tabiji @ 2003-08-26 05:03:00 |
We <3 NA
Nragers, you did it.
New edit, per the players' request:
The players' accounts are all taken care of. Thank you everyone so, so much for all of your generosity and support.
Post your declarations of love, musical tributes, poetic odes, marriage proposals, favorite NA moments, quotes, and whatnot to show your love for the nocturne_alley players!
Applause to vellum,
hobaggins and
eponis for their input in this idea. If I've missed anyone's name, please comment so I can credit you!
And yet another edit:
Since the players' accounts are all set, and the players are discouraging further paid time, I suggest we hold off on any more gifts, and wait for LiveJournal to offer the "buy more icons" option :)
bookofjude @ August 26 2003, 02:11:22 UTC |
WE LOVE YOU <3333 *fanboys lupercus*
*has sibyllsays's MPREG bebbez*
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 02:25:59 UTC |
Ah, yes, perfectprefect, stealing a note from Jude- I wouldn't mind you having my MPREG bebbez, that is... if... you started using new iconz. Which I will make, cleverly, and hot-ly, sometime tomorrow. Oh
perfectprefect, let's knock bootz. With some nice attractive iconz looking on. That would be so very nice, wouldn't it?
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 02:29:11 UTC |
Dude, I have been looking for new Percy icons for ages.
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 02:33:40 UTC |
You know you want a Percy in pajamas icon
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 02:35:08 UTC |
Hm, that would be OOC of him to have as an icon though. Not tidy enough. That's why I'm having trouble, you see. I was just about to post the other day but then got too annoyed with my icons to do so.
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 02:41:23 UTC |
Percy would have to wear pajamas sometime. It could be his "you've flustered me" icon. Or "You've just dragged by from bed, and now, instead of dreaming of that alternate reality where I am a sex kitten, I must apply this mask of business" icon.
And along with the jimjams I will make fantastically business attire ones. Or, if I fail will beg tabiji to help, as she is actually talented whereas I am intrigued by the possibility of spending hours looking at pictures of Percy
vellum @ August 26 2003, 19:35:11 UTC percy's icons! |
::looks at perfectprefect's new icons::
::sexes him fucking up::
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hezzabeth @ August 26 2003, 02:34:37 UTC |
If it was'nt for Nocturne Alley I would never have seen minor charectors from a different view point and I would have never made all these nice new friends ( and I know their genders now as well).
I love this rpg and if I had a credit card I would gladely pay for all the journals.
bookofjude @ August 26 2003, 02:47:02 UTC |
and I know their genders now as well
Bookofjude's a GUY???
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hezzabeth @ August 26 2003, 19:44:26 UTC |
This comment did'nt go to my inbox for some reason.
(parent)notapipe @ August 26 2003, 22:04:36 UTC |
This is because I replied to Jude. And this is not your post.
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hezzabeth @ August 26 2003, 19:37:55 UTC |
Eh, it's all groovy.
I still have it saved on my hard drive.
notapipe @ August 26 2003, 22:08:53 UTC |
It's also still hosted on my server space, for others who miss the pwnage:
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hezzabeth @ August 27 2003, 02:06:39 UTC |
That files called bookofjudeclassy for some reason.
(parent)notapipe @ August 27 2003, 02:29:52 UTC |
bookofjudeISclassy Because it was classy, unlike the three other ones he was able to choose from (though I admit I did the ponytailed ones just out of playful spite). It certianly beats "bookofjude2.png".
(parent)notapipe @ August 27 2003, 02:31:58 UTC |
You would argue with me over my icon naming choices?
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hezzabeth @ August 27 2003, 02:36:56 UTC |
I dont know , it would depend on what sort of mood I was in.
anatidae @ August 26 2003, 03:04:02 UTC You know, the embarrassed smiley looks far too happy |
It took me a while too.
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 03:08:09 UTC Re: You know, the embarrassed smiley looks far too happy |
You know, anatidae, you talk like a lot of the NA players and every time we see you comment we go, "Do we know that person? She talks just like us!"
(parent)anatidae @ August 28 2003, 00:45:43 UTC Watch me say flabbergasted! |
I feel so smug, because I adore all the players, and all the characters and how they're so in character and yet so original. I love the creativity and the intelligence and the writing. And can't forget the love for putting up with us fans.
Man, I feel like I should write a sonnet because I'll never match up to the rest of the Nraged-ers, but I'm just too flabbergasted to say anything else.
bookofjude @ August 26 2003, 03:19:38 UTC Re: You know, the embarrassed smiley looks far too happy |
Do I like, look female? Or sound female or something remotely related to that?
Hmm. Maybe I'm just too gay.
anoni @ August 26 2003, 05:39:20 UTC Re: You know, the embarrassed smiley looks far too happy |
You sound female!!!111
...actually, you don't. ^_^ But you don't sound blatantly male either, and on Nraged, I tend to assume most people are female unless I know otherwise. Perhaps I'm not the only one who does that? No offence to any males, or females, or the neither-and-in-betweens. I just see the phrase '*fangirls*' around here rather often.
To prove my point... ::fangirls all the NA players obsessively:: Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For your time, dedication, effort and amazing skill in bringing the HP characters to life day after day, for making us squee and wibble and go insane with suspense and teeth-gritting with frustration, for responding to us when we obsess over you and your characters... I don't think I'm the only one around here who survives on an NA-exclusive diet of alternating angst and hilarity. In fact, you might like to consider packaging and selling it because even at its most miserable, NA can still miraculously brighten up any day. Your determination to remain true to your characters has made them and their world all the more real, and it's because the characters mean so much to you that they've grown to hold such important places in our hearts too. I'd like to offer special thanks to certain players for making me go crazy with joy on a certain otherwise boring day, but that seems out of place here - NA is a combined effort, and all of you, whether your character's role is large or small, is amazing and worshippable and deserves admission into Hogwarts for your obvious magical powers. You have all done so much to make NA what it is, and no words can adequately thank you for that. But I am extremely grateful for all you have given me, and for all you have given us. NA players, thank you. ::fangirl off::
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hezzabeth @ August 26 2003, 19:46:27 UTC Re: You know, the embarrassed smiley looks far too happy |
It's because Jude can be a girls name and when I first met you over at Parry Hotter you made me that Rocky Horror picture show icon , and I thought ohhhh shes such a nice girl.
Eh, I'm just stupid.
bookofjude @ August 27 2003, 00:35:08 UTC Re: You know, the embarrassed smiley looks far too happy |
The Janet one? *blinks* I made that for you? Heeeh. Will go giggle. I didn't realise that was you. But oh well.
I think I will change my name to "GUY!JUDE".
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hezzabeth @ August 27 2003, 02:11:58 UTC Re: You know, the embarrassed smiley looks far too happy |
You don't even remember? I had that icon up for nearly six months and it was my friend Mag's favourite.
* runs off into a corner and crys*
counterfeitkiss @ August 26 2003, 03:10:38 UTC Great idea, Nancy!! |
If I wasn't a broke mofo, I would definitely buy some paid accountness. You all are awesome for dedicating yourself to your characters and to nocturne_alley. Oh and
potterstinks, I want to have 10,000 of your babies ;D
'You have taken too long,' said the elf, turning on me. 'I will now kill you and your entire family. Also, I will steal your shoes.'
'But I have done nothing to you!' cried I, the victim.
'I do not care.' The house-elf then proceeded to hit me with my own wand.
'Let us be reasonable!' I protested. 'Surely there is somewhere we can sit and discuss this like rational adults. Anger is no friend of mine.'
lazy_daze @ August 26 2003, 03:30:24 UTC |
I would like to give some money, but it's in dollars whereas I'm English and I don't have paypal or a credit card or any way of transferring money online so I will just give my major <333 instead. I discovered NA 4 months ago after hearing people on various journals go on and on about it, mentioning 'potterstinks' all over the place and I thought, man I have to check this out. So I did, and, wow. I don't know how I survived without it :D it's bloody hilarious, painfully angsty (I don't need to clarify that that's *a good thing* :D), so well organised, so smooth, so ridiculously *real* to me, each player is *perfect* in their portrayal of the character and puts so much effort in it boggles me - the research they do, the time they put in. The minor characters in the books have been brought sparklingly to life for me - any mention of Millicent or Terry or Hooch etc in canon has me giggling to myself (I see the letters M.B. *anywhere* and I can't help laughing) and when they're portrayed differently in fanon I'm like, nope, nope, that's so wrong. I read OotP with a little voice in the back of my head saying 'does this fit with NA? Can I imagine this character plausibly becoming how they are portrayed in NA next year?' even though I know NA's AU :D.
