a_player @ 2004-09-24 09:01:00 |
Mood: mortified
Seriously evil wizard coming through.
portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:15:23 UTC This is to say that it's late and I'm unimaginative. |
Does Draco agree that M.B. is God?
(parent)portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:17:51 UTC |
He should have that checked out.
(Vaguely) Seriously, now.. what was Draco's biggest aggravation in the entirety of the game? Either a single moment, or continued series of events, or character?
portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:27:19 UTC |
I added the "or character" bit just because I suspected you'd say that either way.
All right, one more question and I'll stop pestering - when was the hardest time, as a player, to be writing Draco Malfoy?
portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:30:09 UTC |
Er, and I realise that someone below asked more or less the same question.
Excuse me while I hang my head in shame and march sullenly off to the corner.
Okay, seriously, I'm bad at this question stuff, but I always enjoyed your portrayal of him. You made me fond of a character I'm wont to dislike in general, while never overtly 'softening' him.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:38:56 UTC |
Thank you so much. I would be very angry at myself if I 'softened' Draco, so I am glad that people do not think that I did.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:37:48 UTC |
I am sure I can come up with another answer.
The outing, definitely. All day at work before that I felt ill and worried about it. I was very afraid that people in nraged would be hurt by it. I was fine throughout the duration of it, but afterwards I broke down and felt horrible and alone.
I was completely terrified about Draco having to meet with Voldemort. I did not expect to be upset about it, because I had participated in the planning, but when the day rolled around I was scared.
oconel @ September 24 2004, 08:19:36 UTC |
First of all, congratulations for your work as Draco: it was wonderful!!! And I've enjoyed him (ans his use of icons) endlessly.
Being Draco in a RPG I know he's not easy to play, what was the most difficult thing for you?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:24:51 UTC |
Thank you very much.
I have re-written this answer several times. I am not certain. The thing that I came up with first would be the outing, when everyone hated Draco. I felt like everyone, my friends included, hated me also. It made me feel very isolated. This is not really the proper answer to your question, though. You were not really asking for a moment. So I suppose that it was often difficult to be very hated because at times it made me feel like a jerk.
oconel @ September 24 2004, 08:30:16 UTC |
Thanks for your answer.
Yes, I can understand that perfectly. ^_^
jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 08:26:04 UTC |
Hello! This was an exciting moment to refresh my flist, I can ask something to both you and Millicent!
First off, yes, congratulations on making Draco likeable. Somehow. Or at least enjoyable. I have no idea how you did that, but well done! You also sort of maybe made me want to ship Harry/Draco and I blame you entirely.
Where you a fan of Draco before you stepped into ihs shoes, so to speak? I mean, did RPing him make you more sympathetic towards him in any way, or were you a fan to begin with?
And because I'm so boring, and I make no apologies. Favourite/most amusing NA moment?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:34:02 UTC |
Thank you. I will accept that blame.
Draco is my favourite character in the books (other than Harry). I love Draco whole-heartedly. RPing him made me love him even more.
Ron removing his hand. I was talking to Ron's player, and suddenly they said, 'I don't know why I said that :((((((' Then I saw, 'It's with Madam Pomfrey' and died for about fifteen minutes straight.
Similarly, the duel Ron and Draco had in the library, with the tomato ears and Harry getting a second scar by mistake.
The Sleep Duel. Especially the candle. Words alone cannot express how hard Millicent's player and I tried to get a candle for that. We tried to make one. It did not turn out well.
I also cannot say how much I loved writing the evaluations of the girls at Hogwarts and making lewd suggestions about Ginny. I was completely delighted with that plotline.
jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 08:48:15 UTC |
I even have an icon. So much blame.
Haha, I actually have the Ron hand incident in my memories, it's just that great! I actually never got over it ... which is reasonably sad, but it's, uh, hilarious. Random, but hilarious!
You actually made that candle? You didn't google for it? Wow. I have new found respect for you both! And yes, thank you for being so utterly fantastic and just so Draco. I suspect you know of the love people have for you, but you really do deserve it. Thanks for it all. Have a computer-y heart thing - ♥
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:50:11 UTC |
No, we didn't make that exact one. We made a different one. It was attacked with a knife and a lighter but in the end it looked like a lumpy sex toy, so it was a wasted effort.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 09:15:44 UTC |
I almost wished you had posted that one now! And I'm sorry for bombarding you with comments, I'll just say LOVE in caps lock and be gone now. :D
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 09:27:49 UTC |
P.S. Do not worry about commenting too much. You can ask as many things of us that you'd like.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 09:37:24 UTC |
You shouldn't have said that, because I thought of another question. I don't know if there will be an answer to this, but was there anything you tried to work into the game, but it just didn't work? Anything you wanted to include but, for some reason or other, just couldn't?
Ooh, okay, and do you think that your Harry/Draco will last after Hogwarts?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 09:42:20 UTC |
Oh, but that is a fabulous question. I may end up replying several times as I think of things.
Two off the top of my head:
Pansy's player and I exchanged letters between Pansy and Draco. We sent them to each other through the actual post for a few months, and I so wished that we could have found a reason to include them in the game. Draco also wrote a letter to Mrs Parkinson that I was really quite pleased with.
I wanted to make Draco more vile and racist than he was, but at the point that I started fantasising about this, it was far too late.
I don't think Harry/Draco will last forever.
jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 10:38:27 UTC |
Feel free. I wish you could have worked that in too, actually. The letters and what have you only ever made NA seem that little bit more real. You actually sent them through the post? That would have been amusing if they were ever opened up at customs *g*
And I have one last question!
What did that screened comment say?! Can you say?
airaloki @ September 24 2004, 16:32:24 UTC |
oh you are so evil. forget voldemort, you are the new dark lord.
shame on you.
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nyxforsythe @ September 24 2004, 08:35:50 UTC |
I have been waiting and waiting for this post. And now I can think of nothing to say.
Only this: Your character is the epitome of RPG charaters for me. Potterstinks was (and still is) the most canon and real depiction of Draco that I have seen in RPG's.
Umm a question: Why did Draco hate Theodore Nott so much? (random question I know) And Blaise? What was the deal? Why did Draco get on better with his female Slytherin's instead of the boys? If indeed Blaise was a boy? Or Draco was even aware of his existence?
And I am rambling now so I shall shut up.
P.S Sleep Duel? Best NA moment ever for me. Yes I am shallow. :)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:42:06 UTC |
Wow, thank you so much. That is a huge compliment.
Draco hated Nott because Nott marched to his own beat and did not give Draco the respect he felt he deserved.
Draco was not really aware of Blaise's existence. This, I believe, is why Blaise hated him so much.
In the beginning of the game I found it really frustrating that I had no one to work off of as far as friends go, because Crabbe and Goyle were unintelligent and so it was basically just Draco alone. When we put the pieces together for Millicent and Pansy, it just fit perfectly. I love Pansy in canon, and I hate the way she is treated in fanon (usually as someone Draco has no respect for) so Pansy's player and I were both passionate about them being real friends.
As far as in game goes, well, Draco had known Pansy and Millicent since they were children. He could not have a serious conversation with Crabbe or Goyle, but they were still his friends.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2004, 05:36:30 UTC |
You wouldn't happen to have links to this Sleep Duel, would you? ;;)
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nyxforsythe @ September 25 2004, 07:24:19 UTC |
Err Yes yes I would. The main posts I liked were this and this and also this lovely insane potterstinks post
There are others of course but these are my favourite moments.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:42:31 UTC |
That depends. Did you upload that icon just for me?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:50:56 UTC |
It is not. I was just curious. I have unfortunately lost the original drawing of that (I have the other NA drawings all in one place) and so I was delighted to see it.
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Anonymous @ September 24 2004, 08:39:24 UTC |
I must know.
Were you and Millicent's player actually awake for the Sleep Duel?
And, Potterstinks is forever in my heart. <3
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:45:14 UTC |
The first day we started it, we slept, but then it occurred to us to try to stay up also, because it was funnier that way. We rang each other to make certain no cheating occurred.
(parent)doubtful_salmon @ September 25 2004, 03:59:27 UTC |
I've been wondering that for four months, so thank you, anonymous commenter, for asking, and thank you, Draco's player, for answering!
(parent)chuffing @ September 24 2004, 08:53:55 UTC |
No matter how many times I type this it comes out sappy. So, I'll just say thank you for all the emotions and enjoyment your portrayal of Draco brought to me over time. He was above and by far my favourite character. You made the game for me and I shamelessly fangirl at you. *does so* You did a simply amazing job at keeping with a canonical portrayal and I have much respect for your RPing abilities. So, thanks for making a bit of fandom history just that much more for me. ♥
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:56:10 UTC |
I am outrageously sappy. I am just trying to appear cool and monotonous.
Thank you so much for following NA and loving Draco. I shall now go blush.
darklites @ September 24 2004, 09:14:10 UTC |
I remember finding the PS journal and NA a few weeks after it began. I'll never forget how surprised at the ICness of your Draco, especially since this was a time when RPs were pretty OOC. You played a very consistent Draco over two whole years, which is a feat I am rather amazed by.
For two glorious years it was a cherished habit to see what was new on the NA friends page. I'm all sad writing this comment because I feel like when this is finished it might actually really end. :( Your Draco wasn't just another generic Draco, he was Potterstinks! My life will be missing a little piece without you. But I shall cherish the memories.
Also, my friend and I often repeat your icon keywords to each other randomly, because they just rock that much. Was it a lot of fun coming up with them? Any out-takes you can share?
Much love.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 09:25:18 UTC |
I have a very consistent Draco in my head, which is not necessarily a good thing. I was very unwilling to change him, which often made me feel like a poor writer.
I am also saddened about doing this Q&A, actually, because it does mean that it is well and truly over. My life is definitely missing a piece.
I have never really understood the love for Draco's keywords, because I never thought about them when I wrote them. In fact, it took me a long time to notice that they all fit a pattern.
Outtakes of the icon keywords? I used the same ones consistently. When I changed icons I used the same keywords again, so I think that what you see is what you get in this case.
Thank you very much for your kind words and questions.
silveryouko @ September 24 2004, 09:28:30 UTC |
I really don't have anything to ask you, but I just want to say how awesome you were at playing Draco! A lot of people play Draco and end up making him terribly sappy and complete out of character. You took the character that JKR established and kept him the same, but also gave us the chance to see that there was something that made Draco tick, he just kept it hidden.
If that makes sense at all. I haven't slept in a while ^_^
I do wonder though, was was the hardest part about playing Draco?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 09:30:06 UTC |
Thank you very much. I am not a fan of sappy!Draco. Now I shall ask you a question. What made Draco tick?
Finding things that Draco actually liked.
silveryouko @ September 24 2004, 09:38:17 UTC |
Well, I'm really not all that sure. JKR seemed so determined to make him such a flat character, with no personality traits other than him being a spoiled brat. With you writing Draco, there was always that something that made you wonder if Draco was acting the way he was for a reason, or if it really was just because he was a spoiled brat. I think mostly of when he outed Harry.
I just wish that JKR would follow your lead and make Draco three-dimensional the way you did!
Wow, that wasn't helpful at all, was it? *hides*
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 09:45:29 UTC |
I only asked because you said that, and I thought, 'Well, I really do not know what that something is.' I think you are right, though. For a moment I thought perhaps you meant that there was one specific thing that made him tick, and I felt utterly lost.
Ah. I truly love Draco in canon as J.K.R. has written him, so I am not the right person to commiserate with on that matter.
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 09:59:13 UTC |
I know that a lot of people have gushed and said they love you and your interpretation of Draco already, but I would like to just - say the same. I found potterstinks before I found the rest of NA, and followed it randomly even though it didn't make a huge amount of sense at first, but it was just - written so much like Draco in canon that I sort of had to continue. Then I found NA and felt silly and read lots of backstory and caught up and really, really got Caught Up, heh.
I cannot count the times me and my girlfriend had crazy CAPS LOCK conversations over j_h/ps - you two did a beautiful , wonderful and painfully REAL job of the way they could have been in a 'relationship', as it were.
So a few questions, no doubt j_h/ps related in some way ;)--
-- Did Draco ever have a moment where he realised he was attracted to boys? Like 'oh crap, I could be gay-', and how did he react? I imagine not well, and if so- did he ever become comfortable with his sexuality?
-- Do you think Draco saw Harry as someone he could love for a very long time, or do you believe he was just a phase?
-- Pansy and Millicent and Draco's friendship was lovely - how much do you think the two girls meant to Draco?
-- Did you except the nraged q&a for the players to get as crazy it did? :D
-- Did you ever become tired of playing ps?
And... that's it for now! I feel like a journalist or something :D Sorry for all the questions! <3
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 10:06:10 UTC |
Thank you so much. I am glad that their relationship was realistic.
-- I am not entirely certain. After he outed Harry, he spent a long time thinking about Harry's being gay, and wondered if that meant he must be gay as well, since Harry had tried to kiss him. So he went and asked Harry what made him decide that he was gay.
-- Are you asking what I think or what Draco thinks, here? You switched between 'Draco' and 'you' so I am not positive on how to answer.
-- Draco loved Pansy and Millicent more than anybody else, family excluded. They were his best friends.
-- No, I didn't. I had no idea people would ask so many things.
-- Yes, on a few occasions. Not of playing Draco Malfoy, but of playing potterstinks specifically, yes.
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 10:14:42 UTC |
Are you asking what I think or what Draco thinks, here? You switched between 'Draco' and 'you' so I am not positive on how to answer.
Ah, does that mean the two answers would be different? Okay well- definitely what did Draco think about it? We never really got a chance to see inside his head as far as Harry was concerned, so I'm very interested :)) And I guess also, what do you think then? Does your opinion differ from Draco's?
And also, just tell me if I am asking too many questions now but - how did the conversation with Harry pan out , re: his 'deciding' to be gay, hee? It's just such a thing I can imagine :))
Also (I'msosorryhaha) - do you think there was a time where Draco let his barriers drop with Harry, and just decided to let things go as they were going? He seemed to be very reluctant to let anything happen at first, obviously, and then there seemed to be some sort of shift where he changed his approach to the relationship. Is that right?
Thank you so much for answering these :))
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 10:24:11 UTC |
There is no need to apologise. You can ask as many questions as you'd like. Feel free to ask fifty.
Draco did not really think about his relationship with Harry in a long-term sense. I would not say, either, that he classified it as a phase, but he did not think, 'I will be with him forever! Joy!'
Draco hunted him down in Hagrid's hut the night before the Remus/Sirius wedding and demanded to know all these things. Harry, of course, insisted that he didn't 'decide' to be gay. He just was. Draco asked him how he knew he didn't like girls, Harry told him he'd kissed Lavender Brown and found it very gross. Harry tried to leave, and Draco locked the door. At some point Harry said 'Yeah' in the same way he had when he tried to kiss Draco, so Draco punched him and split his lip. Draco complained for quite a while, as he is apt to do.
I'm not sure I would say there was a specific moment or shift. It was Harry who doubted their relationship more than Draco, though, and so Draco spent a lot of time screaming at him and being convincing, to the point where his barriers had to come down in order to make Harry stop being such a martyr.
saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 10:36:04 UTC |
[is convinced someone will make a comment with a numbered list of fifty questions]
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 10:40:59 UTC |
If I could think of even ONE question, I'd do it, but I ran out already. Alas.
(parent)kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 13:58:32 UTC |
I am tempted to make that list of fifty questions :D Maybe later!
