- 01:42:00 perfectprefect Just a quick update while I have time..., 17 comments.
- 03:06:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Oi Hermione!, 18 comments.
- 04:13:00 knight_to_h3 This is a very, very, very bad idea., 10 comments.
- 04:37:00 potions_master And then there was light., 3 comments.
- 04:49:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) Hiiiiiiiiiya!~* ^_^, 4 comments.
- 05:16:00 pinkstarsgirlie *~My first entry~*, 4 comments.
- 09:39:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) A PETITION, 7 comments.
- 15:42:00 percyneedsalife No subject., 1 comments.
- 18:19:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 10 comments.
- 18:48:00 just_harry No subject., 19 comments.
- 19:01:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) Oh yeah?, 1 comments.
- 20:37:00 wheresmytoad hi, No comments.
- 22:34:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 00:26:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) a day late and a galleon short, No comments.
- 02:48:00 pinkstarsgirlie *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*, 4 comments.
- 02:57:00 potterstinks No subject., 5 comments.
- 03:46:00 a_slytherin (in nocturne_alley) Hi!!! !! !, 1 comments.
- 06:38:00 lockerygildhart (in nocturne_alley) Hello!, 2 comments.
- 10:49:00 perfectprefect Perusing through some old tomes., 19 comments.
- 11:00:00 wheresmytoad I like this project!, 9 comments.
- 19:26:00 missgranger No subject., 9 comments.
- 21:13:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 21:40:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 17 comments.
- 21:50:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c, 14 comments.
- 00:33:00 lupercus No subject., 3 comments.
- 03:45:00 pe_eee_ee_eeves HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, 5 comments.
- 04:39:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 05:41:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Anyone missing a toad?, 18 comments.
- 05:47:00 goyle Hello?, 3 comments.
- 06:38:00 knight_to_h3 This is still a very bad idea., 4 comments.
- 06:43:00 knight_to_h3 I TAKE THAT BACK, 6 comments.
- 06:51:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Public announcement service:, 2 comments.
- 07:20:00 pe_eee_ee_eeves DOGPORTS DROOL OF BITCHPAST AND MISERY, 7 comments.
- 11:58:00 dooglevoluna May 20., No comments.
- 13:10:00 perfectprefect (in nocturne_alley) Hello again, while I have the chance..., 6 comments.
- 13:36:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 13:38:00 petitemillicent Entry #1., 2 comments.
- 16:25:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 20:32:00 missgranger No subject., 7 comments.
- 22:39:00 lupercus No subject., 10 comments.
- 23:00:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) RIP TREVOR, 23 comments.
- 23:47:00 lockerygildhart (in nocturne_alley) Oh, Darqueness..., 1 comments.
- 02:55:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 03:59:00 just_harry (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 5 comments.
- 04:04:00 perfectprefect Family ties., 12 comments.
- 04:17:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 04:21:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 04:26:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 04:31:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 04:38:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 04:55:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 04:57:00 mycathatesyou No subject., 2 comments.
- 05:11:00 pe_eee_ee_eeves (in nocturne_alley) HAHEHAHE, No comments.
- 08:12:00 potterstinks No subject., 25 comments.
- 08:21:00 pinkstarsgirlie <3 <3 <3, 25 comments.
- 08:37:00 petitemillicent Entry #2., 1 comments.
- 12:00:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) we were so in craze in our dance hall days, 1 comments.
- 13:20:00 the_fat_lady (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 16 comments.
- 14:08:00 deanthomas Here I am at last., 4 comments.
- 17:32:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Orchid Brown., 2 comments.
- 17:52:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Addendum to Sprout, 1 comments.
- 19:22:00 wheresmytoad No subject., 4 comments.
- 19:26:00 lupercus No subject., No comments.
- 01:18:00 potterstinks No subject., 20 comments.
- 02:03:00 lockerygildhart (in nocturne_alley) Oh, hello!, 1 comments.
- 03:39:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Peter Weasley., 2 comments.
- 03:42:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Entry for the stupid community, 2 comments.
- 05:06:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) Down with cruelty!!! Pass this on!!! ^_^, 4 comments.
- 06:13:00 moaningmyrtle (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 09:27:00 perfectprefect Just checking in again., No comments.
- 12:37:00 petitemillicent Entry #3., 2 comments.
- 18:35:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) A Guidance Counselour Needs to Die, No comments.
- 19:42:00 goyle (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 23:42:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) announcements, No comments.
- 09:49:00 colin_creevy (in nocturne_alley) Hogsmeade this weekend!!!, No comments.
- 09:50:00 pinkstarsgirlie *~V~* 4 *~VeGeTaRiAnS~* !!!, 6 comments.
- 13:52:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 14:37:00 just_harry No subject., 9 comments.
- 15:26:00 the_fat_lady No subject., 10 comments.
- 15:37:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Drooling Malfoy, 23 comments.
- 17:21:00 missgranger Hmmm, 1 comments.
- 17:41:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 6 comments.
- 19:34:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 20:12:00 a_slytherin hum, 2 comments.
- 03:49:00 knight_to_h3 NO JUSTICE, NONE!, 10 comments.
- 06:08:00 goyle diction, No comments.
- 08:36:00 petitemillicent Entry #4., No comments.
- 12:53:00 deanthomas No subject., 1 comments.
- 13:24:00 potterstinks No subject., 11 comments.
- 13:42:00 wheresmytoad I got a new frog!, No comments.
- 14:51:00 just_harry No subject., 5 comments.
- 16:55:00 divineparvati First journal entry., No comments.
- 18:34:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) Post to the Community, No comments.
- 20:23:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 5 comments.
- 20:24:00 missgranger No subject., No comments.
- 23:17:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 02:26:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Bonfire of the Vanities, 2 comments.
- 03:23:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 6 comments.
- 07:31:00 knight_to_h3 GO, CANNONS!, 2 comments.
- 07:34:00 petitemillicent Entry #5., No comments.
- 12:35:00 deanthomas Joke., 5 comments.
- 15:05:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 17:01:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 17:11:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) HARRY!, 2 comments.
- 19:43:00 goyle (in nocturne_alley) hello community, 2 comments.
- 23:50:00 potions_master Rosebud? I think not., 6 comments.
- 11:20:00 deanthomas No subject., No comments.
- 12:55:00 colin_creevy (in nocturne_alley) Classes!, 2 comments.
- 13:56:00 sinistra (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 14:02:00 sinistra No subject., No comments.
