tabiji @ 2003-07-24 03:16:00 |
(no title)
SQUEE ALERT! Draco wants to apparate to Potter. His stated motives sure sound like a cover to me!
Edited to add: Mark your calendars! It's a Birthday Bash for Dumbledore (and for Harry too!)
tabiji @ July 24 2003, 00:26:50 UTC |
Maybe he wants to motivate Harry into getting more icons?
(parent)theantimodel @ July 24 2003, 00:20:02 UTC |
And Vector's comment is just too funny.
I wonder what kicking Potter is a response to. Perhaps it was an owl conversation? Or it is just a complete cover to warn Harry to go to the park and meet him. After all Draco does know how to apparate to Surrey now.
black_dog @ July 24 2003, 00:40:23 UTC |
Yay for Vector! And actually, yay for everybody . . . Sinistra, Justin, Ernie, Crabbe, Fred and George, so far. Clearly everyone has been waiting for this announcement, just like we have. So much for a discreet post by PS to his father.
"Until he bleeds"? Damn. I know it's been three weeks, but down, boy!
theantimodel @ July 24 2003, 00:43:25 UTC |
"Until he bleeds"? Damn. I know it's been three weeks, but down, boy!
I love you! And I agree completely.
I get the impression that evne though the twins are messing with him, they actually do want the items, I am wondering if this has something to do with their mysterious Don't Go In The Shed Project? But who wears yellow robes? And why would they need a hairpin?
black_dog @ July 24 2003, 00:53:44 UTC |
Yes, it's interesting that PS is curious enough to consider a stop at the Weasleys. Though the idea of licking a bowl is not going to tempt him, is it? There's the shed issue, of course, which I'm dying to find out about. But we also never got clued into PS' final conversation with Ron.
Apart from that, I love his "No, no, no . . . " to everyone. The boy has admirable singleness of purpose.
theantimodel @ July 24 2003, 00:55:32 UTC |
And he's going to be busy in the morning, planning an all nighter is he?
(parent)black_dog @ July 24 2003, 01:01:38 UTC |
An all nighter at least, and then he's going to sleep in! Till past one, maybe. *Pictures brunch for two in bed*
(parent)tabiji @ July 24 2003, 01:12:13 UTC |
Mmmmmmm! Now if only Harry would post and say, "Honey, quit messing around and get your sweet ass over here" (or anything like it), I will be able to die happy. :)
(parent)tiamet_nox @ July 24 2003, 00:21:23 UTC |
A very thin, flimsy cover. 'Kick' is two consonants away from... another word, and 'bleeds' is obviously a metaphor. ^-^
restrained!squee <- see that? I'm cutting back it's part of my traini-recovery program *coughcoughlooksaway*
1anonymous1 @ July 24 2003, 01:35:29 UTC |
What is your icon from if you dont mind me asking?
(parent)tiamet_nox @ July 24 2003, 12:21:25 UTC |
It's a picture of the Trio in Divination by DoReMi-chan
(parent)notapipe @ July 24 2003, 00:24:29 UTC |
Given Harry's response to the last "beating" Draco gave him, I think he will look forward to this.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 00:32:57 UTC |
He needs to start a list of all the nice things he's going to do for people. Of course, said people have Harry to thank for it.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ July 24 2003, 00:38:01 UTC |
He doesn't seem to be feeling overly helpful right now. He seems to be ignoring them. Besides, didn't he do his one good deed already? Back when he saved Harry from the cake?
(parent)tiamet_nox @ July 24 2003, 00:48:19 UTC |
Awwwwww... Justin doesn't want Draco to kill him after all. Careful Justin! You'll hurt his feelings.
(parent)theantimodel @ July 24 2003, 00:49:07 UTC |
Ha! poor Draco. If I didn't enjoy watching them fuck with him so much I might feel sorry for him. This is great.
Although I don't see why he couldn't pick up the plant, it wouldn't be our of his way...
babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 00:43:22 UTC |
Hmmmmmm, this nice thing looks like it might have been a passing thing. But yes, that was a good deed.
Now the requests are getting silly. I think Draco went to go kick his beloved.
theantimodel @ July 24 2003, 00:28:55 UTC |
I love that kid so much. Seriously I think ernie is quite possibly my absolute favorite character. He is just too adorable. see I used the word adorable Pipe! look!
