bookofjude @ 2003-11-25 16:29:00 |
(no title)
Ginny explains Hermione's potions mishap. Inner Desires Potion?
dr_jekyl @ November 24 2003, 22:50:39 UTC |
Oh dear! Inner Desires Potion (though Hermione say that name Ginny gave it is misleading)? Well, at least now we have an idea what happened!
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Anonymous @ November 24 2003, 23:11:24 UTC |
Alright, hold on. So basically Hermione got high off potion fumes? Seems to have lasted a pretty long time. She did go and get trashed on Halloween, it seems, but where were the effects of the potion before? Is that why she didn't get her apparating licence or update all summer? Maybe she was too busy off drinking and snogging boys.
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Anonymous @ November 24 2003, 23:46:45 UTC |
I wonder who it is hermione likes
maybe it's Snape since he's the first one she saw after brewwing the potion :-D so she had to break it to him when he started seeing remus because she was jealous!
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asciian @ November 25 2003, 00:55:57 UTC |
look at the icon... being the only one she has with Ron in it...
(parent)tabiji @ November 24 2003, 23:27:09 UTC |
It's a CHUG!
Also, I love how Parvati calls Snape on being karmically screwed!
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handful @ November 25 2003, 00:30:03 UTC |
I'd be so drunk if I was playing the game tonight.
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childofatlantis @ November 25 2003, 10:09:11 UTC |
My icon wants to be friends with your icon. ;)
(parent)tabiji @ November 24 2003, 23:49:17 UTC |
*takes bets on how many points Harry's comment will lose him*
Also, icon in honor of ps' socks :)
peccavium @ November 24 2003, 23:53:49 UTC *must keep up appearances* |
Interesting response from Sirius. To my hopeful mind, it appears that Sirius is showing true concern here, for what the effects of the potion have done to Severus. And then, Severus is caustic and cutting in reply. I love him. yes.
tabiji @ November 24 2003, 23:56:57 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Ya think? I'm still stuck with the impression that the potion somehow had impact on Remus...even if it was indirectly.
(parent)peccavium @ November 25 2003, 00:01:54 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
What we need is a handy link to when this all went down. To determine who did what with the who now.
petitesl @ November 24 2003, 23:58:37 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Note that Snape refers to Remus as Sirius's "dear". Well, I'm assuming he's referring to Remus.
(parent)tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:01:21 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
I keep thinking that it had something to do with the RL/SS breakup, but I have nothing to back that up.
(parent)peccavium @ November 25 2003, 00:06:44 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
yep, *random stabs at dark* so maybe the potion reawakened the desire Remus had for Sirius, hearkening us back to the night someone saw Sirius leaving Remus chambers. Brilliant work, Meredith.
(parent)tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:13:35 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
When was Sirius leaving Remus' chambers? Are you thinking of Snape?
From the orignal post
"Get down here as fast as you like, werewolf, and I will SHOW you what that idiot child has done and YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH JUST AS I DO and then we will see who wants to curse whom and who is faster with a wand and I guarantee you it. Is. Not. YOU."
From that I got the impression that this directly affects Remus. Plus, it was exactly when Snape backed off from Lupin completely. I have to clue how it all fits together or relates to something that occurred in April though.
peccavium @ November 25 2003, 00:26:45 UTC why don't you carry on in my stead, please, love? |
it is clear I must go to bed- was thinking of the time Sirius was doppleganging (sounds dirty) Severus, and one of them was seen leaving Lupin's room. Of course, we all but confirmed that the Snape in question was in fact Snape. But my logic does not resemble your earth logic.
Also, there is woe to be found here. shocking.
*uses get out of jail free card* It probably all just refers back to ps/j_h GATL anyway. why worry.
tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:42:42 UTC Re: why don't you carry on in my stead, please, love? |
Brilliant! Clearly Hermione was working on the potion on The Day That Draco Was Fine. His repressed feelings for Harry must have came out after he accidentally inhaled the fumes!
