chasingwhispers @ 2004-02-10 00:30:00

Just elbowing in...
Mood: curious

Hello! No slight meant to kievstar! This is basically a copy of your same list. I'm just overly pedantic and wanted to see how the partners were developing, so here they are grouped together (ignore me if this is a repetitive post!):

Partner & Possession List (so far)

Snape - Lilitou
Black - Xmas Card (from Harry)

Hermione - Crookshanks
Ernie - Sneakoscope (in 3 pieces from brother)

Ron - Chess set
Pansy - Locked wooden box

Harry - Invisibility cloak
Justin - Autographed snitch

Dean - His hair (*snort*)
Queenie - Unicorn. With a horn.

Seamus - Pocket watch
Terry - Stuffed chipmunk called Bongo

Luna - *Rose-coloured glasses (aha!)
Colin - Picture of Soblessa

Draco - Golf clubs (purchased by Harry) ;) ;) ;)
Lisa - Parchment with lyrics on (written by Morgan Mullarkey)

Millicent - Badges (with 'Badge' on them. Aw, Draco...)
Susan - Heart-shaped locket (containing pic of Justin)

McGonagall - Brooch
Vector - Journal

Neville - Gardening tools (with Mother's initials)
? - Empty Honeyduke's chocolate box

Parvati - Elephant
Nott - Bible

Trelawney - Tarot cards
Sinistra - Miniature tea set

Filch - Mrs Norris
Hooch - 1917 Silver Arrow

Ginny - ?
Filbert Q. Snodgrass - Inhaler

Lavender - Parent's wedding pics
Crabbe - Beater's bat (with pic of Millicent on)

Padma & Hannah

Mandy & Zabini

Sprout & Wiglorn

Hagrid & Flitwick

Who remains: Lavender, Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini, Mandy, Padma, Hannah and Hooch. (Maybe Hagrid.)

Oh, and Remus is missing a cake-server, but I somehow doubt this is his prized possession. It's likely just coincidental, like Arthur's stapler. :D

*(I'm so dense. I expect someone's already pointed it out, but I haven't gone through all Nraged posts yet to see! I just realised upon typing - Luna's being suddenly all cynical and pessimistic coz she's had something abstract taken from her personality! The 'rose-coloured glasses' she views the world in. How ingenious. <3 NA!)

In the UK and it's a college night, so gotta go to bed now. But please comment if anything changes and I'll edit asap. Night!

ETA: Now with full linkage.


curiouslyjade @ February 10 2004, 00:35:38 UTC

Am I just weird for thinking of nraged's semi-recent cat obsession and this?


chasingwhispers @ February 10 2004, 00:39:11 UTC

You referring to the number of cats being taken?


curiouslyjade @ February 10 2004, 00:55:57 UTC Re:



morganmuffle @ February 10 2004, 00:38:47 UTC

didn't we buy him the cake server for his and Sirius' wedding...


laurac0re @ February 10 2004, 00:54:17 UTC

can anyone point me in the direction of where we find out that Remus is missing his Cake-Server?
I've looked around for it but haven't had an luck...



chasingwhispers @ February 10 2004, 01:00:32 UTC Re:

Sorry, here. Edited to add in post too.


ungemmed @ February 10 2004, 01:29:09 UTC

This is just a random guess, but this thread makes me think that the Honeydukes box might be Dumbledore's? We already know he has a sweet tooth. Also it's understandable if Dumbledore wants to "keep watch" over Neville for that week. Maybe. On the other hand, all pairings so far have maintained teacher/student segregation.

As far as the pairing rationales go, I'm guessing Luna/Colin has to do with Soblessa? Since Luna was a Ravenclaw in Soblessa's year they'd have been in pretty close contact. Was Luna part of the game when Soblessa died? If so does anyone remember her reaction?


pegkerr @ February 10 2004, 13:53:46 UTC

Nope, if you check Snape's list of partner pairs, you'll see it's Gregory Goyle.


dragynville @ February 10 2004, 01:30:34 UTC

Hm.. I wonder what Remus' other prized possession is..?


jiffy_spiffy @ February 10 2004, 06:55:39 UTC Re:

That's what I'm trying to figure out!


Anonymous @ February 10 2004, 02:26:19 UTC

Maybe I'm reaching but I don't think Ginny has an inhaler at all. I'm kinda thinking it's *large and shocking gasp* drug paraphernaila. Which could possibly be why no one has claimed it. I mean, it did say that the one girl who had an inhaler thought it was funny looking-- soo. Possibly I have a dirty mind.


tabiji @ February 10 2004, 03:02:00 UTC Re:

I'm wondering if it's a sex toy ;D


that_one_chick @ February 10 2004, 03:03:58 UTC Re:

lmafo! And she's carrying it around school? XD

If only!


notapipe @ February 10 2004, 04:14:41 UTC Re:

What kind of sex toy looks like an inhaler? I can't think of one, but maybe I'm just naieve.


notapipe @ February 10 2004, 04:13:21 UTC Re:

Ooooh. A pipe makes lots of sense.

My instincts tell me that Blaise is Ginny's partner. It's present, and if Ginny doesn't have anything missing then Blaise doesn't need to reveal itself, but it might, not sure. Plus, I can see Blaise as a stoner. Crabbe? Goyle? Not so much. And that would be a good reason not to come forward. I don't know if Hogwarts has a policy on pot or pariphenalia, but they tolerated the purple beans for a long enough time, they're probably pretty liberal about it. There's probably more to not coming forward than fear of retribution.


onthehillside @ February 10 2004, 03:05:08 UTC

So it looks like Pavarti's partner is Nott, as per Draco. And that means Nott's most treasured item is a bible. Hm.


sistermagpie @ February 10 2004, 04:36:06 UTC Re:

Definitely interesting. Good be good or bad that it's his most prized possession. (Is he more NT love your neighbor or OT let's drown the Mudbloods in a sea of fire?) Or maybe he doesn't like it for religious reasons. Didn't Parvati say her elephant was from her grandfather? Nott's Bible could be a family book as well.


onthehillside @ February 10 2004, 04:59:30 UTC Re:

I'm just thinking off the top of my head, but maybe them being paired together has to do with them deciding whether or not to follow their heritage/family history? Pavarti's been avoiding the whole divination thing since the attack on Hogwarts, and Nott's obviously has Death Eater issues.


green_is_lovely @ February 10 2004, 03:14:04 UTC hehehe

did anyone else laugh their butts off when it was discovered that dean's hair was missing?!?! and squee when draco's prized possession was the gold clubs harry bought?

i'm loving this... ^^


hermione_like @ February 10 2004, 04:22:07 UTC Re: hehehe

did anyone else laugh their butts off when it was discovered that dean's hair was missing?!?!

I didn't laugh at the fact that Dean's hair was missing but I did laugh *very loudly* at Harry's reaction. <3 Harry. :D


milethe @ February 10 2004, 20:19:28 UTC Re: hehehe

and squee when draco's prized possession was the gold clubs harry bought?

Anyone wouldn't happen to have the link to that, would they? I missed that part..:P

And I'm also loving this! :)


hermione_like @ February 11 2004, 00:47:32 UTC Re: hehehe

Here you go. It's in Lisa's first comment. :)


notapipe @ February 10 2004, 04:21:29 UTC

Hooch has Mrs. Norris, and Filch has a 1917 Silver Arrow he used to sweep the floor.


jenicomprispas @ February 10 2004, 05:05:43 UTC

Trelawney has Sinistra's miniature teacup set. Woe.
