dragynville @ 2003-08-23 23:59:00 |
sirius... XO
Mood: annoyed
Alright, what the hell is Sirius playing at? There was no mention of a note and he distinctly implied that he'd spoken to Harry. What is he doing, covering his ass?
[edited to include the other link]
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hobaggins @ August 24 2003, 00:05:28 UTC |
There is always the possibility Harry just came to retrieve them
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 00:12:04 UTC |
Good point, edited that part out.
Still, he said "I saw him this morning, he said he was going to see you, damn it."
Now he's got a slightly different story. Maybe he wasn't there that morning? Maybe he didn't see Harry at all and just said he did.
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hobaggins @ August 24 2003, 00:13:51 UTC |
Maybe Sirius misinterpreted the note to mean Harry was going to Lupins, not Harry was going away. I mean- c'mon, if you were Sirius wouldn't you jump to that conclusion? I certainly wouldn't want to believe Harry was actually leaving
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 00:21:45 UTC |
Yes probably, but I want to know why he implied that Harry had told him directly?
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hobaggins @ August 24 2003, 00:30:22 UTC |
Did he?
#goes to reread thread# Yes, you are right. He says quite clearly that he saw him that morning, and Harry told him that he was going to see Lupin.
Maybe he was too embarrassed to admit that to Lupin? It's not like he had really thought Harry could possibliy be missing... how perplexing
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 00:35:06 UTC |
okay, I originally posted this as a new thread, but ya'll moved so fast, and I feel that now it belongs here.
"In the earlier entry, it is not made entirely clear whether Harry told Sirius verbally that his plans were to visit Remus. This is just something we all assumed. Let us assume, instead, that this "telling" was done in the obtuse note.
Alors- Sirius did, in a way, tell Remus of the note. I have often misused the english language, stating that someone had "said" something, when in fact they had "written" it. There is no ass in need of covering."
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hobaggins @ August 24 2003, 00:37:18 UTC |
#has stopped reading threads just replying to emails, sorry to rain on your thread#
I agree. Although in his post Sirius does say, "I told Lupin about the note," and unless they were talking through a different medium Black didn't tell Lupin about the note, only the contents of
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 00:47:26 UTC |
*points at "you're raining on my thread >:O!!" icon*
I think we can safely agree that S and R are absolutely speaking in different mediums, lately. They hardly need prompting to disagree on any issue, and here's another they can be at odds over.
But the note seems so trivial, at least the relating of it. Neither of them seems to give much thought to it. Let him be innocent!
*clings to Sirius' threadbare innocence*
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hobaggins @ August 24 2003, 00:48:53 UTC |
ERrr... I meant talking through different forms... firechats, owls... not through the journals. If it was in the journals then #points to above comments#
(parent)peccavium @ August 24 2003, 00:54:54 UTC |
ERrr... I meant "mediums" as in a play-on-words, expressing my opinion that they are not seeing eye to eye and are rather trying to scratch each others eyes out. I can be obtuse, too!
*loves you*
dragynville @ August 24 2003, 00:42:21 UTC |
I don't know.. there doesn't seem to be anything ambiguous about "I saw him.. he said.." I still think Sirius was covering up something. Or maybe he was prevaricating because he was in a defensive position. Either way, he implied for some reason or other.
I want to know what exactly was in that note.
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 00:49:41 UTC |
In NA, everything is ambiguous. ^_-
And so will the note be, forever and ever amen.
selene_rain @ August 24 2003, 04:57:42 UTC |
I had to. Because it's true, because I thought it would make a nice icon, and because I have nothing better to do.
peccavium @ August 24 2003, 11:10:49 UTC |
I should say "link this to na_icons instead of here", but I really would rather just go with "That is great. Love that Zabini gets a nod".
Not that the first part should be discounted, boolet. *glomps*
dragynville @ August 24 2003, 01:16:00 UTC |
Yes, usually, except there's nothing ambiguous about that because it is a direct statement.
I think he was perhaps covering up for not understanding the note till after talking to Remus.
dragynville @ August 24 2003, 01:13:39 UTC |
I'm thinking Sirius is covering up for the fact that he didn't cotton on to what Harry meant (that he was leaving as in going away) until after talking to Remus several hours later. I think he didn't want to admit to having prior knowledge.
(parent)athene_51 @ August 24 2003, 00:12:39 UTC |
I read it as though Harry came to get all of his stuff while Sirius was out searching for him, and that the note said Harry was going to see Remus in some vague way.
There's nothing left anywhere.
Did you hear that noise? Yeah, it was my heart breaking.
athene_51 @ August 24 2003, 00:24:05 UTC Replying to myself... |
Also, why would Harry take his furniture with him? Why clean out the room entirely?