It's all about the H/D, baby. :P
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Anonymous @ November 25 2003, 04:34:53 UTC Re: why don't you carry on in my stead, please, love? |
Draco was fine in May, I am afraid.
(parent)tabiji @ November 25 2003, 06:01:27 UTC Re: why don't you carry on in my stead, please, love? |
Er, yea, we were being facetious because there's a running gripe that "everything on nraged gets turned into H/D".
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Anonymous @ November 25 2003, 06:04:36 UTC Re: why don't you carry on in my stead, please, love? |
I know, but people tend to skim and take things seriously :D
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Anonymous @ November 25 2003, 06:40:45 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Yes. And then Remus made that "And I thought it meant something" [sic] post (sorry, no time to find link). I'm thinking Snape told Remus something along the lines of 'the potion made me do it' as far as any sort of personal relationship between them.
Which would be a very Snape-ish (i.e. hyper-reactive, snarly) reaction to a potion which, per Ginny's explanation, does not make people act *out* of character, but makes them act as they actually desire. So if Snape blamed the potion for his actions with Remus, he told the truth; but if he said that meant his actions meant nothing, he lied.
And IF this is the case, oh, I so hope Remus comes back, and finds out. The way he's played, I can imagine him being very touched. And nothing makes me gooey like gooey, sweet, happy N_A!Lupin. (Except for unwillingly gooey N_A!Snape, and N_A!Harry, and...well, yes.)
lazy_daze @ November 25 2003, 07:58:06 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Yes, that's exactly how it seemed to me - Snape only 'got with' Lupin because the potion made him act on his Inner Desires, so it meant he didn't really mean it and I suppose one of the worst things for Snape would be to know his actions aren't completely under his own control. So he backed off straightaway, and Lupin was sad because it was only potion that made him (Snape) act the way he did, not because he really *wanted* to be all nice to Lupin like he was being.
(parent)petitesl @ November 25 2003, 15:48:03 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
I have a feeling that could have been what happened, but it doesn't seem to make sense to me that it would be taken as a bad thing. I mean sure, the potion made him act on the Inner Desires (why do we keep capitalizing that?) but it doesn't nullify the Inner Desires existence previous to fume inhale-age. It could be a set back but if ultimately Remus was still Snape's Inner Desire, it wouldn't maket he relationship meaningless would it?
(parent)_phoenix @ November 25 2003, 00:07:17 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
did they legitimately break up?
I'm thinking that somehow this potion had an effect on Snape.. making him fall in love with Lupin.. wouldn't that be something to make him explode at Hermione so much?
tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:16:29 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
It would seem so. They haven't talked. Remus posted something along the lines of, "and I thought it meant something".
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hezzabeth @ November 25 2003, 00:19:24 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
But would'nt Snape have had to have " inner desire" to begin with?
I personally believe that the fumes affected both Snape and Hermione.
Snape, I believe inwardly had some affection for Remus and this allowed his desires to be awakened.
Meanwhile Hermione desired to be something besides her perfect studious image and now she's going out and getting drunk!
zorb @ November 25 2003, 00:26:27 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Ooo, you got a star!
Yeah, sounds to me like it's more of a "releasing inhibitions" thing.
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hezzabeth @ November 25 2003, 00:30:14 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Yes, so really Remus and Snape should'nt be mad at each other because Snapes feelings were genuine although they were hidden!
(parent)tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:32:57 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
So then why was Snape all "stay away from me" to Remus? I don't get it.
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hezzabeth @ November 25 2003, 00:40:54 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Because he did'nt want to hurt Remus?
(parent)tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:44:18 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
Would that hurt Remus ?
Was he rejecting before he could be rejected ?
tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:52:33 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
But how would it hurt him? Sev thinking that Lupin would believe his feelings were just a side-effect from the potion?
Also, the potion incident was in April, so why the time lapse between that and when Snape/Lupin got together months later?
