anjaliesque @ 2004-06-30 14:55:00 |
He says, hey son, can you play me a memory? I'm not really sure how it goes...
Mood: nostalgic
I know that in small groups everyone is shedding happy tears and sharing memories, so I thought it'd be nice if we could all reminisce teary-eyed in the same place.
So go on, share! Let's hear your most treasured memories of nocturne_alley, from icon keywords to sudden layout changes (*coughQueerAsRoncough*) to fashion advice to heartbreaking losses to drunken encounters to memorable incidents involving The Hole. Be as incoherent as you wish, but be prepared to provide links so we can all stroll down Memory Lane.
"SO DAD." "SO RON." Do continue. :D
This is how we say good-bye... Weasley-style.
portkey @ June 30 2004, 19:18:34 UTC |
Everything when wehaveseven first came about.
The Oliver/Seamus interactions, before Oliver disappeared! <333333
Everything Remus has said to and about Harry. Ever. But especially, "I would give him the world if he asked for it, simply because I know he never would." Yes, I've been quoting that all over the place lately. It's probably my favourite NA quote ever. :S
Shiny! And its twin, "drneuken psotign"!
Fred and George locking Fred in the closet to protect him (from M.B., was it?), and then whichever Weasley it was that said, "Ron, is there something you need to tell me?" I think it may have been Charlie. :S
Seamus and Draco's paper dolls. Simply because of how boggle-worthy it was. :>
Dean and Seamus first trying to start a relationship, and Dean first trying to come to terms with being gay and The Kiss he and Seamus had. It was such perfect timing, considering that was right around when I first started trying to figure out if I was gay or just influenced by slash. It turned out to be the former. :>
Narcissa trying to change herself, and her interactions with Draco through it all.
NEVILLE! Neviiiiiiiiiiille.
"Hello!" "Goodbye!" <3333 lockerygildhart
And, just. Everything in between. :D
portkey @ June 30 2004, 19:26:46 UTC |
Oh my god. And, just. Everything ever posted by Lisa. But especially her wizard-ised band names. I was always such a fanboy for her player, JUST BASED ON THE BAND NAMES. :> But I was much more of a fanboy for how utterly cool she always is. Yes, is. :S
(parent)portkey @ June 30 2004, 19:30:47 UTC |
And the golf clubs! And M.B. AND HER GODLINESS.
And, and. There's so much more to say, it could take days to list it all. :>
Oh! The whole Martin Miggs thing! Haha, that was beyond brilliant.
1anonymous1 @ June 30 2004, 19:27:34 UTC |
When draco outed harry. Le sigh, so much was yet to come.
(parent)noirenails @ June 30 2004, 19:29:31 UTC |
I know I haven't been that active in nraged but...
ps and M.B going on about TBWL after their literati game and j_h joining the conversation.a_slytherin!
Black, Lupin and Snape getting drunk. Gotta love drunktalk!Snape.
Snape being his snarky ol' self :)
And many, many more.
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 19:30:12 UTC |
OH I cannot think of just one! Weasleys, SO RON, SO DAD, that huuuge long chatlog they did <33333
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 19:35:50 UTC |
GOLF! Golf golf golf, hitting women on the head called ‘golf’, I see you’ve forgotten I have a bag of bats! a_slytherin giving golf tips that corresponded to their relationship! Draco’s most prized possession being the clubs ♥
(parent)darlulu @ June 30 2004, 22:24:40 UTC |
I was just going back over ps' golf posts and can't seem to find the one where a_slytherin gave all those metaphorical you by any chance have the link handy?
(parent)jacay @ June 30 2004, 19:38:02 UTC |
Paper cranes and Snupin, and Cho and Ginny who were so sweet and lovely, and Pansy's tree, and Sirius and Remus's wedding, and all of Dean's art. The Head Boy's notes. The "fine" post--all of Draco's and Harry's interactions, because they're so real. Marvin Miggs, the Mad Muggle--did we ever see their reactions to who died, after that giant thread in which they fought over pairings? Socks, all of the socks incidents. Draco's House Elf paranoia, The Sleep Duel, TBWUTBPBEDHWFTIFTROTPSNHSHFTHAWP and related incidents.
Did I mention paper cranes? Oh yeah, and basically everything MB and Draco did together. Pure genius. I love NA. It's everything I could ask for in an RPG in terms of depth and humor and manipulation of emotions. I will miss it when it leaves.
anjaliesque @ June 30 2004, 19:43:07 UTC *dork who replies to own post* |
M.B.'s and PS's doodles. Oh, the artistic talent slays me.nraged's icons. :X *marries
And, of course -
Current Mood: KAFF EEN!!
