aome @ 2004-06-24 21:48:00 |
A tribute
Mood: sad
*waves nervously* I'm a complete newbie to nraged, although I've been following the game for a long time. After what happened today, though, I wanted to do a tribute, and this seemed to be the best place to put it. Hope it's all right. There's an invitation at the end of the post for others to share too.
I first started reading NA around the winter of 2003, sometime after the winter ball they'd had, but my strongest initial recollection was lupercus' Werewolf lessons. They were all incredible, but it was the last one, where he spoke of his personal experience, which got me. That's when I started reading NA regularly. And it's when I first fell in love with
lupercus, as so many others have. It was such an emotional post, so phenomenal, he became real to me. How could he not be real after that?
There was so much to love about lupercus. His angst at being turned into a woman shortly before his wedding, the wedding itself (when he and Sirius spent their wedding night soothing Harry, I just about broke down crying). Only NA could make me cheer for the way
lupercus dragged Snape out of his grouchy shell. And then swoon again when he returned to Sirius.
Then there were the phenomenal, caring relationships he developed with both Seamus and Harry. The way he provided Seamus with a role model was fabulous – encouraging, teasing, steering, helping him get over broken hearts. I think Seamus helped lupercus as much as he was helped in return.
And Harry. He was far more of a dogfather to Harry than Sirius was, I think (and it's *not* meant to be a criticism of Sirius). He was *there*. He joked and gently teased and encouraged and worried. He made sure Harry traveled. The post with the advertisement that went on on on on on on had me crying with laughter, and was SUCH a wonderful example of their easygoing relationship. When I stop to think about how Harry reacted (as per Sirius' post) and how he must be feeling – I want to cry for entirely different reasons.
There is, of course, so much more, so many others lupercus interacted with, so many other prime posts that should be Memoried and included here, but this would only dissolve into rambling were I to do that. So I'll just sum up with this: For me, he was real. He was incredibly real. I wrote a small drabble for
15minuteficlets from his POV. I'm not prone to celebrity crushes, but I adored
lupercus more than any other character that I can think of. He *became* Lupin for me, the model of what Lupin was all about.
I am crushed by his death.
I adore his player more than words can possibly say. She may not want to talk to me after all this gushing, lol, but it had to be said.
I was thinking – maybe it would be a nice tribute if everyone posted their favourite lupercus memory. Link if you feel ambitious, or just describe it if you don't. Any takers?
taradiane @ June 25 2004, 02:22:58 UTC |
Actually, one of the things I loved were the icon keywords. I know it's not much, but "the boy" always just...well it gave me warm fuzzies. Every interaction with Harry was absolutely perfect - even when they weren't speaking. Remember that? I'd link, but...well LJ isn't behaving. I just loved him all around, even when I didn't agree with him (which was far and few between).
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corrupteddreams @ June 25 2004, 02:38:20 UTC |
I loved it when Remus turned into a woman. It was Just. Bloody. Brilliant. And I loved most of his posts - I'm going to miss him :(
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neveth @ June 25 2004, 02:39:38 UTC |
lupercus was my favorite for more than one reason. I hoped to BE him someday(without the gay werewolf part), the slightly absentminded, fun, interesting professor that no-one's sure of at first, then absolutely adores. I loved his style, I loved his interactions... He was just so beautifully played... So I give HUGE hugs and brownies and stuff to his player.
And being an RP'er myself, I know how much it hurts to have your character die, so my condolences as well. But really... <3 and I am SO SAD. It hasn't quite sunk in yet....
blue_raven @ June 25 2004, 02:45:34 UTC |
I don't know if I can realte to anything in particular rightn ow, but I just wanted to thank you for this. He was my favourite character too, and to me it's like losing a real person.
I just wish I couls stop shaking.
Thanks, again. It's very helpful.
dragynville @ June 25 2004, 02:51:57 UTC |
I don't think I can pick any one post (not least because of LJ's dragging right now), but I always especially loved his interactions with Harry. He nurtured Harry and provided family stability and reminded him to just live his life. And when they teased each other or, better yet, when they teased Sirius together..! That was just perfection.
For me, lupercus was what JKR failed to make of canon Remus.
imochan @ June 25 2004, 02:58:31 UTC |
He always listened to the best music. It was like always knowing what to say, but never having to ever actually say anything at all.
(parent)kitaoroshi @ June 25 2004, 02:58:35 UTC |
I can't think of any specific moment that I did not like that involved Remus. His banter would bring a smile to my face. The bad moments left me in suspense. His player did an absolutely superb job on portraying him.
I bow to that genius. I would not have felt such pain without being so attached to the character in the first place.
orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 03:21:53 UTC |
Okay, I haven't shed a tear since all this happened, but your post did me in.
I try to think of one special memory of him, but everytime I read everyone else's, I think "Oh, yeah, I LOVED that". So there isn't a single memory. There's a whole incredible wealth to choose from. Never did his posts or comments fail to touch me, amuse me, or make me think.
He was real. Even more real than canon Lupin (who is also my favourite character) and when I finally see PoA (it opens tomorrow in Japan) I know I'll be thinking of Lupercus.
To Remus' player: my love is infinite. You have created a character that will always be loved and remembered long after the game is over. Take a bow.
Now I'm really crying. Damn you people!
lazy_daze @ June 25 2004, 07:34:32 UTC |
I loved Remus. I really really did - so many favourite bits, it's hard to mention. I did really love whe he came home to find his office destroyed by Arthur! Hah! Ow, it hurts remembering. And when woman!Remus was JKR <333333 and oh cranes, and every. Single. Interaction with Harry. He was amazing, and everyone loved him. <33333333333333333
(parent)aome @ June 25 2004, 10:41:04 UTC |
Bahahaha!! I forgot that when he was a woman, she used JKR's icons.