- 14:31:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) The Bay of Pigs, 4 comments.
- 14:47:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 16:26:00 missgranger No subject., 5 comments.
- 20:32:00 perfectprefect (in nocturne_alley) Wands, wizards, and weariness., 1 comments.
- 00:54:00 perfectprefect The toils of Weasley-hood., No comments.
- 01:41:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 02:03:00 deanthomas No subject., 3 comments.
- 05:28:00 goyle No subject., No comments.
- 07:16:00 goyle No subject., 2 comments.
- 11:00:00 sinistra No subject., No comments.
- 12:33:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) To Remus:, 2 comments.
- 12:45:00 onourbrooms (in nocturne_alley) Official Announcement, No comments.
- 14:30:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O !!!!!!!!!!!!, 19 comments.
- 15:17:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Severus..., 1 comments.
- 17:09:00 onourbrooms No subject., No comments.
- 21:54:00 missgranger Detention Essay on Cilantro, 1 comments.
- 23:01:00 dooglevoluna June 3., No comments.
- 23:51:00 colin_creevy (in nocturne_alley) friendship!!, 7 comments.
- 23:53:00 wheresmytoad No subject., No comments.
- 23:56:00 knight_to_h3 Argh., 10 comments.
- 00:25:00 just_harry No subject., 33 comments.
- 01:49:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) A quote from Potter., 17 comments.
- 11:12:00 susanbones oh, well., 12 comments.
- 11:25:00 knight_to_h3 No subject., 6 comments.
- 11:51:00 potterstinks No subject., 65 comments.
- 17:08:00 percyneedsalife No subject., 3 comments.
- 19:18:00 pinkstarsgirlie *~sOoOoOo.*.MaNy.*.dReSsEs.*.sOoOoOoOo.*.LiTtLe.*.TiMe!!!~*, 9 comments.
- 19:33:00 the_fat_lady (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 19:40:00 moaningmyrtle No subject., No comments.
- 19:42:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 20:04:00 divineparvati Ooooh. The Bleu Ball!, 7 comments.
- 20:32:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) *~FoR.*.GiNnY.*.aNd.*.PrOFeSsoR.*.sNaPe~*, No comments.
- 00:48:00 susanbones hi, mr. journal, 1 comments.
- 01:22:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Anger Control is for Idiots, No comments.
- 03:10:00 sinistra No subject., 9 comments.
- 04:56:00 the_fat_lady No subject., 2 comments.
- 09:43:00 potterstinks No subject., No comments.
- 10:20:00 knight_to_h3 10 more days to The Nightmare., 9 comments.
- 11:27:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Oh., 9 comments.
- 14:53:00 onourbrooms Oh, dear!, No comments.
- 14:54:00 blushcrush Hermione's the best!, 5 comments.
- 15:30:00 blushcrush *hides*, 2 comments.
- 21:04:00 divineparvati Kitchen Duties are for House Elves, 2 comments.
- 21:38:00 percyneedsalife To Ginny..., 1 comments.
- 22:18:00 blushcrush I have a date!, 3 comments.
- 22:25:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) 13th Floor Vendetta, 5 comments.
- 23:07:00 crabbe No subject., 11 comments.
- 00:18:00 blushcrush I needed a good day!, 1 comments.
- 00:34:00 knight_to_h3 Saturday bloody Saturday., 4 comments.
- 01:01:00 potions Of Human Stupidity, No comments.
- 01:02:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Mr Crabbe., 1 comments.
- 01:33:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) The Bleu Ball countdown!!!!! ^_^;, No comments.
- 03:23:00 seekercho No subject., 1 comments.
- 03:37:00 blushcrush Dante!, 2 comments.
- 06:59:00 goyle No subject., No comments.
- 08:43:00 potterstinks Attn: Pansy Parkinson., No comments.
- 15:13:00 percyneedsalife No subject., 3 comments.
- 23:20:00 missgranger Exasperating BOYS!!, 2 comments.
- 02:01:00 moaningmyrtle No subject., 1 comments.
- 08:14:00 erniemacmillan Something wicked this way comes, I just know it., 4 comments.
- 08:37:00 erniemacmillan (in nocturne_alley) Oh, by the way., 3 comments.
- 16:14:00 missgranger Lovely lanterns everywhere..., 2 comments.
- 21:41:00 onourbrooms No subject., 4 comments.
- 22:23:00 jadedsirius No subject., 1 comments.
- 22:50:00 blushcrush "You have an untrustworthy smile and an insidious nature.", 3 comments.
- 23:17:00 wheresmytoad I don't think those mooncakes were a good idea., 2 comments.
- 23:44:00 dooglevoluna August 4., No comments.
- 12:51:00 lupercus Woe to all who venture into the library today..., 8 comments.
- 13:46:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 15 comments.
- 16:05:00 wheresmytoad oh no!, 3 comments.
- 16:38:00 potterstinks No subject., 28 comments.
- 16:56:00 knight_to_h3 No subject., 27 comments.
- 17:14:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: FERRET MALFOY., 23 comments.
- 17:32:00 just_harry No subject., 13 comments.
- 17:49:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: WEASEL., 17 comments.
- 18:11:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: MR FUZZY EARS, 1 comments.
- 18:33:00 susanbones (in nocturne_alley) ???, 3 comments.
- 18:54:00 just_harry No subject., 6 comments.
- 21:12:00 turpinol That's quite odd., 3 comments.
- 22:29:00 missgranger Truly unreal, 38 comments.
- 22:44:00 lupercus Wolfsbane, indeed., 4 comments.
- 22:55:00 la_pensee Perfect Prefect, 1 comments.
- 00:03:00 blushcrush :(, 6 comments.
- 02:22:00 la_pensee (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 11:48:00 erniemacmillan This time, you've gone TOO FAR., 2 comments.
- 14:24:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) a case of mistaken identity, 4 comments.
- 15:04:00 sinistra Draco Dormiens, indeed., 2 comments.
- 16:33:00 legit Strange things at the Circle H, No comments.
- 18:38:00 potterstinks No subject., 6 comments.
- 19:44:00 scotchtartan Patience, Minerva, 3 comments.
- 20:09:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention, Miss Bulstrode-, 5 comments.
- 21:47:00 artistic all the stars are out tonight..., No comments.
- 22:13:00 knight_to_h3 No justice! None!, 12 comments.
- 00:37:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Attn: All Students and Faculty, No comments.
- 08:02:00 potterstinks No subject., 3 comments.
- 08:55:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) NO TIME!, 40 comments.