(parent)notapipe @ July 24 2003, 00:35:07 UTC |
Yes, but you didn't use it in reference to stupidity. Ernie is l33t.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 24 2003, 00:28:01 UTC |
Sounds like the "Harry with-draw" got to him. I'm having a fan-girl moment.
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 24 2003, 00:28:34 UTC |
About time for some more H/D interraction, I say! And, hah, Draco just misses him and won't admit it. *G*
(parent)tabiji @ July 24 2003, 00:31:59 UTC |
Well, he can't very well say "Gee, Dad...I know your boss wants him dead, but I'm gonna pop over to Surrey and shag Potter's brains out..."
...even if we know that's what he means :D He SO misses Harry!
el_erzulie @ July 24 2003, 00:36:23 UTC |
Exactly! He has to use subtext, but even if he didn't, I think he quite enjoys it... you know, sly hints... ^_~
(parent)notapipe @ July 24 2003, 00:49:28 UTC |
As should surprise no one, Lisa trumps them all. Except maybe the Weasleys.
(parent)theantimodel @ July 24 2003, 00:51:41 UTC |
And Draco is actually considering that one. I wonder what the bowl will taste like?
(parent)tabiji @ July 24 2003, 01:16:16 UTC |
The comedian Diane Ford did a joke about how her bullying older brothers used to terrorize her. Something about, "Oh, you can lick the bowl..." and then she found out they meant the toilet bowl.
Draco's less-than-eagerness made me think of it.
notapipe @ July 24 2003, 01:20:37 UTC |
Did I ever tell you that you are one screwed up little old woman? Because if not, I'm doing so now.
(parent)tabiji @ July 24 2003, 01:25:10 UTC |
notmyfault if you have NO sense of humor!
Loff you anyways because it's a live thread, and I missed the f5-ing muchly.
Now I just have to hope that Lucius doesn't pop in and do the Mean Dad "no you can't go" thing.
retired_ego @ July 24 2003, 01:01:56 UTC |
:(( i can't see it because the server is too busy.
(parent)sistermagpie @ July 24 2003, 06:45:29 UTC |
Oh, I'm all emotional. The whole of NA finds a way to basically slap Draco on the back for this. Love Ernie the most--you're rich aren't you? Make it something nice. HA!!
Was about to make a comment about kicking and bleeding and it just got too explicit so I deleted it.
I wonder what would happen if Lucius popped in and said no!
Also, when did Harry get new icon?
black_dog @ July 24 2003, 11:22:27 UTC |
The whole of NA finds a way to basically slap Draco on the back
Really! I mean, even Ron gets into the act. Poor PS, there's no privacy at all for him. No wonder MB is a little cranky on his behalf.
when did Harry get new icon?
I hadn't noticed this before you mentioned it, but wow, he's got a slick new look for his journal, too. Partly, he was probably just bored at the Dursleys and had time on his hands (and we know from his very first LJ post that he's actually good at customizing LJs). But I would bet that he's feeling a little bit of the difference that Lupin noticed in him a while back, and just wants to shake things up and try new stuff.
sistermagpie @ July 24 2003, 13:00:50 UTC |
The new layout is fabulous! But then remember before Ron had gone a little overboard with the layout that looked like it could cause siezures. Then Draco pointed out: "Your journal is still ugly. Why?"
It is kind of funny the way Draco's regular posts (some of which have been hysterical) haven't gotten that much response and then he has a short note about going to see Harry and the whole world makes requests. Hee!
dragynville @ July 24 2003, 13:33:08 UTC |
The new layout suits Harry, tasteful yet understated.
he has a short note about going to see Harry
They did all jump on that didn't they? Poor fellow can't have a private love life, but he'll have to get used to that if he's dating TBWL. XD
black_dog @ July 24 2003, 14:04:41 UTC |
he has a short note about going to see Harry and the whole world makes requests.
It just goes to show that the NA characters, too, are gossip-mongering H/D shippers who are obsessed with whether JH and PS are "together" and want to be close to the action. Just like the rest of us!
Ron had gone a little overboard with the layout that looked like it could cause siezures. Then Draco pointed out: "Your journal is still ugly.
Oh I had forgotten about the flashing Chudley background, probably because I intermittently lost consciousness whenever I saw it. Yeah, the radical new layout gives him a chance to get rid of that without seeming ungrateful to Ron. And of course he wants to look good for PS. Not to mention that he's using Slytherin colors!