Anyway, thank you so much for answering all these questions for now, I will probably be back for more later. I love ps, and you, and NA! Take care of yourself <3
larks @ September 26 2004, 02:02:04 UTC |
I'm not sure I would say there was a specific moment or shift. It was Harry who doubted their relationship more than Draco, though, and so Draco spent a lot of time screaming at him and being convincing....
I know this is probably dense but, Was Draco and Harry in actual committed relationship? As in the 'boyfriend' kind. Or was it a relationship based on being close friends.
Hullo btw, I adore you and love how your portrayed Draco's character. Just lovely and so realistic. I've was never into RPG's before until N_A. I'm guessing it will be my first and last, and I'm ok with that.
larks @ September 26 2004, 02:55:13 UTC |
Guh, never mind. I just read it my answer. That teaches me about jumping the gun.
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 10:20:20 UTC |
Yes, but neither one of them ever would have used the word 'boyfriend.'
Thank you very much. It will likely be my first and last as well. I am similarly fine with that.
saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 10:34:47 UTC |
I'll be honest -- I wasn't a big Draco fan when I found NA. Or really, during any point during the game. (If you want even MORE honesty, I only actually read his entries just in case Millicent or Pansy had commented) But OMG by the end of the game I absolutely adored him. Less fangirl-like, more "I wish to mother you, small evil child". I've gone through a whole LOT of stages regarding Draco -- I thought he was a pompous little git, I fangirled him absurdly (there may EVEN have been leather pants involved then, but I'm not sayin' anything), and now I think he's silly and want to pat him on the head.
Which, really, I think is much more fun.
SO. Much love for your Draco.
Obligatory question for my list (I have a LIST, because it was silly and then I kept it up, but it's only in my head 'cause I'm lazy), Draco Malfoy: Boxers or Briefs?
And I don't actually have any REAL questions.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 10:36:45 UTC |
Thank you.
Draco wears normal plain, normal, pants. I hesitate to say 'boxers' because it is not a word he would use, but they are the closest thing, I suppose.
saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 10:38:27 UTC |
You are welcome.
No two answers are the same. It speaks for how much sleep I've had that I find that ridiculously amusing.
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kearie @ September 25 2004, 01:59:11 UTC |
I wish to mother you, small evil child
Yes! That's precisely how I feel about Draco.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 10:25:25 UTC |
But he has Narcissa. You cannot take away his sole surviving parent to take her place.
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hezzabeth @ September 24 2004, 11:22:51 UTC |
Ok my question.
What made you decide to portray Draco the way you did? he seemed close to canon and yet in many aspects he was so well developed!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 11:24:00 UTC |
I am not really sure how to answer this. That is just how I perceive Draco in canon. Pretty much everything I did with Draco had some basis in canon, and I extrapolated from there.
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hezzabeth @ September 24 2004, 11:24:47 UTC |
Did you ever think about adding aspects not seen in canon?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 11:27:12 UTC |
Well, obviously I had to along the way, or else I would have had little to say. Mostly everything, though, was because of some toss-away line in canon. He didn't drink alcohol because Draco makes fun of Hagrid for being a drunk. He didn't swear because he tells Ron to mind his language more than once, etc.
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hezzabeth @ September 24 2004, 11:28:52 UTC |
Oh that makes sense!
I was also wondering what sort of feelings motivated Draco's actions?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 11:30:38 UTC |
That would really be dependent on the specific actions, but usually self-interest.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 12:12:36 UTC |
Yes, it was somewhat planned ahead.
Avoiding Narcissa when?
Draco was more angry than stressed. Stressed is not really the word I would choose for him.
I am really not, but thank you.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 12:34:20 UTC |
Draco did not avoid Narcissa all the time, so I am not sure what you mean.
Angry when? I did not know you were referring to a particular time.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 12:43:18 UTC |
Draco hated that Narcissa made him look like a child in front of everyone on the LJs, so he was usually embarrassed.
Draco did not really think about it in regards to his father's expectations of him. He was very good at keeping things separated. So I would not say he was stressed out about it. However, a few times Lucius started to indicate that he was curious about their friendship and Draco was stressed then, yes. I apologise, I thought you meant in general throughout the game.
elyciel @ September 24 2004, 11:49:33 UTC |
I don't have a question for you, but I just wanted to tell you that potterstinks was the first NA player I found and he was a constant favourite of mine throughout. Over the course of the game I had two NA journals friended, the main community and
lupercus's, because Remus is my favourite canon character. When the game ended I was shellshocked and I couldn't bear to take either off my friendslist (still can't). However, I did add one new journal, and it was yours.
I knew there wouldn't be any more updates ever again, and that in effect it was quite moot for me to be adding your journal at this juncture. But the greatness of your Draco compelled me to do it anyway.
So yeah, there's my potterstinks fan story for you. :) Thanks for making Draco such a joy to read, and one of the highlights of the entire game.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 12:13:27 UTC |
Thank you. I understand. I was also very shell-shocked at the end of the game.
(parent)bookofjude @ September 24 2004, 12:19:41 UTC |
A serious question: Who actually came up with the outing, or was it a joint effort on the part of you and Harry's player (and/or others)? Was it intended from the start, or was it something thought up at a point during the game?
If you don't want to answer that question: Do you think that the way you have played Draco has changed the way you view the characterisation of Draco in canon and fanon?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 12:23:26 UTC |
It was just me who came up with it. It was not intended from the start. At one point in the game I decided that I wanted to do it, and it was very important to me that I could. I talked to Harry's player and a few other players to decide whether it would or not it would kill the game, and then I wrote a long email to the NA yahoogroup explaining what I wanted to do and why. I didn't want to do it if anyone was against it at all.
I have not changed the way that I view Draco in canon, but in fanon, yes. I do not like to read fic about Draco much at all anymore.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 12:36:41 UTC |
My sweet Pansy. We (Millicent's player and I, that is) miss her very, very much.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 12:36:06 UTC |
I am sort of relieved that I did not have to play Draco without a father for long, because the idea of doing so was absolutely terrifying to me. Draco loved Lucius more than anyone, and although I have lost people in my life, I have never lost someone who meant the entire world to me as Lucius did to Draco. I refused to even consider it until it happened.
Thank you so much.
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empress_nothing @ September 24 2004, 13:24:27 UTC |
That may well be true. You are running out of things to draw, but you have all the love. This was all a very elaborate lesson.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 13:26:11 UTC |
I take all of my drawing lessons from Lavender Brown.
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empress_nothing @ September 24 2004, 13:30:17 UTC |
She cannot be a very thorough teacher, if you run out this quickly. Is she patient?
(parent)akimbie @ September 24 2004, 12:56:24 UTC |
I guess I want to say how much I love potterstinks - when i first discovered NA I followed ps's journal and his was the only journal I went back and read all the way from say one (it took a while) ... he was really kind of fascinating and his little eccentricities just made him seem all the more real (always being "enraged" and his obsessive use of the correct icon! etc)
I have a couple of questions (sorry!)
I really wanted to know how Draco felt when Lucius died - obviously he was devastated - but how did it change him exactly? The PS that posted after the attack seemed very much more understanding (maybe that isnt the right word) that he had before, a little more tolerable and tolerant I guess... This especaily came through in his posts to Harry - saying that he wasn't going to go anywhere etc he just seemed as if maybe he was more willing then to be open about their relationship?
And on that was it a conscious decision between Harry and Draco not to have their reltionship public knowledge? If it was did that have anything to do with Lucius or ...? Did it upset Harry that Draco was so loyal to his father? Did he understand?
You said that Harry was the most insecure about the reltionship? Why? That was quite surprising to be honest... And why did Draco and Pansy continue to say they were bf/gf after harry/draco?
And last question (sorry!!!) how did Draco feel about Seamus? As in becoming friends with him... is it something he appreciated?
thankyou for doing this!!!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 13:12:41 UTC |
Thank you kindly.
Why are you apologising? I am here to answer questions, fear not.
That wasn't why Draco was acting that way around Harry. That is typically how Draco acted around Harry in private, albeit nastier (since, obviously, Lucius and Remus were dead at this point). He didn't care about being secretive, because he was tired and flat and half-dead emotionally. I suppose the change that it inspired in him was that he didn't feel that he had time to bother with people that didn't matter to him. He was extremely angry that people whispered that he was to blame for Pansy's death, and that inspired more change in him than Lucius's death did. I am not sure he changed all that much. He didn't magically lose faith in Lucius - he never will.
It didn't have to do with Lucius. They were just private about it. It was a gay relationship, and it was Draco. They never discussed keeping it private. It just went unspoken. Draco and Harry never talked about Draco's loyalties toward Lucius, so you would have to ask Harry's player.
Harry didn't understand why Draco was doing this. The outing made Harry extremely wary of Draco afterwards. Sometimes Harry would be fine, but other times he would be insecure. Understandably so, since Draco would sometimes avoid him for days or say things that made Harry think that Draco was trying to play a cruel joke on him.
Pansy and Draco were still boyfriend and girlfriend, Harry had nothing to do with it.
Draco thought Seamus was a bit too self-righteous and often found his gay pride revolting. However, it was rather nice to have someone who understood aestheticism and the like. Towards the end of NA Draco's friendship with Seamus was stronger, but I don't think Draco gave Seamus the respect he deserved.
Thank you for asking.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 21:35:53 UTC |
You know, I spent about ten minutes trying to find this new comment. I went through three times, and now I see that I could not find it because it was from a_player.
I must admit, that is a nice red x.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 22:36:09 UTC |
Jude Law, actually. I am vexed about the x.
Yeah, the problem with us commenting on each other is that we are all the same person, with different faces.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 22:38:38 UTC |
Also, it's quite weird to see 'Comment posted successfully' attached to a comment you haven't written.
(parent)comava @ September 24 2004, 14:06:37 UTC |
What was in that deleted comment when Draco was trying to get Harry's attention in an old post?? People here were speculating if it said "I love you" but what was it???
And um, how exactly did Draco feel about knowing his Dad wanted to see his SO dead? Did he feel like he was betraying his family or not being entirely loyal to Harry? What would he have done if it came to a showdown between them and he was forced to chose?
Did Draco like Lupin? Or Sirius? How did he feel about the Lucius/Sirius thing?
How did he feel when he heard about the Charlie/Fred/George thing? Especially knowing his father was involved and Draco was - well, friendly isn't the right word - getting to know Ron better throught being with Harry.
What did Draco think of Ron, anyway? Seemed like he was more tolerant towards the end of the game.
What did the long TBWL+other initials thing (that Draco and M.B. made up) stand for?
Wah, this is making me miss NA so much. But thank you for doing this.
comava @ September 24 2004, 14:10:09 UTC |
Oh, okay, I just saw the screened comment thing got answered. So...can you tell me something about Draco? Habits, likes, dislikes, idols, random tidbits and the like. Anything about your Draco that comes to mind.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 14:18:44 UTC |
Do you mind if I come back to this in a bit? I have already started formulating an answer but then I did not want to step on anyone else's questions before they could ask them, so I thought it might be best to wait.
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a_player @ February 24 2005, 13:03:43 UTC |
Hahahaha. I said I would come back to this 'in a bit.' If you had not guessed, I forgot that it was here. I don't suppose you still want an answer, five months later.
(parent)comava @ February 24 2005, 14:44:46 UTC |
To be honest, I'd kinda forgotten as well, but sure, I'd love an answer!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 14:18:10 UTC |
I am never going to answer the deleted comment question, so I hope that not that many people ask. I hope you are not offended. I just like to retain some secrets.
Draco separated his father and Harry. He really did not associate what his father did with Harry at all. However, if he was forced to choose, he would choose Lucius, always.
He thought Mudbloods should have died instead, but had no pity or sympathy for them. He wasn't saddened by the attack on the Weasleys at all.
Draco detested Lupin. He hated Sirius. He didn't know about Lucius/Sirius because he stayed out of his father's business.
Draco despised Ron. He thought he was a stupid, priggish, nosy, ignorant buffoon.
I miss NA very much too. Thank you for asking.
comava @ September 24 2004, 14:36:59 UTC |
That makes sense. I can understand why you don't answer all questions, we're just a terribly curious bunch!
Thank you for answering.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 14:51:48 UTC |
I am constantly worried that I might step on the toes of someone who does not want to have everything answered, too. It is a tangled web I weave.
(parent)comava @ September 25 2004, 13:39:07 UTC |
I actually never even thought of that. I just didn't think someone might not want to know as much as possible about the greatest RPG ever!
But then, I'm also the type who can't ever resist any spoilers, so... yes.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 13:47:29 UTC |
I have seen a few people say they were upset about the Q&As because they didn't want to know everything, although I just assume they wouldn't read. I am not sure how I would feel, were the positions reversed. I am fiercely anti-spoiler about some things and a religious spoiler watcher for others, so it's hard to know how I'd feel about having everything answered for an RPG.
(parent)comava @ September 25 2004, 14:26:12 UTC |
Well, it seems that most of us are terribly happy about it!
Again, thank you for doing this.
oneminutemovies @ September 24 2004, 14:29:46 UTC |
You are wonderful! I have been missing NA so much. Thanks for doing this, and for all the time and talent and creativity over the past years.
This entry http://www.livejournal.com/users/potter
affected me very strongly because it was so great to see Draco in such a joyous, playful mood. To me, it seemed that something significant had happened between him and Harry, and that the story of Draco's encounter with the house elf was a disguised account of it. Is this true, and would you be able to give us any details?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 14:39:24 UTC |
Thank you. I sympathise with your missing NA.
It was not a disguised account of anything with Harry. Draco just liked telling fictional accounts of stories to make himself look like a hero. He did it to Harry frequently. Once he told Harry a very long story about the time he reunited the grindylows and hinkypunks, after jumping over a lake of sharks and confronting a vampire king. So that really is the most that it had to do with Harry, that he had been telling Harry similar stories the evening before.
oneminutemovies @ September 24 2004, 15:26:09 UTC |
Thank you! I've been wondering about that for a year. Draco's stories were brilliant, a playful creative side of his personality that I think were a factor in making everybody love him despite his more controversial traits.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 15:28:20 UTC |
Thank you kindly. I loved having him come up with elaborate stories and wish I could have done it more often.
(parent)kenboy @ September 24 2004, 14:30:09 UTC |
It's pathetic that I've just got this idea for a question now, but here it is, and I think I may well just go back and ask it of the others as well:
Where do you see your Draco in five years? In ten?
Your Draco was an amazing combination of things, and ended up being completely believable, which, if you look at a lot of the Dracos out there, is an impressive thing.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 14:50:29 UTC |
I have a better idea for where he would be in fifty years, but let me see.
In five years, I think living with Narcissa, probably travelling around and generally doing as little as possible. He would also likely be looking in on his shop in Diagon Alley in a very poor and inattentive way.
In ten years, trying to find contacts in the Ministry and get on the governors' panel. Attempting to write an opinion column and failing miserably on the very first try.
Thank you. I am glad that he was believable.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 14:50:52 UTC |
Did you see that I did not agree to marry anyone else?
(parent)pink_faerie @ September 24 2004, 14:52:02 UTC |
I did, I did! Of course, I assume you are saving yourself for Harry.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 14:54:33 UTC |
That would be hard, since I have never met him. I was of course saving myself for you.
(parent)pink_faerie @ September 24 2004, 14:59:04 UTC |
Our love is so true, shnookie. I wanted to ask "Will you marry me?" but then I saw it had been done. Besides, I wouldn't take no as an answer.