- 09:33:00 susanbones :(, 5 comments.
- 10:33:00 hannahabbott Salutations, Sickness & Sorry Spirits, 8 comments.
- 16:41:00 divineparvati How fascinating..., No comments.
- 18:58:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 21:52:00 lupercus
So tired, it's the sky that makes you feel so tired, 3 comments.
- 01:01:00 purestblood That sodding school, 12 comments.
- 02:02:00 blushcrush ..., 1 comments.
- 02:10:00 lupercus not ending just starting over again, No comments.
- 03:19:00 jadedsirius No subject., No comments.
- 08:53:00 just_harry No subject., 1 comments.
- 10:36:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Father., 2 comments.
- 11:35:00 la_pensee A Life Without Draco?, 1 comments.
- 14:50:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 15:38:00 seekercho Well, it's been quite a busy few days., 1 comments.
- 20:03:00 seamus_f Nought but grief an' pain, 6 comments.
- 01:42:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 14 comments.
- 01:58:00 lupercus Masura la toate, cea mai buna dreptate., 4 comments.
- 02:08:00 deanthomas oh dear, 3 comments.
- 14:04:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) An odd question..., 5 comments.
- 19:29:00 seamus_f No subject., 1 comments.
- 19:41:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 19:52:00 jadedsirius No subject., 2 comments.
- 20:22:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) ..., 5 comments.
- 21:50:00 erniemacmillan (in nocturne_alley) NO sympathy for the devil. NONE!, 7 comments.
- 23:48:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Hullo, Hogwarts, 20 comments.
- 01:03:00 moaningmyrtle :,(, 6 comments.
- 01:27:00 boot_boy No subject., 9 comments.
- 14:06:00 crabbe No subject., 2 comments.
- 14:34:00 moaningmyrtle (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 15:23:00 boot_boy (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 50 comments.
- 15:26:00 hannahabbott No subject., No comments.
- 15:42:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 7 comments.
- 15:49:00 dooglevoluna September 9., No comments.
- 16:11:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 25 comments.
- 23:46:00 pinkstarsgirlie She is soooo lucky, this holly wood (9 1/4", springy) girl!, No comments.
- 10:33:00 la_pensee Playing Quidditch, 5 comments.
- 14:57:00 blushcrush I missed it! *cries*, 18 comments.
- 18:45:00 pe_eee_ee_eeves (in nocturne_alley) I LOVE ME, 7 comments.
- 19:04:00 knight_to_h3 ALWAYS KNEW THAT SOD IS BAD NEWS, 14 comments.
- 20:20:00 blushcrush No subject., 24 comments.
- 20:21:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Attention: Hogwarts., 24 comments.
- 20:26:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: FUCKER., 21 comments.
- 20:36:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 22 comments.
- 21:01:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) That feels like tragedy's at hand., 2 comments.
- 21:40:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) Announcement, 5 comments.
- 00:40:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 16 comments.
- 01:15:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Parties, Pleasantries, and the Duties of a Wife, 26 comments.
- 11:17:00 petitemillicent Update., 5 comments.
- 11:18:00 knight_to_h3 HATE!, 51 comments.
- 21:05:00 divineparvati Of makeovers and such., 9 comments.
- 21:12:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) Padma ~, 4 comments.
- 22:32:00 purestblood No subject., 7 comments.
- 22:36:00 potterstinks No subject., 9 comments.
- 22:52:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Attn: All, 46 comments.
- 00:00:00 divineparvati I scry with my little eye.., 16 comments.
- 02:22:00 just_harry To Ron, 22 comments.
- 11:07:00 knight_to_h3 To Harry!, 64 comments.
- 12:27:00 knight_to_h3 To Hermione!, 4 comments.
- 12:39:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Hehehe, 13 comments.
- 15:50:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 1 comments.
- 16:26:00 potterstinks No subject., 21 comments.
- 18:29:00 jadedsirius No subject., 39 comments.
- 18:47:00 lupercus Harry James Potter:, 8 comments.
- 19:11:00 blushcrush The most perfect day ever., 11 comments.
- 19:44:00 sinistra Total eclipse of the carte blanche., 9 comments.
- 20:29:00 just_harry (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 18 comments.
- 20:48:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 10 comments.
- 22:50:00 potterstinks No subject., 20 comments.
- 00:00:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) A well-deserved Reading., No comments.
- 06:58:00 blushcrush (in nocturne_alley) I don't know how to do filtered entries!, 12 comments.
- 09:47:00 blushcrush (in nocturne_alley) I don't know how to erase entries., 11 comments.
- 10:02:00 moaningmyrtle No subject., No comments.
- 12:11:00 moaningmyrtle No subject., 1 comments.
- 14:30:00 seekercho No subject., 8 comments.
- 18:04:00 blushcrush (in nocturne_alley) To the communtiy, 6 comments.
- 18:38:00 lupercus No subject., 6 comments.
- 20:27:00 dooglevoluna March 27., No comments.
- 21:33:00 potterstinks No subject., 17 comments.
- 22:32:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) The World According to Gryff, 12 comments.
- 22:41:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Meeting with Professor Dumbledore..., 44 comments.
- 22:53:00 la_pensee Poor, Misfortunate Queenie Greengrass, 6 comments.
- 07:16:00 goyle national insult a slug day, 1 comments.
- 07:16:00 goyle (in nocturne_alley) national insult a slug day, 20 comments.
- 08:28:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 6 comments.
- 12:28:00 seekercho No subject., 10 comments.
- 12:50:00 jadedsirius No subject., 39 comments.
- 13:48:00 potterstinks No subject., 4 comments.
- 19:21:00 colin__creevey No subject., 1 comments.
- 19:24:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 2 comments.
- 21:17:00 turpinol Unfortunate events., 2 comments.
- 23:15:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) To Harry, 4 comments.
- 23:36:00 knight_to_h3 Hello, I am Ron., 54 comments.
- 23:54:00 knight_to_h3 No subject., 36 comments.
- 01:24:00 potions_master No subject., 3 comments.
- 02:09:00 lupercus Ain't Nowt As Queer As Folk., 3 comments.
- 02:23:00 la_pensee Is Sally-Anne quite all right?, 2 comments.
- 09:44:00 knight_to_h3 No subject., 4 comments.
- 17:54:00 seamus_f On being completely dead wrong, 11 comments.
- 18:32:00 potterstinks No subject., 10 comments.
- 19:07:00 seamus_f (in nocturne_alley) To: Dean Thomas, 2 comments.
