chasingwhispers @ 2003-11-05 18:39:00 |
Posts, posts, posts
Mood: energetic
Okaaay, loads of posts... I'll do it!
Ernie tells us more about the Hallowe'en Ball(I'm happy Hermione's getting out!) with more speculation about who the Head Boy might be.
Professor Vector updates and lets us know Harry is still alive.
Narcissa gives us her take on the Malfoy Gala. I do find this interesting:
Sirius came garbed as Severus and only took time to greet him briefly. (I did, however, mind that he keep his distance from Lucius and myself.)
And it would appear that Pansy has encountered Crookshanks.
"He was a rather large, mangy creature with a bushy, brush like tail, a squashed face, and ginger hair.... I do wonder to whom he belongs, although I suppose I likely could figure it out if there is any truth to the statement, "pets begin to resemble their owners." After all, Millicent does look a bit like her cat since they both possess such lovely sleek, black hair...
Ha ha ha! :D
zorb @ November 5 2003, 11:28:30 UTC |
So Lisa says it's not Terry and Seamus says it's not one of his roommates. Ernie says it's not him. I think it has to be one of the group who went to Dublin, because as Ernie says, no one saw them.
My split-personality!Lisa theory is looking better all the time.
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hobaggins @ November 5 2003, 14:29:25 UTC |
My split-personality!Lisa theory is looking better all the time.
Well.. she did say she hasn't been sleeping well. It could totally be a Fight Club!Lisa type situation. I don't have any theories, and this one is fun, so I think I'll throw my lot in with you. <33333333
(Referring to the link above I don't think I fully appreciated, publicly my <3 of Lisa's You are harshing Blaise Zabini's mellow. Please Lisa, leave Morgan and marry me. <3!!!
flowers_blue @ November 5 2003, 19:08:09 UTC |
New person here with opinion of little consequence. But I agree. It is Lisa's other personality, which is cleverly modeled after Percy Weasley.
UNLESS the new head boy is Harry and he derives some sort of voyueristic satisfaction from following his friends about while using his invisibility cloak. Although I don't know why he'd waste his time when he could have been spying on PS, which is certainly what I would have been doing.
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Anonymous @ November 5 2003, 11:31:33 UTC |
< crackpot theory >
Maybe the head boy is Crookshanks?
< /crackpot theory >
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ex_monochro174 @ November 6 2003, 13:25:28 UTC |
So I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of that. *laughs*
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hobaggins @ November 5 2003, 14:24:33 UTC |
Oh snap!
Pansy!snark is always always always a good time.
saffronlie @ November 5 2003, 15:30:39 UTC |
I love Narcissa's little snark about Hooch. Feisty, or feistier than we usually see from Narcissa.
Somehow I don't think that Pansy came across Crookshanks by accident...
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squigeon @ November 5 2003, 23:29:34 UTC |
Hmmm...don't know if this has already been discussed (I haven't visited the community in ages) or if I'm just being dense, but do suites of armor not count as clothing? I'd think that popping house elves into charmed costumes would still qualify as giving them clothes and setting them free. Maybe I'm missing something. *shrug*
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Anonymous @ November 6 2003, 02:08:18 UTC |
From her post, it doesn't seem as thought she and Lucius actually gave the House Elves the armor but probably instead told them to get in them?
(parent)alumininium @ November 6 2003, 02:12:53 UTC |
Hm. I'd say it depends on the spirit of it, but that's obviously not true. Perhaps, like a shield or sword it's not realy considered clothing.
luna_lg @ November 6 2003, 16:24:30 UTC |
I've role-played Dungeons and Dragons lots of times. Trust me, armor does NOT count as clothing. At least, METAL armor doesn't...not quite sure about LEATHER armor, though...