Did you ever want to run and hide from the fangirls?
pink_faerie @ September 24 2004, 15:06:48 UTC |
How adorable.
01. Did you ever want to beat nraged over the head for reading too much into things?
02. Did Draco actually like his cane?
03. What did he feel for Pansy? Was the relationship a sham?
04. Did NA give you arthritis?
05. Is Draco gay or does he play for both teams?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 15:12:41 UTC |
01. I would not say beat over the head, but it was sometimes frustrating to say one thing exactly as I meant it and find no one wanted to take it at face value.
02. The cane! I am glad someone asked about the cane. I loved the cane. I was thrilled about it. Draco loved the cane also.
03. Pansy was one of his best friends and he loved her.
04. No, though I did get sick from NA once, I seem to recall.
05. Draco is attracted to women on occasion. He found Pansy to be fabulous, particularly her hips and thighs. But he finds a woman's nether regions to be creepy.
pink_faerie @ September 24 2004, 15:21:30 UTC |
I giggle at that. It is so like him to find that creepy.
06. Is he a good kisser?
07. Would Millicent/Pansy have his blessing?
08. Did you ever want to quit NA?
09. And breasts? What did Draco think of those?
10. What kind of drunk is he?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 15:23:14 UTC |
06. Average. Not a stud, but not awful, either.
07. Probably not.
08. There was one point where I seriously wanted to quit NA.
09. They were all right. He was more of a leg man, though.
10. Draco doesn't drink.
black_dog @ September 24 2004, 16:02:41 UTC |
It's almost scary to be asking questions here because: 1. It was so traumatic when the game ended, and having gradually reconciled to that, it's hard to reopen some stuff now, if that makes sense, and 2. it means that it's really, really over and we're either going to get some mysteries unraveled now or we never will. Those reasons probably contradict each other, but maybe you understand. :)
Anyway, if I didn't fanboy you shamelessly enough on NrAged for a year and a half, let me take one more chance to say how brilliant I thought your PS was. I mean, he's just one of the permanent monuments of the fandom, and I'm going to hold myself back from gushing here because once I start, there's no logical place to stop.
Questions? About 8 million. Let me sort of test the parameters of what you'll answer, and then come back for seconds. I'll start with Harry/Draco because, you know, dessert first.
We all loved the H/D-love, but on reflection I wonder if an objective person wouldn't say that the relationship was dysfunctional, maybe something that was painful to them both more often than it was pleasant. Harry always seemed to doubt it and find it falling short of what he hoped; Draco seemed to take what he wanted from it and never let it inconvenience him or stand in the way of anything he felt like doing or saying. It's easy to wonder if it was an attraction, a fascination, maybe even a mutual craving, that never quite developed into real love. Is this fair at all?
What was Harry, to Draco? A grand passion? A recreation? A conquest? A friendship with benefits? A comfortable place to explore his sexuality? What did Draco hope the relationship would be, and was he satisfied or disappointed? If you considered all the things that made PS grow and change in sixth and seventh year, where would his relationship with Harry rank on the list?
You've teased about some of the extravagant NrAged theories, but really, it was obsessively puzzling sometimes to try to figure out what was going on behind the scenes, given that the scraps of information often suggested high drama happening out of sight. Can you comment on some of the milestones in the H/D relationship? Why did Draco cover for Harry at the Cannons' match, way back at the beginning of the game? Was "Hagrid's Hut" and the "fine" comment all about their first time together sexually? Or their time at Dogear doing the Astronomy project? What happened around the time of Draco's return from Cannes that seemed to create a crisis between them? Why did Draco feel "emotionally alone" in the bathroom with Harry at Dumbledore's party? During seventh year, were there long periods when the relationship cooled or was suspended?
PS was adamant about not "changing" for Harry. Do you think the relationship did change him at all, anyway?
You know I could go on forever. And I've got some less Harry-centric questions, too. But I guess I sort of want to understand the foundations of the relationship a little better, at least from PS' perspective. And like I said, I'll sort of see what you feel like answering, and then come back for more!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:36:24 UTC Part one. |
You have beaten sistermagpie to the punch. Actually, I have wondered where you have been. I saw you crop up on the rereads, but you were very quiet during the end of NA. 'Does he hate us?' we wondered.
I am pretty open to answering things, so I hope that I actually do not ruin anyone's own ideas when I do.
That makes perfect sense. I mean, I know Draco inside and out, but even now with three months passed, I am having trouble separating threads of plot that people have been asking me about (especially because my knowledge is so behind-the-scenes, it's difficult to pin it together with what people saw in public 18 months ago). So, that being said, take all of this that the warning that I sometimes think someone is referring to a completely different incident that they are. I will ask if I am confused, though.
All right, first paragraph of questions: I would say that their relationship was dysfunctional, definitely, but you are actually being more pessimistic about it than I would agree is fair. I think that you're also under the impression that it was more sex-fuelled than it was (I say this because I believe I've read comments from you before wherein you said that perhaps they were just doing this sexual thing and then couldn't get along otherwise - correct me if I'm wrong). They both genuinely enjoyed each other's company, and Harry loved Draco wildly. Harry had loved Draco for a long time, well and truly, and continued to until the end of the game.
I think I was misguiding in saying that Harry doubted it. Harry doubted it more in a lack-of-confidence manner of speaking than it falling short of what he hoped. In fact, Draco constantly surprised him by saying some things off the cuff. When I said Harry doubted it, I was also referring mainly to the start of their relationship (though, of course, I didn't specify). Why was Draco doing this, why was Harry supposed to believe Draco wanted to be there, why was Draco spending so much time with Seamus, etc. Draco did, obviously, tend to fall short of what he hoped from time to time, but more often than not Draco behaved in a way that was (Harry's player can also correct me if I'm over-stepping here, but we've discussed this at length) completely surprising to Harry and only made him love him more. But Harry was often wary because he was constantly afraid he would make Draco so angry that Draco would leave. (I imagine you can see this shadowed in Draco's saying that he wasn't going anywhere, at the very end of NA.)
For a long time, though, their relationship was very much both of them simply wanting to be in each other's company as much as possible. Then they would argue about who didn't want to be there. Thus, the dysfunction.
Paragraph two: it is hard to really describe what Harry was to Draco, because he was really just Harry. Please do not notice my awful, unintended pun. I will submit to what I know people want me to say, which is that Draco loved Harry, but did not for a long time. It took him equally long to realise it, because it was just not something Draco did. Mostly he viewed him as recreation, and though he wouldn't say it himself, yes, sometimes a grand passion (recreation is definitely the word Draco would be most apt to choose). As I said in a previous comment, he didn't think about it in the long-term, so I can't say he had any hopes that were met or left disappointed. His relationship with Harry would definitely rank number one.
Paragraph three: Oh, I understand, truly. I was more or less referring to when an entry wasn't terribly interesting, and someone would say, 'Draco mentioned pie! Sex reference?' It was very funny.
And I have been cut off, so I will move the rest of this into part two. . . .
black_dog @ September 24 2004, 23:02:49 UTC Part One of Re: Part one. |
You have beaten sistermagpie to the punch.
Well, and now we are tag-teaming you. You will get no rest until all is revealed! And but of course, you can call me Dawg. Just don’t call me Deputy!
'Does he hate us?' we wondered.
Heehee. It is weirdly flattering that you were even wondering. Really, I just sort of go on walkabout sometimes, there's no accounting for it. Right after the game ended, though, I actually wrote this long, long tribute to NA that I was going to post on NrAged, but I could never quite finish it. I think denial and trauma were also part of the mix, there.
I would say that their relationship was dysfunctional, definitely, but you are actually being more pessimistic about it than I would agree is fair.
You know, hearing this and what follows made me ridiculously happy. The fact is, I am just an utter sap when it comes to JH and PS, and try as I might to maintain critical distance as a reader, really I just want the poor w00bies to be happy, and it made me sad to see how hard it was for both of them!
I think that you're also under the impression that it was more sex-fuelled than it was
Hmmmm. I think I may have suggested once or twice, just as a rhetorical statement, that maybe it was mostly about sex, but if I did I was being facetious. What I did think -- and I bring this up just because it raises some interesting issues about a spectator's perceptions vs. inside knowledge -- but what I did tend to think was that they had sexualized the relationship fairly early, as against some readers who thought they never quite got there, or got there much later. I’d be very curious to know whether that was correct or not. :)
Well, just to be self-indulgent, let me describe how the whole relationship looked to one reader, because I think it almost takes an effort of will to remember what a huge gulf there was between the game as it must have been played from the inside, and the very sketchy information that was available to a spectator. (It's actually kind of amazing that it worked at both levels, because in that sense it was so close to being two different games.)
I guess my working theory was always that Harry and Draco had about three weeks of relatively uncomplicated happiness, right after Draco found out that Harry still liked him despite the outing. Then there was the friction with Seamus and the "boyfriend" thing. Then there was the mysterious event we've been calling "Cannes" -- the marker for whatever-it-was was Harry moping about the greenhouses, and Remus saying that his scent was off -- which you explained below (more comments on that thread). Then they barely spoke for all of June, even though PS was so obviously panicked when Harry was hurt in the attack. Then they barely communicated all summer (why didn't PS just crawl into bed on Harry's birthday and explain himself in the morning? Then the apparently "lonely" time in the bathroom (yeah, I was one who got fooled by that.) Obviously, there were some wonderful times: the "missing watch" visit to Dogear, the day as tourists in Wiltshire. Lots of silence too, though. It's hard to whether the overt good times are isolated peaks in a struggling relationship, or whether the overt fights are blips in a fundamentally sound relationship.
So I guess I tended to interpret PS/JH as a weird and surprising and wonderful and improbable (and hot) friendship with a lot of strikes against it, and that was perpetually struggling against both of their doubts as well as outside circumstances. I thought maybe it had started out going very far very fast, and then was in a perpetually unstable state of retrenchment and re-evaluation.
I'm going on at such length, regardless of how wrongheaded this may be, just so that 1. my questions have a context that makes sense and 2. we keep our eye on the huge gulf in knowledge between spectator and player. One of the reasons this Q and A is such a big deal, I think, is that it lets us finally bring the players' game and the spectators' game closer together, and now that suspense and ongoing mystery are less of an issue, I think it really deepens a reader's appreciation of what you and other players were doing with the characters.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:49:44 UTC |
And but of course, you can call me Dawg.
This is fabulous. And I can be a_playa.
but what I did tend to think was that they had sexualized the relationship fairly early, as against some readers who thought they never quite got there, or got there much later.
It would really depend on the extent of sexualising the relationship that you mean. They were having sexual relations early on, but had probably not (I am hesitant to use this phrasing) gone as far as you think they had. Their sexual relationship was somewhat slow-building. It is sort of like a relationship between a boy and a girl, where she will let him take her top off, but he is not getting his hands below the waist. There is an awful lot of the top coming off for weeks, but the hands going below the waist may not happen for some time. Eventually, of course, it does, but until then they spend a lot of time practising within their limitations. I suppose there are certain hills to get to and over within any sexual relationship, and Harry and Draco took these hills one at a time.
Then they barely spoke for all of June, even though PS was so obviously panicked when Harry was hurt in the attack.
This isn't true. When Draco left those comments to old entries of Harry's, he crutched all the way to the computer room to find him and they talked for quite awhile. Things were tentatively fine after that, and Draco was with Harry the night before Pansy's birthday. (I recall this vividly, because Draco said, 'Well, now I've to go bake myself into a cake.') At one point when Harry was having nightmares and scar pain in June, Draco drugged some sort of food with a Sleeping Potion, fed it to Harry, and abandoned him after he fell asleep. This didn't lead to an argument, though - I am just thinking through things that I know happened in June. After the attack on Hogwarts, Harry and Draco were together the entire night before they got on the train to go home.
Then they barely communicated all summer (why didn't PS just crawl into bed on Harry's birthday and explain himself in the morning?
The night before they left Hogwarts in June, Harry kept hinting about Draco getting his Apparation licence. He said that Draco probably wouldn't want to come, and gave him his address, but Draco promised that he would. He was practising his Apparation quite a bit to ascertain that he wouldn't fail, but Harry didn't speak to him at all while he was doing this. Harry was instead going out with Remus repeatedly, so Draco decided that Harry obviously didn't need him. Harry knew when Draco was going for his Apparation licence, and when Draco found him asleep, he was angry. He felt entirely ditched.
It's hard to whether the overt good times are isolated peaks in a struggling relationship, or whether the overt fights are blips in a fundamentally sound relationship.
A bit of both, actually, depending on the relationship at the time. Sometimes it was a struggling relationship, sometimes it was a fundamentally sound one.
I am glad that we have done these Q&As before the majority of the re-read, actually, as I think it may clear a lot up when re-reading. (Besides which, if you come across any questions in later re-reading, one could easily come back to the Q&A posts and ask.)
black_dog @ September 26 2004, 04:58:57 UTC |
This is wonderful information, especially all about events in June. I confess I don't understand a lot of the commentators who say they have trouble coming up with questions for you -- it's like a historian being given a chance to wade through a whole archive when they've only had scraps of detail before. We really, as spectators, know so little about these characters except for the general shape of their emotional connections, and I just feel like we could go on, forever, correlating the public bits we all obsessed over with the incredibly rich set of events that was going on behind the scenes.
I'm glad, too, that these Q and A came before the re-reading, and I think it's great that you, at least, will be open for more questions as that re-reading happens.
From your other comments on the thread, it seems clear now that JH and PS' night together at the end of sixth year, after the attack and before the summer separation, was a major deal for them. There is something really affecting, and I hope I'm not just perving, about PS, with all his pride and narcissism and unbendingness, doing what he did for Harry and for their relationship at that moment. (And by the way, I'm almost sorry I ever raised the term "Clintonian," though it was irresistable in context -- let straight folks make a fetish of fucking, while our gay boys do no more or less than exactly what works for them!)
And my heart goes out to PS, having made that gesture, and then not knowing what to make of Harry's lack of contact in July. Actually, I now find myself wondering about Harry's reaction, about whether he was a bit overwhelmed and why he didn't reach out more to PS over the summer -- but that is a question for just_harry, if he chooses to do one of these Q and A's.
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 10:07:35 UTC |
I was quite surprised that I got some of the general questions the other players asked. I was expecting to answer plot-related questions and very little of the 'What was your favourite moment?' questions. I was actually jealous in advance, because I like those questions quite a bit, though I see that was now for no reason.
Do not apologise about 'Clintonian.' I did not mention this before because I was not certain if I already had, but when Harry's player and I discussed that evening in general before we RPed it out, we had a conversation along these lines:
D: Well, Draco is not really wasting time at the moment. He is a lot less walled up. I mean, he doesn't want to have SEX, but he is ready for other things.
H: ...
H: Are we talking about Clintonian sex?
So we were both thrilled when you said the exact same thing later.
The night at the end of sixth year was very long and involved quite a bit of - I hesitate to say 'talking' even because it implies that they were talking seriously. Mostly they were not. A lot of idle, random talking, and worrying. The idea was not to fall asleep, but Harry did for awhile eventually.