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queeniefox @ June 25 2004, 07:49:13 UTC |
I can't link right now - I can barely type having sliced a finger of my right hand open last night! Yet I want to write something here. I started reading n_a because I was disapointed in OOTP and upset about Sirius, and I came to like the game more than canon. To catch up on the backstory - knowing I couldn't read everyone's posts when I first got into the RPG - over the course of two days I read all of lupercus' and
jadedsirius' posts and by the end of that, and since then in a corner of my head they've seemed very real.
I don't know what my favourtie Remus moment is, I liked so many of his posts.
Today sucks.
catiadoodle @ June 25 2004, 08:13:03 UTC |
I can't find one particular post, but he was one of my favorite character. I loved his posts, his interactions with Harry, the love that radiated from him. It might be stupid, but I've never seen anybody so loving. Just reading his posts and conversations with Harry or Seamus made me all warm inside.
Congratulations to her player. I'd really like to know if she's doing other RPGs...
aome @ June 25 2004, 10:46:19 UTC |
I'd really like to know if she's doing other RPGs...
I do know the answer to that, but I don't know if she's as forthcoming about that information as she was for being NA Lupin.
I've never seen anybody so loving
I know! I was re-reading the link from S/R's wedding, where they're talking Harry down, and the way he goes on about how much he loves Harry just made me want to start bawling.
catiadoodle @ June 25 2004, 23:43:21 UTC |
I do know the answer to that, but I don't know if she's as forthcoming about that information as she was for being NA Lupin.
Well, I'll just hope she sees that and comments or emails if she wants to...
And about the love, I'm so sad recent RL events don't give me time enough to go through Remus'old posts. I'll just have to wait and in the meantime cherish what I remember.
Oh, and I'm taking the occasion to say that I love your fics, just so you know :)
aome @ June 26 2004, 00:02:29 UTC |
I have a few Remus-related old posts in my Memories section (see "Werewolf lessons" link in my eulogy - it takes you to my entire RPG-post filter), to save you at least a little bit of hunting, but I know there's many more brilliant ones that I don't have memoried. I'll have to hunt some more later.
And *blush* thank you. :)
swallowaspider @ June 25 2004, 08:58:22 UTC |
I don't really have anything that hasn't already been said - that lupercus was an exquisite character, so beautifully canon and so beautifully beyond canon, and that he and his player will be missed, deeply, by all of us - but I need to say something, even if it's, you know, again. I've been crying off and on all night and wondering how in the world this could have happened - not how Remus could be dead, but how I could have loved him like this and how it could hurt so, so much. And that's the highest compliment I can give.
greenapricot @ June 25 2004, 13:28:43 UTC |
I want to say something really wonderful that will make a lasting impression and really get across how much I love lupercus but I can't seem to find the right words. Just like with OotP, I think I'm still in shock. He can't be dead. I don't want him to be dead, he was there just yesterday. And he was so real.
I adore both Remus and his player (though I have no idea who she is) beyond words.
eponis @ June 25 2004, 14:37:18 UTC |
I started reading about the same time that you did, actually. And like you, I loved him, more than any other character, I think.
I wrote a post about Remus. I don't know what else to say. There's an empty ache in my heart and it won't go away. lupercus was what brought me into fandom, in a roundabout way, and he was what made me first fall in love with Remus as a character. I want to fold a thousand paper cranes and send them to everyone who knew him.
You asked for favorite moments, and I've been re-reading through lupercus's journal, crying all over again. I can't pick a favorite, but I thought that this speech of his was appropriate.
"You sound like any of the people I went to school with, because we were facing the same uncertainty that you were. No one knew what was going to happen. We lived under a shadow that we didn't understand, that the adults around us wouldn't explain until they all started getting themselves killed off, and that left the future to us and it was a dodgy future at best. It was bloody horrid to concentrate on the NEWTs wondering if you'd live long enough to see the results. But we all did it anyway because we had to have something to believe in, and that was that if we were the best that we could possibly be then that made our lives a little less temporary and a lot more hopeful. Sure, it wasn't easy and in the end we lost so much more than we actually gained, but we fought a good fight and we were sure in what we were capable of.
And you, Seamus, are more than capable of anything you want to do. You just have to do it.
You're not alone though. You might feel that way now, you probably feel pretty much on the lunatic fringe of everything, but when it comes down to it - when it's important - you will find you can depend on the people around you more than you suspect. I firmly believe that.
Take your own advice, and have some faith. All right?
oneminutemovies @ June 26 2004, 03:15:00 UTC |
I always loved the character, but when he told his life story and voluntarily transformed in front of the school, it just broke me into pieces and made me think about what it really meant to live Lupin's life. I'm grateful not only for the enjoyment NA brings, but for the enhancement of the character I experience in the books and the movie because of this type of thing.
(parent)rain206 @ June 27 2004, 01:51:35 UTC |
Thanks so much for posting this. I haven't cried this much in a long time.
I loved the way he interacted with Harry. He was the caring father that Harry never got a chance to have, even moreso than Sirius at times. The night of the wedding was a great example, how they slept outside the room where Harry slept so they were there if he needed them. He was always there for Harry when he needed him, and there for anyone else too. And to die protecting Sirius, and the students - that's the most fitting tribute I can think of.
rain206 @ June 27 2004, 01:56:31 UTC |
Thanks so much for posting this. I haven't cried this much in a long time.
I loved the way he interacted with Harry. He was the caring father that Harry never got a chance to have, even moreso than Sirius at times. The night of the wedding was a great example, how they slept outside the room where Harry slept so they were there if he needed them. He was always there for Harry when he needed him, and there for anyone else too. And to die protecting Sirius, and the students - that's the most fitting tribute to his character I can think of.