The first thing I do every day when I sit at the computer, before checking my email, *anything*, I go to the NA friend's page with my heartbeat slightly raised in anticipation - time zones being what they are I hardly ever see threads live and I normally come to them after the fact, so every time I log on I have no way of knowing whether it's just going to be a couple of posts or if a whole load of stuff has gone down - like the morning I logged on after The Outing O_O.
I've laughed myself stupid - like the Buffy 'I've Got a Theory' parody - the origami cranes!! - (makes me snigger just thinking about it), that time the Weasleys posted one of their endless IM logs - SO RON - and the whole unforgettable Golf/Gulf thing (I see you've forgotten I have a bag of bats - <3333!!), I've angsted myself nearly to death, like The Outing and when Harry was found unconscious after the attack and Sirius was singing 'You Are My Sunshine' at his bedside being two memorable occasions where I could think of nothing. Else. All. Day. And of course all the recent angst! August!!!
I've been happily lurking for most of the time but it's actually even more fun to participate thanks to my new LJ courtesy of the lovely folks here *points to icon*.
So, I just want to say, thanks to the players. So much. Thanks for taking us on the brilliant ride (aargh I'm making it sound like a goodbye or something! No no!), for enjoying it as much as, probably more, than we do, for loving your characters and working so hard. You've all enriched my enjoyment of both the fandom and canon immensely, and I hope that in years to come when I remember this fandom (cos it's not gonna last forever, or at least my involvement in it isn't) NA will be one of the things I remember first about it, and one of the things I remember most fondly.
lazy_daze @ August 26 2003, 15:10:09 UTC |
I got a gold star! *bops* Oh, and in case it wasn't obvious, <3333!!
(parent)kat99999 @ August 26 2003, 03:46:56 UTC |
Aww, you are gorgeous, you pretty much said everything I could have wanted to say, and probably better!
Much, much, much, much love and applause and shiny things to all the players, because they rock! (see, I told you Daze says it better!)
dragynville @ August 26 2003, 06:04:11 UTC |
The first thing I do every day when I sit at the computer, before checking my email, *anything*, I go to the NA friend's page
*squee* Me too! :D
lazy_daze @ August 27 2003, 02:06:32 UTC |
We all love each other!! And that's 'cause none of us got enough love in our childhoods... ^_^
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Anonymous @ August 27 2003, 06:18:54 UTC |
that time the Weasleys posted one of their endless IM logs - SO RON
We really need to have another Weasley chat, don't we.
- Arthur's player.
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clodia_of_rome @ August 26 2003, 04:17:47 UTC |
Thanks for the *stories!* *tears of gratitude*
(parent)tjstein @ August 26 2003, 06:17:04 UTC |
Great idea, I just contributed to the cause. I'm also one of those who checks NA first before anything else. The players do a fantastic job of weaving a story and making it all seem believable.
Keep up the great work!
dragynville @ August 26 2003, 06:20:18 UTC |
I like that the N_A players have fleshed out so many of the HP secondary and intermediate characters and given them complete, three dimensional personalities. So much so that when I read OOTP, I found JKR's versions of them to be rather flat. (And even her Harry came off like a whiney spoiled brat in comparison. XD)
I like that they play them so well, so real, that I care about the characters and laugh and cry with their triumphs and sorrows. And get angry at them for their foolish mistakes and foibles (but never at the players themselves).
I like that N_A gives us HP lovin' nutjobs a fully-rendered HP!verse to wallow in. It's better than a book or fanfic because it's like a living novel that never ends.
Thank you players. <3 <3 <3
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:06:49 UTC |
Harry DID sound a bit whiny and bratty, didn't he?
Still, I agree that they really fleshen-ed up all the secondary characters quite nicely! ^^
dragynville @ August 26 2003, 07:20:29 UTC |
Yes, he sounded quite often like "I am The Boy Who Lived and I deserve this or that." XD
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 07:40:38 UTC |
'Until we meet again, Malfoy,' said Potter. 'Next time, I'll have a rat with me. If you're not careful, I'll have it bite one of your friends' fingers.'
(parent)selene_rain @ August 26 2003, 06:40:31 UTC One of Two |
I can't believe I have to post in 2 parts! Watch out, Kelly's talking, we'll be here for a while!
I, like lazy_daze, found out about
nocturne_alley through other people's ravings. I always thought, "Role playing games? Psh, lame; just not my thing," and so I never really checked out n_a until recently. I think I finally decided to see what all the fuss was about and first looked at the n_a community when the Veritaserum Wedding thing was going on, and was like, "Huh, everyone is crazy. Snape wants a kitten. That's interesting. Funny stuff, this nocturne_alley," but still stayed away for the most part.
After that, I checked in once every few days and read a few posts, having no idea what anyone was talking about. Then jadedsirius made this post about soup. I was stuck. That night I friended every member of the rpg, as well as n_a and nraged, made my "Nocturne" filter, and the rest is history. I will never be the same again. The first thing I do when I turn on the computer is hit my "Nocturne" button, and it's the last thing I do before I get off. I've already (more than once) stayed up all night, following a live thread because I wouldn't be able to sleep until I found more out, and I now understand what was meant by everyone who has "hitting refresh" as an LJ interest. If I'd have known what an rpg like this was like, I'd have started following it a long time ago. I can't believe I thought I wouldn't have liked it. In the words of a friend of mine, "It's like fic, only real-time!" *grin*
The characterization of every member is absolutely perfect and infinitely believable. Whenever I think of a character, I already close my eyes and see N_A!thatperson by default. It's saying something when fic can make me cry, but that You People have already made me connect with, feel and love your characters enough that I've been made to tear up quite a few times by single posts is amazing and wonderful.
I've said it somewhere else, but N_A has reawakened my love in Harry Potter and it's characters. It has made me fall in love with people that I didn't know very well before, or perhaps that I already knew but didn't like very much. It's taken the people I already did love and showed me new ways to love them. Players, you've made me fall in love with not only you and your characters, but HP all over again. Thank you.
selene_rain @ August 26 2003, 06:41:43 UTC Two of Two |
I also think this would be a good time to mention nraged. This community has done a lot for my love for this fandom at large. It's all so politicy so much of the time, but I don't see that being the case here, and for that, I want to thank all the NrAgers as well. This whole place is so homey and welcoming that everyone feels they can come in and talk about the rpg they love so dearly without having to worry about outside fandom politics. I've never seen anyone really treated as anything but an equal, and everyone's ideas are respected. That's not something that happens all the time. I've met many new friends in the short time I've been here; for that and all of the above, I have the N_A Players to thank for weaving such a dynamic, intoxicating world that we simply can't resist.
If I had the money, I'd buy you all paid accounts. Heck, if I had the money, I'd buy you all cars and jewelry. Seeing as I can do neither of these things, I will just have to say thank you to every person who has anonymously brightened my days, lengthened my nights, and annoyed my RL friends.
dari_brit @ August 26 2003, 14:00:00 UTC Re: Two of Two |
selene_rain, you are SO right, and said it so much better than I ever could. While "fandom is fucking funny," it can also be rather harsh. It's a microcosm of devotees, and violent schisms and infighting abound (along with greatness) in every corner and cranny.
But Nraged is just not like that. Yes, part of it is the fact that the one major rule is, "Be nice," but it so rarely has to be invoked. I've almost never seen a genuinely catty or hurtful comment on here-- and of the few, I don't think ANY of them have been signed. That sort of thing just doesn't flourish here. Nraged treats newbies and lurkers and oldbies with the same amount of respect-- here you are venerated for your input, not your prolificness or longevity. I think someone's icon says it all: "I got my lj code at Nraged!"
To quote Pansy, "This is such a darling community." I'd say that we attract A Better Class Of People, but I think it's more that we're joined together by the Unbreakable Bonds of Wibblesquee. Love to you all; and my NA ode is coming further down the page.
selene_rain @ August 26 2003, 20:16:42 UTC Re: Two of Two |
Sweetheart, call me Kelly. We're all one big happy family anyhow.