- 20:59:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Dearest Draco:, 4 comments.
- 21:03:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Werewolves, Segment I, No comments.
- 22:15:00 jadedsirius No subject., 3 comments.
- 00:12:00 seekercho (in nocturne_alley) Ginny..., 2 comments.
- 00:55:00 boot_boy (in nocturne_alley) what a day, 16 comments.
- 01:11:00 potions_master No subject., 4 comments.
- 09:03:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 11:11:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 40 comments.
- 11:55:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) TO CHO CHANG, 6 comments.
- 13:35:00 missgranger Just an entry while I'm taking a break., 11 comments.
- 15:06:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Attention: Ron Weasley, 11 comments.
- 15:33:00 sinistra (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 4 comments.
- 16:12:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Contract!, 3 comments.
- 17:01:00 potterstinks No subject., 25 comments.
- 18:26:00 lupercus Even Old Hogsmeade Was Once New Hogsterdam, 30 comments.
- 19:47:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) What is Acceptable., 8 comments.
- 21:03:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 8 comments.
- 22:54:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Attn: all, 52 comments.
- 23:11:00 blushcrush Owl post!, 11 comments.
- 11:16:00 deanthomas Still waiting...., 4 comments.
- 13:31:00 just_harry No subject., 20 comments.
- 14:48:00 divineparvati On the Subject of Beans., 3 comments.
- 16:10:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) Hello, Hogwarts!, 7 comments.
- 16:13:00 percyneedsalife No subject., No comments.
- 17:46:00 potions_master A single voice of reason in a cacophany of idiots., 8 comments.
- 20:19:00 boot_boy what a morning, 16 comments.
- 21:34:00 knight Where did Pig go??, No comments.
- 21:36:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Werewolves, Segment III: The Howlocaust, 8 comments.
- 23:10:00 legit The Price of Freedom, No comments.
- 23:45:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 8 comments.
- 00:02:00 seekercho No subject., 3 comments.
- 00:19:00 jadedsirius No subject., 9 comments.
- 02:37:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 15:14:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Nobody panic!, 7 comments.
- 17:27:00 potterstinks No subject., 38 comments.
- 19:14:00 la No subject., No comments.
- 20:51:00 crabbe No subject., No comments.
- 22:24:00 deanthomas Bloody Fucking Hell, 28 comments.
- 22:24:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Partings., No comments.
- 22:58:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) Note., 15 comments.
- 23:49:00 la_pensee No subject., 3 comments.
- 23:58:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 4 comments.
- 01:53:00 la_pensee Priceless, 5 comments.
- 07:13:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 1 comments.
- 09:30:00 petitemillicent To Do List., 4 comments.
- 11:03:00 goyle (in nocturne_alley) wots goin on?????, 2 comments.
- 11:27:00 potions_master No subject., 7 comments.
- 12:42:00 lupercus No subject., 14 comments.
- 13:20:00 seamus_f (in nocturne_alley) It seems to me that I have lived through interminable ages of emotion., 5 comments.
- 16:11:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 24 comments.
- 16:15:00 potterstinks No subject., 1 comments.
- 16:44:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 7 comments.
- 16:54:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention, Hogwarts., 8 comments.
- 17:11:00 colin No subject., No comments.
- 21:12:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 22:06:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Owl Post, 9 comments.
- 22:15:00 divineparvati No subject., 11 comments.
- 22:43:00 seekercho No subject., 8 comments.
- 22:46:00 percyneedsalife Oi, Gryffindors!, 4 comments.
- 00:15:00 artistic_flower (in nocturne_alley) My..., 3 comments.
- 00:46:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention, please., 74 comments.
- 03:34:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) I apologise for using the community like this, but..., 6 comments.
- 06:50:00 the_fat_lady No subject., 2 comments.
- 07:11:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) Harry, love------, 110 comments.
- 08:13:00 wehaveseven No subject., 27 comments.
- 16:07:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) Draco Malfoy., 24 comments.
- 16:44:00 jadedsirius No subject., 2 comments.
- 18:47:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Werewolf Lessons, Segment IV: Biology of a Werewolf, No comments.
- 19:56:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) AN ACT MOST UNPROFESSIONAL, 31 comments.
- 21:08:00 la_pensee Weasley Parents and My Own, 30 comments.
- 21:47:00 boot_boy (in nocturne_alley) Draco Malfoy, Your Time Has Come, 41 comments.
- 00:28:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 12 comments.
- 12:14:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) The Outcome of Saturday's Duel, 8 comments.
- 13:42:00 artistic_flower Well Done, Ravenclaw?, 4 comments.
- 15:02:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) GO BOOT!, 6 comments.
- 15:17:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) For Terry!! =^_^=, 2 comments.
- 19:39:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) An Apology, 4 comments.
- 20:25:00 purestblood No subject., 19 comments.
- 22:17:00 boot_boy (in nocturne_alley) An Announcement, 37 comments.
- 22:45:00 deanthomas Saturday...., 2 comments.
- 22:54:00 jadedsirius No subject., 7 comments.
- 23:25:00 lupercus Once upon a midnight clearly..., 1 comments.
- 01:53:00 boot_boy my beans are os pretty, 6 comments.
- 02:35:00 deanthomas The Council of War, 3 comments.
- 12:18:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) updating From library!, No comments.
- 13:23:00 seekercho (in nocturne_alley) Ow my head., 2 comments.
- 13:55:00 potterstinks No subject., 5 comments.
- 14:39:00 finch_fletchley No subject., 6 comments.
- 15:11:00 crabbe No subject., 3 comments.
- 15:17:00 lupercus No subject., 3 comments.
- 20:04:00 artistic_flower (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 8 comments.
- 20:21:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) Isn't the library a romantic setting?, 2 comments.
- 21:12:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 00:01:00 boot_boy (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 41 comments.
- 01:27:00 seamus_f A pox on both your houses, 8 comments.
- 09:27:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 4 comments.
- 14:39:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) From Ancient Grudge Break To New Mutiny, 69 comments.
- 14:54:00 purestblood No subject., 6 comments.
- 15:55:00 arithmantra (in nocturne_alley) Attention, Lucius Malfoy., 6 comments.
- 15:56:00 potterstinks No subject., 3 comments.
- 16:14:00 sinistra No subject., 1 comments.
- 16:37:00 legit_regit (in nocturne_alley) Man in Motion, No comments.
- 17:47:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Staff., No comments.