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hezzabeth @ November 25 2003, 00:54:51 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
I think its because they did'nt consume the potion directly I mean I dont think Snape desires to " shag" Lupin I think he desired to be part of Lupins life.
Notice how their interaction became a lot more obvious after April.
ekaterinn @ November 25 2003, 00:43:06 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
*takes a random stab in the dark* Because he doesn't like not being in control? And maybe he's afraid that the aftereffects of the potion will cause him to act a certain way towards Remus without feeling like he has a real choice in the matter? In a way, it doesn't matter that his feeling towards Remus were real, what matters is that Snape feels like he was not acting with complete control/free will.
*cannot believe how much she is addicted to a RPG*
tabiji @ November 25 2003, 00:46:25 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
With a normal soap opera you spend hours wondering what will happen. Here we spend hours days months wondering what did happen!!
ekaterinn @ November 25 2003, 00:51:24 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
*laughs* It's very much like 'I have a theory...' around here, isn't it?
(maybe it's bunnies)
lazy_daze @ November 25 2003, 08:00:37 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
In a way, it doesn't matter that his feeling towards Remus were real, what matters is that Snape feels like he was not acting with complete control/free will.
Yes, that's exactly what I think! That's what really bothered Snape, IMO.
_phoenix @ November 25 2003, 00:23:29 UTC Re: *must keep up appearances* |
graahh.. I love RL/SS
(parent)petitesl @ November 24 2003, 23:55:33 UTC |
So what do you figure Hermione's inner desires were? I guess Ginny makes it seem like it was a boy, although going out and drinking could have something to do with I suppose.
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Anonymous @ November 25 2003, 04:20:37 UTC |
I've been thinking about that for a few hours now too. I wonder if it's the head boy, as Hermione's got his note in her user info. I don't know if Hermione would really do something like that unless she wanted someone to notice it. And I don't think Ginny would have just randomly made up that Hermione likes a boy unless Hermione mentioned that she might. Unrequited love seems to be kind of a strong term to use if Ginny's just making something up. Maybe Hermione's been silently pining all summer.
Then again, she did tell Ron she loved him during the whole Veritaserum thing. Maybe shes just silently pining for Ron.
bsafemydeers @ November 25 2003, 07:38:39 UTC |
I miss Parvati's Random Capitalization. I wonder Where it Went.
(parent)saffronlie @ November 25 2003, 13:50:23 UTC |
I think When Hermione starting imitating It, Parvati stopped for A while.
(parent)vassilissa @ November 25 2003, 22:08:34 UTC |
Me too. And hey, maybe getting Really Snarky about Parvati's Capitalisation was one of Hermione's Inner Desires. Along with Drinking and coming in Late, I Mean.
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Anonymous @ November 26 2003, 01:14:13 UTC |
In the Veritaserum thread, Hermione confessed her profound dislike for Parvati's random capitalization.
(parent)black_dog @ November 25 2003, 10:43:13 UTC |
I have to admit I'm confused about the timelines. If Hermione's mistake happened in April, whyis it being connected to things that happened only in the last month? (Severus/Remus, Hermione loosening up and going out drinking?) Was the potion long-lasting, or has it been kept around and used (by Snape or someone else) in the expectation that it really was a wit-sharpening potion? Or is it meant to be an explanation, after the fact, of why everyone was going nuts back in April?
And where does Snape's memory loss fit in? Did he do or say something at the time that made Hermione Obliviate him?
*is confused*
la_trix @ November 25 2003, 12:07:18 UTC |
... why everyone was going nuts back in April?
Can you give me an example of this? (I started reading in June, and though I did read previous entries, I can't recall anything especially noteworthy from April except the outing.)
And I was wondering about the memory loss as well. Hermione and Snape both inhaled the fumes, but only Snape lost his memory of the night. Did Snape confiscate the potion? Maybe he was inhaling the fumes for a significantly longer time than Hermione, and that caused memory loss?