I've always reverently looked up to so called "BNF"s and been a little uncomfortable, but here, it's nothing like that. It's not set up like a hierarchy like other places are and everything's not based on cliques. I've been reading fanfic only for about a year and a half now, and I've only had my LiveJournal for four months tomorrow, but I've never felt as comfortable anywhere in the fandom as I am here.
I am reading all these posts and literally being moved to tears. *feels the NA love*
selene_rain @ August 26 2003, 07:03:20 UTC Re: One of Two |
*loves and loves and loves...and fervently chair-dances because she got a gold star*
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 26 2003, 15:43:25 UTC Re: One of Two |
*competes with you for most long-winded comment* :D
(parent)selene_rain @ August 26 2003, 19:56:12 UTC Re: One of Two |
Hahaha! I just love you! *schnoogles* You are the cutest thing ever. For goodness' sake, what is your name?!
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 27 2003, 02:09:48 UTC Re: One of Two |
Wah, everyone here is so nice! Just call me Daze, darling (I can't help thinking of Pansy whenever I hear/use the word 'darling'!)
(parent)percyneedsalife @ August 26 2003, 06:57:12 UTC :O!!!!!!! |
(the following is a gift from LiveJournal user "orpheusinjapan")
2 months of paid account time have been added to your LiveJournal account "percyneedsalife". Team
Holy crap! Thank you so much! *weeps* I'm trying to think of a way to thank you properly.
orpheusinjapan @ August 26 2003, 07:16:12 UTC Re: :O!!!!!!! |
I think another good prank is in order. Hmmm... let's see. What can you two get up to?
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 07:22:10 UTC Re: :O!!!!!!! |
(parent)orpheusinjapan @ August 26 2003, 07:26:19 UTC Re: :O!!!!!!! |
In a heartbeat darling! Can Draco and Pansy come too?
(parent)orpheusinjapan @ August 26 2003, 08:09:02 UTC Re: :O!!!!!!! |
And pictures, boys!! We want pictures! Calling all NRaged icon gods and goddesses. What can you do for our beloved boys?
(parent)percyneedsalife @ August 26 2003, 10:16:17 UTC Re: :O!!!!!!! |
*fires up photoshop*
melody2tds @ August 26 2003, 07:05:01 UTC |
Wonderful idea!
I'm relatively new to N_A, heck I'm relatively new to LJ, so I guess it's ok. Have to say that it's the most entertaining thing I ave found online in a LONG time, and I'm loving ALL the characters, so far.
*wanders off to look for free accounts*
melody2tds @ August 26 2003, 07:34:29 UTC |
Congrats to:wheresmytoad,
wehaveseven, and
You are now free to use more icons, and update your styles should you so choose. =D
hee! I love this idea! Now I must go to work, and earn more money to make up for my largesse. ;-P
onourbrooms @ August 26 2003, 08:36:48 UTC |
The next time you're down the pub? Drinks are on me.
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 11:25:57 UTC |
You're the greatest, onourbrooms! Especially in this picture:
Keep rocking with the paid account!
onourbrooms @ August 26 2003, 18:52:40 UTC |
Because the most attractive pictures of me are the ones wherein something dead and ominous is behind me! Ta very much for the heads-up, I had quite forgotten that particular photo was even taken of me. (One pint too many, perhaps.)
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 23:14:47 UTC |
Heh, what's one pint too many with friends? ;)
Glad you also thought the picture was spiffy!
wheresmytoad @ August 26 2003, 10:06:51 UTC Smashing! Thanks ever so much! |
Mr. Takakura has been showing me how to make bonsai. This one I just potted and wired up is for you! (I know it looks a little scrawny now, but it'll fill out nicely, trust me. Just remember to water it!)
melody2tds @ August 26 2003, 15:41:12 UTC Re: Smashing! Thanks ever so much! |
Thanks Neville, it's beautiful! How'd you know I love Bonsai? ;)
(parent)luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:05:05 UTC |
I'd love to donate to HP's account, but... ;_; I need every cent for college tuition and books.
Looking back at my life, I realize that my love for RPGs came from my toddler years, when Mom used to bring us kids with her and Dad whenever they decided to play Dungeons & Dragons with their friends from college. The idea of being someone you're not, but still doing good for all is very appealing for me, hence why I'm addicted to D&D myself as well as the very first video game RPG series, Final Fantasy.
I first heard about Nocturne Alley thru hunin_munin, who I know IRL. It was around the time of the Great Hogwarts Attack two months back, and since then, I've been addicted to NA. One of the reasons why is that everyone's characters are so in canon...and yet, they develop in such a way that it's not quite canon, but it's not exactly fanon, either.
The Japanese have a type of TV series called "Drama" that's much like our soaps here in America, but more down-to-earth and very realistic. I think that, if Nocturne Alley was a TV show, it would fit that category all-too-well.
To all the players of NA: Thank you for helping us understand your characters so much better. And thank you, also, for rekindling my fanfiction fire. I am working on a AU version of Book 5 that involves--
Well, you'll just have to wait and see. ;)
orpheusinjapan @ August 26 2003, 07:12:53 UTC What a fantastic idea! |
I have been a lurker on this community and Nocturne Alley for months and even though I rarely comment, I can't tell you what pleasure it brings me. I (like many others it seems) check NA before anything else, and then at least a couple of times a day. And the recent Q&A sessions really were above and beyond. Such a treat.
The characters are universally well played and have become so real. I know I speak for all when I say that it's addictive.
So, as someone with far too many credit cards than is good for me:
to percyneedsalife for the Veratiserum. One of my favourites and without you it never would have happened.
to seamus_f for taking
just_harry shopping and taking
potterstinks to tea (and let's not forget the paper dolls!).
and to petitemillicent because, after all, she is God.
Thank you everyone at NA for bringing great fun to this little corner of Japan.
seamus_f @ August 27 2003, 11:03:26 UTC Re: What a fantastic idea! |
Wow, thank you so much!
I wish everyone took shopping as seriously as we do. Alas.
Any suggestions for new icons?
Thanks again!
retired_ego @ August 28 2003, 11:04:28 UTC Re: What a fantastic idea! |
You should have an icon representing your medi-wizard qualities. :D
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hobaggins @ August 28 2003, 17:11:45 UTC Re: What a fantastic idea! |
Ahm, I attempted to make some icons for you. Hmmmm.....
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 28 2003, 18:47:38 UTC Re: What a fantastic idea! |
I found some more pictures of the model you used last time. Maybe you can do something with them. For continuities sake!
kaeda @ August 26 2003, 07:41:59 UTC |
I'm a lurker but I have to admit I've been reading NA since the beginning of Nraged (I think it was the fact that a total fan community could be created for an RPG that really caught my interest), and I have both the NA friends page and Nraged in my favourites even though I've never commented until just a few days ago ^^;;. But I just wanted to thank the players for what a wonderful job they do.
What amazes me about NA is how it always cheers me up, even when the plots themselves are rather depressing (like the past month T.T), for some reason it always brightens my day to read it. You make the characters seem so real and therefore you make a world of magic more realistic, and that is just amazing. JK Rowling wrote the books, but you guys all fleshed them out and made them seem reachable, like the HP world was really out there somewhere. Sometimes I forget that there are players behind all the characters...and I prefer it that way.
I don't have the money to donate because my paid LJ time was a gift and my parents are wary of the internet, but trust me, I would be donating tons if I could. You all do an amazing job and I have to say, the amount of times I've IMed my friends (who don't read NA) and squeed about something going on, and their reactions about it is just priceless. They now know that anytime I go online and get excited about something HP related that doesn't really fit in canon...oh, it must be NA. (unfortunately, addicting them is a little more difficult, for some reason :-/)
But anyway I have to wrap this up because I have to go, but I greatly appreciate what you do for us and how amazing a job you do, and even when school starts up again and completely crushes me, I will still loyally go into my favourites every day and read the NA friends page, because I'm helplessly addicted like that.
And maybe I'll even post more on Nraged! <-is shy
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 08:15:18 UTC OKAY. I have started my dedications. |
Alright, so I thought I could hold out, but the urge is overwhelming. I need to start writing up "Why I love my favorite characters" comments. This will take me for-ever.