Harry is doing one, though I fear I have been stepping on his questions.
black_dog @ September 24 2004, 23:03:42 UTC Part Two of Re: Part one. |
So in other words, when I'm asking some gossipy and prurient questions, here and below, it is all for the sake of intellectual clarity! :) And this, in turn, is a roundabout way of asking whether you're willing to clarify the sexual nature of their relationship. Did they, in fact, push things faster than Draco wanted to go, so that there was a retrenchment later? Or did they get more and more at ease over time? How early in the relationship did it become actually sexual? Right after Hagrid's Hut? During the Astronomy Project? What were the circumstances of the first time they slept together, and did they have any trouble with the fallout from that? Was there a point where they agreed to delay things, or to back off and be "just friends" despite Harry's feelings?
I’m assuming Harry took the lead in getting the two of them into bed – or would PS’ enthusiasm surpise us? Was PS experimenting, or pushing against his revulsion, or cheerfully joining in? Were there any external, public events that we can correlate with the major landmarks in their relationship?
I’m also really curious about two other milestones in their relationship, and this is maybe what I was getting at by asking about “seventh year:”
You describe PS as being much slower to acknowledge he was in love with Harry, but that he eventually did get to that point. Was it a gradual change, or was there some sudden thing? Was there a marker for it in the “public” part of the game? I remember around Christmas, when Remus was either still missing or had just been located, there was an incident where Harry stands up Draco in the library for over an hour, and PS complains, and they talk about it. I remember at the time commenting that Draco seems to be acknowledging a new neediness and vulnerability in the relationhip, and I think the comment got starred for that. Was this around the time that Draco begain to fall more deeply for Harry?
And then there was the fight over the Bonzai Buddy incident, which may be the missing link you mentioned in your previous post, about why Draco and Harry were estranged even before the Weasley murders. At the time, I excused and partly defended Draco for at least putting the word “Mudblood” in the mouth of the Monkey. But Hermione of course got all bent out of shape and Harry had to dump on PS, which led to their “what’s the point” conversation. Was this a “little” or a “big” fight? What were PS’ feelings about it?
Oh and all right, one other landmark, because I can’t count: the Nazi thing. Where did that come from? Was PS actually thinking about the good guys and the bad guys, because of Harry?
Anyway, I have more specific questions that spin off of Magpie’s comments and I’ll squeeze them into the threads below. Thank you again for doing this!
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 10:12:15 UTC |
And this, in turn, is a roundabout way of asking whether you're willing to clarify the sexual nature of their relationship.
When Harry pushed things faster than Draco wanted to go, that wasn't physically. It was generally things that Harry said or felt. While I do think that this was hard on poor Harry, as Draco is the one whose feelings I am closest to I must attach a disclaimer to that. Harry had become quite settled within his feelings, having had them for a year, and sometimes these were things happening only a month after Draco had even found out that Harry was gay. So Harry was, I think, able to become far more comfortable and used to the thought than Draco. Harry had a year alone to figure out that he was gay, Draco was thrown into it. (Of course, I am on Draco's side. Harry's player will see this completely differently.)
They did get more and more at ease over time. Harry was unsure of how far he could push boundaries, and Draco had no idea what he was supposed to do.
During the Astronomy Project, I think they had more normal fun than sexual fun. It was the first time they had spoken since Draco kissed Harry in Hagrid's hut prior to Remus/Sirius's wedding. Things were very awkward at first, with uncomfortable sitting and Harry offering Draco far too many beverages, all of which Draco accepted so that there were about nine glasses of something to drink around him. Eventually Draco accidentally loosed (this looks like a typo for losing and is bothering me) a Snitch around the room, and while they were wrestling around to get it, the nine million beverages got spilt. I think that any physical contact they had during the Astronomy Project was done in more of a breathless, nervous, pretend-accidental sort of way, namely because Harry was petrified that Draco would run off and Draco didn't know what he wanted.
They slept in the same bed during the Astronomy Project, on top of the covers, facing the walls, as far away from each other as possible.
As you well know, Harry and Draco have a Clintonian separation on what sleeping together is. This is because his player and I found the same distinction in plotting once. So, you shall have to tell me if you mean oral sex or Clintonian sex, as far as the first time they slept together.
Was there a point where they agreed to delay things, or to back off and be "just friends" despite Harry's feelings?
Not at all, actually.
You describe PS as being much slower to acknowledge he was in love with Harry, but that he eventually did get to that point. Was it a gradual change, or was there some sudden thing? Was there a marker for it in the “public” part of the game? I remember around Christmas,
I would say that there is a 'public' marker of this, yes, but even Christmas is far too early on. Draco just hates to be stood up, particularly when he's looking forward to meetings.
At the time, I excused and partly defended Draco for at least putting the word “Mudblood” in the mouth of the Monkey. But Hermione of course got all bent out of shape and Harry had to dump on PS, which led to their “what’s the point” conversation. Was this a “little” or a “big” fight? What were PS’ feelings about it?
This was a fairly large fight, but not the biggest one they'd ever had. Draco was furious with Hermione stepping in, and felt that if Harry couldn't control his dogs (Hermione), he obviously didn't want to control them. He was also livid that Harry made it quite evident that he expected Draco to stop hating Mudbloods or insulting them, when Draco had always done that. It made him feel as though Harry didn't know what he was like at all and just wanted to pretend Draco wasn't Draco. Which of course would mean that Draco was right all along, even though he'd stopped thinking about that ages ago. It's far more gratifying to say, 'I was right all along!' than 'I was right! Nine months ago! Ho ho!'
Oh and all right, one other landmark, because I can’t count: the Nazi thing. Where did that come from? Was PS actually thinking about the good guys and the bad guys, because of Harry?
No, not at all. He was just trying to irritate Jewish people. There wasn't any double-meaning to what he was saying.
black_dog @ September 26 2004, 05:22:31 UTC |
Things were very awkward at first, with uncomfortable sitting and Harry offering Draco far too many beverages, . . . and while they were wrestling around to get it, the nine million beverages got spilt . . . any physical contact they had during the Astronomy Project was done in more of a breathless, nervous, pretend-accidental sort of way . . . They slept in the same bed during the Astronomy Project, on top of the covers, facing the walls . . .
This is, all of this, unbelievably endearing. :D I guess it's just the nature of the game, and of the public performance aspect of it, that we have to imagine, rather than see, Draco at his nervous and vulnerable moments. I love that he "accepts" the nine million beverages because I guess he's just as scared and awkward as Harry here.
I would say that there is a 'public' marker of this, yes, but even Christmas is far too early on.
OK, now I'm very intrigued, and very tempted to play guessing-game. Of course, you could make life easier by just TELLING WHICH EVENT YOU'RE REFERRING TO but that would be cheating, wouldn't it? ;)
Actually, I thought part of the power of the game was the way they kept making breakthroughs, right up until the end. I was trying, at one point, to isolate what I thought of as breakthroughs that happened on the very last day of the game. So, let's take the opposite extreme, for the moment. In one of their threads right at the end, Harry and Draco both seem to allude to offscreen "I love you"'s and they finally, finally, seem to believe that the other means what he says. Was that an intentional climax to their relationship?
And in their very last exchange, which is just unbelievably moving, when Harry starts to break down and Draco starts to reassure him that he's not going away, I don't think we've ever seen PS so unselfconsciously focused on another person, so sensitive to what they're feeling and so concerned about them. He uses the word "you" the way he used to use "I" and "me." I love PS here, despite all his other flaws and impossibilities, and I really hope it was meant as a marker of some sort of new emotional capacity for him.
Anyway, thank you for being so generous about these questions. I may start a second thread, if it doesn't abuse your patience too much, for a handful of non-HD questions about PS, and I'm definitely taking you up on your offer to take some questions during the re-read. Thank you again!
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 10:14:40 UTC |
This is, all of this, unbelievably endearing. :D I guess it's just the nature of the game, and of the public performance aspect of it, that we have to imagine, rather than see, Draco at his nervous and vulnerable moments. I love that he "accepts" the nine million beverages because I guess he's just as scared and awkward as Harry here.
Actually, he thought it was very funny and started asking for ridiculous drinks that he didn't even like.
In one of their threads right at the end, Harry and Draco both seem to allude to offscreen "I love you"'s and they finally, finally, seem to believe that the other means what he says. Was that an intentional climax to their relationship?
I think you may have to point me to the thread. In my head, I remember doing this and what you are talking about, but so many threads were going on that day that I'm not entirely sure what we said.
And in their very last exchange, which is just unbelievably moving, when Harry starts to break down and Draco starts to reassure him that he's not going away, I don't think we've ever seen PS so unselfconsciously focused on another person, so sensitive to what they're feeling and so concerned about them.
In private, Draco is often casually thoughtful, by which I mean that he does not realise that he is being thoughtful at all. If he did, he would likely raise a fuss about it and point these thoughtful occasions out during every argument, so it is for the best that he's not doing so consciously. I do not mean with Harry only, either; I am referring to Pansy, Millicent and perhaps Narcissa on occasion, when he wasn't being a spoilt brat. He has, though, done it to Harry on a number of occasions. He is often very harsh about being thoughtful, but this time in public was obviously more serious than anything else. This was in part because Draco was more focussed on the fact that he needed to spend time with his mother than he was on neurotically worrying that this might be some sort of end for him with Harry, so it gave him a forced, absent-minded self-assurance that he didn't generally have. I would agree upon a marker, perhaps even if only just that Draco was not bothering with pretenses.
I may start a second thread, if it doesn't abuse your patience too much, for a handful of non-HD questions about PS, and I'm definitely taking you up on your offer to take some questions during the re-read.
I do not mind at all. I secretly delight in the opportunity to use all of these off-screen moments.
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 21:00:20 UTC |
It is sad that I look at that and think, Why are there two line breaks between those paragraphs? while rueing the fact that I did not notice until now.
It was not really an intentional climax to the relationship; rather, they truly had more important things to worry about than whether or not anyone realised what they were discussing. They were both emotionally wasted and were clinging to the things that they had left, the things that were important to them and that were still around.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 22:52:45 UTC Re: Part one. |
Pie can only be a sex reference if you are sleeping with women.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 22:55:21 UTC |
I believe I can say that Draco never mentioned sauasage.
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Anonymous @ September 27 2004, 00:48:42 UTC |
Actually, he did, once. (http://www.livejournal.com/users/just_harry/7547.html?thread=136315#t136315)
(Please don't ask me how I stumbled across that.)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:36:36 UTC Part two. |
Cannons match: Draco had bragged for days about how his healthy, living father was taking him to the match, and how it was such a shame that other people didn't have parents to take them. Lucius didn't show up. Draco went by himself and was upset that Lucius bailed. Then Harry found him and asked where Lucius was, and Draco spit something about his father being too busy holding a real job. But they both knew, and so, Draco did not rat on Harry because he was saving his own pride.
Hagrid's hut: They kissed, for the first time, and that was when Draco hunted him down and demanded to know why he was gay.
The return from Cannes . . . I think you're going to have to be more specific, because I am confused with off scene/on scene incidents here.
"Emotionally alone": All right, do not be angry, but Draco was joking when he said 'Do you mean physically or emotionally?' People mentioned it for months afterwards, but it was complete sarcasm.
Seventh year: I think that I will have to think on this, look at some entries and get back to you in order to come up with specific instances. What is fresh on my mind is the attack on the Weasleys, but they had not been speaking before that and I cannot put my finger on why.
The relationship changing, that might be hard for me to answer objectively. Draco was mainly adamant that he was not going to change his beliefs, which he didn't. I think what changed him more than anything was Pansy's death. Obviously the relationship changed him in simple ways: he found out he wasn't attracted to girls, and he found out that he really, truly liked Harry as a person. I believe that during the course of their relationship Draco became more focussed on the things he had slacked on. He was a better Quidditch captain, and was frequently a better friend to Pansy than he had ever been. I don't know that I could actually say why this happened, other than that he was (sometimes) calmer.
Feel free to ask more H/D questions if I haven't given you a good idea from this.
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 17:50:20 UTC Re: Part two. |
You just made my heart all warm and fuzzy. <33333333333
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 18:07:35 UTC Re: Part two. |
You have beaten sistermagpie to the punch.
I've been reading this thread strangely afraid to post anything, which is weird because I thought I'd have a million questions for you! But I feel like B_D, almost not wanting it to really be over! You know I love you/ps--surely that much is obvious, right?
You have cleared up one thing that makes me happy--I always thought "emotionally alone," was just a way of saying, "Whatever, shut up," in a more obnoxious way.:-) You've answered so many questions-yay! Lemme see which ones I really think can be answered (knew you wouldn't give that hidden comment away!).
First, I'd love to get some clarification on what came across from ps in some of his crisis moments. Like, after the Weasley attack it seemed like he was angry at the Weasleys for bringing this down on themselves, and blamed Mudbloods/Hermione for being alive while Purebloods had died and for making it so things like this had to happen. Did Draco give any thought to why the Weasleys would need to be attacked? Or did he just assume it had to happen and somehow it was the Mudbloods' fault and leave it at that? Was he surprised by Harry's anger at him? Can you give us a clue about Narcissa's plans for Harry that were shot down by that fight?
Second, during the outing, it seemed to me like Narcissa was starting to hurt Draco with her attentions to Harry, so Draco got mad at both of them and called Harry queer because he thought that was guaranteed to make Narcissa dislike him. Did Draco think it would hurt Harry as it did? Obviously he didn't know Harry was really gay then, but what reaction did he think he was going to get from Harry there? How did Draco feel when Narcissa revealed she didn't feel that way about gay people, and did that make him reconsider them himself? I just felt like that whole aspect of their relationship was the type of thing that probably would have cost millions in therapist bills in our world! What about Narcissa's occasional slips about Draco--we know he was embarassed when she made him look like a baby. When Draco and Narcissa seemed to have different memories of his childhood, which one was right?
More general questions: Can you tell us anything about Draco's time in the empty theater with his lettuce? Was he waiting to be discovered and apologized to and gradually realize nobody cared or what? What did he do to pass the time?
What was Draco's reaction to Lucius cutting him off after the duel with Terry?
The post where Colin ripped him apart--what was the worst thing about that for him?
You said Draco was surprised to find he liked Harry as a person; what did he like about him, do you think? (Given that ps didn't like many people.)
It seemed like Draco was finally at the end of the game forced to show some vulnerability to Seamus--was he hurt when he thought he'd lost Seamus as a friend? Did that surprise him, and can you tell us anything about the tea they had together where they worked it out?
Did Draco have anything against Lavender besides her Lavenderness? And what was his reaction when he realized he'd broken her arm??
Sally-Anne Perks: Draco's feelings? Your feelings?
Last year I kept seeing this big sleep theme for Draco, but I don't know whether or not it was intentional or just a natural thing that made for great writing. That dream about Snape's class underwater...do you have any idea where that came from in Draco's mind? (I'm a big dream analyzer myself, see.)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:25:50 UTC Part one, the second. |
I was very reluctant to do this Q&A for the same reasons. Millicent's player had to drag me kicking and screaming. I just wanted to call the whole thing off.
I shall answer these in reverse.
Sleep theme: That wasn't intentional whatsoever. This will be a disappointing answer, but honestly it was because I am constantly tired myself. The Sleep Duel, well, I wanted Draco to challenge Millicent to a duel, and that was what happened.
The dream: I am not certain if I should answer this, because I fear you shall be angry with me.
Draco genuinely liked Sally-Anne Perks. He was always apt to like girls more than boys, and she was mean-spirited and creative. He liked her nastiness. I was very fond of Sally-Anne as well.