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 00:25:38 UTC Re: Replying to myself... |
Cho said he'd taken a lot of money out of Gringotts.. maybe he's gotten his own flat somewhere.
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 14:11:09 UTC Re: Replying to myself... |
Not likely, I think -- he goes back to Hogwarts in 6 days. Makes no sense to rent an apartment now. Possibly a hotel room or something, though...
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 14:27:07 UTC Re: Replying to myself... |
I was thinking hotel room until he took all his furniture. He might want his own place for both a clean and complete break from Sirius and Remus, and a place to go to during upcoming breaks and hols. Or he may have put them in storage I suppose (does England have storage rental?).
(parent)luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:15:10 UTC Re: Replying to myself... |
Not sure if they have it.
Still...Harry MIGHT have found a flat, then moved everything that was his over there before he goes back to school for his final year, just to make sure that everything is ready for him when he graduates.
dragynville @ August 26 2003, 07:21:10 UTC Re: Replying to myself... |
Yep, that's what I was thinking. :)
(parent)vellum @ August 24 2003, 00:12:51 UTC |
.grr argh dont give me that black
broken keyboard using character map not fun
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handful @ August 24 2003, 00:21:22 UTC |
*continues to tinker with time machine* That's it. I'm getting us out of August. NOW.
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 00:23:22 UTC |
Hey man, my birthday is in august. you can't skip the rest of it. i'll miss it. :O
(parent)luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:16:50 UTC |
Same for me and my brothers! Just one more week, and then everyone will be back at Hogwarts for the final year of Harry and Company! I promise!
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 24 2003, 00:24:25 UTC |
hate the august. haaaaaaaate.
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handful @ August 24 2003, 00:25:50 UTC |
*tinkertinkertinker* Trust me. We're going to just all go ahead and skip past it. No problem. Except for the stop on the Birthday. *nodnod*
delfeus @ August 24 2003, 01:20:29 UTC |
Could we go to / stop at September 1st? I need my Uni username so I can get a new virus program. Otherwise my computer says bing and I can't watch NA anymore.
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shallowfemme @ August 24 2003, 00:25:40 UTC |
Do you remeber those little box key-chain thingies? The ones that when you pressed them yelled- 'GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!' and shook a lot? Well, no matter what, I think that's how we all feel right now.
Get the time machine done soon please, must escape the wibble. =D
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handful @ August 24 2003, 00:26:51 UTC |
I'm working on it! Seriously. Can't handle it. Nope.
Nopenopenope... we'll take just_harry with us.
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:18:32 UTC |
Then everyone will go thru a "WHERE'S HARRY?!?!" thing ALL OVER AGAIN!
No...no time machine. No dragging HP thru time. You can travel thru time, if you want, but leave me outta it.
anjenue @ August 24 2003, 00:23:27 UTC |
Yeah, that's the sound of the month.
August making hearts break and then stomping on them.
el_erzulie @ August 24 2003, 00:27:52 UTC |
That's it, then. I'm going back to my rooms at Hogwarts. It's Remus' house, after all, and there's nothing left for me here.
There's nothing left anywhere.
That really sums it up. Y_Y
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shallowfemme @ August 24 2003, 00:34:21 UTC |
Yup. I'm off to have a good wibble. And cry. And more wibble.
There's nothing left anywhere.
Well, um. Yeah. *grabs tissues*
el_erzulie @ August 24 2003, 00:50:21 UTC |
I'll wibble with you. Y_Y Everyone makes him out to be Such The Bastard and there's just... a seirous lack of empathy in any form.
(parent)luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:19:59 UTC |
...I honestly feel sorry for Sirius. He just wanted to have fun, and his whole life came crashing around him. ;_; *wibblewibble*
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 24 2003, 00:35:01 UTC |
Waah. I have nothing coherent to say, other than that I have dug up this old thread from when Sirius was gone on his mission and Harry was still at the Dursleys' and to compare what Harry was hoping for when his family got back together again to what he actually got this summer is plain heartbreaking. Harry's desperate sounding and repeated posts remind me of Remus and Sirius' posts lately. It's all just v. v. sad.
I also feel terrible for Sirius. Coming home to a cleaned out room is just... awful. Harry must feel (misguided or not) really unwanted. *SNIFF*
btw, props to the evil genius mastermind players at NA... you guys rock :D
selene_rain @ August 24 2003, 02:11:21 UTC |
Thank you. I read that. And am crying. Oh my. If I had only known what I was getting myself into... *sob*
(parent)selene_rain @ August 24 2003, 02:18:35 UTC |
Well, honestly, I probably would have starting following N_A much sooner.