I love boot_boy even though I haven't seen him in ages and ages. Most recently I have loved him for his trousers pic, but I have loved him for his photography and his campaigning and his nonconformity. His relationship with M.B. and his flighty sexuality. Terry Boot. God.
bsafemydeers @ August 26 2003, 08:23:26 UTC O. M. G. |
I am also a lurker, generally. Actually, I just finally went ahead and joined the community instead of just reading it everyday. I love RPGs, and this is the best I've ever seen, this is beyond anything I've ever seen. I started reading this before I picked up any of the canon, and this game (plus a couple of influential fanfics) made me say, oh, what the hell, I'll give them a try. I did, and my little brother who won't read anything did, and he finished book 5 before me. If it hadn't been for NA, I'd have never touched the books and my little bro would not be discussing why my current boss might be the Dark Lord while we're at dinner in nice restraunts. I have mad respect for all the players for staying so in-character but not being restricted in those characters. I am madly in love with Ron's CAPS and the angry face, and with Pansy's charm and baked goods. I would hug you all if I could, but alas, the Internet fails me and so I spend some money. It's like a money hug. Thank you SO much!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 26 2003, 08:29:29 UTC Re: O. M. G. |
Thanks for the paid time, mate!! Want a muffin??
(parent)bsafemydeers @ August 26 2003, 08:35:01 UTC Re: O. M. G. |
Oh my, I've got the giggles.
(You own me, btw.)
bsafemydeers @ August 26 2003, 08:44:26 UTC Re: O. M. G. |
I don't know what they are, though.
knight_to_h3 @ August 26 2003, 09:02:24 UTC Re: O. M. G. |
Well they are blueberries but my icing is sort of grey, still tastes good though!
(parent)bsafemydeers @ August 26 2003, 09:13:21 UTC Re: O. M. G. |
Oh, I like blueberries. And grey frosting. Well, I just like frosting but colors add to the experience!
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 08:30:48 UTC |
I'm not a native speaker, so you can find a lot of mistakes here. Please ignore, or if they're something really nasty, please correct me.
First time I visited NA they had this ball thing when Ps polyjuiced himself into J_H.
I had no idea about RPGs thn and I remember thinking that some people are really strange. I mean- pretending to be Draco Malfoy or Harry Potter
After few posts I decided that it was entertaining.
And I still think so.
I think that it's great idea to buy paid acccounts for players. I know I am repeating what others said here but I'd really buy you one, but I do not even have credit card. And as far as I know it is rather useful when doing stuff like that.
I'd like to thank-
Millicent- for creating the world
Just_Harry- for not being canonish spoiled brat
La_pansee- for being the lovliest thing on Earth
Wehaveseven- for scones (I had this word on my exam, and if it wasn't for him I'd have no idea what those were)
potions_master- for making Sevvie likable
jadedsirius- for being totally IC (But I still hate him for- you know what)
Hufflepuffs- for entertaining me between wibbles
And most impotant thing:
Lupercus- I love you. For being yourself
Much love to all NA players
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 09:53:51 UTC |
La_pansee- for being the lovliest thing on Earth
<333 thank you.
- pansy's player
goyle @ August 27 2003, 12:07:18 UTC [LOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!111111111~~~~] |
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hobaggins @ August 28 2003, 08:23:29 UTC Re: [LOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!111111111~~~~] |
Let's make babies, k?
goyle @ August 28 2003, 23:50:05 UTC Re: [LOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!111111111~~~~] |
norrif they tern owt lyke goth t k
yors sin celery
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hobaggins @ August 30 2003, 01:02:04 UTC Re: [LOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!111111111~~~~] |
Vhat would you like our children to look like
goyle @ August 30 2003, 13:04:04 UTC Re: [LOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!111111111~~~~] |
hansum, sew mee ov cors!
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hobaggins @ August 30 2003, 13:44:36 UTC Re: [LOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!111111111~~~~] |
For a minute I thought you had said Hanson. Silly me.
Yes, our children will look like you, and they will be unbearably attractive. I can't wait.
goyle @ August 31 2003, 10:57:29 UTC Re: [LOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!111111111~~~~] |
woteva dood.
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hobaggins @ August 31 2003, 16:13:47 UTC Look, Goyle |
I just don't know if we're the same people as we used to be. I don't think we've the same aspirations... I don't think we're going any where any longer. I'm just not the same as I used to be. It's not you, you've not done anything wrong, it's me. I'm sorry Goyle, I just don't think we work together any longer. I know this will be hard on both of us. Try not to cry too mch, okay?
goyle @ August 31 2003, 22:22:51 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
yor a GERL???
urg go awae i dunt wont gerl cootees.
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hobaggins @ August 31 2003, 23:23:10 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
You were lookin for some MPREG?
Snape said it wasn't possible in the Wizarding World. I could hook you up though. Have you thought about maybe notapipe? I think you two would get on well
goyle @ September 2 2003, 13:02:43 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
butt drayco sed yu get childdrun frum undar cabuj leevs???
hoos notapipe????? dos notapipe hav cootees??
notapipe @ September 2 2003, 13:20:49 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
Not ones that look like you or are very well nourished. Those you need either a woman or an adoption for (and adoption places usually want you married to a woman anyway because of basic homophobia in society) respectively.
I am notapipe. I do not, to my knowledge, have cooties. Though it's possible I've picked some up: I don't bathe often.
goyle @ September 3 2003, 22:49:31 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
so yor not a pipe?
ven wot ar yu????
i howeva agre wiv yor not baything offen fing.
notapipe @ September 2 2003, 13:13:06 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
He can't spell. I have problems dealing with people who spell all the homophones of "there" as "there".
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hobaggins @ September 2 2003, 13:17:30 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
Do you think Jude would be interested?
goyle @ September 3 2003, 22:52:25 UTC Re: Look, Goyle |
teknikullee its spelt
end ther ar FREE YOOSES.
THER fer poynting
THER fet sumfing thet beelongs
THER wich is shert fer sumfing els
soe ther! yu lern sumfing nekst every dae!!!!
end ar thees homophones thee saym fing ass thees homophobes yu menshunned?? or didd yu misspel them????
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 08:36:18 UTC ERNIE!!! |
I love erniemacmillan. I love him for his in your fish conversation with McG, for the Martin Miggs the Mad Muggle post, for his sedoC tirkeS for his use of archaic lingo in a modern setting.. for Hufflepuff Vigilance and for falling for Hannah when she uses her legs icon. <33333333333333 Ernie
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 08:42:23 UTC |
In the name of all the anonymous lurkers (and I think there are probably more of us than there are registered users... that's usually how it is):
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 08:46:43 UTC |
Um is there anyway to tell when a paid account runs out.
(parent)lunastarr @ August 26 2003, 08:51:41 UTC |
Well there's this, but you'd have to have the account friended. :)
*runs off to give gifts!*
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 08:50:44 UTC lee-sa |
A dedication of love from notapipe and I:
turpinol is an object of affection for her music snobbery, her hysterical comments, her hysterical conversations with JH and her fabulous interest list.
My favorite of her musical selections being:
Smudge - Song Too, Broomhandle Confessional, Acciohead, Weezerd - Tired of Hex ahahahahaa.. oh mannotapipe and I will be adding later our favorite Turpin threads from other journalz.
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 09:00:33 UTC |
I bought two months for potterstinks a few days ago, mostly because I live in terror of his losing his icons. But it's the least I can do in exchange for all his incredibly entertaining posts. I think it was his golf commentary ( that got me completely hooked on N_A.
Every one of the N_A players is fabulous. Thanksto all of them for putting in so much effort to make this such an interesting game to read.
anjaliesque @ August 26 2003, 09:00:52 UTC Haiku Honors |
You have turned me on
haiku in a way no one
else managed to do.
I stay here, never
wanting to leave. Ai, my grades!
But all so worth it.
I have made many
new friends, and am so very
grateful everyday.
From bananas to
gulf to >:O!!1, inside jokes keep
us always reeling.
Wibbling and sqeeing,
suspecting conspiracies,
thank you for nraged.