In the beginning of the game, Draco detested Lavender simply for being Lavender. He hated seeing those things on his page, and so vowed she would pay. He was constantly saying so and forgetting about it. Then later he found out Harry had kissed Lavender, and decided to take real revenge on her one day when he was bored. He (and I, admittedly) put it off for awhile because there were other things going on. He was angry when he broke her arm and everyone acted as though he did it on purpose.
Draco wasn't hurt when Seamus made threats about ending their friendship, he was annoyed. At their tea, Draco apologised through ground teeth and then they ate a lot of biscuits and chatted about other things.
I'll save the Harry question until I'm through your others.
Colin said that he didn't have any friends, and he was feeling left out from Pansy and Millicent at the time. Colin also kept screaming that Harry was better than him and repeating all these awful things that Harry had said, making it sound like Harry didn't even think Draco was a powerful enough enemy to say them to his face.
Draco was utterly horrified and wanted Narcissa to talk to him very badly. He was so frustrated that Narcissa wouldn't answer him, more than anything else.
Yes, he was waiting to be discovered, actually. In fact, he very self-importantly thought that Harry would know exactly where he was - after all, he had once mentioned to Harry, in passing, seven months before, that there was a theatre at the Manor. Surely Harry ought to have known that Draco was sitting there. It wasn't something that Draco did on purpose, though. After he went there, he realised that he had told Harry about the theatre and was angry that Harry might find him. Then, when Harry didn't, he was angrier.
The whole time he was in the theatre was a very dark and dismal time. He was thinking very furiously and Harry's player kept asking me what he was thinking, so I would go sit by myself and try to put myself into Draco's shoes to figure out exactly hat he was thinking. Sitting alone by myself was personally dark and dismal for me, because I was already feeling so hated from the outing, that it must have been a thousand times worse for Draco. Mostly all he did was think, and being alone with your own thoughts can be very taxing.
He kept wondering why Harry had decided he was gay, and if Harry's gay had rubbed off on him, and going over and over the fact that he was no longer a prefect and his father had rebuked him. He felt utterly hated and alone and extremely angry at Harry for being gay. He realised that he still liked Harry as a person and this made him angrier, and made him feel more that he must have had the gay rubbed off on him.
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 18:56:01 UTC Re: Part one, the second. |
I hope you don't mind me jumping in with follow-ups!
The dream: I am not certain if I should answer this, because I fear you shall be angry with me.
LOL! Bet I won't be.:-) If you were just writing a dream Draco had without any specific meanings to things that were going on, I think I like it better, actually. Because a dream where X=Y, A=B, with a set meaning seems more fake to me. In fact, even if Draco was lying about his dream I'm interested.:-) It's like the sleep thing--sometimes the things that just come out without your meaning them too are more interesting than stuff that's calculated.
He realised that he still liked Harry as a person and this made him angrier, and made him feel more that he must have had the gay rubbed off on him.
He's such a little freak. Why do I love him so much? Why was he carrying around a lettuce?
Oh, and I'm afraid that reminded me of my other big question I forgot: Draco hearing silence around Dementors. Is that part of feeling generally abandoned/rejected and alone?
Narcissa didn't have any plans for Harry, this is something that was grossly misinterpreted. Draco and Lucius merely pointed out that she had always been wrong in liking Harry, and she finally agreed.
Ah, phew! Because throughout the game I could honestly think of no plan that made sense for anybody to have there! Did Draco think his own liking for Harry was different because he never had any illusions about him while Narcissa did? It seemed like Draco always kept things separate--except maybe when he seemed to be trying to tell Harry he was going to meet Voldemort. What was he trying to get from Harry there?
Every time Harry said 'please' Draco was thrilled. He loved the way Harry said 'please' and the sounds he made.
The first sentence sounds like Draco is thinking generally ("Please go for a walk with me?"). The second sentence sounds a little more bedroom-specific.:-D
So did Draco ultimately think of himself as gay? Did he just not label himself, like what he felt with Harry was "because he's Potter" and not in any way defining for Draco?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:04:47 UTC |
Not at all.
LOL! Bet I won't be.:-)
I dreamt that I was Draco, and that was my dream. So I wrote it as an entry. You analysed my dream for me nicely, I must admit, although it really would only work if I were actually Draco dreaming it. You see, this is an irritating answer. Still, the dream was so weird and I was Draco in it, so I felt I might as well use it.
Why was he carrying around a lettuce?
He liked to throw vegetables at the actors in the theatre, so the only food that was in there was vegetables. He wasn't actually speaking to the lettuce, as some have implied.
Draco hearing silence around Dementors. Is that part of feeling generally abandoned/rejected and alone?
No, it was just that Draco hates silence. He can't stand being left to his own devices, listening to the furniture settling. He can't stand awkward pauses in conversation. This is also why he talks so much. Frequently he killed the mood with Harry by bursting into a monologue when silence really was more appropriate, because it just made him uncomfortable.
Did Draco think his own liking for Harry was different because he never had any illusions about him while Narcissa did?
At the time that this dinner happened, he was under the impression that he was completely finished with Harry, so this was slightly different. However, he didn't even consider his own liking of Harry as part of Narcissa's. He just wanted his mother all for himself.
It seemed like Draco always kept things separate--except maybe when he seemed to be trying to tell Harry he was going to meet Voldemort. What was he trying to get from Harry there?
He wanted Harry to keep him from going. He didn't know whether to go or not, so he wanted Harry to make the decision for him. He was terrified of Voldemort, and if Harry could come up with a way to keep him from going, he wouldn't have.
The first sentence sounds like Draco is thinking generally ("Please go for a walk with me?"). The second sentence sounds a little more bedroom-specific.:-D
They were both bedroom-specific.
So did Draco ultimately think of himself as gay?
No, never. He didn't think about it at all. He eventually decided that this was fully his decision and he had absolute control over it, and that if he had decided to be attracted to Potter, then so he would be. He didn't think of it in terms of a greater sexuality, because there weren't any other boys that he found attractive.
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 19:37:05 UTC |
I feel like I'm being the most relentlessly annoying Nrager ever, but eventually I swear I will run out of steam. (At that point the Dawg will come back and ask more questions, probably.)
You see, this is an irritating answer.
Ha! That's GREAT! I love it! You can rpg in your sleep.
No, it was just that Draco hates silence. He can't stand being left to his own devices, listening to the furniture settling.
Neat! I mean, it was clear he talked a lot so probably did hate silence, but I never thought of it that way. Funny that he didn't talk to himself in the theater--but maybe that's just because I talk to myself all the time so I know that's what I would be doing. But I guess with Draco it's not the same.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:43:32 UTC |
I felt so badly when you started analysing that dream! Someone else's player had done it before when strapped for something to update with, so I thoughtfully stole the idea.
In the theatre, well, the silence is partly what made him so miserable, though not wholly. He was miserable as it was, so sitting in silence seemed appropriate.
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 21:00:53 UTC |
I felt so badly when you started analysing that dream!
Oh don't. I enjoyed doing it just for itself because it was a cool dream. I love writing fake dreams for characters too, when I'm writing, so I would never consider it a waste of time.:-)
In the theatre, well, the silence is partly what made him so miserable, though not wholly. He was miserable as it was, so sitting in silence seemed appropriate.
Yeah, that's what it seems like. Poor little racist homophobe.:( I really liked the way he kept up that running away thing that was so childish, like when he hid in his hole in Hogwarts.
Actually, in general I loved the way the Unholy Trio managed to walk that line of child/adult with each other. Sometimes it was almost like watching a little litter of animals playing with each other, if that makes sense.
Of course, now I know from the other comment that Draco might have had thousands of wet dreams I could have analyzed instead.;-) As weird as it sounds, when catia first asked the question about masturbation I really had a hard time imagining Draco doing it anyway. It seemed like it would somehow be up there with drinking and general sloppiness for him.
Dammit, I've just thought of another question--maybe consider this one from B_D, since I think he'd want to know. During the Veritaseum incident, what were Draco's intentions in asking Lucius a question and how did he view Lucius' later run-in with Harry? I assumed any discomfort Draco caused Lucius later over the Potters was probably unintentional, but I'd love to know what was going on with him there.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 10:17:01 UTC |
I was always pleased with the way they were occasionally childish as well.
Of course, now I know from the other comment that Draco might have had thousands of wet dreams I could have analyzed instead.;-) As weird as it sounds, when catia first asked the question about masturbation I really had a hard time imagining Draco doing it anyway. It seemed like it would somehow be up there with drinking and general sloppiness for him.
I totally agree, actually. Throughout NA I never had it in mind that Draco masturbated at all for that reason, but when catia asked I felt I ought to concede to his at least doing something once he was with Harry. I must admit that I get very bothered by Draco masturbation talk, as, well, to write someone in first person for two years, it is a lot like you are talking about yourself on some level.
During the Veritaseum incident, what were Draco's intentions in asking Lucius a question and how did he view Lucius' later run-in with Harry?
He was asking things that he'd always been nosy about, but Lucius wouldn't tell him. Draco liked to know all that was going on at Hogwarts, and it angered him that his father knew all these answers but Draco didn't. He wanted to be trusted enough to know.
Draco watched the confrontation between Lucius and Harry with a sort of sick fascination. He was actually really delighted by it, although who he wanted to win, I am not even sure.
catiadoodle @ September 26 2004, 09:25:47 UTC |
I must admit that I get very bothered by Draco masturbation talk, as, well, to write someone in first person for two years, it is a lot like you are talking about yourself on some level.
I'm sorry I made you feel this way, I did think it would probably be very embarrassing, but on the other I really wanted to ask because I'm fascinated with Draco's denial (especially concerning his sexuality but not only). In that regard, the comment where you say how he keeps everything very separated in his mind in really enlightening. I find it both fascinating and oh so realistic that he could entertain at the same time quite contradicting thoughts, like "I'm not attracted to girls" and "I'm not gay".
As a role player, I suppose (tell me if I'm wrong) that you have to know more about your character than he does himself, be more lucid about him, right ? So, do YOU think Draco is gay, or do you think it's more nuanced ? Can you even have a detached point of view on sensitive issues such as this one ? Maybe I'm prying too much... If so I'm sorry.
Thanks again for taking so much time to do this Q&A even if this might be heart wrenching at times.
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 10:17:23 UTC |
I am sorry, I did not mean you in particular. Once a very embarrassing conversation on the matter occurred between Ron's player and I, and we agreed that thinking about our characters masturbating was slightly disturbing. Do not worry about embarrassing me.
I am definitely more lucid about Draco. A lot of these questions, I could answer more easily if they were 'what do you think' rather than 'what does Draco think' because Draco is not overly self-aware (as most people are not).
I would say that Draco is probably gay, but I do not think that he is an overly sexual person. I think that he could probably go for years without a sexual relationship. I think that if the right woman came around, he could probably have a relationship with her, but would be incredibly prudish.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2004, 13:51:04 UTC Re: Part one, the second. |
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:39:56 UTC Part two, the second. |
Draco did out Harry because of Narcissa, definitely. He was wildly jealous and angry that Narcissa was doting on Harry, and when she sent him things that she usually sent Draco, that was the proverbial straw. However, he didn't pick that as his weapon because he thought Narcissa would disdain it - that was an added bonus. That was simply the best weapon he had against Harry, and he had been holding it hostage.
He absolutely intended to make the entire school feel Harry was gay and ostracise him. He expected Harry to deny it, but his evidence would be more convincing than Harry's expected denial. After all, who wouldn't deny it?
Draco was furious when she said that she didn't feel that way about gay people, absolutely fucking furious. As you can see, I am still feeling residual anger from this. She and Lucius had been the ones to tell him this, and then, here they were, punishing him for that very thing. They ordered him to apologise to Harry. How dare they? How hypocritical. It didn't make him reassess them at all, it only made him livid.
As for who was frequently right, well, Narcissa was not the greatest mother in the world when Draco was very small, but as you saw over the course of the game she became a wonderful mother. I love Narcissa. I called her my mummy in private. I was always so pleased.
He didn't really blame Mudbloods for the attack on the Weasleys, he blamed the Weasleys themselves. He just felt it was a shame that no Mudbloods had died. He didn't much care why. He wasn't surprised that Harry was angry, because he had fully intended to make him angry. Had he not already been angry at Harry, he probably would have kept his thoughts to himself.
Narcissa didn't have any plans for Harry, this is something that was grossly misinterpreted. Draco and Lucius merely pointed out that she had always been wrong in liking Harry, and she finally agreed.
All right, now, what did Draco like about Harry.
Draco found Harry irritatingly and irresistibly charming, the way he was often unintentionally hilarious (wearing his cauldron as a shoe) and saying the most unexpected things. When it got down to it, Harry could make him laugh, intentionally and un-, and that very much surprised Draco. He loved that Harry was jealous of Seamus and Pansy. It made him feel like a well-sought prize. He loved that Harry said 'alot' and always ended up in the stupidest situations. He liked arguing with Harry. Every time Harry said 'please' Draco was thrilled. He loved the way Harry said 'please' and the sounds he made. Harry constantly told Draco that he liked him, in this very schoolboy way (just that: 'I like you') and Draco thought it was too charming for words. He liked that Harry didn't do what he expected him to do. He liked that Harry went out and got a navy blue shirt after he said Harry ought to wear more blue. He loved that Harry was somewhat cheesy and was far more of a regular boy than he was. Harry was the type of boy who sat on the ground and got dirt on his fingernails and didn't file his nails in lessons. Harry wasn't a girl who would complain to him during menstruation. There wasn't any sort of facade there, Harry was unabashedly honest with him and it was delightful. I could probably go on.
black_dog @ September 24 2004, 23:23:42 UTC Re: Part two, the second. |
Draco found Harry irritatingly and irresistibly charming
OK, this whole paragraph? Just <33333. This really makes me see it. :)
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 18:07:43 UTC Re: Part two. |
Oh, and some comments on things you mentioned to B_D, I think the Cannes incident was that Draco popped back from Cannes at some point and it seemed like he and Harry fought about something when he did. You said Harry wondered about Draco spending time with Seamus--did Harry think Draco fancied him or was it a more general feeling that he (Harry) wasn't cultured enough for Draco so he'd prefer someone who was? Oh, and also, did Draco and Harry kiss after Draco gave him a fat lip? Cause you said he punched Harry for saying, "Yeah," the way he did, which made me think Draco wasn't yet ready for kissing in that scene. Was it just an experiment?
What was the deal with that one entry where Draco was "fine" instead of enraged? Was he attempting to do something with that and just get shot down by the response?
Finally, my pet obsession--why do you think Draco had such trouble with his Patronus (since he seemed to do well with spells in general) and if/when he does get it to work what do you think it will be??
I have a feeling I've got dozens more questions here somewhere...
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:47:06 UTC |
I think that this is a good time to tell you that in my head, I call you and B_D sistamagpie and black_dawg. I don't know why, but I find it really funny.
I think that everyone was under the impression that something bad had happened when Draco slipped out to Hogsmeade, but it hadn't. So this is why I am confused: I recall Harry's player and I being confused every time this came up.
Are you, though, talking about around the time that Harry didn't go to the Ravenclaw Quidditch match, when Draco busted his knee? When they hadn't been speaking before that? That didn't happen in Cannes, but if I remember correctly, everyone thought that it did. But if that is what you were talking about, I can answer.
The reason it bothered Draco that Harry said 'Yeah' the way he did was that he had had that one word ringing in his head for ages after Harry tried to kiss him. He couldn't stop going over the scene, and every time he did, in his head, he punched Harry in the mouth. So he did. Sometimes, in his head, Harry actually kissed him and he was furious. So, he kissed Harry. So, yes, this was the same time, and was experimental.