Much love to the amazing players who have, in the last 2 weeks, reawakened my love for these characters, and all the lovely NrAgers who have renewed my love for the fandom.
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childofatlantis @ August 24 2003, 04:32:20 UTC |
One wonders how Sirius and Remus are going to deal with teaching side by side at Hogwarts (and teaching their god/oddson) come september...
(parent)anoni @ August 24 2003, 04:57:50 UTC |
Something is wrong with all of this, but I can't quite lay my finger on it.
1) Sirius gets the impression that Harry has gone to visit Remus, and would be back in time for dinner
2) Harry is not at Remus', and both Sirius and Remus get worried as hell
3) Harry tells Remus that he left a note saying he'd be gone for a while
4) Sirius says that note was evasive and that he thought Harry would be at Remus'
5) Harry has been back to get his things, but he gives no indication of where he's staying
Too many deliberate silences in information, perhaps? Harry doesn't seem innocent, IMHO.
Then, to Harry's single reply. It's... so *light*. He isn't as concerned about Remus' obvious distress as he would normally be, which leads me to two conclusions - either he's angry, or he's very preoccupied. And if it's the former, he wouldn't have replied so lightly, right? ::is confused::
We still don't know what happened with Sirius. The Mystery Event, yay. We don't know where Harry is, or where he's staying, or what he's doing, or exactly what he's trying to achieve. I don't fully go with the 'getting S and R back together' or the 'attention seeking' theories any more. We don't know how Lucius is related to all of this.
NA has turned from an angst fest to a mystery novel.
kate_nepveu @ August 24 2003, 06:19:23 UTC |
I read it as Harry trying to punish the two of them with indifference, regardless of what prompted it.
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 06:34:35 UTC |
Sirius never said that he had the impression that he'd be back in time for dinner, he just said he wanted to know when Harry's coming home so he could start dinner.
Also, I doubt that the note was deliberately misleading as Sirius seems to be trying to claim. Either Sirius found it before talking to Remus and is trying to cover up for misunderstanding it, or his initial post was a cover-up for having just found it (it did take him over 24 hours to notice Harry's other note after all).
I think Harry is definitely still angry and hurt. Basically, he says "I'm fine, I left a note, I'm busy, sorry for the trouble, goodbye." I think he's trying to act like he doesn't care anymore, like he hasn't been hurt, because he believes that Remus doesn't care about him.
Also, he replied to Remus instead of Sirius, and he made sure to let Remus know that he left a note and that Sirius didn't tell him about it, both of which indicate that he's upset with Sirius.
sistermagpie @ August 24 2003, 07:39:48 UTC |
That's basically how I see it. I think Harry did see Sirius that morning and left a note when he left (explaining Sirius saying "I saw him this morning" and "he told me he was going to see you."
I wouldn't put it past Harry to be deliberately misleading to Sirius. Sirius seems to have known at that point he'd done something bad. Harry might have left a note that was pretty curt, like, "I need to get away for a while," rather than saying he was running away.
Harry sounds to me like he's made a decision that these two guys aren't his godfathers and don't want to be so is treating them as friends and not family. He's sorry they were worried but accepts no responsibility for it (he left a note so he did what he needed to, if Sirius didn't tell Remus about it that's not his problem--though that comment may also be a little dig at Sirius for not understanding the note). It does sound like he's gotten his own place since he took his furniture. In a way, what Harry is doing is perfectly fine. He's 17 and has only really spent a short time at Dogear with Sirius and Remus as his fathers. He may just be saying he's given up his childish fantasies about family and has gotten the only stable kind of home--his own.
And can I just say I love how NA has this theme of so many seventh years starting to think about getting away from their parents in one way or another?
black_dog @ August 24 2003, 10:15:30 UTC |
Yeah, I'm with you on this, both what he's doing and why. I wouldn't put it past him to use a little deception so he could move out without creating a scene, especially if he doesn't think S and R's claims on him are legitimate any more. And he's not coming back -- he'll "see them when the school year starts." Then, next summer, of course, he will be unambiguously an adult. So he's made a decision and made a break and gotten his own place.
Good for him. I mean, it's a painful decision, but I'm thinking that if he maintained the family illusion, out of sentiment or emotional neediness, all he'd get for it would be endless emotional rivalry between Sirius and Remus, with himself in the middle. All th grief, and none of the real payoffs of "family." So I respect him for being tough enough to do what he needs to do.
dragynville @ August 24 2003, 12:58:05 UTC |
I think his note was undoubtably evasive and vague (he wouldn't want Sirius running after him right away, which he'd do if he said he was moving out), but I have trouble with believing he'd be purposefully misleading and saying or implying he was going to Remus'. Harry's generally very straightforward, even when he's being obscure. Sirius probably assumed he was going to Remus' because he had been so much recently, typically not noticing the fact that Harry hadn't been speaking to Remus since he moved from TLC into his own flat.
