ms_potter @ 2003-07-15 17:45:00 |
Narcissa posts!
What the hell IS this???
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ms_potter @ July 15 2003, 14:53:31 UTC |
Oh. Thanks. :D It looks....very odd. I don't think I've had funnel cake for a very long time, however.
(parent)kazzik @ July 15 2003, 15:11:34 UTC |
Narcissa doesn't know what it's called either.
I suggest she rightclicks the picture and see what it's saved as
Life so simple if you're me.
greenapricot @ July 15 2003, 15:46:44 UTC |
Ok, so it's funnel cake, but what exactly is funnel cake and where does one get it?
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squigeon @ July 15 2003, 15:49:37 UTC |
It's deep fried dough covered in powdered sugar. You usually get them at fairs and amusement parks.
Aaaggghhhh....I want one, too! XD
greenapricot @ July 15 2003, 15:56:23 UTC |
Aah, here in New England we just call it fried dough (straight to the point us yankees), although fried dough is usually less squiggily looking, but much with the powdered sugar. I want some too.
(parent)novembersnow @ July 15 2003, 18:48:57 UTC |
I live in upstate NY, and we have plain old fried dough here too. Funnel cake is just another type of fried dough. The batter is drizzled through a funnel into the hot oil, so that it fries in that nifty "squiggly" sort of pattern. Same principle as fried dough--just more surface area!
(parent)saffronlie @ July 16 2003, 01:19:09 UTC |
So what about doughnuts? Are they a different kind of fried dough all together? :::finds this all very interesting:::
(parent)saffronlie @ July 16 2003, 04:29:02 UTC |
Oh, we have doughnuts, but I'd never heard of funnel cake and I'm wondering about the differences between doughnuts and other sweet fried dough. Is it just the shape of funnel cake that differs?
Either, I'm starting to crave some fried dough too. :D
novembersnow @ July 16 2003, 08:45:35 UTC |
I'm pretty sure there's a different recipe for the dough in each of the three fried, doughy items. I couldn't tell you exactly what the differences are, though, because I am an abominable cook and have no recipes on which to base an answer. ;) But the consistency is different in each, so the preparation must vary somehow.
(parent)saffronlie @ July 16 2003, 16:02:08 UTC |
Oooh, okay. Oh, to live in America with so many different kinds of fried dough! I don't blame Narcissa for craving it. :D
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 15 2003, 15:52:50 UTC |
Funnel cake is fried sweet dough that one can buy at fairs in the United States. You can eat it plain, with powered sugar, with fruit, with powered sugar and fruit. I think I saw someone who was eating it with honey.
It's good stuff.
notapipe @ July 15 2003, 15:22:01 UTC |
A veiled plea for rescue by Sir cadoganthebold, obviously.
nabiki @ July 15 2003, 15:40:11 UTC |
Narcissa is right...funnel cake is a delicacy everyone must try once! mm funnel cake with strawberries @_@
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 15 2003, 15:48:11 UTC |
I'm now having a funnel cake craving. Strawberries and powered sugar is wonderful too.
(parent)flyingcarpet @ July 15 2003, 18:12:01 UTC |
I've been a little out of the NA swing of things lately (terrible, I know)-- do any of the other characters know that Narcissa is pregnant? Lucius referred to her "delicate condition" the other day, but she hasn't actually announced it, has she???
And OMG, I am so craving funnel cake now because of her. :)
babytyggeryss @ July 15 2003, 18:34:42 UTC |
I think Lucius has said that about her before; this isn't unusual. He'll say that whenever Narcissa reacts strongly to something by taking to her bed or some means similar.
If Narcissa was pregnant, we would have heard about it. I'm sure she'd visit Remus and Lucius would address the issue; either as a problem or as something he's looking forward to. Draco would also have something to say about a new sibling, as this means he would have to share his parents who don't give him allot of attention to begin with.
A new baby would mean less attention and what if it's a boy? He might not get along with his parents but he does like the advantages of being the Heir. A boy would mean that Lucius has power over him, as now Draco could be disowned without fear that the Malfoy name wouldn't be passed down.
Narcissa responded earlier to Remus's urgings that she doesn't have time to see her doctor; the hunt for her son's painted self is taking up all her time. Once paintedDraco is found and she's still feeling ill and eating the house down, she might go see the doctor. But it doesn't sound like that's something that high on her "To Do" list.
notapipe @ July 16 2003, 02:11:27 UTC |
By the same logic, if Harry and Draco, or to take a more concrete certian pairing, Pansy and M.B., were doing anything, we would have heard about it. You can show something and not tell it, which is exactly what's happening here. (On a related note, there was a recent interesting thread on showing vs telling at Crooked Timber) I think we shouldn't forget the fact that Narcissa isn't very responsible, so everyone else will know before her anyway.