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 20:00:21 UTC |
The drunken snape/Lupin/Remus threesome, drunk!snape, "i meann lotsof bigwords verydginified potsions mastrree morebg wordss ihate evrythring grr boo arrgh".
I know it’s obvious, but shiny looshie will stay with me forever. And ever. google it, sirius.
amariel @ June 30 2004, 20:02:55 UTC |
It's hard to pick out favourites. But one is definitely Shiny Lucius. "Go Rim Remus" one of the best comments - ever.
The outing - The Drama!
The Veritaserum
Sirius under Veritaserum listing all people he ever had sex with, in cronological order (Evil Lucius, evil, evil Lucius.)
And Snape's travel letters of last summer - the theories, the speculations. *loves everything Snape does*
The Golf Clubs
Potterstinks - every post
All interactions between Harry and Remus
M.B.'s and Draco's wonderfully screwed conversations (and doodles).
And of course all the Squee-worthy interaction between Harry and Draco
I guess I could come up with 100 more since N_A has kept me royally entertained during the last 18 months or so.
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 20:05:00 UTC |
When m.b. put Draco in a gunny sack and put him in the hole in the wall with cake and Harry and the whole tbwl, etc, tbwl esq, and all that <3333 so <333 funny <3333
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adolfa @ June 30 2004, 20:09:47 UTC |
"That's just the rub of the green, Potter." I still quote that. :">
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adolfa @ June 30 2004, 20:12:07 UTC |
dsflskflsdf, and when Arthur talked to Millicent on IM :))
(parent)dayofjudah @ June 30 2004, 20:11:20 UTC |
Amazing Breasts and Where to Find Them.
The duel between Terry and Draco, or rather, Dean and Sir Cadogan.
Draco and M.B. making fun of the other people's icons ("Mmm sex.")
Whenever Cho started to talk like Arthur.
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 20:11:33 UTC |
Just after Draco stopped ignoring Harry for so long after the attempted kiss, and he made this huge big post about all the things he’d noticed about Harry when he hadn’t been mentioning him, like when Harry got his foot stuck in a cauldron and turned his thumb orange <3
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adolfa @ June 30 2004, 20:13:59 UTC |
Everything in blondenarcissa's original posts, ESPECIALLY THE TOGA. I SCREAMED OUT LOUD WITH LAUGHTER. :)))
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jacay @ June 30 2004, 20:15:42 UTC |
Also nEVILle, and conspiracy theories, and purple beans, and Ron trying SO HARD to get Draco and Harry to talk, because he's the sweetest thing ever. The entire Weasley family, actually, because I love them. Uhhh, what else, Neville's summer (bonsai!), and Colin Creevy's awesome insanity, do I even need to mention when the Fat Lady and Peeves would pop in randomly?
The Twins like woah. Oh MAN. Any tragedy that has ever befallen anyone in NA, because it was done SO FUCKING WELL. I love you all. And Parvati's random Capitalisation, Ron's poll about Hermione and Ernie, and Ernie's whole man thing (which is awesome, man, so awesome).
If you can't tell I am basically stating everything I remember from NA.
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 20:20:22 UTC |
The duel! when nragers were putting posters up in their school and everything and then neither ps nor terry showed up and dean used paint stripper and felt awful about it and ps knocked dean out with the copy machine (I think I have my facts confused BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN) and the Seamus banged their heads on the tables the next day oh man <333
And when Draco went on his exile and had A HEAD OF LETTUCE as his companion!
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empress_nothing @ June 30 2004, 20:28:32 UTC ^___^ |
Some of these have probably been mentioned, but these are my favourites:
So, Potter. Given that it's night, are you currently glowing in the dark?
The whole damn thing.
"I tried to have a look at Potter's Muggles when we all reached the platform at King's Cross, but it was impossible to see anything beyond a rather large man who had decided to go neckless and was blocking the rest of my view. Mother told me it was impolite to stare, so I suppose it's for the best, although I've heard they're rather frightened of wizards so I imagine it was quite funny for them to be standing amidst hundreds. I, personally, would have enjoyed watching them tremble in fear, but I suppose there's always the start of term."
A lot.
... I don't even know what to say about this.
Some of the things I love: potterstinks' interests, M.B., the unholy trio pictures, losing sleep over live threads, THE SLEEP DUEL, talk of slots.