The "fine" entry wasn't anything on Draco's part. He just always selected whatever mood he was in. It constantly happened to be enraged, and then one day it was fine. That was the day after he kissed Harry.
Draco had trouble wtih his Patronus because, canonically, it's an extremely difficult spell. Harry can do it as a third year, but it's Harry. Draco doesn't have the same advantages that Harry has, and only performs averagely at Charms. It wasn't for any emotional reason. It was just a difficult spell to learn, and most of the students in their year didn't manage to pull one off.
A vulture, or - er, there was something I had from Fantastic Beasts, and now I can't find my copy of the book. I'll tell you when I find it.
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 19:05:43 UTC |
I think that everyone was under the impression that something bad had happened when Draco slipped out to Hogsmeade, but it hadn't. So this is why I am confused: I recall Harry's player and I being confused every time this came up.
Yeah, I think for some reason we did get that impression, that they argued or something when Draco was supposed to be in Cannes, but I can't remember why. I just remember it seemed to become Nraged!Canon that something did. That may have been before the Ravenclaw match so we assumed that whatever they were arguing about then happened at that time. But that's probably the argument we're all thinking about. SO WHAT HAPPENED??:-)
The reason it bothered Draco that Harry said 'Yeah' the way he did was that he had had that one word ringing in his head for ages after Harry tried to kiss him.
Ah! So, what exactly was Draco's reaction to that? I mean, he ran off and threw up--did he at the time think Harry was really gay and trying to kiss him? Did it make him think *he* was gay that Harry, who wasn't, tried to kiss him? Like there was something about him that inspired gayness because he was...or something? Because it seemed like during the outing he genuinely thought Harry wasn't gay, even though he'd tried to kiss him, that he thought it was a joke. But maybe that only came after he'd talked himself down. In fact, did he stop speaking to Harry because he thought he was gay, and then come around again when he was able to convince himself Harry wasn't...or something?
Sorry, homophobic boys with issues very complicated.
But it was obviously still freaking him out. Did Harry's "yeah" make him just think of the possibility in general? Because it didn't seem like he suddenly had an epiphany about his own sexuality there, just that it rocked his world somehow.
The "fine" entry wasn't anything on Draco's part. He just always selected whatever mood he was in. It constantly happened to be enraged, and then one day it was fine. That was the day after he kissed Harry.
Ah! I was originally going to ask if Draco even noticed that he had put a different mood until everyone pointed it out, and if he was embarassed therefore when they did.
A vulture--I love it! Any reason that seems right to you? I mean, it does seem like one of those character details that reflects something in the person somehow. But I love the vulture.:-)
-S "You Can Call Me Sista" M
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:23:35 UTC I continue to be cut off. |
I've just checked, and I'm right. There was no entry or comment in between Cannes and Draco's post saying that he wanted to move to Cannes, which is I believe why everyone thought that something had happened in Cannes. Cannes Cannes Cannes. I could not fit that into my sentence anymore than I already have.
When Colin ran away, he dumped a bunch of his Harry memorabilia on Harry's bed, so Harry went out to burn it. Draco was sneaking out to practise being a Beater while no one was awake to laugh at him and found Harry. They argued about Seamus (and I've just realised someone asked me about Seamus and I don't recall answering it, and I think it was you) and Draco proved to Harry what an idiot he was being, reassuring him through insults. They sat around for awhile and Harry told Draco just how long he had been interested in him. Harry slipped and told him that he loved him. Draco rolled away in horror and his foot landed in the fire. Draco said that he couldn't sit there with him, so Harry went inside. They didn't speak for awhile, and Draco went on and busted his knee, while Harry went home to Dogear Wryde out of misery and mortification. Eventually Draco started going through Harry's journal, looking for proof of this interest that had apparently been going on for ages, unbeknownst to Draco. So he highlighted things that he thought were interesting and replied to them, a year after they had been written. Mostly he was pointing out things that he felt proved that Harry wasn't interested in him.
They talked things out later, and Draco said that he didn't particularly mind but had only been dealing with this for a month, and that Harry had had a full year to settle in on this and so Draco couldn't be expected to know what he was supposed to do with it. Harry was incredibly embarrassed and felt very stupid. He knew that he shouldn't have said it, but he really wanted to. Draco felt overwhelmed and claustrophobic. Eventually, he said that he didn't mind, and I think it pretty much went unspoken that Draco didn't feel the same way.
Ah! So, what exactly was Draco's reaction to that? I mean, he ran off and threw up--did he at the time think Harry was really gay and trying to kiss him? Did it make him think *he* was gay that Harry, who wasn't, tried to kiss him?
No, he was just genuinely revolted at the idea of Harry Potter kissing him. He didn't think Harry was gay, just a stupid drunk, and didn't think that he was gay either. He didn't enjoy it at all. For a bit, he did think that Harry might be gay, but eventually decided that Harry was just drunk.
In fact, did he stop speaking to Harry because he thought he was gay, and then come around again when he was able to convince himself Harry wasn't...or something?
He stopped speaking to Harry because Harry tried to kiss him, plain and simple. He was disgusted by it, and angry that he couldn't bleach it from his brain. It made him queasy just thinking about it. He didn't have much choice in the matter of coming around. He got lost in Muggle London and Harry was the one who found him, so he was stuck with him. They had a good time, though, so Draco just decided never to think about the issue again.
But it was obviously still freaking him out. Did Harry's "yeah" make him just think of the possibility in general? Because it didn't seem like he suddenly had an epiphany about his own sexuality there, just that it rocked his world somehow.
It was that Draco sneered, "Are you going to kiss me, Potter?", because Harry was being so woozy and leaning on him, and Harry thoughtfully said, "Yeah..." in this heady way that just completely baffled and horrified Draco. So every time he thought about it, he thought about Harry replying, "Yeah," when he should have replied something nasty or at the very least, "No."
Ah! I was originally going to ask if Draco even noticed that he had put a different mood until everyone pointed it out, and if he was embarassed therefore when they did.
He didn't see why everyone thought it was so odd.
black_dog @ September 24 2004, 23:29:39 UTC Re: I continue to be cut off. |
Draco was sneaking out to practise being a Beater while no one was awake to laugh at him and found Harry. They argued about Seamus . . .
This is really, really, fascinating stuff. You know, I've always thought there was something Cassandra-like about Ron, that he really gets it and has these insights but is condemned not to be heard, or to be misunderstood and not taken seriously. He didn't trust Cho, and got accused of homophobia. He was the first to use the word "boyfriend" and got smacked down. I always thought there was something to his perception about Seamus monopolizing PS' time. And I held to that feeling, right up until Seamus' player, in the Q and A, looked at me with his sincere, angelic little Seamus-eyes and swore there was nothing, nothing whatsoever to it! :) Of course, he might have been perfectly sincere about having no feelings toward PS, but he didn't mention a word about it making Harry jealous enough to have pages of all-caps screaming fights!
No real question here -- just thanks for an explanation that connects and resolves so many different little plot mysteries all at once.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 10:19:43 UTC |
And I held to that feeling, right up until Seamus' player, in the Q and A, looked at me with his sincere, angelic little Seamus-eyes and swore there was nothing, nothing whatsoever to it! :) Of course, he might have been perfectly sincere about having no feelings toward PS, but he didn't mention a word about it making Harry jealous enough to have pages of all-caps screaming fights!
Well, Seamus felt nothing for Draco at all. It was akin to Dean being jealous of Draco. Harry got over it within a day or two, so it really wasn't quite a big issue. Nonetheless, Harry was insecure about his relationship with Draco at the time, and Seamus seemed to be able to talk to Draco with far more ease than Harry could. This was as well over and done with (Harry's jealousy, I mean) by seventh year, as I expect you can see from the way Harry confidently advises Seamus on what Draco is like to talk to.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 21:03:20 UTC Re: I continue to be cut off. |
There was nothing to it!
Harry did get jealous but I was leaving that to Harry's player to talk about. Seamus never felt any sexual attraction to Draco. He just found it interesting to push his buttons at first, and then things evolved to where Seamus really cared for Draco a great deal. But it was never sexual or romantic on either of their parts.
Harry did talk to Seamus about his jealousy after Seamus and Ron had their argument, and Seamus was basically, "You're barmy, you know that, right?" and reassured him as best he could, at least about his intentions. Ron was really reacting to Harry, as Ron usually did--Ron often was an amplifier of Harry's understated or unstated emotions, which I think was one of the many expert things that Ron's player accomplished.
black_dog @ September 25 2004, 21:41:05 UTC Re: I continue to be cut off. |
There was nothing to it!
I know, I know! I <3 you, and couldn't resist teasing.
And I respect your reasons for not sharing Harry's feelings, but you must admit it remains a significant omission for any reader who was trying to imagine what was going on and assess whether there was, in fact, any fallout. I recall that in NrAged, I don't think I ever actually accused Seamus of trying to seduce PS, but I did fault him for being insensitive to how appearances might affect other people. And evidence of Harry's reaction, even if it was short-lived, would seem relevant to my point! :)
I am not (and would never, ever, ever be) bashing Seamus here! Maybe it's even too much to ask him to be in any way responsible for Harry's reaction. I just think that jealousy and unintended consequences were so pervasive a theme in NA that it's worth mentioning if you're trying to sum up what any event means to all the characters. So this, to me, was a major revelation.
Ron often was an amplifier of Harry's understated or unstated emotions, which I think was one of the many expert things that Ron's player accomplished.
This is just beautifully put, and maybe more precise that I was about the relation of Ron's insights to any "objective" truth. It still leaves Ron's "oracles" as something worth paying attention to, even if they are only one relevant personal take on whatever might be happening.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 22:27:39 UTC Re: I continue to be cut off. |
Well, at least you complemented my eyes.
I think really, it was left out because no one asked. The questions were all about whether Seamus was ever interested in Draco, which he wasn't. Just because there was nothing to it, didn't mean that Harry wasn't upset. But no one asked me if Seamus and Harry said anything to each other, so I didn't think to reveal that. I am sorry about that! It wasn't intentional.
It was just Seamus babysitting Draco, really, that caused the problems. You can see elsewhere in the thread Draco's player talking about his hatred of silence. I think that was the one thing about Draco that Seamus instinctively understood, that when Harry was otherwise occupied Draco would tend to run amok and do something stupid that would piss Harry off. So Seamus would try to amuse him--like that conversation they had while Harry and Ron were at the Cannons match. He never thought that to an observer, it would look like Seamus talked to Draco behind Harry's back.
black_dog @ September 26 2004, 04:31:43 UTC Re: I continue to be cut off. |
Well, I hope you are not mistaking my delighted sense of discovery here for some sort of dramatic "j'accuse!" Or maybe, just the barest, most playful "aha!" I admit, I thought for a moment you might have been intentionally misdirecting in the Q and A, sort of in the spirit of the game, but from your reaction here that clearly was not the case, and I cheerfully withdraw any such suggestion. So anyway, I hope nobody feels pounced on, because that's not the intention at all. :)
I think it comes down, again, to the huge information gap between player and spectator which was so much a part of the texture of the game. You guys all knew that Harry had a minor episode of jealousy, and that it didn't amount to much in the end; but we, as spectators, didn't. For a spectator, the news that Harry was jealous, however transiently, is a significant bit of information in an information-scarce environment. It rounds out a picture of Seamus' intrepid innocence, of Harry's insecurity, of Draco's satisfaction in being the object of jealousy and/or rivalry, and, perhaps most importantly, of Ron as being imperfectly insightful rather than a complete meddling fool.
So it is a big deal to us spectators! And I guess it's a separate question from whether there was anything actually between Seamus and PS, because after all, jealousy doesn't depend on what's really happening, and romance is not the only thing a third party might be jealous about. As NA shows, only too well, in many other examples!
Which is not to say that anyone had any obligation to go out of their way to reveal it, anymore than they had to clear up any of NA's other wonderful mysteries amd misdirections. It's just that when this information does come out, a lot of the puzzle just clicks and resolves itself into a dfferent pattern. Which is, for me at least, one reason these Q and A's have been such fun.
And yes, going by his pictures, Seamus does have beautiful eyes!
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 11:00:30 UTC |
It is very funny, because I did not think of it as a big deal when I mentioned it. It was just something old that I was aware of, and I did not think how it would come across. Then you 'Aha!'ed and I thought, Oh dear. I have ruined Seamus's credibility.
Harry's jealousy was extremely frustrating, but also unfortunately realistic.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:24:10 UTC |
A vulture--I love it! Any reason that seems right to you? I mean, it does seem like one of those character details that reflects something in the person somehow. But I love the vulture.:-)
Well, partly it's because in the very early days of NA, Harry's player, Ron's player and I were plotting out the Cannons match. We were not sure why they were going to see each other or anything, so I burst out, "So, what, Ron is just getting memorabilia and Draco swoops in out of nowhere to cackle?" Everyone kept laughing at me for saying 'swoops' and a cartoon was made of Draco swooping in looking very much like a vulture.
Secondly, I think that Draco is very much like a vulture, picking on things that long ago died but he refuses to let go.
"You Can Call Me Sista"
I am delighted.
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 19:25:58 UTC |
p.s. Oh, and if he loved it that Harry went out and got clothes he thought Draco would like, was he just being a little shit in saying he didn't like them? Or did the idea of Harry dressing differently freak him out? Seems like he wanted to have his cake and eat it too there, which I guess was Draco all around...but was Draco's rantings about the new clothes more an act for others but something he reacted differently to in private with Harry?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:32:16 UTC |
Ah, he didn't love that Harry went out and got clothes he thought that Draco would like. He only loved the blue shirt. He hated that Harry bought new clothes, because the way Harry dressed in hand-me-downs was just very Harry. And then he went and ruined it. He was genuinely bothered.
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 21:04:19 UTC |
Of course I'm dying to ask if j_h's player thought that was as cute and loving towards Harry as I do.:-) *makes note*
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:31:12 UTC Aha. |
You said Harry wondered about Draco spending time with Seamus--did Harry think Draco fancied him or was it a more general feeling that he (Harry) wasn't cultured enough for Draco so he'd prefer someone who was?
I must have missed this when I went back through to answer.
A little bit of both, I'd say. The FIFTEEN MINUTES OF ALL CAPS screaming in an RP session from that are burnt into my brain. Draco demanded to know who "Seamus" was, Harry yelled and yelled about having tea parties, Draco screamed about his supposed debauched tea party, Harry hollered that Draco was showing Seamus his house, Draco screamed that he didn't care about Finnigan, and on and on it went.
For a wild moment Harry thought that Seamus fancied Draco, because Seamus knew what he smelt like. But he was jealous that he couldn't talk about houses or tea.
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 19:41:43 UTC Re: Aha. |
Aha is right! Poor Ron--he wasn't so off, was he? So then I guess Harry made his unfortunate confession and then Ron referred to Draco as his boyfriend after that? I'm beginning to see things from Draco's pov and how it all snowballed.
And I can't blame Harry because frankly, the smelling comment made me think that too!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:45:42 UTC |
I am sure that Harry felt awful later. Things with Draco and Harry were just always one step forward, two steps back in the beginning, and so Harry thought that if Draco would do this with him, maybe he would just do it with Seamus, too.