Brimming with secrets,
teasing t00bs, giving wibbles,
thanks nocturne_alley.
a_slytherin is
a puzzle. Hullo! to you,lockerygildhart.
is a peach and very sweet;divineparvati
knows Very Well her
Capitalization; as
Asian to Asian,
I adore you both.blondenarcissa stands up tall;
purestblood should crawl,
but 'shiny' redeems
all. Come back boot_boy, banners
and make-up and all.cadoganthebold
is quite the duelist. pe_eee_ee_eeves is
quite the mocker.deanthomas draws my
heart and breaks it, sensitive
murder-bound blood-crazed
artist that he is.
I always shall remember
"We're incestuous!"
till the day I die.blushcrush,
knight, get
it on already.
No offense to the
awesome seekercho. Very nice
work with Lilitou.
Speaking of which: thepotions_master who wants a
kitten = pure genius.lupercus cares so
much it hurts- we missed Harry
too. jadedsirius,
breaks hearts along the
re-sewn seams. Your wedding touched
us all, and yet now
we can only hope.colin_creevey captured me
in sulky seconds.goyle looks good in green.
capitalization is
mastered too by crabbe.
eloisemidgen's nose
I've heard of and nothing else.
Hufflepuffs rock
my socks. finch_fletchley
had a boy in his closet,
what is he hiding??
With a name like that...
well, good luck with susanbones.
is still the king of
kingly conspiracies. Code!la_pensee is no
longer darque, makes nice
muffins, consorts with M.B.,
which does not stand for
Mudblood. Another,
she, and petitemillicent
are the real Trio.legit_regit has
a 'lamptop,' moaningmyrtle
moans like no other.mycathatesyou, tell
Mrs. Norris it's mutual.onourbrooms has a
drinking buddy (and
more?) with the psychic darlingsybillsays.
plays paper dolls with
the best of them, turpinol
is nicely caustic.percyneedsalife is
perfectly imperfect in
every way. Someone's
got hot new icons,
may catch pennyclearwater's
eye - perfectprefect.
pinkstarsgirlie has
a devastating figure,
in more ways than one.ritaskeeter is
good and scarce, the_fat_lady
does her duty well.scotchtartan counts in
her odd way, sinistra drinks
and laughs bitterly.wehaveseven does
incite love on every side,
from house to shed to
dragons. wheresmytoad,
accept my condolences;
not evil at all.missgranger likes
the smell of books; must be still
in the library.intern_alley as
well, even a_player! All
incite gold-star-lurve.
And though it all comes down
to two, without the others
it would never do.just_harry grows more
deep and complex everyday,
even when absent.potterstinks never
can be pinned down, and
never will. We can
only worship at
the altars of both, wishing
it never ever
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 09:09:08 UTC Re: Haiku Honors |
A: Did you see the hiaku? :((
B: I am reading it right now.
B: Who the fuck is knight. :))
A: Me!
B: Where did the rest of you go!
A: Couldn't fit in hiaku!
B: No, knight_to_h3 was the only way it would fit in that line! :))!
A: Oh :))! But it is so great!
anjaliesque @ August 26 2003, 09:12:12 UTC Re: Haiku Honors |
It should be knight_to_h3, I just have faulty html. :-*
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 09:13:09 UTC Re: Haiku Honors |
Doesn't matter! It is the coolest thing EVER!!!
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 09:48:38 UTC Re: Haiku Honors |
Knees buckling in awe
I can only fangirl you
As this shows talent
This is by far the best post
That I have seen here
anjaliesque @ August 26 2003, 11:29:30 UTC I protest! |
Yours are just as lovely! I empathize deeply with each one! :))
(parent)lupercus @ August 26 2003, 14:29:23 UTC Re: Haiku Honors |
That is the best thing
That I have ever had the
Pleasure to have read.
Thank you all so much
From the very bottoms of
Our fictional hearts.
- Remus
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 17:57:58 UTC Re: Haiku Honors |
<33333 this is brilliant. thank you.
- pansy's player
vellum @ August 26 2003, 19:55:46 UTC Re: Haiku Honors |
squee squee squee squee squee!
squee squee squee squee squee squee squee!
squee squee squee squee squee!
sistermagpie @ August 26 2003, 09:25:17 UTC |
I don't even know where to start. All my ridiculously detailed posts where I come up with crazy theories and sound like Sigmund Freud's ditzy sister-in-law or something? That means I love you all!:-)
I wish I could get you all paid lj time. I tried to spread the money I have around, and I'm trusting other Nragers to get the people I couldn't (some already have--yay!). At this point I definitely couldn't pick a favorite character--nobody seems like characters, just real people. I can't believe how much every single one has lived and changed just during this summer. Even those characters whose lives have been relatively free of outward stress aren't standing still.
Every character is an interesting person and, being nosy, I am fascinated by all of them. So just, you know, keep doing what you're doing, play for yourselves, have fun and try to forget I'm here.:-)
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Anonymous @ August 27 2003, 06:38:38 UTC |
Thank you So much!
Shocked and feeling Quite loved,
Parvati's player.
pinkstarsgirlie @ August 26 2003, 09:32:10 UTC |
Hi ^_^ Who paid for me?? :"> Thank you <3 <3 <3
sistermagpie @ August 26 2003, 10:15:22 UTC |
<3 <3 <3 <3
Now you can make your journal really pretty!
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hobaggins @ August 26 2003, 09:45:49 UTC M.B. Appreciation Thread. |
Because it needed to be done.
Some of my favorite M.B. posts, comments et cetera
My first real glimpse of NA's MB's character. Her turbulent relationship with Boot and subsequent duel between Boot and Malfoy. The single most amazing thread between MB and PS. The Literati thread where I gawked at M.B.'s relationship dynamic with both PS and JH (especially here.). Her reports on on Draco, the fact that she is is God, her continued requests for a boat. The icon war between M.B. and PS. M.B. and Pansy. PS/MB/Pansy OT3 4-EvA.
The spellotaping of PS to the headboard.
This. THIS. Her icons. This.
And pretty much everything else. Am spent.
Contributions from notapipe and
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 10:17:55 UTC Re: M.B. Appreciation Thread. |
Oh my god. I've been sitting here trying to stop blushing for the past 20 minutes. *bursts into tears* Thank you so much :((!!!
(parent)annotated_em @ August 26 2003, 09:59:09 UTC |
NA, I love you. You've distracted me during vital paper-writing sessions. You've made me laugh until I cried, and cry until I got the hiccups.
I stand in awe of all of the players of NA. Your dedication and your skill is amazing. [bows and grovels]
Thanks to you, I will never look at canon in quite the same light.
(Also, the Weasleys are the red-headed gods of my universe.)
Thank you. Hope you enjoyed the paid accounts. ^____^
[slips back into lurkerdom]
blushcrush @ August 27 2003, 07:57:07 UTC |
Oh, thank you so, what a sweet thing to do! (And what a sweet icon!) I'll enjoy it very, very much!
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 10:21:10 UTC |
Ack. This is more current.
Free Users
The following friends might appreciate a paid account.
arithmantra - Professor Hilda Vector [buy gift]
artistic_flower - Padma Patil [buy gift]
boot_boy - Terry Boot [buy gift]
crabbe - crabbe [buy gift]
eloisemidgen - eloise [buy gift]
goyle - Gregory Goyle [buy gift]
hannahabbott - Hannah Abbott [buy gift]
legit_regit - Mandy Brocklehurst [buy gift]
lockerygildhart - Not quite sure, actually, but I'm sure it's a good [buy gift]
moaningmyrtle - Moaning Myrtle [buy gift]
mycathatesyou - Argus Filch [buy gift]
pe_eee_ee_eeves - PEEVES, HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! [buy gift]
pennyclearwater - Penelope E. Clearwater [buy gift]
ritaskeeter - Rita Skeeter [buy gift]
scotchtartan - Minerva McGonagall [buy gift]
sinistra - Sinistra [buy gift]
susanbones - susan bones [buy gift]
the_fat_lady - The Fat Lady [buy gift]
Expiring Soon
The following friends have a paid account, but it's expiring soon.