My favourite thing overall? This.
And I'm going to stop now, because I'm getting upset. Any more wibble and I'll keel over.
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Anonymous @ June 30 2004, 20:30:14 UTC |
When Ernie and Hannah were together. I loathe Ernie/Hermione.
I think though, all in all, that everything about NA is amazing. Everytime it's managed to make me laugh at loud. Everytime it's made me cry. It's been wonderful getting to know each and every character more intimately.
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 20:36:23 UTC |
Paper cranes and I’ve got a theory, DIED LAUGHING at that. When Arthur destroyed Lupin’s office it was so amazingly fantastic. The string of Weasleys tied up with duck tape. ALL YOUR WEASLEYS ARE BELONG TO US. All the gay people are missing!! Can owls even be gay???
(parent)lilychick @ June 30 2004, 23:39:14 UTC |
When was this? I don't remember that quote winding up here! Not that I'm *surprised* exactly. Hee.
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 23:43:18 UTC |
I am sure Molly said it at some point during the Weasley Roundup, whether it was on NA or a a character appearance on NrAged :D but am sure it was said :D
if it wasn't, I will stay in my corner with my happy pills :D
bloodybrilliant @ July 1 2004, 00:28:55 UTC |
Where exactly IS "I've got a theory"?? I read it recently too, but I finally saw the Buffy ep it is based I want to read it again. :)
anjaliesque @ July 1 2004, 01:16:27 UTC |
I've been looking and looking, and I found the Hufflepuff rendition of the Beatles' "I Am The Walrus," but still no "I've Got A Theory."
Anyone else found it??
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gryffindorckr @ June 30 2004, 20:58:57 UTC |
The whole Veritaserum incident, the most intense live thread(s) that I ever sat and refreshed through. And OFCOURSE Arthur and Remus' office. Everything Ron and wehaveseven have ever said (OH MY BLOODY LORD OF SWEETS!!) The duel between ps and boot. MB and ps and their hilarious drawings. Fred and George and the thread about the missing gay people. Arthur and his "!!!11"s "In your fish motherfucker!" Marvin Miggs coming out the same time as OotP. Remus and Harry. When Ron was "kidnapped" by MB and Pansy in an attempt to get Mrs. Weasley to come home. August and all its woe. The character's question and answer session. <333333. Lisa and her icons. And basically every post that made me keel over laughing and wishing my friends were as creative/enthusiastic/cool as the characters on N_A.
(parent)erie_potter @ June 30 2004, 20:59:16 UTC |
Any of Draco's ridiculously funny stories about TBWL, none of which I seem to be able to find.
(parent)oneminutemovies @ June 30 2004, 21:10:55 UTC |
I loved those! They were so well done and he always seemed so joyful when he did them. They were so affectionate.
(parent)erie_potter @ July 1 2004, 07:57:22 UTC |
Very much agree, there's a nice vibe I get from them ^-^
(parent)adrienneblack @ June 30 2004, 21:48:02 UTC |
So many moments, a lot of them Harry/Draco related but one that comes to mind now is Arthur's
adrienneblack @ June 30 2004, 21:53:25 UTC |
LJ hates me. That was supposed to be Arthur asking Remus to let him be his second in the duel with Lucius. <3.
Also, shiny!Lucius.
Draco's story of TBWL for Harry's last birthday.
All the Veritaserum posts.
comava @ June 30 2004, 22:24:04 UTC |
When Fred and George tried to convince everyone Percy was an alcoholic and the ensuing live thread where Percy got mad at them.
The whole Terry/M.B. ship. I loved his his woeful comments about her.
"Minerva McGonagall is one badass motherfucker!" by Ernie, when he became Quidditch commenter, or however it's called.
All the Hufflpuff paranoia!!
Snape and Sirius, I think, posting embarassing pictures of their horrible fashion when they were in Hogwarts.
And that's just off the top of my head.
erie_potter @ June 30 2004, 22:25:58 UTC |
And the song! I forgot about the song *rolls around laughing*
(parent)kairos103 @ June 30 2004, 22:30:27 UTC |
This thread with Pig Latin, Morse Code, AND sign language. It's the only time I have ever honestly fallen out of my chair laughing at something I've read. There's nothing like Justin & Ernie when they're on a roll, man.
