tabiji @ 2003-07-13 04:57:00 |
What's going on with the portraits?
It seems all the Malfoys' posts lately are mentioning the portraits. What the hell is going on? Are any of the portraits able to communicate with portraits of the same people, maybe in Lucius' office?
03July Lucius: Says that the portraits are calling him a "bastard" and a "mother fucker", and Sirius comment implies that Lucius isn't faithful. This is after the estrangement...what's Lucius been up to that they're cussing him? Has he really been cheating, or is it something even more sinister and DeathEater-y?
03July Narcissa: Confirms that the portraits have been getting at Lucius all week and that Draco has threatened them with turpentine.
08July Draco: The portraits have always tattled on him, but now it's getting worse, and he agrees with Lucius they should get new ones.
09July Narcissa: The portraits aren't treating Draco any differently than they ever have, and that he should take a stand and tell them how he feels... but she thinks this is a realization that Draco must come to by himself She doesn't say that they're treating Lucius the same way, though! I wonder if the "take a stand" is directed at more than just Draco's interaction with the portraits?
09July Lucius: Draco's having problems with the portraits also, so maybe he'll have Draco redecorate. Hmmm. Disposing of the witnesses?
12July Narcissa: Draco has been portrait-napped. Are they really trying to harm him, or protect him? Or show him something?
Unrelated, but things I saw while looking for the portrait posts: A while back Seamus posted that Pince and Pomfrey were going to Egypt for the hols. Was this connected to Snape's trip? Also, is it Pince and Pomfrey, or Pince/Pomfrey?!
And since Pansy's job was in Arthur's department, was she affected by the cutbacks?
theantimodel @ July 13 2003, 02:39:11 UTC |
If the portraits are upset with Lucius and Draco but not Narcissa, could we assume that it is something about that mysterious conversation those two were having in the hospital wing?
Also, we never really learned what Lucius and Narcissa talked about that night, but are we to assume that she was asserting herself, thanks to Hera's influences?
It seems like Narcissa might be pregnant, was this part of Lucius' response to Narcissa not being adopted, some sort of reassurance. Or might it be something that she herself wanted, demanded of Lucius, possibly also hera's doing? (This is of course, assuming that she is pregnant). So it could be something about Narcissa. Possibly something aobut her heritage? Or the pregnancy? of the Hera influence?
But, since it seems that the portraits were at first only focusing on Lucius, and then later on Draco, it might not have anything to do with Narcissa at all. This makes me wonder if it's something they're planning, and I have no idea whether it's got any sort of DE connection. At this point we're all just going on the assumption that Draco is not and won't be a DE, but we all know that Lucius is one. So if the portraits are mad/upset/angry with both of them, it might not have anything to do with the DE's or Voldemort. Which doesn't exactly leave us with much.
I like the idea that the portraits kidnapped portrait!Draco to show him something though. I mean he could be shown something and then pass that on to Draco. But, who the hell knows what that could be.
*re-reads* wow. I've asked more questions than you practically. I love being absolutely no help :D
notapipe @ July 13 2003, 03:34:03 UTC |
I don't think we can, unless the portraits somehow know of it too. The walls may have ears, but I figure that there's an element of discretion involved with these things.
If she really is pregnant by her own volition, what's with her drinking? Is it just that she likes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? I don't think it seems planned.
Perhaps the portraits have fallen to Narcissa's or Hera's propaganda somehow? Just a thought.
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Anonymous @ July 15 2003, 12:06:39 UTC |
Re: portraits, I did notice this in Narcissa's post:
Perhaps he [Dumbledore] would be willing to lend me one of his more astute and brave portraits to deal with the ingrates here at the Manor.
A possibility for a Phineas Nigellus (sp?) cameo? ^_^ that would be cool