blushcrush - Ginny [buy gift]
colin__creevey - Colin Creevey [buy gift]
deanthomas - Dean Thomas [buy gift]
divineparvati - Parvati Patil [buy gift]
erniemacmillan - Ernie Macmillan [buy gift]
finch_fletchley - Justin Finch-Fletchley [buy gift]
jadedsirius - Sirius Black [buy gift]
just_harry - Harry [buy gift]
knight_to_h3 - Ron Weasley [buy gift]
la_pensee - pansy parkinson [buy gift]
lupercus - Remus J. Lupin [buy gift]
missgranger - Hermione Granger [buy gift]
nocturne_alley - Nocturne Alley [buy gift]
onourbrooms - Madam Hooch [buy gift]
percyneedsalife - Fred and George [buy gift]
perfectprefect - Percy I. Weasley [buy gift]
petitemillicent - M. B. [buy gift]
pinkstarsgirlie - *~^.Lavender.*.Brown.^~* [buy gift]
potterstinks - Draco Malfoy [buy gift]
purestblood - Lucius Malfoy [buy gift]
seamus_f - Seamus Finnigan [buy gift]
seekercho - Cho Chang [buy gift]
sibyllsays - Sibyll Trelawney [buy gift]
wehaveseven - Arthur & Molly Weasley [buy gift]
wheresmytoad - Neville Longbottom [buy gift]
Other Friends
These friends have paid accounts that aren't due to expire for awhile. (This includes time for gifts which are being held for surprise delivery.)
a_slytherin - Blaise Zabini [buy gift]
blondenarcissa - Narcissa Malfoy [buy gift]
potions_master - Severus Snape [buy gift]
turpinol - lisa turpin [buy gift]
bsafemydeers @ August 26 2003, 12:51:20 UTC |
_How_ current is this? I'd like to pay for a couple more that need it.
(parent)finch_fletchley @ August 26 2003, 10:21:15 UTC You need to edit |
Ernie, Lisa, and I all have paid accounts now.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 26 2003, 10:29:10 UTC Re: You need to edit |
I've got one too, there's no need to boast about it, you know
(parent)serpensortia @ August 26 2003, 10:45:02 UTC Good idea! |
<3333's for all the N_A players :) You all rock for making me laugh more times than I thought possible sometimes (and for making some really dull, boring and frankly, depressing days go much much quicker).
(parent)athene_51 @ August 26 2003, 11:14:41 UTC |
Hey, nocturne_alley is more important than work, right? Work is overrated.
This is so long, it might take two posts. In general to all players, you rock my socks, and thanks for putting so much into this RPG. It is always a pleasure to read, even when there's excessive angst and I worry about my mental health from prolonged exposure. One for everyone that I've seen a post or comment from... This started out as being directed towards the players but I think my brain wandered away halfway through. It may seem more directed at the characters in some places.a_slytherin - for being so ambiguous and all of those golf-related comments.
arithmantra - for being so clueless lately
artistic_flower - for giving
potions_master the once-over at Dumbledore's party. Sure, didn't know who he was. Uh huh.
blondenarcissa - for being strong enough to take charge of your own life, on your terms, for all of the research into hypoglycemia and insulinoma, and all of the little french phrases scattered through your posts and comments.
blushcrush - for being so darn adorable, and so sweet!
boot_boy - for trashing the computer lab, the purple beans, your campaign "Boot is Cute", your relationship with M.B.
cadoganthebold - for your chivalry and bravery
colin__creevey - for the Potter paraphanelia sale and losing Soblessa
crabbe - for your l33t spelling skillz and Redeemed icon
deanthomas - for artistic talent and the writing on
seekercho's face, purple bean incidents, troubles with Seamus
divineparvati - for Random capitalization and spot-on teenage girly-girl characterization
erniemacmillan - for conspiracy theories worthy of Chris Carter himself. <3 I'll try to spare you during the Canadian takeover
finch_fletchley - for asking
potterstinks to come over and kill you, then protesting when he tried, and for being so very... Hufflepuff.
goyle - for being cheerfully oblivious, and the emoticon faces
hannahabbott - for being another delightful Hufflepuff.
jadedsirius - for telling me about the nude beach ;) for being both a sweetheart and occasionally a bastard but always staying so perfectly in character, for posting >:O and then erasing it, for the NEVERENDING ANGST.
just_harry - For being a worthy "star of the show", and such a sweetheart. For the ambiguous relationship with
potterstinks, for taking the high road with Colin, for obscene victory dances and cheating at tickle fights, for those desperately sad comments when
jadedsirius was on his secret mission, for leaving when you needed to, even though it broke our hearts.
knight_to_h3 - for "SO DAD, SO RON", being locked in the closet, and for always popping up when something important is happening (it's like foreshadowing!)
la_pensee - for the constant baking, (over?)use of "darling", and the charm with which you write all entries and comments
legit_regit - for being a good friend to Seamus, and for funny posts about spending the summer covered in dust and surrounded by old books
lockerygildhart - for always popping up when we need a laugh. Hello!
athene_51 @ August 26 2003, 11:15:54 UTC Part 2 |
lupercus - for the werewolf posts - especially the one about the registry, for continuously breaking my heart but also making me laugh and smile, for loving
just_harry so much you could be mistaken for his mum, the mushy moments and the torment/angst with
jadedsirius, the ambiguous
potions_master relationship. I don't thank you for making me sob like a little girl. Twice, you bastard.
missgranger - for always making sure Harry's okay, for being so helpful and sincere and worried and brilliant.
moaningmyrtle - for popping up in random places.
mycathatesyou - for being an excellent Filch.
onourbrooms - for the sarcasm, numerous references to drinking, and relentless hassling of both
potions_master and
jadedsirius. Voice of reason!
pe_eee_ee_eeves - for causing trouble.
pennyclearwater - for putting up with
perfectprefect ;)
percyneedsalife - for the Veritaserum, the constant jokes, feeling "Finnish", and the sheer hilarity your entries always result in.
perfectprefect - for owing a dictionary called "Word Up!", for the official tone of every post, for always using the full name of whoever you're addressing
petitemillicent - for the boat, trapping Harry in that hole and trying to feed him cake, for taping
potterstinks above the bed, for M.B., the way you write everything as a series of short, succinct sentences, your short-lived romance with Boot, TBWLWHATEVERTHATSTOODFOR, and that scary JG icon
pinkstarsgirlie - for using so many ^_^ ~*~*~*~ etc., for the angst with
wheresmytoad over your friendship and the increasingly blatant anorexic comments
potions_master - for "everything means another spanking" and "I hate the children", the constant poetry quotes, the pure sarcasm that drips from every post, for spelling out a message with icons, for the sheer amount of work you put into every post about a foreign place, for being such a good friend to
lupercus, and for always popping up with "Indeed." in the most random of places.
potterstinks - for being so sarcastic and difficult, so ambiguous about
just_harry, Potter's birthday post/summary of his life, the war with the house elves, the shapely girlfriend icon (not fooling anyone, by the way).
purestblood - for being such a magnificent bastard, always in character, for being the person everyone loves to hate, for hinting at DE actions and your superior. Player, you are probably the sweetest person in the world, but you play him so well.
scotchtartan - for being so delightfully precise in every post and when arranging times to meet with students
seamus_f - for taking Harry shopping, for paper dolls, for the troubles with your parents and
seekercho - for the "Virgin" icon, for taking care of the house elf, for the whole splinching incident and subsequently having only one arm (!), for the magical music posts
sibyllsays - for the half-crocked prophecies, and drinking with
sinistra - for visiting Canada (!) during the hols and realizing you could buy half of Vancouver for a Unicorn horn, for being so sarcastic
susanbones - for being so clueless and confused
the_fat_lady - Password?
turpinol - For taking your mum to Dumbledore's party, for being a music snob, and for viewing the library as home
wehaveseven - for capslock, >:O, !!!1!, emoticons, scones, and heart-wrenching entries.
wheresmytoad - for Sara, for Gran, for being so sweet.
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 12:09:34 UTC |
missgranger has 2 months worth on me
sorry, don't know how to do the code thing
theantimodel @ August 26 2003, 21:36:53 UTC |
do you want an lj-code? email me at cait(at)sonic(dot)net if you do, okay?
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queeniefox @ August 26 2003, 12:19:59 UTC |
Not good with words, so I will be brief.
Thank you, thank you, to all the players for spending what must be a lot of time on NA, not to mention those who answered all our questions, even the mundane ones on nraged recently.