- 17:59:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) A note., No comments.
- 20:55:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) ATTENTION: SIXTH YEARS, 40 comments.
- 21:23:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 6 comments.
- 23:18:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) To those going on the Ministry field trip:, No comments.
- 00:22:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 00:37:00 wehaveseven Good Heavens, is that the time?, 2 comments.
- 07:45:00 goyle (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 09:05:00 pinkstarsgirlie HeLLo EvErYoNe!!! ^_^, 5 comments.
- 10:10:00 seekercho (in nocturne_alley) FRED, 7 comments.
- 13:01:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) ROOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 4 comments.
- 13:02:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) ARTHUR WEASLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SON!, 10 comments.
- 18:15:00 lupercus Never. Again., 67 comments.
- 20:16:00 potterstinks No subject., 44 comments.
- 21:43:00 wehaveseven No subject., 20 comments.
- 00:44:00 potions No subject., No comments.
- 01:00:00 boot_boy (in nocturne_alley) detention and an ode to Millicent, 2 comments.
- 01:36:00 susanbones :o, No comments.
- 07:16:00 goyle No subject., No comments.
- 14:27:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) That's a surprise!, 1 comments.
- 14:45:00 seekercho No subject., No comments.
- 18:46:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Potter, 3 comments.
- 21:02:00 purestblood No subject., 12 comments.
- 23:40:00 potterstinks No subject., 12 comments.
- 23:53:00 sinistra Vanity sails sir, 7 comments.
- 23:54:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Remus, 11 comments.
- 08:53:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Lucius, 12 comments.
- 10:44:00 missgranger Close enough!, 40 comments.
- 11:53:00 lupercus Can you do the fandango?, 13 comments.
- 13:16:00 jadedsirius No subject., 8 comments.
- 18:21:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 62 comments.
- 19:41:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) To: Sirius, 5 comments.
- 20:10:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 2 comments.
- 20:17:00 potterstinks No subject., 22 comments.
- 23:36:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) My darling son,, 4 comments.
- 07:41:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 6 comments.
- 11:27:00 lupercus ..., 38 comments.
- 12:05:00 la_pensee (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 27 comments.
- 13:38:00 purestblood No subject., 46 comments.
- 14:12:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) What family of nutters lives in a house like this?, 34 comments.
- 14:36:00 la_pensee Name Tests, 6 comments.
- 15:56:00 finch_fletchley No subject., 11 comments.
- 17:35:00 seekercho No subject., 12 comments.
- 19:33:00 a_slytherin No subject., 1 comments.
- 19:47:00 a_slytherin No subject., 1 comments.
- 19:50:00 a_slytherin No subject., 14 comments.
- 20:46:00 blondenarcissa Morning in Hogsmeade, 7 comments.
- 22:50:00 potterstinks No subject., 41 comments.
- 01:45:00 wehaveseven No subject., 14 comments.
- 03:00:00 percyneedsalife No subject., 13 comments.
- 04:39:00 perfectprefect No subject., 12 comments.
- 05:18:00 la_pensee Draco, My Mother, Padma Patil, 1 comments.
- 06:20:00 wehaveseven No subject., 11 comments.
- 12:32:00 erniemacmillan (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 14:20:00 percyneedsalife OI PERCY BLOODY GET BACK HERE, 44 comments.
- 17:43:00 blondenarcissa Sweet bird of youth, 6 comments.
- 22:58:00 wehaveseven ickly percy please come home mummy misses yoooooooooou, 4 comments.
- 23:19:00 jadedsirius No subject., 8 comments.
- 01:12:00 potions_master A glooming peace this morning with it brings, 22 comments.
- 01:59:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 02:14:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 4 comments.
- 06:59:00 wehaveseven Evaluation #1., 3 comments.
- 07:00:00 missgranger It's oddly quiet around here., 4 comments.
- 10:53:00 wehaveseven No subject., 2 comments.
- 20:16:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 20:22:00 sinistra (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 20:37:00 la_pensee Monday with Mrs. Malfoy, 5 comments.
- 22:05:00 knight_to_h3 PEACE AND QUIET!, 12 comments.
- 00:31:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Harry..., 3 comments.
- 07:13:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 5 comments.
- 12:09:00 arithmantra (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 13:02:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) DRACO MALFOY, 48 comments.
- 13:17:00 petitemillicent Entry., 4 comments.
- 14:02:00 knight_to_h3 Harry's okay!, 4 comments.
- 14:26:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) I have a question., 4 comments.
- 14:36:00 finch No subject., No comments.
- 15:46:00 wehaveseven No subject., 6 comments.
- 16:39:00 wehaveseven FOR RON WEASLEY, 9 comments.
- 17:09:00 wehaveseven FOR DRACO MALFOY, 5 comments.
- 18:12:00 wehaveseven FOR MOLLY WEASLEY, 4 comments.
- 19:39:00 la_pensee (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 16 comments.
- 22:02:00 lupercus No subject., 29 comments.
- 23:35:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 39 comments.
- 00:02:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) Hullo there!, 44 comments.
- 00:29:00 artistic_flower (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 5 comments.
- 02:36:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 04:00:00 colin__creevey No subject., 1 comments.
- 05:17:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) HARRY? HARRY POTTER??, 2 comments.
- 14:04:00 legit No Plays in the Library and Toffee in the Halls, No comments.
- 14:14:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 14:52:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 52 comments.
- 17:24:00 seekercho (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 17:29:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 17:31:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) TO MOLLY!, No comments.
- 17:34:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) Finally--, 10 comments.
- 17:40:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) FOR FRED WEASLEY, 29 comments.
- 17:50:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) FOR HARRY POTTER, No comments.
- 17:55:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) FOR ARTHUR WEASLEY, 7 comments.
- 17:59:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) FOR REMUS LUPIN, No comments.
- 18:33:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 22 comments.
- 19:00:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 19:10:00 lupercus No subject., No comments.
- 19:13:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention!, No comments.
- 19:25:00 wehaveseven No subject., No comments.
- 19:28:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 12 comments.
- 19:30:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 19:35:00 wehaveseven of Weasleys and others., No comments.
- 20:20:00 wehaveseven :), 9 comments.
- 20:41:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 20:52:00 lupercus A Feast of Crow, 18 comments.
- 21:17:00 jadedsirius No subject., 5 comments.
- 21:23:00 the_fat_lady (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 21:42:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 21:51:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 22:16:00 purestblood (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 22:17:00 lupercus Oh, and also..., 56 comments.