I am not actually sure what happened between Harry and Ron, or how Ron found out. But yes, Draco assumed that Harry had called Draco his boyfriend and told Ron, so Draco was very angry. Harry was horrified, because this was not so long after the incident with Draco's foot in the fire.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 21:08:06 UTC Re: Aha. |
Teenage boys always wear too much scent. Seamus is also very, very sensitive. But ah, it's good to figure out what the Big Clue was that sent everyone off on that idea.
I think Ron, as I said to bd, really worked as an amplifier for Harry's unstated or understated emotions. He meant well, and sometimes it was a good thing, but I think it often horrified Harry. That said, I thought it was a brilliant character note that Ron's player put in, as the way that Ron related to Harry. However I would also say that the entire incident not only really stressed Seamus's friendship with Ron, but also weakened Seamus's relationship with Dean, as they broke up not too long after that. (Which, clearly, wasn't Ron's intent as you could see from the way that Ron reacted to the break up.)
sistermagpie @ September 25 2004, 21:13:31 UTC Re: Aha. |
Oh, ITA about Ron--that was fabulous. I mean, for me the line made me think, "Hmmm, how would I feel if that was said about somebody I was interested in?" but I know there's nothing going on (particularly now--at the time I had less to go on even than Harry since I'm not at the school!). But Ron is almost like Harry's personal Tourrette's Syndrome there. Harry probably felt twinges of worry and Ron amplified them and took action, making Harry even more mortified. But I like the fact that Ron was reacting to *something* real, even if it was just Harry's feelings and not Seamus' because it makes the fight more real. There was an issue there, it's just that the issue wasn't Seamus.
And then, I guess the whole situation brought things out in Dean too that were there but he acted on them. Once the accusation was made it made a difference. Poor Seamus.:-( Heh--and poor Draco having that picture of himself posted by Dean! Did that mortify Seamus? I can't imagine he was too embarassed by Ron's wrong ideas, since he's pretty open about how he feels and doesn't feel, but I would have been embarassed if I had tea with someone and then my boyfriend went after them!
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 01:12:20 UTC Re: Aha. |
Well, that Dean made something of it really confused Seamus because as you say, while Draco is opaque, Seamus is very open. If Seamus had been interested in Draco, everyone would have known about it. On the one hand he thought it was rather nice that Dean was paying any attention at all, but on the other hand it was rather unsettling because it just encouraged Harry.
But, you know, it worked out later. They just both had a lot to learn.
black_dog @ September 24 2004, 23:18:44 UTC Re: Part two. |
and was frequently a better friend to Pansy than he had ever been
One of the issues we've gone back and forth on on NrAged was whether PS was truly "friendless" before things got serious with PS. He seemed to react very strongly to Colin, as you discuss below, but also he really inadvertantly hammered himself with the remark about "friends" being part of the package when you were Quidditch captain. It's hard to sort out, with darque_pansy and with MB being a more minor character at the start, but it really did seem like he had people he played with, like a child, but was just too self-absorbed to really have friends at this point. Whereas later he really deepened his connection with Pansy and MB, and opened up to Seamus, and was more socially tactful (after his own fashion) with people like Dean and Ron.
I guess my question here, if I would just shut up, is whether his friendship with Harry gave him some sort of trustworthy emotional compass, some taste of which feelings were authentic and which were neurotic, that he might not have had before. Is that on target, at all?
To some extent, I thought PS' big developmental issue was whether he could ever just relax and be less dependent on obsessions and fantasies, be more open to human connection. Do you think he made much progress here, or is he still in for a rough time as an adult?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 10:23:37 UTC Re: Part two. |
One of the issues we've gone back and forth on on NrAged was whether PS was truly "friendless" before things got serious with PS. He seemed to react very strongly to Colin, as you discuss below, but also he really inadvertantly hammered himself with the remark about "friends" being part of the package when you were Quidditch captain. It's hard to sort out, with darque_pansy and with MB being a more minor character at the start, but it really did seem like he had people he played with, like a child, but was just too self-absorbed to really have friends at this point.
He was friends with Millicent at the beginning. Draco, Pansy and Millicent had been very close at the start of Hogwarts, and then as Pansy became darque and gothick, Draco and Millicent because irritated and annoyed. The more she did that, the more they abandoned her, and without Pansy, Draco and Millicent are typically very uncaring and insensitive.
I guess my question here, if I would just shut up, is whether his friendship with Harry gave him some sort of trustworthy emotional compass, some taste of which feelings were authentic and which were neurotic, that he might not have had before. Is that on target, at all?
Hm, I suppose, although Draco would never consider any of his feelings to be neurotic. Rather, everything Draco has ever felt is, of course, perfectly valid, reasonable and correct.
To some extent, I thought PS' big developmental issue was whether he could ever just relax and be less dependent on obsessions and fantasies, be more open to human connection. Do you think he made much progress here, or is he still in for a rough time as an adult?
This wasn't intentional on my part, but I do think you're right. I think he made some good progress in that his tendency to fantasise became more healthy. His stories about house-elves and zombies clearly weren't true, but people found them funny and were laughing with him, not at him. However, I'd never say he was perfectly balanced. He shall always have a tendency towards the obsessive, so I believe this is something that he will have to deal with as an adult as well.
darththalia @ September 24 2004, 16:14:49 UTC |
First, let me say that I think you did a fabulous job with Draco. I'm not a fan of Draco in canon--sorry--but I was impressed with how you fleshed him out without making him unrecognizable. Fanon!Draco creeps me out, but I never saw a hint of that in your portrayal. Very well done.
What I'm wondering is, if the attack at the end hadn't happened, and Lucius were still alive and still supporting Voldemort, would Draco have become a Death Eater? Did he have any qualms about Lucius's association with Voldemort? I gather that Draco didn't enjoy meeting V. very much; would he have distanced himself from Lucius if Lucius had pushed him in that direction?
Thanks for your time! All you players are fabulous to do this.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:46:43 UTC |
Thank you very kindly. You needn't apologise to me for not being a fan of Draco in canon - I am equally not a fan of Draco in fanon. So it pleases me that you have said I did not put any fanon!Draco into mine.
I am not sure if I could or should answer that, about becoming a Death Eater. I may change my mind. I have been debating it for a few minutes. He didn't enjoy meeting Voldemort at all, but had no qualms about Lucius's association with him. He wouldn't have distanced himself from Lucius, but Lucius was also very adamant in telling Draco that this was his choice.
Thank you for asking.
yamapea @ September 24 2004, 16:32:11 UTC |
Oh, my, so much to say. And yet, not a single real question.
Perhaps I will simply spam you with pictures.
I loved that week. I loved turpinol. How was Love Thy Neighbor week for you? Fun to play?
I think it is generally acknowledged that potterstinks is the Draco by which all other Dracos are measured. Is this at all overwhelming? Was it intimidating? Do you feel like a celebrity?
PS/j_h led me to ship Draco/Harry, so much so that I currently rp a Harry who is in a D/H relationship.. of sorts, of course. So kudos to you for that. I hate to be repetitive, but I must confess, as those before me have, how much I loved that you kept Draco..well.. complicated? I don't want to say nasty, because it seems so insufficient. Also, I feel I must comment on how canon I found him to be, although I suppose that's fairly obvious.
And the sleep duel was one of the most magnificent few days of reading in my life.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:49:56 UTC |
I loved Love Your Neighbour Week. It was an NA high.
That is a very intimidating and overwhelming thing. I utterly panicked about it at one point, because I was constantly waiting for someone to realise that I sucked. I felt like I was pretending to be something that I was not, in letting people think that I was some sort of ultimate Draco. I am proud of potterstinks, but I was terrified of living up to my own reputation. I do not feel like a celebrity, though.
I do not mind the repetition. I live for comments about Draco being a spoilt brat. Any time nraged was angry at him, I was thrilled. So thank you.
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sprengstoff @ September 24 2004, 16:51:00 UTC |
I've no questions at all, I just wanted to say you did a fantastic job. I loved every update and still very much miss seeing potterstinks on my friends page.
Thank you!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:52:02 UTC |
Thank you. I very much miss updating potterstinks.
(parent)sincelastjuly @ September 24 2004, 17:37:32 UTC |
anything in NA that you didn't get the chance to do that you now regret not doing?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:49:31 UTC |
Draco couldn't swim, and I wanted to work that in and embarrass him over it, but I never got the chance to. I regret that I didn't make him as vile and racist as I would have liked to at one point. We had planned on making Draco's fancy broomstick crash very lamely, but for some reason we never got around to it. I am sure that I could think of other things, but they are not fresh on my mind.
heavenscalyx @ September 24 2004, 18:03:49 UTC |
I want to say that your Draco was some of the most masterful writing I've ever seen in any fandom, ever (and it beats out many professionally published books I've read). The characterization was superb and the voice was beautifully rendered and consistent.
I lust after you as a roleplayer -- I want you on my MUSH, or in an online game that I'm in or running. Or even in a tabletop game in the unlikely possibility that you might be within a six hour drive of my home. :}
I hope that if you choose to become involved in another online game where we can read the goings-on, you'll let us know, and if you have any fanfic out there, someone will slyly point us to it without spilling the beans about your identity. And do let us know if you are/ever become a published author, because I, for one, would buy that book in hardback.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:09:20 UTC |
Wow, thank you.
What is a MUSH? Is it like MASH, with a u-bend?
I don't think that I would be in another RPG. I have too much love for the players from NA and wouldn't be able to interact with another Draco.
I started writing some original fic for Millicent's player. On the one in a million chance that I ever finished it and for some reason published it, it would say "To M. B., Love, PS" or something similar. Surely it is not difficult to search for an unfinished, unpublished book by dedication.
catiadoodle @ September 24 2004, 19:31:45 UTC |
I have no words to express my love and complete admiration of you, your RPing skills, the incredible consistency of your character, and the way he kept him so close to canon. To me, PS IS canon.
For the moment I only have two questions, but I may come back later as you said you didn't mind if we asked fifty.
On to the questions, then.
-- I hope this is not too personal. OK, Draco is a 16-17 years old teenager, and we all know what hormones make them do often several times a day. So, what would he fantasize on while masturbating ? Since he's been in denial about his sexuality for so long and might still be despite his relationship with Harry, would he allow himself to *sorry* wank over boys of boy parts ? Would he only imagine women or women parts ? Or would he imagine parts like mouth, hands, legs or such, that could belong to either gender ?
-- Technical question here : As Draco's player, how much time did NA take a week ? Including planning, chatting with other players, posting, commenting, everything. I guess it would depend on the level of "activity" of the week, but I'm talking average.
(In case you were also a mod, can you come up with a rough number of hours NOT including the mod part ? Oh, and hum, upon reflexion, in case you were a mod and willing to tell us so, how much of your time did modding NA take ?)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:41:11 UTC |
Thank you so much. That is a really nice thing to hear.
-- Actually, this is something that I've always known but (obviously) was never able to work in: Draco didn't actually masturbate for a really long time, he just had thousands of wet dreams. He had a mortifying experience with masturbation when he was younger and was too horrified to do it ever again. He is someone who finds masturbation shameful. He didn't really start masturbating again until he was with Harry, and even then it was the sort of shamed masturbation where he tried to pretend it is an accident and use a pillow or the bed instead of his hands. By that point he was thinking about Harry.
-- I would probably say at least twenty hours a week, if it was a good week. Ten on a slow, forty to fifty for something like Love Your Neighbour Week. I am probably completely wrong, though.
cho_malfoy @ September 24 2004, 19:37:09 UTC |
I told jiffy_spiffy that the NA fans would go nuts when both you and Millicent's player posted. I am happy to see that I was right. (Although it seems sort of wrong that your mood isn't enraged...)
As it's nearly impossible for me to read everything that has been posted, I'm going to ask a really simple question. Who was your favorite character to RP with?
tabiji @ September 24 2004, 20:12:50 UTC |
Hello Draco's Player!
I don't know if you can, but I really really hope you will answer this one. It's tortured me. What was TBWUTBPBEDHWFTIFTROTPSNHSHFTHAWP??
The Boy Who Used To Be Prefect But Everyone Decided He Was Far Too Intimidating For The Fest Of The People/Pupils? So Now He Spends His Free Time Having A????? With Potter. Affair? Arrangement? Agreement? Please have pity and tell :)
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite Draco quotes? Fave quotes from other characters?
Thank you for doing these. I miss you alot. <3
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 20:26:02 UTC |
I'm afraid not. I never intended to reveal that. No one asked my permission before giving hints on nraged, so I was not happy about it at all. It wasn't meant to be anything up for debate, just a bunch of random letters.
I do not have a Draco quote. I think that would be very arrogant of me. I am not sure I could pick just one from other characters.
We miss you too, thank you.
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Anonymous @ September 24 2004, 21:49:10 UTC |
Your Draco reminds me a lot of a "friend" of mine. I quote it because someone like him is never very friendly or anything. Anyway, did you base his character on canon Draco only or did you come up with some things by yourself? And was there a person you met or a character you read that reminded you of Draco and inspired his character?
Thank you for being so amazing. Potterstinks' posts made my heart flutter.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 07:41:54 UTC |
I based Draco on canon, but of course as time went on I made things up by myself. There were other characters who reminded me of Draco and so probably had some sort of influence on him - Eddie Haskell from Leave it to Beaver.
Thank you.
_kissyfish @ September 24 2004, 22:28:13 UTC Roz's Comment Part One. |
Um. When I wrote this, I took it out of the little LJ box and started typing it in Word because my browser has a tendency to refresh itself and delete everything I've written, but I went a bit too far. My comment...er...well it won't fit in one comment. LJ has a character limit on comments, and apparently I've gone over it. Thus, I will post it in two parts.
Potterstinks was magnificent. Witty, clever, and brilliantly sarcastic, your take on Draco was superb. Before PoA came out, I pulled out my copy of the book to refresh my memory so that when I saw the movie, wouldn‘t get confused. I couldn't take it. Draco was so wrong; I had to keep putting the book down to keep from hating J.K. Rowling. I started reading NA a bit too late, but I fell in love with your Draco so fast that a week into reading it, I was whispering "potterstinks" into the ears of a friend of mine who also read NA every chance I got.
But then, mine wasn't just a love for your take on Draco. I fell in love with your writing style. Yah, I'm aware that this sounds rather nutty at this point. But I can't get over it. I think I might love your writing style as much as I love your Draco. The amazing synonyms you used for the insults (which were absolutely incredible by the way. Did you have to look those up or did you just know them?), the tone (this actually sounds like it might just be the way you talk/think/write in general. I was reading some of your comments and I can't tell if it's just my head or if it's real, but you sound like Draco. Or Draco sounds like you. Hmm. Tricky.), and the voice (dear Lord you're good at sarcasm. That post where Draco talked about his father dying was particularly moving as well. Was that post difficult to write?) were astounding.
While I was reading NA, I actually started writing a little like you. By accident of course, but when we were assigned essays on Thomas Jefferson (and I am not a fan of our dearest Jeffy) and Nixon (again, not a fan) in my American History class, my papers ended up being remarkably sarcastic. And it wasn't just my writing either. I went on a little insult-making adventure in which the thesaurus at www.m-w.com and I became joined at the hip. My friend and I inadvertently stole a few of our favorite Draco phrases (and a few of Millicent's too for that matter. She was incredible as well. Much love to you both.) and still use them in conversation (yes, I'm crazy. God I hate parenthesis. What am I doing. I'm going to go mourn my increasing use of parenthesis after this...). Uh, and so since I'm crazy, if you don't mind, a few related questions:
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 08:04:31 UTC |
Thank you very much. It pleases me to no end that you were whispering potterstinks into someone's ears as though it was some sort of video game and you were starring in a promotional commercial.