But the sophistication of the layout is a big, big change from the really self-effacing way he presented himself before. Sort of the LJ equivalent of his Seamus-pants, perhaps. Yet after all that, it's a nice Harry-touch that he uses kind of a juvenile and ickle icon, as though he were sort of backing off the aggressiveness of the redesign at the same time.
Eh, am I starved for something to analyze, or what? Nice to see you again though, though maybe you've been around when I've been MIA.
notapipe @ July 24 2003, 17:18:26 UTC |
I like your assesment of the layout (and I didn't notice the Slytherin until you pointed it out). However, I have to contest your reading of the icon. I think it just accentuates the new look of the layout. It's got a look of sophistication and elegance. It may not be particularly adult or physically mature, but it's not altogether un-pretentious. The sophistication of the icon fits the sophistication of the S2 design. It's the sort of thing that PS would, at one time, have dug into Potter with the fury of a thousand suns for.
Actually, perhaps that's the reason why Draco needs to kick Potter. Draco does seem to react a lot to Harry's icons and layout...
![]() |
Anonymous @ July 24 2003, 17:50:05 UTC |
Harry's lj looks exactly like Lupin's lj, even the colour.
(parent)black_dog @ July 25 2003, 02:05:03 UTC |
You're right! But isn't that a recent redesign, too? Remus' LJ used to be blue-and-white, I think, even in the newer LJ format. Who redesigned first?
(parent)notapipe @ July 24 2003, 16:21:23 UTC |
Rather recently, it appears. the first nraged note of it was yesterday, and I really doubt it could have been more than a week old.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ July 24 2003, 10:22:58 UTC Warning- the F-word used many times. Forgive me! |
I just thought of something.... this reminds me of a comedy skit where you replace the word 'kill' with 'fuck'. ^_^; (we could also sustitude the word 'kick') Let's see...potterstinks: I'm going to Apparate to Potter and "fuck" him many times, possibly until he bleeds.
Justin: Hey, do you mind stopping by and "fucking" me first?
Draco: Well, I'm rather busy this evening, but perhaps later tomorrow. I'd say half one, but I might have plans. It would probably be best to keep it loose.
Justin: (about another post) Well, that's rude. I don't think I want you to "fuck" me after all.
Draco: Oh, did you want me to "fuck" you politely?
Justin: Hey, man, I'm in serious agony here.
Draco: I'm not your servant. If you want to be "fucked", you'll have to stop being so picky.
Justin: Oh, I see how it goes. You can take time to "fuck" Potter but you can't take a few minutes to "do" a Hufflepuff. Well, fine! I never wanted to you to "fuck" me anyway!
Draco: *later on* What are you doing? Hiding cats. (pussies?) That's something to write home about.
Justin: You'd better not show your face here tomorrow or I'll "fuck" your arse all the way back to your fancy castle!
Draco: Lord, Finch-Fletchley. You asked to be "fucked". Take it like a man.
merlion @ July 24 2003, 11:19:15 UTC Re: Warning- the F-word used many times. Forgive me! |
I am so teribly amused! That is awesome, and rather ... fitting. You rock!
(parent)dragynville @ July 24 2003, 13:33:47 UTC Re: Warning- the F-word used many times. Forgive me! |
Fabulous you are! XD
(parent)vellum @ July 24 2003, 12:06:09 UTC |
this is what i get for sleeping, i miss all the live fun.
but when it says "roast", they mean roast, right? comedy central roast? mtv bash? tear out a new asshole roast? not a bbq?
notapipe @ July 24 2003, 16:12:47 UTC |
What, oh what in the world could Narcissa possibly want to talk about? (you know what sucks? Not having a link to something that contains the text "Mad just_harry sex".) I think they're going to tell Draco about the baby. That or Narcissa has waited far too long for The Talk.
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Anonymous @ July 24 2003, 17:32:26 UTC |
Maybe it doesn't mean anything special. JH's lj looks similar to Lupin's current lj, even the colour is the same green.
dragynville @ July 24 2003, 18:04:10 UTC |
I'm thinking Harry probably redid Lupin's too then because it didn't look like that last week (which was the last time I saw it), and Lupin's been a bit busy for overhauling LJs.
(parent)![]() |
overdone @ July 24 2003, 19:50:03 UTC |
That is because it's a default layout style from LJ, called 'Components':
vileseagulls @ July 29 2003, 03:22:22 UTC |
Although the colours are not one of the set schemes. They both have the same in that regard.