- 23:23:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 00:16:00 percyneedsalife Um., 15 comments.
- 01:43:00 arithmantra (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 5 comments.
- 02:26:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 26 comments.
- 11:38:00 wehaveseven Best Monday Morning EVER!!!!!1, 4 comments.
- 12:32:00 seamus_f (in nocturne_alley) Mmmm. Party., 5 comments.
- 17:56:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 3 comments.
- 18:41:00 blondenarcissa My darling son,, No comments.
- 21:12:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Draco,, No comments.
- 21:29:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: DRACO MALFOY, 50 comments.
- 21:48:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) DRACO MALFOY, THE FRUIT OF MY LOINS, 25 comments.
- 23:08:00 purestblood (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 23:17:00 purestblood (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 15 comments.
- 23:27:00 jadedsirius No subject., 26 comments.
- 00:13:00 potterstinks No subject., 8 comments.
- 11:46:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Um, Professor?, No comments.
- 12:01:00 wheresmytoad Cleaning up the Potions Classroom, No comments.
- 15:28:00 la_pensee (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 19:41:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) Let it be known., 1 comments.
- 20:13:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 22:36:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 23 comments.
- 22:42:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 38 comments.
- 23:16:00 artistic_flower (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 9 comments.
- 23:21:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Klaatu barata nikto., 16 comments.
- 00:03:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Lavender, 49 comments.
- 00:35:00 artistic_flower (in nocturne_alley) Help!, 2 comments.
- 00:35:00 dooglevoluna May 11., No comments.
- 00:40:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) Attention, wedding reception!, No comments.
- 00:40:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 93 comments.
- 01:12:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 8 comments.
- 01:22:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) ATTENTION, No comments.
- 01:31:00 just_harry No subject., 91 comments.
- 01:31:00 potterstinks No subject., 83 comments.
- 01:55:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 85 comments.
- 02:48:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) ATTENTION POPPY POMFREY, No comments.
- 03:29:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 06:15:00 goyle OW!, 4 comments.
- 08:47:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) A question., 26 comments.
- 12:29:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Uh, No comments.
- 16:14:00 purestblood (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 17:01:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 18:37:00 la No subject., No comments.
- 19:16:00 wehaveseven No subject., 18 comments.
- 23:23:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 9 comments.
- 00:36:00 lupercus Bon Voyage, No comments.
- 06:03:00 goyle hoap this werks!! feel the rayj!, 3 comments.
- 06:17:00 sinistra (in nocturne_alley) Attention, sixth year Astronomy students., 8 comments.
- 06:27:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 15:40:00 potions_master Concerning the Strange Times Past, 19 comments.
- 15:44:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Attention: All, No comments.
- 20:27:00 arithmantra (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 21:02:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) My only son,, No comments.
- 23:05:00 colin__creevey A few good things, 24 comments.
- 23:47:00 lupercus Wish You Were Here, No comments.
- 02:35:00 wheresmytoad I can't believe I did that, 2 comments.
- 05:41:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention, Longbottom., 6 comments.
- 06:16:00 crabbe No subject., No comments.
- 06:59:00 wehaveseven No subject., 23 comments.
- 08:48:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 4 comments.
- 11:02:00 seamus_f Through the Looking Glass, 12 comments.
- 11:19:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 14:23:00 petitemillicent Subject., 36 comments.
- 16:08:00 wheresmytoad McGonagall has answered . . . some, 1 comments.
- 20:47:00 lupercus The Boys Are Back In Town, 5 comments.
- 01:54:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 03:05:00 finch_fletchley Well, Longbottom just blew up the library., 2 comments.
- 10:10:00 scotchtartan No subject., No comments.
- 10:23:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention, all, No comments.
- 12:16:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Urgent: Professor Black, 3 comments.
- 16:29:00 hannahabbott (in nocturne_alley) Curiouser and curiouser., 5 comments.
- 16:44:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) Roll call., 17 comments.
- 22:46:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 59 comments.
- 02:20:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) A note for Seamus:, 28 comments.
- 05:22:00 potterstinks Attention, Quidditch team., 49 comments.
- 13:52:00 deanthomas No subject., 3 comments.
- 15:48:00 purestblood No subject., No comments.
- 19:43:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 21:36:00 turpinol Well, we lost., 23 comments.
- 22:15:00 petitemillicent Report., 22 comments.
- 23:47:00 purestblood (in nocturne_alley) Owl for Draco Malfoy, 4 comments.
- 05:20:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Getting back together over Wizard's Poker, 4 comments.
- 08:31:00 seamus_f Rumours, Beds, and Frogs, 30 comments.
- 09:15:00 legit_regit The Blue of my Oblivion - Blue Flowers, Blue Nails, Blue Shamrocks, 2 comments.
- 16:50:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 10 comments.
- 17:27:00 colin No subject., No comments.
- 18:56:00 potterstinks No subject., 12 comments.
- 22:44:00 petitemillicent Practice., 8 comments.
- 01:39:00 blushcrush Ahem. I AM GOING TO BOTCH MY OWLS., 40 comments.
- 10:18:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 10:47:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Riding along in my automobile..., 1 comments.
- 10:58:00 potterstinks No subject., 17 comments.
- 11:42:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention, Gryffindor, Slytherin,, 1 comments.
- 12:11:00 erniemacmillan Martin Miggs the Mad Muggle!, 225 comments.
- 13:16:00 knight_to_h3 SODDING, 31 comments.
- 13:44:00 la_pensee Mrs. Malfoy's Letter, 5 comments.
- 16:24:00 potions The Annotated Brothers Creevey., No comments.
- 19:06:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 19:14:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) I really need to stop going to the library., No comments.
- 00:30:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) HARRY POTTER, 8 comments.
- 00:31:00 percyneedsalife (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 00:41:00 finch_fletchley No subject., 11 comments.
- 01:06:00 pennyclearwater Flotsam and jetsam., 7 comments.
- 01:14:00 turpinol No subject., No comments.
- 01:48:00 wehaveseven No subject., 10 comments.
- 08:38:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 4 comments.
- 11:10:00 missgranger Why?, 9 comments.
- 14:37:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 16:20:00 sinistra No subject., 3 comments.
- 18:24:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 18:55:00 purestblood No subject., 2 comments.
- 20:50:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 00:01:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 00:11:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 09:37:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Sad . . . and unbelievably relieved, 2 comments.
- 10:56:00 deanthomas No subject., 2 comments.