Here's also something that I can't figure out: why did Hermione just last month realize she'd made a mistake? Was she going over past school notes while studying for N.E.W.T.s, or did something happen that made her investigate those particular notes?
black_dog @ November 25 2003, 13:58:50 UTC |
Ah, April. Where do I start?
I'm doing this from memory, so people can shoot me down if I end up citing things that happened in March, or in May. But if 50% of this sticks, it was still a memorable month. OK then:
The month is bracketed by two parties -- the first one, right at the end of March, I think, Harry gets drunk and goes off to try to kiss Draco, and I think it's the same party where Remus gets into a compromising position with Fred. The second, at the end of April/in early May, is in honor of Sirius and Remus' engagement, and we have the famous Veritaserum night.
In between these events:
Ron was having major anger issues, was just beginning to come to terms with Cho/Ginny, was alienating Harry a bit. Everyone was "speaking" to him about it.
Harry was stalking Draco. They briefly made up on the London trip, and then came the "outing."
Draco was desperately running through Hogwarts women in search of a girlfriend, and got himself in trouble when he started hanging out with MM and Sally-Anne, pouring fake blood on people, etc.
Pansy and Millicent were first indignant with Draco, then rescued him and tied him to their headboard.
Millicent/Boot action happens.
Boot challenged Draco to a duel, the school got excited about it, but they both overslept.
Lucius' reaction to the duel sparks the first major Lucius/Narcissa estrangement.
Draco and Narcissa begin to get consistently nasty with each other in their posts.
Remus, Sirius, Lucius, and Severus have a series of interesting and shiny encounters, occasionally as a foursome.
Snape makes a series of extraordinarily paranoid posts about Harry and plagiarism.
Snape messes up a potion for Remus and turns him into a woman for a week.
Again, my timing may be off on some of these, but I think the general impression, that most of the major characters were going through some extreme and unusual experiences around April, does hold up.
Does anyone have the time and patience to review this more carefully?
alumininium @ November 25 2003, 20:12:36 UTC |
Alright, the big events...
The Outing, April 25th. *winces*
Trip to London, April 14th. Draco's lovely summary:
The Duel and the Aftermath, April 12th and 13th.
Narcissa goes Molly Weasley on Draco, April 28th.
Also April 28th we have shiny Lucius.
Remus and Lucius duel and Arthur trashes Lupin's office April 26th and 27th
More shiny, April 27th.
Sirius, Sevvie and Remus get sloshed, April 28th.
Er...Draco dumps "blood" on Justin, April 2nd.
Colin rips Draco apart, leading to the Hole incident, April 3rd
The Hole, April 4th and 5th.
Aaand...that's about it. Or at least, I am too lazy to hunt for more
aeiriz @ November 30 2003, 11:06:47 UTC |
Ditto to that!
I think there should be one for every month!
la_trix @ November 25 2003, 22:14:00 UTC |
Wow. Just ... wow. Heaps of praise upon you (and your icon)! <3
So, for speculative purposes regarding this "Inner Desires" potion: Hermione doesn't seem to have any major behavioral changes during this period. Snape, on the other hand, engages in a drunken threesome with Lupin and Black AND fouls up a potion. Both of these incidents seem, in retrospect, pretty suspect considering Hermione's screw-up.
The threesome, perhaps, was in part caused by the potion (in addition to the alcohol) lowering Snape's inhibitions?
It's also odd that he would mix up Remus's potion. I don't see a link to those entries, so it may have been explained in full, but Snape's so precise and careful that I'm surprised by the lack of attention a mix-up like that seems to show. (I certainly hope that Snape didn't subconsciously wish Remus was a woman, because ... no.)
quixotic_sense @ November 25 2003, 18:41:34 UTC |
divineparvati is my new favourite character. She seems to have grown up quite a bit -- and awakened her Inner Gryffindor. :D