xnera @ 2004-07-09 16:21:00 |
First posts: Here, let me introduce myself
Mood: excited
Welcome, nrageders, to the
nocturne_alley group re-read!
I am starting us off by following black_dog's excellent suggestion. For the next week or so, we will reread posts from the beginning of the game here on LiveJournal, up to and including May 19.
20 -
25 -
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
We'll play it by ear. If discussion appears to be over by next Friday, I'll post the next list then, otherwise we'll give it a few more days. I plan on starting a new discussion once or twice a week, depending on interest and the flow of the story. Feel free to make suggestions as to how to run the re-read (in other words: this is not owned by me.)
Start discussing!
ginger_slam @ July 9 2004, 22:07:20 UTC |
I find it almost odd to be reading Luna's posts with every one else's now. That's all. :]
Thanks for this, btw.
xnera @ July 10 2004, 04:57:22 UTC |
I remember when Luna was introduced and we realized that the player had backdated a HECK of a lot of posts. I was just so totally impressed that someone would take the time and energy to do that. Yeah, it's going to be weird to read them now, but I'm looking forward to seeing how they fit in with the story now that I am reading them in the midst of other posts made at the "chronological" time.
And you are welcome. :)
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hezzabeth @ July 10 2004, 00:02:16 UTC |
I think its amazing how much things have changed since Draco's first post, yet in other ways nothing has changed at all.
(parent)oneminutemovies @ July 10 2004, 02:07:59 UTC |
This is a great idea! It's like we suddenly have oxygen again.
(parent)elyciel @ July 10 2004, 03:05:35 UTC |
All right, I'm only up to the May 16 posts, but this comment of Percy's made me laugh out loud!
As for the certain individuals who shall go unnamed (even Malfoy deserves his privacy)
I never knew he had such a sense of humour. :)
kenboy @ July 10 2004, 04:33:26 UTC wtf? |
Who on earth was theirishwonder? It looks like it was a Seamus from another RPG. How odd.
It's really funny seeing how proto some of the characterizations were -- Snape, for instance, just doesn't quite feel right. Though, Ron, Draco, and especially M.B. all seem to be about perfect...
anoni @ July 10 2004, 04:39:00 UTC Re: wtf? |
I think Seamus was played by another player on that journal at the beginning. Everything under seamus_f was done by the same player, though, at least as far as I know. It's just kind of odd to read through the Seamus posts like this; I keep staring at the user icons and for half a minute before remembering things have changed.
(parent)sniperica @ July 10 2004, 04:40:53 UTC Re: wtf? |
I agree with you completely. There's just something about Snape. He seems to be enjoying himself and talking more openly than what he should. I think Sirius describes him better than the way he writes in his journal.
(parent)xnera @ July 10 2004, 05:07:32 UTC Re: wtf? |
Yeah, several of the characters had different journal names at the start. theirishwonder,
darque_pansy, and whoever the colin creevy one was (canNOT remember the spelling for the life of me). It is very odd to read those first entries and see comments left by the former player/character journal.
illusive_blue @ July 11 2004, 09:57:40 UTC Re: wtf? |
Ron is perfect. This amused me:
"Hermione, step away from the library!"
sniperica @ July 10 2004, 04:37:40 UTC |
I haven't read these before, since I started reading later on, and I'm new here (Nraged). But I've been laughing at so many comments. The beginning of this community was just as good as the end.
One of my most favorite from these posts, was the one with Draco and Lavender. The dead bunnies, and Draco with his "right to be happy". Very amusing.
I also liked Millicents "womanly curves" comment. Draco and Millicent are so funny when put together. I love everything they say to each other.
jiffy_spiffy @ July 10 2004, 07:15:55 UTC |
At lunch today, someone stepped on my foot. No one has admitted to it, but I will hunt them down like the dog they are and I will have my revenge. Naturally, I suspect Millicent. Vengeance will, indeed, be mine. Honestly, if no one around here can keep their feet to themselves at lunch, they should be forced to eat in solitary confinement. Designer loafers are not made to be trod upon.
Oh, this'll be fun.
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unknownwisdom @ July 10 2004, 07:25:11 UTC |
My goodness, this is fantastic. I had completely forgotten what a little stalker PS was back in the day. His comments in j_h's first entry are entertaining to no end, this is fabulous:
Stupid Mistake One.
Was born.
Stupid Mistake Two.
Lived. Got ugly scar.
Stupid Mistake Three.
Hey, Hagrid is a really cool bloke.
Stupid Mistake Four.
That Ron Weasley fellow is really neat to hang out with.
And the way Harry deals with this, by ignoring him. PS sounds so resentful, I love his player, this is so cannon like. It's going to be great to pin point the time when things started to change between them.
Also; Fred and George's first post is fantastic.
billywig @ July 10 2004, 08:15:11 UTC |
i only came into NA halfway through, so this is wonderful. everything's pre-angst and so, so funny!
(parent)sistermagpie @ July 10 2004, 14:51:10 UTC |
Oh god, I am going to have to wait until tonight to start reading this but I'm already thrilled about it. The dead bunnies.
(parent)ginger_slam @ July 10 2004, 16:45:10 UTC |
This is true. Luckily he grew out of that. He must have been somewhat influenced by Weasley. Somehow.
(parent)cottons @ July 10 2004, 17:13:46 UTC |
I stumbled across this a while ago, the very very beginning of N_A?
(parent)xnera @ July 10 2004, 18:03:06 UTC |
Yeah, as I understand it, it was originally on deadjournal before it took off on LiveJournal.
(parent)kievstar @ July 11 2004, 07:23:35 UTC |
I don't want to think about that as about NA--- it's simply not! How can Ginny have username "ikillchicken"?!?!?
(parent)kievstar @ July 11 2004, 08:01:48 UTC |
you need to pay more attention to these facts, as you have N.E.W.T.s this year
what the hell? Or doesn't Percy even know in what year Ron is?
Also I adored how Percy loved history of magic (taught by a boring-boring-boring... dead person!)-- it's so in-character for him!
Gee.I wanted to comment on everyone's post but got too distracted reading it all. What a great time it was!!! So many posts daily! It was nraged-heaven but nraged didn't exist!
thestrand @ July 11 2004, 09:57:37 UTC |
Since darque_pansy has been deleted for quite a while, does this mean we'll be unable to read any posts from Pansy until Beauxbatons?
black_dog @ July 11 2004, 20:49:42 UTC |
I think we'll still have her comments on other people's threads, but I think the journal itself is long-deleted and gone. Unless a player knows anything different?
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a_player @ July 12 2004, 00:59:44 UTC |
The person who played Pansy at that time deleted that journal and we are not able to get it back.