- 12:38:00 la_pensee Talking in the Infirmary, 21 comments.
- 12:49:00 boot_boy Dean, where did you go?, 12 comments.
- 13:22:00 lupercus No subject., 1 comments.
- 13:23:00 hannahabbott All's well!, 29 comments.
- 14:24:00 susanbones No subject., 5 comments.
- 14:33:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) attn: Boot, 18 comments.
- 15:44:00 turpinol (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 4 comments.
- 20:41:00 onourbrooms (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 22 comments.
- 21:04:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 22:58:00 deanthomas No subject., 7 comments.
- 23:05:00 seamus_f (in nocturne_alley) Final listing of the Injured, 1 comments.
- 00:10:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 1 comments.
- 00:45:00 dooglevoluna June 29., No comments.
- 06:05:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 27 comments.
- 08:15:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 2 comments.
- 09:58:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Owl Post to Harry Potter, No comments.
- 10:03:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) Debit., 1 comments.
- 18:28:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 19 comments.
- 20:32:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 21:24:00 wheresmytoad A night alone, No comments.
- 22:44:00 finch No subject., No comments.
- 23:19:00 legit_regit Away We Go, 3 comments.
- 00:11:00 jadedsirius No subject., 21 comments.
- 13:00:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 16:46:00 sibyllsays Changes, Hooch, and Diagon Alley, No comments.
- 18:48:00 goyle (in nocturne_alley) ??, 2 comments.
- 20:41:00 potions_master Time only knows the price we have to pay., 12 comments.
- 21:36:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 1 comments.
- 22:28:00 onourbrooms No subject., 1 comments.
- 23:04:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 4 comments.
- 01:42:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 06:31:00 wheresmytoad Hip hip hurrah!, 4 comments.
- 12:27:00 lupercus Between the Mountain and the Moon, 15 comments.
- 13:16:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 3 comments.
- 15:50:00 wehaveseven No subject., 9 comments.
- 16:26:00 sibyllsays To fulfill the Headmaster's request, 4 comments.
- 17:12:00 potterstinks No subject., 2 comments.
- 21:10:00 seamus_f Oh, empty house again., 8 comments.
- 21:39:00 onourbrooms No subject., 1 comments.
- 22:04:00 wheresmytoad No subject., 1 comments.
- 01:28:00 blondenarcissa No subject., No comments.
- 09:00:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Draco, 20 comments.
- 09:26:00 jadedsirius No subject., 3 comments.
- 09:30:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 7 comments.
- 10:56:00 lupercus Between the horses of love and lust we are trampled underfoot., 2 comments.
- 11:58:00 sibyllsays No subject., 4 comments.
- 12:03:00 dooglevoluna August 19., No comments.
- 13:30:00 purestblood No subject., No comments.
- 14:30:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 17:26:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 5 comments.
- 17:50:00 wheresmytoad No subject., 5 comments.
- 20:06:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 11 comments.
- 20:12:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 1 comments.
- 22:22:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 4 comments.
- 01:49:00 arithmantra (in nocturne_alley) Well, my goodness., No comments.
- 05:08:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 06:05:00 wehaveseven No subject., 28 comments.
- 18:08:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 21:59:00 potions The child, the waterfall, the fire, the stone, No comments.
- 22:28:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 24 comments.
- 23:36:00 percyneedsalife No subject., No comments.
- 23:53:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 28 comments.
- 20:46:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Weasley, No comments.
- 20:46:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Weasley, No comments.
- 20:46:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Weasley, No comments.
- 20:46:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: FINCH-FLETCHLEY, No comments.
- 20:46:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: FINCH-FLETCHLEY, No comments.
- 20:49:00 lupercus No subject., 16 comments.
- 20:56:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: FINCH-FLETCHLEY, No comments.
- 20:57:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Weasley, No comments.
- 21:00:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: FINCH-FLETCHLEY, No comments.
- 21:02:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Weasley, No comments.
- 21:05:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Weasley, No comments.
- 21:05:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) ATTN: FINCH-FLETCHLEY, No comments.
- 21:53:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Weasley, No comments.
- 00:41:00 potterstinks No subject., 31 comments.
- 01:16:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) This is between him and I., 7 comments.
- 07:05:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Narcissa, 1 comments.
- 09:57:00 seamus_f Hallowe'en!, 6 comments.
- 12:47:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 15:07:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) Getting ready for tonight, No comments.
- 18:24:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) And so it begins..., No comments.
- 19:08:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 12 comments.
- 20:13:00 legit The Pumpkins Roll at Midnight, No comments.
- 20:18:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 21:56:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 22:28:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 23:00:00 lupercus No subject., 15 comments.
- 00:03:00 blushcrush Christmas!!, 3 comments.
- 04:05:00 dooglevoluna December 25., 10 comments.
- 06:05:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) Draco, Pansy, and Harry,, 24 comments.
- 11:54:00 wehaveseven (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 12:39:00 turpinol (in nocturne_alley) All right, then., No comments.
- 13:09:00 sibyllsays (in nocturne_alley) MERRY CHRISTMAS!, 3 comments.
- 13:16:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) Another year over., 5 comments.
- 08:01:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) Attention Severus Snape, 5 comments.
- 08:10:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) Crookshanks, 46 comments.
- 08:39:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attn., 39 comments.
- 08:57:00 sibyllsays (in nocturne_alley) TAROT CARDS NOW PLEASE!, 4 comments.
- 09:01:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 11 comments.
- 09:17:00 divineparvati (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 11 comments.
- 09:32:00 wehaveseven No subject., 19 comments.
- 09:32:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) What I want to know is . . ., 6 comments.
- 09:39:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) Hélas., No comments.
- 09:41:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR???!?
NOT. ON., 34 comments.
- 09:55:00 dooglevoluna No subject., 7 comments.
- 09:59:00 potions No subject., No comments.
- 10:05:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 33 comments.
- 10:24:00 wehaveseven No subject., 2 comments.
- 11:02:00 mycathatesyou No subject., 5 comments.
- 11:02:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 11:02:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 11:03:00 mycathatesyou No subject., 2 comments.
- 11:04:00 moaningmyrtle (in nocturne_alley) *drips*, No comments.
- 11:05:00 mycathatesyou No subject., No comments.
- 11:05:00 mycathatesyou No subject., 5 comments.
- 11:27:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) To whoever has my gardening tools, 7 comments.
- 11:31:00 potterstinks No subject., 44 comments.
- 11:43:00 boot_boy No subject., 13 comments.