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 22:35:04 UTC |
Draco’s birthday post thinger chronicling Harry’s life! Ohh man <333 And the drawing war with M.B and the picture she did of Harry with the hearts walking 7 paces or whatever behind Draco, and then Draco’s picture of Colin the evil overlord with no bottom teeth pr possibly top teeth I cannot remember <333333
(parent)sincelastjuly @ June 30 2004, 23:15:03 UTC |
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 23:35:22 UTC |
omg I had forgotten how truly great that was. *dies*
.. broccoli's polite?
danibennett @ July 1 2004, 01:39:35 UTC |
i meann lotsof bigwords verydginified potsions mastrree morebg wordss ihate evrythring grr boo arrgh.
That would be the phrase that made me fall in love with nocturne_alley.
The cake server--when Remus was a woman and he used JKR's pictures--"All the gay people are missing!"--Anything Ernie ever posted ["In your FISH mofo!"]--I've Got a Theory--ARTHUR CALLING REMUS 'LEGS' WHEN HE WAS A WOMAN--Golf clubs--M.B. and Draco's drawings--Lilitou--When Lavender was anorexic and Neville was trying to help--When Draco outed Harry--This because it so sums up PS--Remus and Sirius's wedding, and how they spent their honeymoon talkin Harry down--The Sirius/Remus/Snape triangle--This because PS was actually concerned and it had me bouncing off the walls--Love Your Neighbour--Anytime Lupin and Harry talked.
Okay, I'm officially cutting myself off. nEVILle!!!
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 02:31:06 UTC |
Um, in no particular order...
"Silly wolf. Leather is for wearing."
Current mood: KAFF-EEN!
YES! "SO DAD!!!!!1" "SO RON!!!!!!2" "UHHH, HOW ABOUT THOSE CANNONS??????3" etc etc.
>:O >:O >:O!!!!!!
The Gladrag advert theme song, hee!
"Update: I am God."
....and there's so many more but I can't fit them all in here and now I'm just going to go over to my corner and collapse into a weebling mess. :(!
rain206 @ July 1 2004, 02:56:10 UTC |
Shiny Looshie. The way that Remus and Sirius comforted Harry when he became upset during the Veritaserum incident. When Arthur destroyed Remus’s office. Gulf. The Outing. M.B. and Draco playing Literati. The picture that M.B. drew, “Journey to Potions”: “Look, Ma, I am Harry Potter’s best friend.” The duel of Draco vs. Terry Boot. When Terry Boot used to hide under the stairs and eat purple beans and had a huge crush on M.B. Everything M.B. ever did. Every conversation between ps and j_h. “Fine.” “Okay.” Ron’s orange waistcoat. Paranoid Hufflepuffs. The H/D Q&A and the argument about slots. Draco’s Killing Curse essay and accompanying song. Lilitou. Ron’s bright yellow background.
And tons of stuff I’ve forgotten about.
anjaliesque @ July 1 2004, 03:01:22 UTC |
Molly's question for Ginny, Do you need any you know whats for your you know which time of the month??? Let me know honey sugar pie. And the subsequent Arthur/Ginny allegations made by Lucius.
When everyone revealed their pairings through Martin Miggs the Mad Muggle, and Colin and Lisa drummed up support for H/D - I mean, Martin/Scorpio.
The time we all raised money for NasAlley through Cake Server Charity.
The time we honored the players and I did haiku and I meant every word of it and I still do.
Thank you so much.
hermione_like @ July 1 2004, 05:20:48 UTC |
Anything and everything related to and posted by wehaveseven.
Shiny Lucius.
The golf clubs.
Ron's severed hand and the posts surrounding that. Never have I laughed so hard at something. My favorite lines in that whole storyline?
Ron: So she's (Madam Pomfrey) scared of it too, huh?
Lupin: It's a severed hand, Ron.
The Veritaserum incident.
The Sleep Duel. Dean and Sir Cadogan's Duel that ended up like the fight with the Black Knight in Monty Python. When Arthur destroyed Lupin's office. Lisa's wizarding band names. "I've Got a Theory." The Hufflepuff paranoia and Ernie's "man" this and "man" that. The Draco Malfoy Volga Boat song. *dies* When Remus was a woman. Get your Gladrags on on on on on on. Terry's purple beans and his love for Millicent. All the theories about Martin Miggs.
Dude, I could go on. This RPG rocks, hands down.
franticgoddess @ July 1 2004, 17:36:05 UTC |
"The couch has popped. I repeat, the couch, has popped."
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malafede @ July 2 2004, 17:39:36 UTC |
Man, I can't believe nobody said it yet.