I am in awe of the imagination, humour and intelligence of the people behind NA. I have no idea how you do it, but you're doing it very well.
akutenshi2007 @ August 26 2003, 13:31:57 UTC |
I'd like to seriously thank all of the Nocturne_Alley players, they give all the characters such great personalities and I love you all so much, regardless of how much your character's ICness make me hate you sometimes.
At the moment, I'm saving up for school supplies and anime cosplay, so I'm throwing more love your ways instead of accountage.
I'm relatively new to N_A and its so addicting because all of you are so godly at what you do. I come here and check the Nocturne_Alley Friend list right after i log on.
My phone line was out for about twenty-six hours between yesterday and today, the withdrawals of not being able to come and check out what I was missing was so horrible.
I've cried a bit or laughed really hard after reading some comment or such from here, and people IRL have asked me what was wrong. That sort of reaction in myself is so great to get sometimes, it shows that you guys are completely and utterly sublime at this. I seriously love you all. Thank you!!
Snape's player for being so snape. Indeed. Lupin's player for being, just absolutely wonderful. Narcissa's player for empowering her. Sirius's and Lucius's characters for staying IC regardless of most things. M.B. for being my religious icon of choice. Harry's player for not making him pompous regardless of TBWL status. Draco's player for being enraged. Pansy's for being a darling. Cho's and Ginny's for making me love you. Terry's--well just because :D. Dean's and Seamus' for making me love you both and then breaking my heart. the Hufflepuffs for being Hufflepuffs, the Beatles entry was godly. Ron's for typing in CAPS. Molly's and Arthur's for being there. Fred and George's for feeling 'Finnish' and the 'Hell yeah!' posts. Trelawney's and Hooch's for being drinking buddies. Neville's for being such a love. and to wehaveseven's Charlie, because his take on Ron in the closet was hilarious.
and to everybody else, <333!
caniatone @ August 26 2003, 18:01:32 UTC |
<333 i just wanted to say thank you! all of you are so kind. :)
- pansy's player
jheaton @ August 26 2003, 13:48:15 UTC |
Susan Bones has always been one of my favorite characters, even before Order of the Phoenix, and it was a Google search on her name that ultimately led me to nocturne_alley, so
susanbones, have six months on me.
eponis @ August 26 2003, 13:52:08 UTC My gifts: |
To artistic_flower: because your entries are (unfortunately) rare but pretty, your photoshop/online skillz r0x0r, and you were one of the few people to really concern yourself for Lavender and Parvati's eating disorder. I wish I saw more of you, but I love the way that you've made a minor character come to life.
To goyle: because you're possibly the most consistently funny person on N_A. I love your entries to death - they're absolutely perfect. And who could resist the :-----------D ?
To potions_master: Yes, I'm sure that you have paid time up the wazoo at this point. Nevertheless, I couldn't not give something to you. PLEASE, is there anything more I can give in return - write you fics? make you icons? have your children? give you my firstborn son? Seriously, you've done an unbelievably stunning job. Snape is more in character than I have ever seen him in fanfic (of which I've read plenty); you manage to strike a perfect balance between keeping him to JKR's writing, making him sympathetic, and making him real, i.e. imperfect and sometimes annoying. The research and effort you put into your entries - particularly this summer, but also in general - is breathtaking. You make me fall in love with Snape every time he speaks. Just, wow.
To the rest of you: I've been reading N_A since the winter, and it keeps on drawing me in. I'm consistently amazed at how much time, care, and planning everybody puts into it. I wish I could buy you all paid accounts, and I wish I could give back even more for all the hours of pleasure, angst, and anticipation you've given me. Thank you.
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 14:32:47 UTC Re: My gifts: |
Oh my God.
Believe me, that paragraph was more than enough. Because it made me cry.
Thank you.
- Snape's player, lending you her tiara for the day
moia @ August 26 2003, 13:59:08 UTC |
I don't usually post comments on nraged, but I've been following this RPG for a very long time (more than a year) and I'd like to thank you all for the time and effort you put into it. You're all so good that it feels as though you're real characters and not fictional. You're very talented.
I loved the Q&A sessions, they were brilliant. I couldn't possibly name my favourite NA moments, there're too many.
Keep it up :)
Moya, a fan
I would have helped with the buying lj paid time, but I'm just a student and I don't have a credit card.
reflections_of @ August 26 2003, 14:02:10 UTC |
A couple months from me to M.B., my very favoritest player (don't tell the others). You are my inspiration!
(You bring meaning to my're the inspiration...when - er. Let's not go there anymore.)
I wish I could give more, but I'm saving up to move. Every little bit though, right?
I adore you!
And I love everyone else in NA as well! You have set the standard for RPGs. None of them work as well as NA does and it's because of the people involved. You're only as good as your players, and each and every one of you kick arse.
dari_brit @ August 26 2003, 14:22:24 UTC |
I have no credit card, but what I lack in concrete funds, I will attempt to make up for in heartfelt respect and adoration.nocturne_alley, you guys, collectively and individually rock. I cannot imagine the amount of time that you all devote to this community. Between research, plot creation together behind the scenes, checking up and cheering on the crazy theories over here at
nraged, and the actual creation of the detailed entries and comment all blow me away. Just the scheduling difficulties implicit in trying to schedule a live thread would be too difficult for me.
You bring secondary and tertiary characters to life. You make three-dimensional personalities of names mentioned once or twice in canon. You give us constant fixes of primary players, creating believable, entrancing and suspenseful plots for them to grow and connect through.
All players, from those who post almost daily, to those who make rare (but memorable!) forays into the action, all of you make lives more interesting. You've brought people together, and forged Unbreakable Bonds of Wibblesquee. Thank you, good luck, and may this community live long, love deeply and prosper!
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 14:31:56 UTC |
I love to delirious bits each and every soul that pours so much time and energy into Nocturne Alley. I regret that my bank balance isn't up to the task of thanking each of you properly, but please know I am awed and grateful for *all* your efforts.
To those to whom I did manage to offer tender praise, know I did not choose you randomly from the list of N_A members when I visited Paypal this morning. My love for you is specific and abounding. I wish I had the words to express it properly, but these will have to do...a_slytherin, though your posts are few, they never fail to intrigue and delight me. I am enchanted by the shrouded mystery that is you.
goyle, I adore you to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach. (And I apologize to E Barrett Browning for appropriating a slice of her verse.) Though I can't imagine how challenging it must be for you to communicate in this medium of letters and punctuation, know I appreciate every sweet and messy syllable. I love you Goyle! And I was so cross with Draco when he chopped off your finger, I considered loving him no longer.
My devotion to that moody blond housemate of yours, however, apparently knows no mortal weakness. Like cockroaches and Keith Richards, my Draco-love would survive a nuclear holocaust and go on to wander the post-apocalyptic plains of earth subsisting eternally on fond memories and rusty cans of pet food. I know this because several months ago the boy tested my love with all his might. And while I screamed, ranted, flung my fists into perfectly innocent pillows and punctuated my fury by writing "437 POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN!" in block print on my dry-erase board, I still loved him. The little monster.
Yes, potterstinks, I worship you with all the elated and bittersweet passion my unworthy muggle soul can manage. You make me so angry. Yet you also make me laugh and sigh and hope and hum dirge-like Russian folk tunes. (And I apologize for my clumsy navigation of webpages today, for my contribution was intended to be anonymous, yet I fear I forgot to check the requisite box. In my defense I can only say my weak muggle brain was overwhelmed by thoughts of you.)
Pansy, you were my first NA idol and the origin of my hopeless addiction. Your eloquence, sophistication and tart style bewitched me. If not for you, lovely la_pensee I would never have known the frustrating ecstasy of following these magical lives. I can never thank you enough.
petitemillicent, I shall be brief. If NA disappeared, I would miss you most of all.
And yes, I do realize you aren't likely familiar with Keith Richards ( or dry-erase boards ( They are both silly muggle things about which you need not worry.
lunadeath02 @ August 26 2003, 15:19:01 UTC |
Wonderful!!!! I have thought about buying just_harry some more account time, like... months ago!! But I wasn't sure if I was allowed to.