- 11:43:00 seamus_f (in nocturne_alley) Attn: Millicent Bulstrode, 4 comments.
- 12:51:00 petitemillicent Bones., 26 comments.
- 13:47:00 scotchtartan No subject., 3 comments.
- 14:20:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 15:51:00 turpinol Out of line., 16 comments.
- 19:25:00 blushcrush (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 13 comments.
- 19:40:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 46 comments.
- 21:07:00 lupercus Reading is fundamental., 2 comments.
- 23:04:00 onourbrooms No subject., 7 comments.
- 00:22:00 blushcrush Q is for quandary., 30 comments.
- 05:44:00 jadedsirius No subject., 4 comments.
- 07:05:00 wheresmytoad No subject., 4 comments.
- 09:06:00 potterstinks No subject., 15 comments.
- 11:42:00 knight_to_h3 SPREADING SWEETNESS MY FOOT!, 1 comments.
- 14:59:00 seamus_f Checking off the list, 29 comments.
- 16:34:00 divineparvati No subject., 6 comments.
- 16:52:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) A public apology., No comments.
- 16:54:00 just_harry No subject., 49 comments.
- 23:40:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 13:07:00 blushcrush (in nocturne_alley) :D, 5 comments.
- 13:59:00 blushcrush By Filbert Q Snodgrass, 6 comments.
- 14:17:00 la_pensee No subject., 20 comments.
- 15:06:00 petitemillicent Hello, friends., 66 comments.
- 17:14:00 deanthomas No subject., 14 comments.
- 17:18:00 knight_to_h3 YOUR GOOD DEED KING (AND QUEEN)!!, 12 comments.
- 18:15:00 colin__creevey (in nocturne_alley) Good deeds!!, 14 comments.
- 18:39:00 potions_master No subject., 2 comments.
- 18:39:00 potions_master (in nocturne_alley) Not a public apology., 9 comments.
- 21:01:00 seamus_f (in nocturne_alley) Deeds are piling up!, 9 comments.
- 22:02:00 missgranger Day four., 27 comments.
- 22:43:00 turpinol No subject., 34 comments.
- 22:47:00 divineparvati No subject., 5 comments.
- 23:53:00 la_pensee No subject., 9 comments.
- 00:20:00 erniemacmillan No subject., 31 comments.
- 02:20:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 05:38:00 blushcrush Love Your Neighbour week is almost over., 6 comments.
- 06:25:00 potterstinks No subject., 9 comments.
- 07:05:00 missgranger Chilly this morning., 10 comments.
- 10:01:00 seamus_f Ha! The End, and I survived it!, 20 comments.
- 11:01:00 divineparvati No subject., No comments.
- 11:43:00 wheresmytoad No subject., No comments.
- 12:29:00 deanthomas Exiting, No comments.
- 12:51:00 petitemillicent Hell., No comments.
- 21:00:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 1 comments.
- 22:00:00 sinistra Dearest Severus and Malfoy:, 3 comments.
- 15:13:00 hannahabbott (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 11 comments.
- 16:34:00 seamus_f (in nocturne_alley) LUPIN!, 12 comments.
- 17:12:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) An update, 3 comments.
- 18:15:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) :((((((((((((((((((((, 1 comments.
- 18:33:00 purestblood No subject., 47 comments.
- 19:38:00 wehaveseven No subject., 6 comments.
- 20:05:00 dooglevoluna No subject., 4 comments.
- 20:29:00 onourbrooms No subject., 26 comments.
- 21:23:00 lupercus (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 22:19:00 pennyclearwater Full-stops., 2 comments.
- 07:09:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) !!!!!!, 22 comments.
- 09:29:00 petitemillicent (in nocturne_alley) Victory., 32 comments.
- 10:25:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attn., 7 comments.
- 16:09:00 potterstinks No subject., 39 comments.
- 16:22:00 la_pensee No subject., 14 comments.
- 16:47:00 erniemacmillan BLOODMATCH OF THE WEEK, 28 comments.
- 17:44:00 purestblood No subject., 30 comments.
- 17:50:00 seamus_f Next time, warn a bloke, will you?, 12 comments.
- 22:00:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 13 comments.
- 09:29:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Attention., 1 comments.
- 10:38:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 10:46:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 11:27:00 erniemacmillan To my dad and mum,, No comments.
- 13:00:00 pinkstarsgirlie (in nocturne_alley) :(, No comments.
- 13:09:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 13:14:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 13:38:00 hannahabbott No subject., No comments.
- 15:08:00 missgranger (in nocturne_alley) An update., No comments.
- 17:47:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 18:13:00 finch_fletchley (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 18:57:00 legit "I wanna be in a band when I get to Heaven.", No comments.
- 19:21:00 artistic_flower (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 19:43:00 knight_to_h3 (in nocturne_alley) Hullo, 7 comments.
- 19:58:00 jadedsirius (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 20:15:00 wheresmytoad (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 12 comments.
- 21:28:00 blondenarcissa (in nocturne_alley) No subject., No comments.
- 23:43:00 sinistra No subject., 9 comments.
- 03:42:00 dooglevoluna No subject., 8 comments.
- 04:42:00 potterstinks No subject., 81 comments.
- 10:44:00 petitemillicent Make sure you do., 11 comments.
- 12:59:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Reminder:, No comments.
- 13:16:00 legit No subject., No comments.
- 17:26:00 potions_master No subject., 13 comments.
- 17:47:00 onourbrooms No subject., No comments.
- 19:19:00 missgranger Another update., No comments.
- 19:54:00 finch_fletchley No subject., 12 comments.
- 22:35:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 2 comments.
- 06:20:00 wheresmytoad No subject., No comments.
- 07:36:00 blondenarcissa No subject., 9 comments.
- 07:54:00 erniemacmillan I AM AN ADULT, 13 comments.
- 07:59:00 a_slytherin No subject., 3 comments.
- 09:11:00 deanthomas (in nocturne_alley) No subject., 42 comments.
- 09:13:00 potterstinks No subject., 43 comments.
- 09:41:00 blushcrush Next year., 54 comments.
- 10:49:00 potterstinks (in nocturne_alley) I AM STILL BETTER THAN YOU., 79 comments.
- 11:45:00 scotchtartan (in nocturne_alley) Further announcements., 50 comments.
- 12:18:00 jadedsirius No subject., 6 comments.
- 12:57:00 just_harry No subject., 3 comments.
- 13:21:00 just_harry (in nocturne_alley) Something else., No comments.