As for disownment, it only matters somewhat, since Draco would still be solvent financially thanks to his grandmother.
babytyggeryss @ July 16 2003, 07:27:36 UTC |
Yes, Narcissa isn't the brightest crayon in the box, I never said she was and I'm expecting everyone to figure out that she's pregnant before she finds out.
I guess I should have been more clear: if there was an official announcement of pregnancy, we would have heard about it.
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Anonymous @ July 15 2003, 18:42:52 UTC |
Remus also seems to know, given his comment here (
babytyggeryss @ July 15 2003, 20:26:07 UTC |
A pregnant woman who craves fair food; that's a new one on me.
I hope Lucius doesn't have to spend allot of time in the States, I think some Americans would be lower than Muggle-borns on his pecking order list. I can see it now, he would be most Enraged.
Do you not like your spoon? Well, if he doesn't like his spoon and there is no baby, Narcissa should save it for her grandchildren.
zionsstarfish @ July 15 2003, 20:39:28 UTC |
Hmm... something about this is odd. Does anyone else remember Draco asking Narcissa (who was under Veritaserum) why she kept telling people he was 14? If there was a child born in 1984, he/she would be 14 in 1998...
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 15 2003, 21:03:50 UTC |
I remember that too but wasn't her answer that she was unsure of herself? Unsure over what, I don't remember.
Maybe she got pregnant in '84 and somehow lost the baby? If that happened, she might not want to talk about it.
What if this is a Phantom Pregnancy? Some woman who want a child so bad they give all the signs of being pregnant but aren't pregnant. She has said that she's wanted a girl but Lucius doesn't seem to have any interest in more children. He doesn't have any real interest in the child he does have.
notapipe @ July 16 2003, 02:05:21 UTC |
Why should Lucius matter? Sometimes it's not a matter of volition. A thoughtless night of "not a mudblood" celebration sex and poof.
On the other hand, Narcissa doesn't seem to acknowledge the pregnancy, so why would she have a phantom preganancy if she's unaware?
anatidae @ July 15 2003, 21:07:43 UTC Re: |
Unless Draco has a... er, partner that creates complications in the child birthing department.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 15 2003, 21:14:47 UTC |
Draco can adopt. They would still be Narcissa's grandchildren.
It would be better if Lucius departs from this world before his Heir announces that he has no intentions of ever sleeping with a woman. Lucius slept with men but only saw that as some rite into manhood.
Draco knows that it's a bad idea to be gay if he wants to remain his father's son.
theantimodel @ July 16 2003, 02:02:21 UTC |
Draco can adopt. They would still be Narcissa's grandchildren.
See from canon and here we know that Malfoy's treasure their blood more than anything else. There is no way they would ever accept Draco simply adopting a child. If his future kids do not have high-class pure Malfoy blood running through their veins they will never be accepted by the rest of the family.
I mean look at Lucius' response to Narcissa possibly being adopted. He hired a lawyer, probably to divorce her. Also look at Narcissa's response. She dyed her hair and changed her looks out of shame. I highly doubt that she would be willing to accept a non-Malfoy heir either.
tabiji @ July 16 2003, 02:32:16 UTC |
Oh, yes, odd cravings are very common during pregnancy. I'm suprised you haven't heard of it before.
It's not unheard of for someone to crave a food they've never liked, or to suddenly be repulsed by foods they have always enjoyed. Food cravings are more common than food aversions, and there is a strong link between food aversions and morning sickness, but researchers weren't able to identify any such link between food cravings and morning sickness.
babytyggeryss @ July 16 2003, 06:51:17 UTC |
Oh, I've heard of odd food cravings, Mom had some very odd ones when she was pregnant with my sister. I was simply remarking on the fact that Narcissa's cravings were, at this time, limited to fair food. I just found it amusing.
(parent)theantimodel @ July 16 2003, 13:17:54 UTC |
oh, I thought they started back here when she complains of eating food with calories to Remus. And then Lucius posts about her wanting Jello truffles and garlic bread. He really sounds quite horrified by the idea, especially since he had never even heard of Jello before. Also Remus told Seamus that she's been eating enough for two or three people.