I agree. I think Harry did what he had to do to make himself happy, or at least to find a little peace. And I think he was wise to get out of the situation when he did, it only looked to be going downhill from there.
black_dog @ August 24 2003, 14:01:07 UTC |
You're right, evasive and vauge is more likely than an outright lie, because of the kind of person Harry is. But I suspect he'd be happy to exploit that vagueness -- there's an approprite irony in the fact that he bought himself some time by slipping through the cracks between Sirius and Remus, each one assuming he was with the other.
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 14:13:43 UTC |
Yeah, I do think he was vague on purpose. I think he probably felt he had to in order to buy himself both the time and peace to make a clean break of it.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 24 2003, 16:03:21 UTC |
To be honest, I think I would have had the same instinct. Write a note to say I'm going but make it vague enough that it seems like nothing's up. Harry's been actually living with these two during this so he probably also counted on how they'd be distracted.
(parent)dragynville @ August 25 2003, 13:12:09 UTC |
Yes, me too. I think he was trying to avoid a big scene by getting out quietly.
(parent)luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:27:03 UTC |
Same here.
Man...I know Harry was trying to do what was right for himself, but...I have a feeling that it almost broke his heart at first, poor boy.
Still, I'm glad that he's handling himself all right, though I honestly wish that he'd just chew out both parents for being huge idiots. I think that would just make them realize that all their squabbling and fighting with each other is hurting their beloved son. *sighs* Alas, that is not to be so...
dragynville @ August 26 2003, 12:58:10 UTC |
I think that's why he went, and went so quietly. His heart has been battered and bruised by this. ;_;
He's realized that they cannot or will not give him what he needs and wants, so he's left with two choices: become more dependant and wait around for something that will likely never happen, or become completely self-reliant and take care of himself.
zionsstarfish @ August 24 2003, 17:02:57 UTC |
I think Harry did what he had to do to make himself happy, or at least to find a little peace. And I think he was wise to get out of the situation when he did, it only looked to be going downhill from there.
I agree! I've wondered about Harry's ultimate goal in leaving and I think that he decided 1)he didn't want to be a point of argument between Sirius and Remus anymore and 2) he'd had enough. He might still be emotionally dependent on Remus and Sirius (and I think he's backing away from that for his own sanity) but financially, legally and mentally, he's able to make a break for it.
dragynville @ August 25 2003, 13:19:22 UTC |
They've broken his last childhood dream (that of a loving family life) and now he must make the leap into adulthood all in one shot in order to protect his own emotional health and well-being.
(parent)anjenue @ August 24 2003, 11:57:52 UTC |
That puts me in mind that perhaps Harry and Sirius did talk that morning, and Sirius said something that really upset Harry, and he was so mad that he just disappeared, leaving a note and not bothering to say goodbye to Sirius...
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 07:14:43 UTC |
did anyone else notice that remus took sirius off of his interests? that's just bloody depressing.
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 07:20:39 UTC |
He left "padfoot" though. When did he change his LJ colors from blue and green to frosty white and grey??
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 09:22:28 UTC |
i think last night. it was still green when i checked it around 10 p.m. yesterday, and then this morning it was the whie. i wonder why he did, though?
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 13:07:06 UTC |
Being N_A, it could be nothing or it could be something. XD The colors (blue & green) had been exactly the same as Harry's and now (grey and white) they seem a bit wintry. It looks nice though.
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 14:00:22 UTC |
That is so freaking gross. Lucius isn't even attractive. What would possess Sirius to do that when he had Remus?????
(parent)dragynville @ August 25 2003, 14:28:28 UTC |
Perhaps he was depressed over the breakup and Remus' subsequent moving out?
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 15:03:42 UTC |
Did he sleep with Lucius after he and Remus split? why did they split in the first place??
(parent)dragynville @ August 26 2003, 06:51:38 UTC |
Yes, I think it was after Remus moved into his flat. The separation began over Sirius refusing to quit coming on to Lucius and snowballed from there. (Remus was upset because Lucius is a Death Eater.)
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 17:52:16 UTC |
Gee, Harry isn't going to be too happy when he finds out Snape's staying with Remus, is he?
(parent)dragynville @ August 26 2003, 18:42:08 UTC |
Probably not, though he may try to act as though he doesn't care. ;_;