I have seen you mention my writing style before, actually, and was quite flattered. I didn't look them up, but the tone isn't really the way I talk or write. I suppose that I do write similarly, to a certain extent, but that is because of writing Draco. Draco doesn't sound like that because I do. I had this whole vernacular for Draco but the more I used it the more it started to slip into the way I wrote. With some distance, though, it has been better. So it might be in your head, but I can't objectively tell. I have been trying to make my sentences sound more dull and monotonous as I've been answering this, but occasionally I slip.
That is rather flattering, that you started writing Thomas Jefferson essays like me. I hope you weren't frowned upon for your sardonic homework.
(My use of parentheses has increased over this Q&A. There is too much to say that doesn't always want to fit into my sentences.)
I am more pleased by your love for my writing style than your love for Draco. So thank you quite a lot.
P.S. You were still allowed to ask questions while I was away. I was only trying to explain why I wasn't going to answer for a bit. I like to be prepared.
_kissyfish @ September 24 2004, 22:29:05 UTC Roz's Comment Part Two. |
1. Are you in high school/college/out of school? I ask because I'm wondering because:
2. Are you considering a career (or really serious, Yes-I-might-publish-if-I-can-think-of-a-g
3. Who are your favorite writers?
4. Who do you think has influenced your writing the most?
5. If you do go into writing and actually publish something, will you let us know who you are? (assuming that NA is still being read (which it will. FOREVER. As long as people love HP, people will love NA. You guys should look into getting a copy of NA - complete with comments - printed out for memory's sake or something. (oh dear Lord I'm going to kill myself. Parenthesis inside parenthesis inside parenthesis. I never use parenthesis! Or exclamation points *shudder* Ugh. I fail at life.)))
6. Did the screened comment really say "popcorn"?
7. Do all of you NA players live in the same country? (This is in reference to a comment where you said that you and Millicent called each other during the Sleep Duel. I imagine your phone bills would be rather high if you don't. So dedicated. That's part of why we all love you all so much :) )
8. Who would you pick to play your Draco? (actor, model, etc)
9. How much of Draco did you absorb into your own personality, if at all? Which things did you like most and least about him?
10. When you wrote posts or comments that were really emotional for Draco, did you feel like you were him writing them, or were you just playing him for a little while, or what?
11. I love you. (This is not a question, but we can pretend. Also, these probably shouldn‘t be numbered since I asked fourteen questions, not ten.)
P.S. (Note: I’m never going to write that and not think of PS and NA. I doubt anyone else that read/played/was otherwise involved will either.) Please ignore liberal use of parenthesis. It’s rather difficult to write this and try to not say “OMG I LOVED DRACO SO MUCH AND IWANTTOBEABLETOWRITELIKEYOU .” Which, although I did not say directly in the bulk of this…er…very long thing…is true. :)
P.P.S. Sorry that this was so long. Der. ^_^; Cookie? *offers*
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 08:56:52 UTC |
1. I am finished school.
2. I would love to be a writer, but I don't know that I'd be able to finish anything. I've wanted to be a writer since I was around nine. Whether or not I'd do this is another matter entirely, because I have perpetual writer's block.
3. I'm trying to figure out how to answer this and the next question without giving myself away entirely. Generally, whichever writer I've read last.
4. I can't say the actual person without giving myself away, so I'll just say the late, great Jess Fitzgerald instead. Actually, any writer I've loved.
5. I am not sure how I would let you know. It would seem a bit arrogant, really, marching in to announce such a thing.
6. No.
7. No, we don't all live in the same country.
8. I am not good at questions like these. I don't think any actors or models look like Draco.
9. I don't think I really absorbed any of Draco into my personality. I am sarcastic, but I have always been. I insult Millicent's player frequently, but that is just how we talk.
What I liked best and least, that is difficult, especially since it is about my own character and I put those things there. I suppose what I liked best was that he was such a vitriol-spewing egomaniac. I loved embarrassing him. What I liked least, I don't know. I love Draco quite a lot.
10. Like I was him writing them.
11. Naturally, I love you as well.
P.S. One of the other players has told me that she hears the Beatles song 'P.S. I Love You' and thinks of potterstinks. The letters PS never remind me of Draco, though, just because I never called my character "potterstinks."
P.P.S. Really, you don't want to write like me, but thank you.
P.P.P.S. I do not like cookies, but thank you anyway.
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Anonymous @ September 24 2004, 22:53:29 UTC |
Do you feel that your characterization of Draco has influenced the way others play/write him?
For instance, klonos of
patchwork_quill has not even been revealed as Draco yet, but their letters already seem identical to your style of writing.
Have you seen any other instances where you feel that people are actually trying to imitate your style of writing? Do you feel flattered? Annoyed? Overwhelmed?
And one more question: Was Draco's friendship with Seamus something that occured naturally during the course of the game, or did you and Seamus' player make a concious decision to create and develop it?
Thanks for all your great work on NA!
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Anonymous @ September 25 2004, 02:04:38 UTC |
For instance, klonos of
patchwork_quill has not even been revealed as Draco yet
... shhh...
anjaliesque @ September 25 2004, 01:43:56 UTC Draaaacooooo Maaaaalfooooy.... There should be an NA soundtrack. |
Thank you.
(parent)moonlitpages @ September 25 2004, 02:11:05 UTC |
I've no questions for you, either, (or rather I have too many to even begin settling on just one, or ten, or even fifty *laughs*) but somehow I felt remiss not saying something here for you.
I could never thank you enough for bringing the canon Draco I have always adored to life on the pages of NA. It was even better than watching a character I love brought to life on film, because Potterstinks never failed to exceed my expectations in every way.
I would love to be a fly on the wall in your brain. That is all ;-)
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:01:49 UTC |
Thank you kindly. You're welcome to move into my brain, but I expect you'll find quite a bit of cricket chirping.
(parent)rain206 @ September 25 2004, 02:38:58 UTC |
I love your Draco so much I don't even know how to say how much I love him. And I have extra
special love for the Gulf adventures and the "enraged" and icon keywords. Fantastic, all of it.
Also, I was always impressed with how you kept Draco so IC, a spoilt brat who says and does mean
things to people, yet were also able to make him three-dimensional, a person rather than a caricature.
I can't think of any good questions that haven't already been answered, so I'm asking these ones instead:
1) IIRC, Draco always referred to and addressed Harry as "Potter" on the journals. Did he call him Harry
in person ever? If so, when did he start doing that?
2) When did Harry and Draco first sleep together? Was it the time in the spring that Harry mentioned during the Q&A last August? I always assumed, but
was never positive, that he was talking about Draco.
3) Why the Volga Boat song? (I still listen to the mp3 of it, sometimes, and sing along with it. It's quite fun.)
4) Why was Draco always enraged?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:04:17 UTC |
Thank you very much.
1) Draco never called him 'Harry', ever.
2) You'll have to clarify what your definition of sleeping together is.
3) When I was learning an instrument while I was small, we had to learn the Volga Boat Song. In my head I always sang Voool-gaaaa Boaaaaaat Sonnnnnnnnnng to it. While I was writing Draco's essay and adding that midi, I started singing Dra-co Mal-foy to the tune. It seemed like the sort of thing he would do, so I asked someone to say he'd been doig it.
4) Honestly, because I thought it was funny for Draco to have the same, furious mood every single time he posted.
redbowties @ September 25 2004, 03:33:01 UTC |
I just spent about half an hour reading this, and I don't know what to ask.. I really want to ask something, because you know, you played PS and PS is Draco. I know that wasn't very articulate but I'm sure it made sense.. in a sort of nonsensical way.
I will always have a special place for PS in my heart. You did a wonderful job with the canon, and really the interpretation of the canon (since I read the comment where you said that 'Draco doesn't drink because he makes fun of Hagrid for being a drunk' etc.)
I haven't commented to the other players (which I am sorry about!) but I was really waiting for my favorite characters to come on through, and the Unholy Trio was my favorite. (Yay Slytherins!)
I am really just in awe. Oo, just thought of a question: I have seen other RPGs on greatestjournal where it is quite obvious that people have read your Draco and have been influenced by him. Is this flattering, or offensive? (I personally would find it offensive since my characters are MY CHARACTERS and so they shouldn't be messed with.)
Oh, yay thinking of questions. I play Theodore Nott on a RP and I know that Nott was an unofficial character in N_A .. but what was Theo and Draco's relationship? What did Draco think of him?
On JKR's website she has this excerpt ..extra thing where she says that she left out this scene between Draco and Theo at the Malfoy Manor that showed how Draco respects Theo and stuff. Is that how it was in N_A? Did you even take that into account? Also, while on that note, I was wondering because you obviously love Draco very much and JKR left out that scene which.. really is a huge step for Draco's character in the canon.. are you (*snicker*) enraged that she would leave out this incite to him? Do you see Draco as a bland character in the books? Or is it just you have to read between the lines to see who he is because that is just how Draco is (which I can understand from your character because I pretty much see PS as canon and you have to read between the lines with him and I’m babbling sorry ^^)
What will Draco do now? I know that's a lame question but I just can't imagine it.. will he get a job? Move in with Milli and Harry?
How much did Draco cry when Pansy died? (I am assuming that he did, since it was PANSY and given their relationship.. well. did he cry, then?)
I love you to pieces ♥ Say hello to Draco for me :D
Thank you for the countless hours I spent reading PS' journal and talking with my friends about his latest entry.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:18:20 UTC |
I find it offensive, but I don't give it much thought anymore.
Nott annoyed Draco because he marched to his own beat and was vaguely popular (among the ladies, anyway) without having to be Draco's toady. He wanted Nott to look up to him and it irritated him that he didn't. He thought Nott was rather strange, though. Sometimes he liked him, sometimes he didn't. It really depended on how useful he found Nott at the time.
On JKR's website she has this excerpt ..extra thing where she says that she left out this scene between Draco and Theo at the Malfoy Manor that showed how Draco respects Theo and stuff. Is that how it was in N_A? Did you even take that into account?
Well, Nott had been in NA with a personality for about a year before JKR ever posted that, so it was a bit late to start working it in.
Also, while on that note, I was wondering because you obviously love Draco very much and JKR left out that scene which.. really is a huge step for Draco's character in the canon.. are you (*snicker*) enraged that she would leave out this incite to him?
Not in the slightest. I didn't find the scene particularly insightful when I read about it. It was interesting, but it didn't fit into the book anywhere, so I don't see any reason for her to have left it in. I don't actually care how much Draco is in the books, and I'm not one of those who is anxious for lengthy and insightful scenes about him. I love the way he is in the books already.
Draco will stay at the Manor with Narcissa. They've likely travelled over the summer and I imagine that eventually he'll start plotting what to do with his shop at Diagon Alley. I doubt he'll ever move into his grandmother's manor in Cannes, but will just use it as a holiday home.
Yes, Draco cried, when he took her to the hospital wing. He eventually stopped. It wasn't an excessive amount of tears, and I was rather nervous about doing it, as it was the only time Draco had ever cried in NA.
Thank you very much for your kind comments and questions.
doubtful_salmon @ September 25 2004, 04:06:39 UTC |
Hi! This is less a question of Draco and more a question of playing him.
You see, I play a character in an RPG somewhere and I've been compared to the portrayal of a character in a fanfic I'd never read until just recently and it struck me as vaguely irritating. As you are only in the most popular RPG in the fandom and are only one of the most popular (if not THE most popular) Potter RPG characters in existence, surely the same thing must've happened to you at least once. (I may've heard gossip.) Did it piss you off? How did you cope?
Also I must say, I so enjoyed that Draco had impeccable grammar, I think it is a highly underrated talent, and I choked on my lunch when I read the entry he posted in Harry's journal.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:21:32 UTC |
People compared me to Maya's Draco at one point and I was irritated by it. I felt I was being accused of plagiarism and I had not (and have not) ever read Underwater Light. There's nothing much to be done about it, short of making it clear that you've never read the fic in question. Even then, people may not believe you. The best thing to do is ignore it, as eventually it will go away.
Thank you. I am a grammar fan.
taradiane @ September 25 2004, 05:20:12 UTC |
Thanks. For, ya know, being the Draco we all know he could be. And for the correspondance. And for the heart you put into the character. And for lots of other things that I'm sure everyone else has already listed. And for not minding my broken sentences. :p
I wish I had a question, but I don't. Everything I wanted to know has pretty much been covered.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:22:43 UTC |
Oh, thank you so much. Thank you for the correspondence as well, and for sending those e-mails to me again: I, like a jerk, never answered to tell you thank you. How embarrassing.
(parent)mariannec @ September 25 2004, 06:18:00 UTC |
Hi! I want to hug you and your character so much . Thank you for the many hours of frustration, laughter and reading pleasure.
Can't really think of any questions that haven't already been asked. But, um, I'll think about it.
Picking out just a few, these essays are brilliant, and your responses amazing.
You sort of answered this already with the time spent on RPing, but how long did it take you to write any of your essay length posts?
When did you find time to sleep?
What was your favorite item that Pansy ever baked for you?
Did you play another character(s) on NA?
And sorry for being so impolite about this, was Harry Draco's only sexual partner?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:24:49 UTC |
Well, sometimes the long posts came out quickly, sometimes they took awhile. Probably between twenty minutes and a few hours, although in the case of the latter I wouldn't be writing non-stop.
I keep very strange hours, as far as sleep goes.
Pansy's player sent me biscuits through the post. They were ginger snaps and they were quite good. I've saved a couple. So, I suppose those would be my favourite. I imagine Pansy baked elaborate things for Draco, but I don't know any off the top of my head.
It depends on what your limits on a sexual partner are, and whether you think Harry and Draco had sex.
steph_hime @ September 25 2004, 14:09:31 UTC |
OMG!!!! Seriously, no question, but major love to you for playing such a brilliant Draco. I loved everyone of his updates.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 14:14:30 UTC |
Thank you. I shall store the love in a box in case of a rainy day.
(parent)digitalmeowmix2 @ September 25 2004, 16:40:22 UTC <3! |
1. Feelings on the Unholy Trio between
the players and the characters?
2. did you set out to make a character
that would go along with a snarky H/D storyline?
3. H/D? whats your opinion? Draco's?
4. Fave and emotional moments.
5. How did playing Draco effect you and vice versa?
infinite love and thank you.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2004, 16:44:12 UTC |
<3 <3 <3
Are you a boy or a girl?
Have you ever wibbled over _hdcomic?
Have you ever wibbled, period?
I love you.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2004, 18:22:13 UTC |
This is a weird question, but you've been so nice about answering questions so far, so:
Are you a guy or a girl?
... Yeah. Just wondering. -_-;
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 18:22:55 UTC |
I'd rather not say which gender I am. I don't particularly mind people knowing, but I've seen people on nraged say that they do not want to know even that much, so I try to make Draco having a player as painless as possible for them.
onthehillside @ September 25 2004, 18:37:07 UTC |
Um, I feel very awkward asking these questions. I was going to just lurk around and wait for the answer, but I'm getting antsy. :/
So. Uh. When did Harry and Draco first have oral sex? When did they first have anal sex? What was the Clintonian distinction that Draco made during the August Q&A's?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 18:44:24 UTC |
June of sixth year, never, see previous answers.