And now I know. :D!!!!!!
lunadeath02 @ August 26 2003, 15:34:49 UTC |
oh, and don't get me wrong. just_harry isn't my only favorite here at NA. I just can't afford too much right now, but i'd like to point out my other favs:
and seekercho
nabiki @ August 26 2003, 15:23:30 UTC |
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have to admit, I am not (*prepares self for thrown pies and tomatoes*) a fan of slash, etc, etc...but Nocturne Alley has got me thinking that its canon now!! And its even got me thinking suggestive things about all the characters! So I suppose, in a way, you've converted this slash hater into a fan :)
All of you are brilliant writers, eloquent and seamless in all of your plots and posts, and you've made me think that I could possibly be friends with all of the people at hogwarts!
My only plea is for boot_boy to come back, because I miss him :(
The antics of petitemillicent,
la_pensee and
potterstinks are certainly my favorite, as well as the entirety of the weasleys (weasley love <3<3<3!!!!!!one) and
<3 love to those characters who don't post much, we miss you :( missgranger, where are you? :(
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 18:03:28 UTC |
<333 thank you. I'm so happy you like the slytherin trio!
-pansy's player
snowballjane @ August 26 2003, 16:11:51 UTC |
Thank you NA players. Thanks for the touching plots, the wibblesquee plots, the snarky entries, the witty entries and the downright silly entries.
I've only been reading for a month or so, but I ploughed back through the archives, giggling madly at many things.
I'd have to single-out potions_master's poetical travels as the highlight of the summer. But really, you all rock. Very much.
And when I'm reunited with my credit card tomorrow I'll be making a donation. I'd like to give it where it's needed/wanted. Anyone feeling left out?
sibyllsays @ August 26 2003, 16:20:36 UTC |
Thank you!!! I was QUITE surprised to see that anyone wished to understand my talents besides Xiomara, when I discovered that lysapadin had paid for my account!! I had CERTAINLY not foreseen this and it was a welcome surprise!!!
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 16:21:23 UTC |
And thank you, too, from Sibyll's player :) You made it possible for me to put up a bunch of icons I had just been hankering to add.
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 16:21:59 UTC |
While Colin has nothing to say, Colin's player would like to add their thank-you to the mix. Whoever paid for his account, you're a star!
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 26 2003, 20:18:56 UTC |
Oops, guess I did it anonymously without meaning to. To Colin's player: you are fabulous. To Colin: I haven't given up on you!
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 16:39:44 UTC Many thanks. |
Hallo! This is the person who anonymously got 6 months for nocturne_alley a couple of weeks ago. It's great to see some of the players getting more of the same! I've already thanked N_A in one of the Q&As, but with all of the profuse (and entirely deserved) praise flying around, I thought I'd add some of my own. I wish I could thank everyone individually, but I'm nowhere near as creative as some of the other nrageders.
the_fat_lady: Yay for the supporting cast! Your entries are infrequent but memorable, and it still makes me grin when I see "Password?" or one of Myrtle's melancholy comments.
susanbones: Hufflepuffs are so weird. Seriously, you guys are so funny and great; I honestly didn't really notice the Hufflepuffs until I reread all the canon this summer, and then I realized how you managed to take bit characters but stay totally in-character for them. Also, I really appreciate how you're not afraid to be unlikeable; the way that you've dealt with homophobia, for example, is sad but realistic.
turpinol: You make me want to be a Ravenclaw, out of sheer overwhelming coolness! I loved the Boot-Malfoy duel scandal, I grin every time I see all of your amused-and-superior comments on the soap operas everywhere else, and each entry from Cho make me more impressed at her sweetness, temper, and toughness (floppy wand. hee.).
wheresmytoad: You all deserve separate thanks. Your characters are perfect, funny, and heartbreaking. Colin, you showed me the frightening potential of obsession. Dean, I love your character, your sexiness, your vulnerability, and your art (especially the weasleycest drawing). Parvati and Lavendar, you make me so sad and scared for you, and it's an indication of your player's skill that all the colors and cuteness and prejudice and eating disorders make me cry in worry, not cringe. Hermione, you're awesome and exactly as I'd imagined you - please, post more??? Seamus, you're so strong and caring and cool; in many ways, you're the most mature of the Gryffindors, and I love you for it. Neville, wow. Somehow your player anticipated OotP: it took a prophecy and DA training to make JKR's Neville strong and complex, but you managed to do it already, and this Neville makes me grin, cry, and cheer in turns.
petitemillicent: I never knew evil could be this funny. Seriously. Crabbe and Goyle are the best thugs on the planet. Pansy is deliciously slippery, sexy, and poisonously barbed (the baked goods? the Weasley-flirting? Genius.). M.B. is my sarcastic goddess whom I love to death, and her relationship with Harry absolutely cracks me up. Next time you have a threesome with Pansy and Draco, can I watch?
wehaveseven: I LOVE YOU ALL. Ginny is the cool young cousin that you get to watch growing up; Ron is the friend who kind of annoys you until you realize how strong and true his friendship really runs (AND I LOVE THE CAPS!); the twins are distinct and hilarious and heartbreaking (the night of the Fred/Lupin kissing, you were the ones I was most worried about); Percy is stuck up and obnoxious and adorable; and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are the kind of parents that I would groan at every day but would desperately love to have had: caring, affectionate, concerned, quirky, and enthusiastic. In short, I want your family, and your interactions are one of the funniest things on N_A.
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 18:06:29 UTC Re: Many thanks. |
<3333 thank you so much for writing all of this. i am sure that all the players appreciate you taking the time... it's just so nice and touching and <333. I am especially happy you like the slytherins of course. :)
- pansy's player
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 16:40:03 UTC Many thanks, part 2. |
purestblood: You are my favorite aristocrats. I don't know whether your players knew it already or do a heck of a lot of research, but I love the thought and skill that goes into making your entries beautifully snobby and upper-class. Narcissa, I'm so happy with the recent developments and the way that they've changed your character without making her someone entirely new. Lucius, I want to hate you for being so Evil, but instead I'll say: you make Evil sexy, subtle, and deeply disturbing.
sinistra: the lovely Hogwarts Ladies. You all have funny personalities, but I appreciate the way that you try to develop your characters, in a limited space, to be more than stereotypes. I wish you got the spotlight a little more often, but until then, here's a virtual bottle of fine whiskey for the charmingly clueless Vector, the amusingly sardonic Hooch, the hilariously mislead Trelawny, and the gorgeous but frustrated Sinistra.
jadedsirius: I'll confess that I have never liked Black in canon, and - as your interpretation is spot-on for canon - it's often hard for me to like him here. However, as much as I instinctively get frustrated with Sirius, I overwhelmingly respect what you've done with him. He demonstrates dramatic but realistic actions, surprising thoughtfulness, and clearly complex motivations. Bravo.
lupercus: Canon Lupin is almost too good to be true, and so is this Lupin - almost too good. Lupin has been through so many difficult times, including the present one, and the way that he indulges in melancholy, but eventually rises above it to give others support and hope, is quite frankly inspiring. I probably care for Lupin more than any other character, which is saying quite a lot, and I'm in awe of how you make him painfully human but nevertheless a role model.
potions_master: Gods, how I love you. Snarky, sarcastic, bitter, precise, terse, and in your own way, thoughtful and human. As you seem to have enough people asking for your babies to create several years' worth of Slytherin students, I shan't join the list, but I will say that your Snape is as subtly complex, well-constructed, and perfectly placed as the best of his potions.
potterstinks: I think that I like you less than many nrageders, but I may (possibly) respect your player more. My most vivid memory of Draco is still from the outing-Harry thread: that split second when he realized that his taunts had actually hit home in a real (and personal) way, he panicked, and he quickly covered it with anger and defensiveness. Draco began as one of the most immature characters in his year, but you've done an excellent job of both making that immaturity understandable, making it real (and loveable), and developing him through difficult events until he starts to become a person worthy of Harry.
just_harry: Your player does something very, very difficult. It would be easy to simply respect and admire Harry for his stubborn courage. It would be easy to pity and wibble over him for his vulnerability and sweetness. It would be easy to coo over him and his love life. Instead, you have created a Harry who is quiet, courageous, pained, sometimes stupid, and at the same time beautifully naive and frighteningly old. Harry is real, and in making him real, you have fulfilled what I see as the ultimate point of the HP books.