not.
zionsstarfish @ July 14 2003, 23:32:32 UTC |
Apparently, everything is fine. But Draco was still gone for a while... *wonders*
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Anonymous @ July 15 2003, 20:39:35 UTC |
Hmmm... I'm wondering, if portrait people have magical links to all other portraits of themselves, are they also linked to the people they're painted of? Like a two-dimensional voodoo doll, or something.